993 resultados para desenvolvimento pós-seminal


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Foregut in D. hominis (Linnaeus Jr., 1781) as the majority of the larval Diptera somatic tissue, is made up of polytenic cells, and grows at the expenses of the polytenization of its nuclei followed by the increase in size of each cell. The oesophagus, of ectodermic origem, is interiorly covered by a chitinous squamous epithelium that rests upon a very thin basal lamina. This sheet is surrounded by thick muscle bundles. The oesophagus intussuscepts the midgut forming the cardia. The cardia, with three epithelial layers: two internal ones, of ectodermal origin and one external of endodermic origin. At the anterior portion of the cardia, between these two types of epithelium, there is a cluster of small, non polytenic cells, forming the imaginal disk of the foregut. Metamoiphosis begins at the end of the larval period with signs of nuclear degeneration of all the polytenic cells, as well as the increase in number of the imaginal disk ones. The oesophagic portion intussuscepted into the cardia, everts; its cells suffer apoptosis and are replaced by the new cells growing from the imaginal disk. The external layer cells also degenerate and are pinched off into the lumen of the very anterior portion of the midgut. The newly formed oesophagus intussuscepts de novo to form the two internal layers of the adult cardia. At the same time the midgut regenerative cells grow anteriorly to form the new external layer of the adult cardia.


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Dermatobia hominis (Linnaeus, 1781) midgut is internally lined by an epithelium of polytenic cells, some low others prismatic with well developed brush border. Their apical portion are enlarged by secretory vesicles, forming button-like structures that are pinched off to the lumen, some accompained by the nucleus characterizing apocrine and holocrine secretions. This epithelium is gradually renewed by small, non polytenic regenerative cells, found scattered at its basal portion. At the end of the third instar the metamorphosis begins. The epithelial cells present signs of degeneration and at the first day of pupation the regenerative cells increase in number. By the 5th day of pupation these regenerative cells, besides being increased in number, differentiate themselves into two layers: one similar to the dense conective tissue that sustainning the larval epithelium is pinched off to the midgut lumen forming the yellow bodies; the other, develops right under it as the imaginal epitelium. The disorganized muscles bundles of the midgut wall, are invaded by phagocytes. At the end of pupation the midgut has a low prismatic epithelium with brush-border. In the adult, the torax portion of the midgut has prismatic homogeneously basophilic epithelium while in the abdominal portion the epithelium is made of high prismatic cells full of small vacuoles. The larval midgut epithelium suffers programmed cell death non compatible with apoptose. During the metamorphosis the midgut lenght diminishes from 31mm in the larva to 14mm in the adult.


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The lacewings (Ceraeochrysa cincta) are important predators found associated to many pests in several agroecosystems. Eggs of Sitotroga cerealella and Anagasta kuehniella are used traditionally for massal rearing of these predators. Other foods can be used in substitution to the traditional ones, but little is known about the biology of lacewings and other alternative foods. So, this work was carried out to evaluate the effect of different diets on the post-embryonic development of C. cincta in laboratory. After been individualized in glass tubes, each larva was fed with S. cereallella and Diatraea saccharallis. It was evaluated the larvae duration, weight and viability in each instar, the duration, weight and viability of the pupa and pre-pupa stages and the duration of the post-embryonic period. It was adopted a completely randomized design with ten replications per treatment, each consisting of five eggs or larvae of C. cincta. Larvae were weighed 48 hours after hatching and 48 hours after each molt, and pre-pupae and pupae, 48 hours after starting these stages. There was no effect of the kind of food provided on the parameters evaluated. Therefore, D. saccharallis eggs can be used to feed C. cincta.


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The morphological evolution of the epididymal duct of guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus, L.) was studied on 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, 70, 90 and 100 days of age, being complex, which is due to the proper differentiation postnatal in the epididymal epithelium. Thus, it was observed that the initial segment of the epididymis reveals an increase of epithelial height corresponding to the average height of the main tubular epithelium cells, generally progressive after 45 days of age. The epithelial height in the middle segment were higher in younger stages (10 to 45 days) than in the prepubertal age (60 days), and have a decrease among 70 to 100 days of age. The ductular terminal segment starts a gradual decrease of the epithelial heights from puberal age (70 days), until adult age (90 to 100 days). In addition, this segment showed epithelial waviness that disappeared after 70 days of age, when the lumen fills it with sperm and cellular exfoliation. The cell types of the epididymal tubular epithelium, principal cells, basal cells and apical cells, were observed in all ages. In the epididymis of very young animals, there was a predominance of undifferentiated columnar cells. After 20 days of age, there was natural prevalence of the principal cells on other cell types, what is a feature similar to other mammals.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Aquaporins (AQPs) are membrane protein channels expressed in a wide variety of cells and tissues that are involved in the transport of water. In the male excurrent duct, the movement of fluid and solutes across the epithelium is essential for establishing the proper luminal environment in which sperm mature and are stored. The initial aim of the present propose is to localize AQP 2 e 9 in epithelium of the initial segment, caput, corpus and cauda epididymidis in Mongolian gerbil during postnatal development (10, 30, 60, 120 and 300 days), observing possible changes in the pattern of expression of the AQPs along the postnatal development. The animals will be killed by inhalation of carbon dioxide. After euthanasia, the epididymis will be removed and the different regions will be isolated. The biological material obtained will be processed in accordance with the routines of histological techniques and imunnohistochemistry to study the expression and localization of the AQPs 2 and 9. The results obtained will be analyzed and photographed in conventional light microscope


