988 resultados para default mode


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We report a first study of brain activity linked to task switching in individuals with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) PWS individuals show a specific cognitive deficit in task switching which may be associated with the display of temper outbursts and repetitive questioning The performance of participants with PWS and typically developing controls was matched in a cued task switching procedure and brain activity was contrasted on switching and non switching blocks using SARI Individuals with PWS did not show the typical frontal-parietal pattern of neural activity associated with switching blocks, with significantly reduced activation in regions of the posterior parietal and ventromedial prefrontal cortices We suggest that this is linked to a difficulty in PWS in setting appropriate attentional weights to enable task set reconfiguration In addition to this, PWS individuals did not show the typical pattern of deactivation, with significantly less deactivation in an anterior region of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex One plausible explanation for this is that individuals with PWS show dysfunction within the default mode network which has been linked to attentional control The data point to functional changes in the neural circuitry supporting task switching in PWS even when behavioural performance is matched to controls and thus highlight neural mechanisms that may be involved in a specific pathway between genes cognition and behaviour (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved


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La méditation par le ‘mindfulness’ favorise la stabilité émotionelle, mais les mécanismes neuroneux qui sous-tendent ces effets sont peu connus. Ce projet investiga l’effet du ‘mindfulness’ sur les réponses cérébrales et subjectives à des images négatives, positives et neutres chez des méditants expérimentés et des débutants au moyen de l’imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf). Le ‘mindfulness’ atténua l’intensité émotionelle via différents mécanismes cérébraux pour chaque groupe. Comparés aux méditants, les débutants manifestèrent une déactivation de l’amygdale en réponse aux stimuli émotifs durant le ‘mindfulness’. Comparés aux débutants, les méditants exhibèrent une déactivation de régions du réseau du mode par défaut (RMD) pendant le ‘mindfulness’ pour tous stimuli (cortex médian préfrontal [CMP], cortex cingulaire postérieur [CCP]). Le RMD est constitué de régions fonctionnellement connectées, activées au repos et déactivées lors de tâches explicites. Cependant, nous ne connaissons pas les impacts de l’entraînement par la méditation sur la connectivité entre régions du RMD et si ces effets persistent au-delà d’un état méditatif. La connectivité fonctionnelle entre régions du RMD chez les méditants et débutants au repos fut investiguée au moyen de l’IRMf. Comparés aux débutants, les méditants montrèrent une connectivité affaiblie entre subdivisions du CMP, et une connectivité accrue entre le lobule pariétal inférieur et trois regions du RMD. Ces résultats reflètent que les bienfaits immédiats du ‘mindfulness’ sur la psychopathologie pourraient être dûs à une déactivation de régions limbiques impliquées dans la réactivité émotionelle. De plus, les bienfaits à long-terme de la méditation sur la stabilité émotionelle pourrait être dûs à une déactivation de régions corticales et cingulaires impliquées dans l’évaluation de la signification émotive et une connectivité altérée entre régions du RMD à l’état de repos.


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L’aphasie est un trouble acquis du langage entraînant des problèmes de communication pouvant toucher la compréhension et/ou l’expression. Lorsque l’aphasie fait suite à un accident vasculaire cérébral, une régression des déficits communicatifs s'observe initialement, mais elle peut demeurer sévère pour certains et est considérée chronique après un an. Par ailleurs, l’aphasie peut aussi être observée dans l’aphasie progressive primaire, une maladie dégénérative affectant uniquement le langage dans les premières années. Un nombre grandissant d’études s’intéressent à l’impact de la thérapie dans l’aphasie chronique et ont démontré des améliorations langagières après plusieurs années. L’hémisphère gauche semble avoir un rôle crucial et est associé à de meilleures améliorations langagières, mais la compréhension des mécanismes de plasticité cérébrale est encore embryonnaire. Or, l’efficacité de la thérapie dans l’aphasie progressive primaire est peu étudiée. À l’aide de la résonance magnétique fonctionnelle, le but des présentes études consiste à examiner les mécanismes de plasticité cérébrale induits par la thérapie Semantic Feature Analysis auprès de dix personnes souffrant d’aphasie chronique et d’une personne souffrant d’aphasie progressive primaire. Les résultats suggèrent que le cerveau peut se réorganiser plusieurs années après une lésion cérébrale ainsi que dans une maladie dégénérative. Au niveau individuel, une meilleure amélioration langagière est associée au recrutement de l’hémisphère gauche ainsi qu’une concentration des activations. Les analyses de groupe mettent en évidence le recrutement du lobule pariétal inférieur gauche, alors que l’activation du gyrus précentral gauche prédit l’amélioration suite à la thérapie. D’autre part, les analyses de connectivité fonctionnelle ont permis d’identifier pour la première fois le réseau par défaut dans l’aphasie. Suite à la thérapie, l’intégration de ce réseau bien connu est comparable à celle des contrôles et les analyses de corrélation suggèrent que l’intégration du réseau par défaut a une valeur prédictive d’amélioration. Donc, les résultats de ces études appuient l’idée que l’hémisphère gauche a un rôle prépondérant dans la récupération de l’aphasie et fournissent des données probantes sur la neuroplasticité induite par une thérapie spécifique du langage dans l’aphasie. De plus, l’identification d’aires clés et de réseaux guideront de futures recherches afin d’éventuellement maximiser la récupération de l’aphasie et permettre de mieux prédire le pronostic.


