844 resultados para democratic institutions


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Parliaments are political institutions, but they are also places where people work; the MPs and the people who are employed there work, albeit in rather different ways. In this research the focus is on those in a Parliament who work there as employees and managers, and thereby, in some senses, run the organisation. Accordingly, this involves seeing the Parliament as a working environment, for MPs and employees, for men and women. The institution of Parliament is thus here examined by looking at it from a different and new angle. Instead of the usual focus on politicians the focus is on the administration of this institution. The aim is, amongst other things, to increase knowledge and offer different perspectives on democracy and democratic institutions. Unpacking the nearly mythical institution into smaller, more digestible, graspable realities should at the very least help to remind the wider society that although nations, to a certain extent, do need national institutions they should not become mystified or seen as larger than life. Institutions should work on behalf of people and thus be accountable to these same people. The main contribution of this work is to explore and problematise how managing and working is done inside an institution that both largely fulfils the characteristics of a bureaucracy and yet also has added special features that seem to be rather far removed from clear bureaucratic structures. This research offers a new kind of information on working life inside this elite institution. The joys and the struggles of working and managing in this particular public sector organisation are illustrated here and offer a view, a glimpse, into the experiences of managing and working in this House.


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Factors influencing the effectiveness of democratic institutions and to that effect processes involved at the local governance level have been the interest in the literature, given the presence of various advocacies and networks that are context-specific. This paper is motivated to understand the adaptability issues related to governance given these complexities through a comparative analysis of diversified regions. We adopted a two-stage clustering along with regression methodology for this purpose. The results show that the formation of advocacies and networks depends on the context and institutional framework. The paper concludes by exploring different strategies and dynamics involved in network governance and insists on the importance of governing the networks for structural reformation through regional policy making.


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Trata de um estudo comparado a respeito da atividade de lobby nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil, buscando traçar o caminho da regulamentação da atividade nos dois países e ressaltando as peculiaridades do sistema político de cada um deles. O trabalho conclui que a regulamentação da atividade de lobby é importante nos dois países. Embora Brasil e EUA apresentem diferenças consideráveis com relação ao sistema político, a legislação norte-americana pode servir de inspiração para o caso brasileiro, contribuindo para fortalecer as instituições democráticas e combater as práticas corruptas.


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O ideal de efetivação da Constituição Federal nos tempos atuais é a concretização dos direitos sociais nela estampados. No entanto, garantir direitos sociais, essenciais para a consolidação de uma igualdade material, capaz de diminuir as discrepâncias sociais, pode corroborar para uma política de troca de favores e aprofundar as raízes clientelistas do voto, dependendo da forma como as políticas públicas são colocadas em prática. O presente estudo visa a analisar a relação entre a implementação de direitos sociais e o exercício de direitos políticos, considerando as políticas de redistribuição de renda desenvolvidas nos últimos governos, principalmente o Programa Bolsa Família. O objetivo é verificar se há algum clientelismo por parte dos governantes ao estabelecer tais políticas, uma vez que podem eles se valer da desigualdade econômica, da vulnerabilidade cívica e da fragilidade das instituições democráticas do país como instrumentos para forjar sua imagem à semelhança de um pai, protetor de uma sociedade carecedora de direitos básicos. E isso pode acabar por institucionalizar um modelo sutil de clientelismo que descaracteriza os indivíduos como atores capazes de escolher as políticas que melhor implementam seus interesses, impedindo o livre exercício do direito ao voto. Por isso, mesmo a concretização de direitos sociais também deve levar em conta que um modelo de democracia inclui ainda a viabilização de um autogoverno dos cidadãos, razão pela qual parece fundamental que, ao gozar de direitos sociais, os sujeitos percebam a sua participação e ingerência na escolha das políticas públicas. O desafio proposto é utilizar o referencial teórico-metodológico do continuum para, ao longo do espectro formado entre o clientelismo e a cidadania, tentar propor alguns parâmetros para aproximar ao máximo as políticas públicas de concretização de direitos sociais de um ideal de cidadania.


