48 resultados para deparar


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O trabalho aborda o caso real da greve dos professores do Estado do Rio de Janeiro num embate travado entre o governador e a categoria - representada por seu sindicato – cujas reivindicações estavam direcionadas à melhoria de condições de trabalho e de aspectos remuneratórios. O pano de fundo do caso trata da análise dos dilemas que o gestor público enfrenta ao deparar-se com situações de conflito ou trade off, as quais quase todas as alternativas de solução dos impasses podem resultar em consequências negativas. A narrativa do caso dar-se-á numa audiência pública - que de fato aconteceu, entretanto foi realizada pelo prefeito da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro e não pelo governador do Estado - onde um grupo de quatro professores da rede estadual de ensino debate a conduta do governador enquanto gestor público (aqui, uma ficção). Nesse contexto, duas professoras mostram-se claramente contrárias a figura do gestor, oferecendo visões estereotipadas e particulares. De outro lado, os demais professores buscam entender os motivos de medidas ou ações impopulares, tendo como referência real as manifestações populares espalhadas pelo país entre os meses de junho e outubro de 2013.


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As micro e pequenas empresas, ao mesmo tempo em que exercem um papel extremamente relevante na estrutura produtiva da economia brasileira pelo grande número de empreendedores existentes e expressivo volume de pessoal ocupado, perdem competitividade ao se deparar com entraves ao seu desenvolvimento, sejam eles em âmbito gerencial, financeiro, burocrático ou estrutural. Com base nesse contexto, o estudo procura identificar em que medida, na percepção das MPEs exportadoras do Rio Grande do Norte, as exigências burocráticas do processo exportador afetam o seu desempenho no comércio exterior. Como exigências burocráticas compreende-se o conjunto de normas, regras e procedimentos e documentos que disciplinam o processo exportador, enquanto desempenho é entendido como os resultados da atividade econômica medido através do crescimento das vendas para o mercado externo; das demandas de produtos exportados não atendidas e da ampliação do mercado internacional. A pesquisa realizada é de caráter censitário, desenvolvida junto a quatorze MPEs do estado, atuantes regularmente no comércio exterior nos últimos três anos (2009-2011), utilizando aplicação de questionário, assim como uma consulta a dados secundários disponíveis. A análise dos dados levantados revelou que, efetivamente, na percepção dos respondentes, fatores externos como o custo do processo de exportação, falta de incentivo do governo, excesso de controle dos órgãos públicos e a infraestrutura logística do estado exercem influência na pequena participação das MPEs nas exportações do Brasil e do Nordeste, enquanto o bom desempenho exportador destas relaciona-se a fatores gerenciais, com destaque para investimentos na estrutura organizacional da empresa, conhecimento do mercado internacional e bom relacionamento com clientes e mercados


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In this work a series of discussions is made on the relationship between money and prostitution in a way of overcoming its merely economic aspects, in the perception of both being social, cultural and historical phenomena, and taking them as symbols, whose study aids to unveil the reality. In this context it is looked for revealing its forms and contents to make it possible to understand them beyond the rationality, calculability and mathematical elements presents in them; beyond apparentness, taking them in their complexity. The discussions encompass theoretical elements, based especially on Georg Simmel s theoretical analyses, allied to a specific empirical frame that regards the life experience of the women of Praia do Meio, pedaço of the city of Natal-RN-Brazil, where the data were collected from. Fundamentally, prostitution is perceived as an exchange activity, which is not depleted in the economic elements, but, contrarily, starts on them and surpasses them in diverse aspects. It deals about a money-mediated relationship between human beings that possesses in itself a full complexity, which demands an accurate and keen attention to be comprehended. Since money has transformed the world and the men and women in it, the discussions in the text are conducted in a direction to attempt to encircle and understand the relationship between money and prostitution. Prostitution, in turn, aids to understand such a transformation as it is also a symbol of our times and it makes us to face the true essence of our society: the transformation of human beings into merchandise, into negotiable objects. In the money-based society it is possible to picture the phenomenon of double prostitution: negotiation of the human being, through labor, and negotiation of sex, the last being dramatically stigmatized and the former strongly encouraged. This may be demonstrating that the paid sex is, in the money-ruled society, a limit of commercialization, widely accepted provided it is camouflaged and surrounded by an aura of sensuality and legitimacy


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Tropical environments often face strong seasonal variations in climate, such as alternate periods of dry and rain, that may often be important influence in the annual X the organisms lives. Here we assess how population dynamics of two butterfly species (Heliconius erato and Heliconius mepomene) respond to environmental and seasonal variations. A mark-release-recapture study carried out in an Atlantic forest reserve, 15 Km from Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, for 3 years, during the dry and rainy season, with three visits weekly done. Information such as species, wing lenght, site of capture, pollen load and phenotype (number of spots) (in H. erato only) were noted for each capture. Seasonal variation exists in capture rates of the two species, with great capture rates during the rainy season. Despite finding differences in the mean density of individuals of the two species among the different collection areas, this difference was only significant between floodplain and central areas, and no influence of seasonality was observed in the mean density between the areas. Seasonality in wing size was only observed for H. erato, with larger wings during the rainy season. Females carried larger pollen loads than males both species, but species were similar. Only males differed seasonally, with larger pollen loads during the rainy season. The distribution of the number of wing spots did not vary between the dry and rainy seasons, and the number of spots in males and females was similar. Therefore, we conclude that there was a strong influence of seasonal variation in the population dynamic of the two Heliconius species, as well as in several aspects of their biology