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Des études récentes ont montré que le noyau caudé interagissait avec le cortex préfrontal et qu’il pourrait être impliqué dans les fonctions exécutives. Le but de cette thèse était d’étudier la contribution du noyau caudé dans les fonctions exécutives, plus précisément dans des tâches de monitoring et de changement de règle, et d’observer comment ces régions fronto-striatales interagissent avec le réseau par défaut (RPD). Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié le rôle du noyau caudé dans les deux types de monitoring : le monitoring d’origine interne, consistant à effectuer un suivi sur l’état de l’information en mémoire de travail afin de pouvoir faire un choix subséquent, et dans le monitoring d’origine externe où le suivi sur l’état des items est effectué par l’individu, mais la sélection est exécutée par une source externe. Il a été montré que le cortex préfrontal dorsolatéral (CPFDL) est impliqué dans les deux types de monitoring. À l’aide de l’imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf), nos résultats ont montré une augmentation significative du signal BOLD au niveau du CPFDL dans les contrastes des conditions de monitoring d’origine interne et monitoring d’origine externe par rapport à la condition contrôle. De manière plus importante, une augmentation significative de l’activité a été observée dans le noyau caudé seulement dans les soustractions impliquant le monitoring d’origine interne par rapport à la condition contrôle, et par rapport à la condition de monitoring d’origine externe. En deuxième lieu, des études ont montré une contribution spécifique des régions fronto-striatales dans l’exécution d’un changement de règle. Toutefois, l’effet d’un changement de règle sur l’activité cérébrale n’a jamais été étudié sur les essais subséquents. À l’aide de l’IRMf, le cortex préfrontal ventrolatéral (CPFVL) et le noyau caudé ont montré une augmentation significative de leur activité lors des changements de règle continus et lors des changements de règles sporadiques par rapport à la condition contrôle, et aussi lors des essais où le maintien d’une même règle devait être effectué pour une courte durée par opposition au contrôle. Cependant, aucune activité fronto-striatale n’a été observée lorsqu’une même règle devait être appliquée pour une plus longue période. De plus, une diminution significative de l’activité du noyau caudé a été observée lors de la répétition de l’exécution d’une même règle suggérant une meilleure intégration de cette dernière. Finalement, plusieurs études ont montré une déactivation du RPD lors de l’exécution de tâches. À l’aide de l’IRMf, nous avons posé l’hypothèse que le RPD serait corrélé négativement avec les régions fronto-striatales lors de l’exécution d’une tâche de changement de règle. Nos résultats montrent une augmentation significative de l’activité des régions fronto-striatales lors d’une augmentation du nombre d’essais de changement de règle consécutif, pendant que le RPD montre une déactivation continue. De façon intéressante, pendant que les régions fronto-striatales montrent une diminution de leur activité lors de l’exécution d’une même règle pour une longue période, le RPD augmente son activité de façon significative. On conclut donc que le noyau caudé joue un rôle important dans la planification d’une nouvelle action lorsque plusieurs possibilités doivent être considérées en mémoire de travail, et ce en même temps. Finalement, le RPD montre une corrélation négative avec les régions fronto-striatales suggérant sa participation dans l’intégration d’une tâche devenant de plus en plus familière.


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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are often comorbid and share behavioural-cognitive abnormalities in sustained attention. A key question is whether this shared cognitive phenotype is based on common or different underlying pathophysiologies. To elucidate this question, we compared 20 boys with ADHD to 20 age and IQ matched ASD and 20 healthy boys using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during a parametrically modulated vigilance task with a progressively increasing load of sustained attention. ADHD and ASD boys had significantly reduced activation relative to controls in bilateral striato–thalamic regions, left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and superior parietal cortex. Both groups also displayed significantly increased precuneus activation relative to controls. Precuneus was negatively correlated with the DLPFC activation, and progressively more deactivated with increasing attention load in controls, but not patients, suggesting problems with deactivation of a task-related default mode network in both disorders. However, left DLPFC underactivation was significantly more pronounced in ADHD relative to ASD boys, which furthermore was associated with sustained performance measures that were only impaired in ADHD patients. ASD boys, on the other hand, had disorder-specific enhanced cerebellar activation relative to both ADHD and control boys, presumably reflecting compensation. The findings show that ADHD and ASD boys have both shared and disorder-specific abnormalities in brain function during sustained attention. Shared deficits were in fronto–striato–parietal activation and default mode suppression. Differences were a more severe DLPFC dysfunction in ADHD and a disorder-specific fronto–striato–cerebellar dysregulation in ASD.