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The article examines why some postconflict societies defer the recovery of those who forcibly disappeared as a result of political violence, even after a fully fledged democratic regime is consolidated. The prolonged silences in Cyprus and Spain contradict the experience of other countries such as Bosnia, Guatemala, and South Africa, where truth recovery for disappeared or missing persons was a central element of the transition to peace and democracy. Exhumations of mass graves containing the victims from the two periods of violence in Cyprus (1963–1974) and the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) was delayed up until the early 2000s. Cyprus and Spain are well suited to explain both prolonged silences in transitional justice and the puzzling decision to become belated truth seekers. The article shows that in negotiated transitions, a subtle elite agreement links the non-instrumental use of the past with the imminent needs for political stability and nascent democratization. As time passes, selective silence becomes an entrenched feature of the political discourse and democratic institutions, acquiring a hegemonic status and prolonging the silencing of violence.


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This article reviews ongoing work to increase awareness of, and raise standards in relation to, freedom of peaceful assembly across Europe, the South Caucasus, and Central Asia. The work is led by the Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) at the Organisation of Security and Co-operation in Europe (OCSE). The article begins by highlighting the importance of freedom of peaceful assembly within democratic societies, and then describes the development of the ODIHR Guidelines on Peaceful Assembly. The article outlines some of the key issues of contention relating to the regulation of freedom of assembly, and discusses the process of reviewing the existing and draft legislation against the standards articulated in the Guidelines. In this context, the article also explores the potential for constructive engagement between government, civil society, and the OSCE to facilitate legislative amendments that respect key human rights norms and principles. Finally, the article reviews recent developments in training monitors of public assemblies with the aim of building local monitoring capacity and thus developing an evidence base of the practical implementation of laws relating to freedom of peaceful assembly. © The Author (2009). Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.


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Prominent normative theories for accommodating minority national groups appeal to the value of national cultures and/or the psychology of group recognition. This article aims to show that an argument from political authority provides a better justification. Building on Joseph Raz's theory of authority, the article argues that members of minority national groups are disadvantaged in relation to their majority counterparts under standard democratic institutions; such institutions do not provide minority national groups with comparable access to the conditions for legitimate political authority. Constitutional arrangements for accommodating minority national groups—such as territorial self-government or power-sharing—are justified insofar as they might offset this disadvantage.


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In democratic polities, constitutional equilibria or balances of power between the executive and the legislature shift over time. Normative and empirical political theorists have long recognised that war, civil unrest, economic and political crises, terrorist attacks, and other events strengthen the power of the executive, disrupt and threaten constitutional politics, and damage democratic institutions: crises require swift action and executives are thought to be more capable than parliaments and legislatures of taking such actions. The terrorist attacks on New York and Washington on 11 September 2001 and the ensuing so-called 'war on terror' declared by President Bush clearly constituted a crisis, not only in the United States but also in other political systems, in part because of the US's hegemonic position in defining and shaping many other states' foreign and domestic policies. Dicey, Schmitt, and Rossiter suggest that critical events and political crises inevitably trigger the concentration of (emergency) powers in the hands of the executive. Aristotle and Machiavelli questioned the inevitability of this process. This article and the articles that follow in this Special Issue utilise empirical evidence, through the use of case studies of the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, Australia, Israel, Italy and Indonesia, to address this debate. Specifically, the issue explores to what extent the external shock or crisis of 9/11 (and other terrorist attacks) and the ensuing 'war on terror' significantly changed the balance of executive-legislative relations from t (before the crisis) to t+1 (after the crisis) in these political systems, all of which were the targets of actual or foiled terrorist attacks. The most significant findings are that the shock of 9/11 and the 'war on terror' elicited varied responses by national executives and legislatures/parliaments and thus the balance of executive-legislative relations in different political systems; that, therefore, executive-legislative relations are positive rather than zero-sum; and that domestic political contexts conditioned these institutional responses.


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Alexis de Tocqueville est un auteur canonique du libéralisme. Son inscription au sein du libéralisme s’opère fréquemment par une accentuation unilatérale de sa défense de la liberté individuelle. Certes, Tocqueville défend la liberté individuelle, elle prend une place décisive dans son œuvre où l’objectif théorique proposé révèle sa volonté d’élever l’individu à côté de la société et de l’État. Mais cette défense est constamment pensée chez Tocqueville en interrogeant ses conditions de possibilité qui sont indissociables d’une culture politique où la participation politique est une dimension essentielle. Une participation politique qui fonde des habitudes collectives, une culture civique, assurant ainsi la pérennité des institutions démocratiques libérales. En ce sens, il est évident que le libéralisme de Tocqueville est déterminé par un cadre plus large que la seule défense de la liberté individuelle. Afin qu’elle s’épanouisse pleinement et véritablement, il y a une priorité absolue d’une pratique continue de la liberté, la liberté politique qui actualise sans repos les conditions de possibilité de la liberté individuelle. Cette pratique de la liberté politique contribue à la formation des «mœurs libres», ces habitudes collectives qui organisent une culture civique particulière, mœurs indispensables au maintien des sociétés libres. Nous identifierons donc Tocqueville à un libéralisme des mœurs. Afin de saisir adéquatement la réelle portée de la pensée tocquevillienne, nous dévoilerons les influences intellectuelles fondamentales qui ont présidé à l’élaboration de La Démocratie en Amérique. De fait, nous restituerons l’espace intertextuel entre Tocqueville et François Guizot. Cet espace révèle l’influence certaine de Guizot sur Tocqueville, mais il rend également saillante son insistance sur une pratique de la liberté politique.