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Brosimum gaudichaudii, conhecida como mamacadela, é espécie comum nos cerrados, com grande valor na medicina popular e na indústria de medicamentos. A casca da raiz e do caule é empregada no tratamento do vitiligo, sendo o bergapteno e psoraleno, duas furanocumarinas, responsáveis pela ação farmacológica. Neste trabalho são apresentadas a caracterização morfoanatômica e a histoquímica de órgãos vegetativos de B. gaudichaudii, com informações sobre o embrião e o desenvolvimento pós-seminal. Amostras foram processadas segundo técnicas usuais em anatomia e ultra-estrutura vegetal. O embrião é do tipo total e invaginado, a plântula cripto-hipogéia e o sistema radicular do tirodendro é composto por raiz primária pouco desenvolvida em relação às raízes laterais. Plantas adultas apresentam raízes gemíferas longas, plagiotrópicas originando ramos caulinares aéreos; tais raízes possuem periderme com súber desenvolvido e floema secundário abundante em relação ao xilema, sendo facilmente destacados quando manipulados. O caule jovem e a folha apresentam epiderme unisseriada, grande densidade de tricomas tectores unicelulares e tricomas glandulares. Laticíferos não-articulados ramificados ocorrem em todos os órgãos, podendo invadir os elementos de vaso. Idioblastos fenólicos ocorrem em abundância em todos tecidos e órgãos analisados. O valor das características anatômicas observadas no controle de qualidade da droga é discutido.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Vegetal) - IBRC


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RESUMO O conhecimento relativo ao diásporo e ao desenvolvimento pós-seminal de Paspalum L. é importante para a conservação da biodiversidade dos campos, devido sua importância na representatividade e no melhoramento genético de pastagens. A morfologia do diásporo e do desenvolvimento pós-seminal de Paspalum dilatatum Poir. (rizomatosa); P. mandiocanum Trin. var. subaequiglume Barreto (estolonífera), P. pumilum Nees. (cespitosa decumbente) e P. urvillei Steud. (cespitosa ereta) foi descrita procurando distinguir as espécies com diferentes formas de crescimento, e levantar características úteis para a taxonomia. P. dilatatum se diferencia por apresentar diásporo oval, de maior tamanho que as demais, com cinco nervuras salientes e tricomas; P. urvillei por apresentar diásporo com uma nervura central mais desenvolvida do que as duas nervuras laterais e tricomas; P. mandiocanum var. subaequiglume por apresentar diásporo com tricomas apenas na margem; e P. pumilum por apresentar diásporo glabro. A cariopse envolve a semente que apresenta embrião diferenciado, disposto lateralmente; apresenta hilo elíptico em todas as espécies estudadas e rostelo em P. dilatatum e P. mandiocanum var. subaequiglume. O desenvolvimento pós-seminal é semelhante nas quatro espécies e se inicia com a germinação, que é marcada pela emergência da coleorriza, seguida pelo coleóptilo. Essas características são comuns às demais Poaceae já estudadas, indicando um padrão para a família e não diferenciam as formas de crescimento.


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Matayba guianensis Aubl . is a shrubby or arborial Sapindaceae quite common in the Brazilian Cerrado with a key role in providing resources for ants and bees. It presents a rapid growth, and is important for the recovery of degraded areas, but little is known about its seedlings production. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe the morphology of the branch and the seed germination and of seedling Matayba guianensis Aubl . in its post-seminal development and define the type of substrate and container suitable for seedling emergence and seedling production of this species. We evaluated three types of containers: black polyethylene bags, cartridge and polystyrene tray, with 5 kinds of substrates: sand, earth, earth - sand - manure (1:1:1); commercial substrate, and coconut fiber, with 4 replicates of 25 seeds per treatment . The branch, fruit, seed, seedling and their morphological events were described. The branch is cylindrical with paripinnate and alternate leaves, the fruit is dry and dehiscent. The seeds have a large amount of aryl, and the germination is cryptocotylar and hypogeal. The highest percentage of emergence occurred in styrofoam container with 91 % of the seeds germinated in commercial substrate , followed by coconut fiber (88 %). The development of root and stem were higher in tubes and plastic bags , using coconut fiber or commercial substrate.