296 resultados para dialogic
Reading is an essential factor for success at school that requires certain skills and strategies of great complexity rarely taught in schools. Verbalization of comprehension strategies can be considered an effective measure in learning to read. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of a program of teaching reading strategies implemented through interactive dialogic reading groups in the learning of reading comprehension. A quasi-experimental comparison with pretest and posttest design between groups was used. A sample of 355 participants aged between 8 and 9 years aged was used. The results weigh the potential value of the program and support the development of teaching models that integrate dialogic reading practices as they facilitate learning of reading comprehension.
Our paper aims to contribute to the growing body of literature that has suggested that tertiary accounting education should not simply transfer technical/functional/vocational accounting knowledge. This literature suggests that a more critical accounting educational content complemented by a more dialogical teaching approach is more appropriate. Our paper provides further reflections on just such a course and the challenges that this raises. Specifically, it comments on learner resistance and engagement, syllabus design, delivery and assessment methods. In addition, this paper introduces the role that theory, secondary research and debates have played in this course. The value of this type of course, in terms of developing and transforming the learners is discussed.
This quasi-experimental Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) study explored whether the vocabulary and reading comprehension mean scores of Hispanic Kindergarten ELs whose teachers were trained to utilize Dialogic Reading (DR) discourse were higher than the mean scores of Hispanic ELs in kindergarten whose teachers were not trained to utilize DR discourse strategies. Sixty-three self-identified Hispanic, English Language Kindergarten students and four teachers participated in the study. The teachers were randomly assigned to either the experimental group (DR trained) or control group by drawing names from a hat. Student assignment to experimental versus comparison group was based on the teacher's assignment to either the experimental or comparison group. Thirty-one were assigned to the control group and 32 to the experimental group. The teachers were instructed to read the story to a group of six students (maximum) at a time, utilizing the DR discourse strategies they had been trained to implement. Subjects were read a story each week during the 8-week duration of the study. Teachers in the experimental group collaboratively selected 10 words each week from the Read Together Talk Together (RTTT) instructional stories that were utilized for vocabulary instruction. A test of homogeneity was conducted to evaluate whether the variance among the dependent variables was the same across the groups. An Analyses of Covariance (ANCOVA) was applied to analyze students' vocabulary and comprehension mean scores in the experimental group and the comparison group. The results of the study demonstrated a significant increase in the vocabulary and reading comprehension mean scores for the students whose teachers had been trained in DR discourse strategies. When comparing the two groups, the results revealed a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05). In conclusion, this study was conducted to explore how DR discourse may be an effective technique to teach literacy skills. The findings of this study showed that vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension of Hispanic ELs were positively affected by the teachers' inclusion of dialogue during storybook reading. Its outcomes accentuated the need for teachers to provide assistance to ELs as they develop vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension skills.
Using online knowledge communities (OKCs) as informal learning environments poses the question how likely these will integrate newcomers as peripheral participants. Previous research has identified surface characteristics of the OKC dialog as integrativity predictors. Yet, little is known about the role of dialogic textual complexity. This contribution proposes a comprehensive approach based on previously validated textual complexity indexes and applies it to predict OKC integrativity. The dialog analysis of N = 14 blogger communities with a total of 1937 participants identified three main components of textual complexity: dialog participation, structure and cohesion. From these, dialog cohesion was higher in integrative OKCs, thus significantly predicting OKC integrativity. This result adds to previous OKC research by uncovering the depth of OKC discourse. For educational practice, the study suggests a way of empowering learners by automatically assessing the integrativity of OKCs in which they may attempt to participate and access community knowledge.
This article aims at discussing the contributions of the Bakhtinian Circle theories to foreign language teaching and learning (HALL et al., 2005), as far as the first years of formal education in Brazil are concerned. Up to the present moment, foreign languages, including English, are not officially part of the National Curriculum of the first five schooling years. Due to the importance of English in a globalized world and despite all the controversial socio-educational impacts of such an influence, there has been an increase in the interest in this discipline at the beginning years of Brazilian public education (ROCHA, 2006), which has been happening at an irregular pace and without official parameters. Therefore, the relevance of this work lies on the possible guidelines it may offer to support a more effective, situated and meaningful teaching-learning process in that context. Standing for a pluralistic approach to language education, we take the bakhtinian speech genres as organizers of the educational process. We strongly believe that through a dialogic, pluralistic and trans/intercultural teaching (MAHER, 2007), whose main objective is the development of multi (COPE e KALANTZIS, 2000) and critical (COMBER, 2006) literacies, the hybridization of genres and cultures, as well as the creation of third spaces (KOSTOGRIZ, 2005; KUMARAVADIVELU, 2008) can happen. From this perspective, foreign language teaching and learning play a transformative role in society and English is seen as a boundary object (STAR e GRIESEMER, 1989), in and by which diversity, pluralism and polyphony can naturally find their way.