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The answer to creating a fictional world? Repulsion or form of reaction to an outside world? Mental illness, whose brand can be symbolic simulation or depersonalization? Hard to take a stand when the deed is a poet Fernando Pessoa as what is at stake. Notes Schlafman Léo (1998) who, at the age of 20 years, Fernando Pessoa wrote in English, in his diary, "One of my mental complications is the fear of madness, which in itself already is crazy." What rid of madness, notes Robert Bréchon (1986), was the taste of the game and was playing it for your writing. Even though it has rid the madness, the poet does not quit seeking explanations - or provide it - for the phenomena much bother him, or defined.'s where we come across the alignment of Fernando Pessoa within philosophical as occultism and reading about psychological and mental disorders treated. paths were pursued by him to explain the existence of his heteronyms and its entry process. This work therefore presents main objective: to analyze the personal papers of Fernando Pessoa, whose outstanding feature is the presence of occult and alleged mediumship demonstrations held in response to non-literary and heteronímicas. Therefore, I focused on specific goals, which are: a) to study the speech of Fernando Pessoa on his mediumship / occult b) analyzing specific texts that are, for the poet, psychic demonstrations, c) study of a series of excerpts personal letters in which Fernando Pessoa suggested to be a medium. Admittedly, this essay will touch many arguments already made by scholars and experts of Fernando Pessoa, but consider the possibility of developing issues and contribute to the critical fortune of the poet. We assume that announces the Portuguese scholar Jerome Pizarro (2006), one of the greatest scholars of the work Pessoan: those interested in Fernando Pessoa be lost in the maze created by him. It is the image of a person-Minotaur, devouring all but, holding us in its labyrinthine tessitura, as marked by mystery. Will draw on our analysis, a theory aligned themselves to objects of research, whose main authors are Sigmund Freud (1908) Carl Jung (1991.1996). Gaston Bachelard (1996), Helena Blavatsky (2008), among others


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação (SNUC), instituído pela Lei 9985/00, prevê a criação de cinco categorias de unidades de conservação de proteção integral (UCPI) e de sete de uso sustentável. Dentre as categorias do grupo de proteção integral encontra-se a categoria Parque, podendo ser Nacional, Estadual ou Natural Municipal, conforme o ente instituidor. Esta categoria pode ser criada tanto em área rural como em área urbana, indistintamente. É muito comum se deparar com a presença humana nos limites dos Parques, seja por populações tradicionais, em áreas rurais, ou ocupações desordenadas, em áreas urbanas. A lei não faz a distinção rural/urbana, mas prevê o realocamento das populações tradicionais, cuja presença não se revela prejudicial à área protegida. De forma oposta, as concentrações humanas residentes em Parques localizados em áreas urbanas tornam-se prejudiciais à proteção da área especialmente protegida, visto que apresentam elevado grau de impactação ambiental, não se preocupando com a preservação ou conservação como as populações tradicionais, estas extremamente dependentes dos recursos naturais para sua subsistência. A partir da hipótese de que a mesma categoria de UCPI, em especial os Parques, pode abrigar grupamentos humanos diferenciados (populações tradicionais, em área rural, e pessoas invasoras, em área urbana), buscou-se analisar os princípios colidentes que permeiam a situação, no sentido de ponderá-los, aplicando o que tiver maior peso. Diante da dimensão axiológica no tratamento das populações tradicionais, conclui-se que seja razoável sua permanência em UCPI localizadas em áreas rurais, porém, inadmissível a presença humana nas situadas em regiões urbanas.


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Through observation of production process of a Vale do Paraiba’s automobile industry, one can encounter in need of improvement related to large uncertainties and variations in the production environment, a fact that inspired the search for solutions that can respond quickly to these changes. This way, the paper describes the development of a flexible manufacturing model, which aims to optimize the process in an automotive sub-assembly industry of the Paraíba Valley. The main objective is to propose a method to promote viable alternatives to easing the assembly of parallel sub performed the assembly of cars. For the construction of the model was necessary to explore concepts of flexible manufacturing and making the data presented in literature, which were vital to ensure the development of the method. The concepts discussed are usually presented at an undergraduate degree in Engineering. Data compiled by the model are able to serve as a strategic benchmark for decision making by managers. Featuring alternative response variables and uncertainties of the organizational environment, a fact that facilitates the management of human resources and productive


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Through observation of the production process industries today, one can encounter the needs of the large uncertainties related improvements and changes in the production environment, a fact that inspired the search for solutions that can respond quickly to these changes. Thus, this paper describes the review of implementation of TPM (total productivity management), which aims to optimize two distinct processes in the Vale do Paraíba´s pharmaceutical industry one of through the pillar of specific improvement. The main objective is to propose an efficient alternative to proposing loss management processes by identifying and eliminating the same in a systematic process. To develop this analysis was necessary to explore concepts of TPM and tools that help in taking data, identification and clarification of the phenomena that cause failures in the process, which were essential to ensure the development of the analysis. The concepts covered are usually presented during an undergraduate degree in Engineering. Data compiled by the analysis are able to serve as a strategic benchmark for decision making by managers, providing alternative response variables and uncertainty of the organizational environment, a fact that facilitates the management of human resources and productive