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Cette thèse de doctorat est une biographie politique de Paul Levi, militant marxiste qui a fait carrière en Allemagne durant la période de l’entre-deux-guerres. Dès 1914, Levi incarne un courant radical à l’intérieur du Parti social-démocrate d’Allemagne (SPD). Il dénonce, entre autres, aux côtés de Rosa Luxemburg l’appui du parti à l’effort militaire national. Levi s’inspire également de Lénine qu’il rencontre pour la première fois en Suisse en 1916-1917. Lorsqu’il prend les commandes du Parti communiste d’Allemagne (KPD) en 1919, Levi dirige celui-ci d’une main de fer, selon le concept du « centralisme démocratique ». Il fait également tout en son pouvoir pour faire éclater la révolution ouvrière en Allemagne afin d’installer une dictature du prolétariat qui exclurait toutes les classes non ouvrières du pouvoir. En ce sens, Levi imagine un État socialiste semblable à celui fondé par Lénine en Russie en 1917. Contrairement à l’historiographie traditionnelle, notre thèse montre conséquemment que Levi n’était guère un « socialiste démocrate ». Il était plutôt un militant marxiste qui, par son radicalisme, a contribué à diviser le mouvement ouvrier allemand ce qui, en revanche, a fragilisé la république de Weimar. Cette thèse fait également ressortir le caractère résolument rebelle de Paul Levi. Partout où il passe, Levi dénonce les politiques bourgeoises des partis non-ouvriers, mais aussi celles de la majorité des organisations dont il fait partie, c’est-à-dire les partis ouvriers de la république de Weimar et le Reichstag. Son tempérament impulsif fait de lui un homme politique isolé qui, d’ailleurs, se fait de nombreux ennemis. En 1921, à titre d’exemple, il se brouille avec d’importants bolcheviques, ce qui met fin à sa carrière au sein du KPD. Les communistes voient désormais en lui un ennemi de la classe ouvrière et mènent contre lui de nombreuses campagnes diffamatoires. Levi, de son côté, dénonce ouvertement la terreur stalinienne qui, selon lui, est en train de contaminer le mouvement communiste européen. Notre travail montre également que Levi, cette fois en tant qu’avocat juif, lutte corps et âme contre les nazis. En 1926, dans le cadre d’une commission d’enquête publique du Reichstag chargée de faire la lumière sur des meurtres politiques commis en Bavière, il tente par tous les moyens d’inculper certains criminels nazis. Levi est conséquemment la cible de la presse antisémite allemande. Il refuse toutefois de céder à l’intimidation et choisit plutôt de poursuivre en justice quelques-uns des plus importants membres du Parti nazi, dont Alfred Rosenberg et Hitler lui-même, en plus de forcer de nombreux autres nazis à comparaître devant la commission d’enquête du Reichstag. Bref, si ce travail se veut critique envers la pensée révolutionnaire de Levi, il souligne aussi l’intégrité politique de cet homme dont les convictions sont demeurées inébranlables face aux dérives criminelles des extrêmes idéologiques de son époque.