This article aims at discussing and articulating views of language under sociocultural, dialogic and discourse perspectives, in order to present a theoretical framework as far as the analysis of textbooks of English as a foreign language for the Brazilian Ensino Fundamental I is concerned. Due to the limited number of studies in this field, to the still considerably structural approach of the English language teaching and learning in our country nowadays and to the important mediation role textbooks play in language education, we believe our work can contribute positively to the construction of critical and multiple literacies, which, in turn, can support an active and transformative educacional process in the present times.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação FÃsica
O objetivo deste artigo é discutir quais caminhos ou descaminhos estão sendo percorridos nos processos de capacitação rural de extensionistas e agricultores de algumas localidades do interior do Estado de São Paulo. Para tanto, a pesquisa aqui relatada teve como pressuposto analisar as práticas pedagógicas e os processos de comunicação que ocorrem durante as capacitações formativas entre extensionistas e agricultores, bem como entre formadores e extensionistas. Buscou-se, ainda, identificar as influências da comunicação nos processos de ensino e aprendizagem, a fim de se repensar práticas relativas à comunicação que devem ser utilizadas nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem. Para tanto, o método de coleta de dados foi o estudo de caso com viés fenomenológico. Os dados anunciam a necessidade da formação continuada com orientação de profissionais da pedagogia a fim de que mudanças efetivas possam ser realizadas.
São problemas de ordem ambiental: aquecimento global, mudanças climáticas, escassez de recursos naturais, resÃduo. Em resposta, têm sido gerados novos saberes no campo da ciência, tecnologia e educação chamada ambiental de modo a se proporem alternativas para que o homem possa relacionar-se com o ambiente de maneira sustentável, e a mÃdia tem contribuÃdo sobremaneira na veiculação desses conhecimentos. Na imprensa escrita, revistas e jornais têm criado seções, suplementos, cadernos tematizando educação e meio ambiente. Produzida pela revista Carta Capital, desde 2006, a revista Carta na Escola busca difundir "atualidades em sala de aula", e de setembro de 2007 a agosto de 2008 publicou a série "Sustentabilidade na Escola", com dez artigos relacionando sustentabilidade, ciência e educação. A partir do referencial teórico-metodológico da análise dialógica do discurso, este artigo analisa o discurso da sustentabilidade baseado na difusão de conhecimentos cientÃficos, proposto nessa série, e sua limitação enquanto estratégia de educação ambiental.
Este artigo apresenta reflexões teórico-metodológicas sobre processo de investigação de pós-doutorado que objetivava basicamente construir - na ação - estratégia de "psico-sócio-formação" de pessoas envolvidas com a questão do morador de rua; criar e aplicar um recurso metodológico operacional denominado "conto de encontro transformador". Do ponto de vista teórico, sob perspectivas inter e transdisciplinares de produção do conhecimento, essa "pesquisa-ação-formação" baseou-se no encontro dialógico entre os conhecimentos sobre "encontro transformador", "resiliência" e "ágape" e construtos teóricos da área da Educação, com ênfase no processo de autoformação. O projeto contou com vinte participantes: moradores de rua; trabalhadores de instituições de apoio a moradores de rua; técnicos das Secretarias de Assistência Social da Prefeitura de São Paulo e/ou da Secretaria da Saúde; e provenientes da Universidade de São Paulo e de outras Universidades do Brasil, França e Canadá.
This paper reflects the current situation surrounding indigenous teacher education by means of the construction of a dialogue among three educators, two of them non-indigenous educators involved with indigenous school education and one indigenous educator committed to the education of his people. Teacher education, situated in a socio-cultural way, is the center of attention in this paper. ""Listening"" as a way of talking with the ""other"" is one of the theoretical focuses of this exercise between teacher educators and teachers, which uses dialogue as a means to increase awareness. In the dialogic process mentione, it was possible to realize how rich a dynamic between educators from different cultural contexts can be. The desire of the indigenous educator and his/her people to contribute their ideas to the construction of the indigenous school became evident. This shows the great challenge for non-indigenous educators seeking to contribute to the organization of the school education of distinct indigenous nations.
Health actions have a powerful tech no-scientific armory invested in their instrumental success. Conversely, they have a fragile conceptual basis for the understanding and transformation of the practical sense of health-disease-care processes that especifically take place nowadays. This essay intends to identify the potential contributions of philosophical hermeneutics to overcome such fragility. With this purpose and through contemporary hermeneutics, the recovery of the aristotelian distinction between theory, technique and praxis and its repercussions is discussed, for a systematic treatment of the practical reason of health actions. Against this backdrop, the following stands out: the dialogic essence of understanding-interpreting human acts; the fusion of horizons as the movement of realization of those processes of understanding; and happiness projects, existential guide to everyday life, as the impulse and the possibility of openness of the reason to the practical sense of health actions.