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Suite aux grands changements politiques, économiques et sociaux que l’Occident a connus depuis plus d’un siècle, de nombreux problèmes ont émergé, de nouveaux défis ont été lancés et plusieurs approches et solutions ont été avancées. L’avènement de la démocratie, un exploit humain inestimable, a plus ou moins règlementé la pluralité idéologique, pour permettre un exercice politique organisé. Aujourd’hui, dans le nouvel ordre mondial, c’est la pluralité morale et religieuse qui a besoin d’être gérée; un défi pour les institutions démocratiques et pour la société civile, afin de réaliser un mieux vivre-ensemble dans le dialogue, la compréhension et le compromis. Or, beaucoup de travail est encore à faire : dans un premier temps, à l’intérieur de chaque tradition religieuse; dans un deuxième temps, entre les différentes traditions; et dans un troisième temps, entre ces traditions et la modernité. Le ‘dogmatisme’ est au cœur de ces débats, qu’il soit d’ordre traditionnel ou moderne, il entrave la raison dans son processus de libération et d’émancipation. La problématique de ce mémoire concerne la gestion de la pluralité morale et religieuse en Occident. Dans ce travail, nous allons essayer de démontrer comment la libération du dogmatisme en général et la libération du ‘dogmatisme’ musulman, en particulier, peuvent contribuer à la réalisation d’un mieux vivre-ensemble en Occident. Pour ce faire, nous analyserons les projets de deux penseurs musulmans contemporains : Muhammad Arkoun et Tariq Ramadan. Notre recherche va essentiellement se pencher sur leurs attitudes vis-à-vis de la tradition et de la modernité, car, nous pensons que l’enjeu du ‘dogmatisme’ est lié aux rapports des musulmans à leur tradition et à la modernité. Selon nos deux penseurs, la libération du ‘dogmatisme’ musulman n’est possible qu’à condition de pouvoir changer à la fois notre rapport à la tradition et à la modernité. Arkoun pense que ce changement doit suivre le modèle de la libération occidentale, au moyen d’une critique subversive de la tradition islamique. Cependant, Ramadan opte pour une réforme radicale de la pensée islamique qui vise une critique globale de la tradition, mais, qui épargne les fondements de la foi : le ‘sacré’.


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The armed conflict in Chiapas began in 1994 after the armed uprising of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN). Until now the Mexican government do not recognize the existence of an armed conflict there, for what they call inter-ethnic violence that happens in different municipalities in Chiapas. This study aims at demonstrating that, first, the Mexican state of Chiapas has an armed conflict since the mid-nineties, which has intensified and transformed over sixteen years. It is in this transformation that have emerged paramilitary groups seeking to destabilize the state, generating dynamics of appropriation and control of territory through different practices such as forced displacements, selective assassinations and terror spread within populations who are the targets of their attacks (mainly community support of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation). This work studied the "Peace and Justice" paramilitary group operating in different parts of the state of Chiapas, mainly in the Northern Zone. This case-study will look at the changes it has undergone Mexican democracy, which will be analyzed at two points: first, the failure of federal and Chiapas state to allow or endorse the creation of paramilitary groups and not to punish their actions; on the other, the consequences of the actions of such actors in democratic institutions, and democracy itself. Will seek to demonstrate that indeed both the permissiveness of the Mexican state and its complicity has weakened democracy in Mexico, since they are not able to manage conflict so that they do not degenerate into violence.


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El interés del presente estudio de caso es analizar la estrategia de securitización implementada por el Presidente de la Republica de Uzbekistán Islam Karimov sobre el Movimiento Islámico de Uzbekistán. Se describe y se explica cómo desde las lógicas históricas y étnicas acontecidas en Asia Central, se pueden comprender los alcances internacionales de la confrontación antagónica ejercida entre uzbekos al apoyar ideas de corte secular e islamista. Así, siguiendo los parámetros establecidos por Barry Buzan con respecto a la securitización, se puede llegar a identificar la creación de una agenda de seguridad uzbeka en la región de Asia Central, cuyos logros permitieron disminuir el riesgo de la amenaza insurgente.


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Free media may not favor political accountability when other democratic institutions are weak, and may even bring undesirable unintended consequences. We propose a simple model in which politicians running for office may engage in coercion to obtain votes. A media scandal that exposes these candidates increases their coercion effort to offset the negative popularity shock. This may result in the tainted politicians actually increasing their vote share. We provide empirical evidence from one recent episode in the political history of Colombia, the ‘parapolitics’ scandal featuring politicians colluding with illegal armed paramilitary groups to obtain votes. We show that colluding candidates not only get more votes than their clean competitors, but also concentrate them in areas where coercion is more likely (namely, areas with more paramilitary presence, less state presence, and more judicial inefficiency). Harder to reconcile with other explanations and as a direct test of the effects of media exposure, we compare tainted candidates exposed before elections to those exposed after. We find that those exposed before elections get as many votes as those exposed once elected, but their electoral support is more strongly concentrated in places where coercion is more likely. Our re