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Working memory (WM) is not a unitary construct. There are distinct processes involved in encoding information, maintaining it on-line, and using it to guide responses. The anatomical configurations of these processes are more accurately analyzed as functionally connected networks than collections of individual regions. In the current study we analyzed event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data from a Sternberg Item Recognition Paradigm WM task using a multivariate analysis method that allowed the linking of functional networks to temporally-separated WM epochs. The length of the delay epochs was varied to optimize isolation of the hemodynamic response (HDR) for each task epoch. All extracted functional networks displayed statistically significant sensitivity to delay length. Novel information extracted from these networks that was not apparent in the univariate analysis of these data included involvement of the hippocampus in encoding/probe, and decreases in BOLD signal in the superior temporal gyrus (STG), along with default-mode regions, during encoding/delay. The bilateral hippocampal activity during encoding/delay fits with theoretical models of WM in which memoranda held across the short term are activated long-term memory representations. The BOLD signal decreases in the STG were unexpected, and may reflect repetition suppression effects invoked by internal repetition of letter stimuli. Thus, analysis methods focusing on how network dynamics relate to experimental conditions allowed extraction of novel information not apparent in univariate analyses, and are particularly recommended for WM experiments for which task epochs cannot be randomized.


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BACKGROUND: The cannabinoid cannabinoid type 1 (CB1) neutral antagonist tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCv) has been suggested as a possible treatment for obesity, but without the depressogenic side-effects of inverse antagonists such as Rimonabant. However, how THCv might affect the resting state functional connectivity of the human brain is as yet unknown. METHOD: We examined the effects of a single 10mg oral dose of THCv and placebo in 20 healthy volunteers in a randomized, within-subject, double-blind design. Using resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging and seed-based connectivity analyses, we selected the amygdala, insula, orbitofrontal cortex, and dorsal medial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC) as regions of interest. Mood and subjective experience were also measured before and after drug administration using self-report scales. RESULTS: Our results revealed, as expected, no significant differences in the subjective experience with a single dose of THCv. However, we found reduced resting state functional connectivity between the amygdala seed region and the default mode network and increased resting state functional connectivity between the amygdala seed region and the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and between the dmPFC seed region and the inferior frontal gyrus/medial frontal gyrus. We also found a positive correlation under placebo for the amygdala-precuneus connectivity with the body mass index, although this correlation was not apparent under THCv. CONCLUSION: Our findings are the first to show that treatment with the CB1 neutral antagonist THCv decreases resting state functional connectivity in the default mode network and increases connectivity in the cognitive control network and dorsal visual stream network. This effect profile suggests possible therapeutic activity of THCv for obesity, where functional connectivity has been found to be altered in these regions.


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The frontal pole corresponds to Brodmann area (BA) 10, the largest single architectonic area in the human frontal lobe. Generally, BA10 is thought to contain two or three subregions that subserve broad functions such as multitasking, social cognition, attention, and episodic memory. However, there is a substantial debate about the functional and structural heterogeneity of this large frontal region. Previous connectivity-based parcellation studies have identified two or three subregions in the human frontal pole. Here, we used diffusion tensor imaging to assess structural connectivity of BA10 in 35 healthy subjects and delineated subregions based on this connectivity. This allowed us to determine the correspondence of structurally based subregions with the scheme previously defined functionally. Three subregions could be defined in each subject. However, these three subregions were not spatially consistent between subjects. Therefore, we accepted a solution with two subregions that encompassed the lateral and medial frontal pole. We then examined resting-state functional connectivity of the two subregions and found significant differences between their connectivities. The medial cluster was connected to nodes of the default-mode network, which is implicated in internally focused, self-related thought, and social cognition. The lateral cluster was connected to nodes of the executive control network, associated with directed attention and working memory. These findings support the concept that there are two major anatomical subregions of the frontal pole related to differences in functional connectivity.


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Background Serotonin is under-researched in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), despite accumulating evidence for its involvement in impulsiveness and the disorder. Serotonin further modulates temporal discounting (TD), which is typically abnormal in ADHD relative to healthy subjects, underpinned by reduced fronto-striato-limbic activation. This study tested whether a single acute dose of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) fluoxetine up-regulates and normalizes reduced fronto-striato-limbic neurofunctional activation in ADHD during TD. Method Twelve boys with ADHD were scanned twice in a placebo-controlled randomized design under either fluoxetine (between 8 and 15 mg, titrated to weight) or placebo while performing an individually adjusted functional magnetic resonance imaging TD task. Twenty healthy controls were scanned once. Brain activation was compared in patients under either drug condition and compared to controls to test for normalization effects. Results Repeated-measures whole-brain analysis in patients revealed significant up-regulation with fluoxetine in a large cluster comprising right inferior frontal cortex, insula, premotor cortex and basal ganglia, which further correlated trend-wise with TD performance, which was impaired relative to controls under placebo, but normalized under fluoxetine. Fluoxetine further down-regulated default mode areas of posterior cingulate and precuneus. Comparisons between controls and patients under either drug condition revealed normalization with fluoxetine in right premotor-insular-parietal activation, which was reduced in patients under placebo. Conclusions The findings show that a serotonin agonist up-regulates activation in typical ADHD dysfunctional areas in right inferior frontal cortex, insula and striatum as well as down-regulating default mode network regions in the context of impulsivity and TD.


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The investigation of bilingualism and cognition has been enriched by recent developments in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Extending how bilingual experience shapes cognition, this review examines recent fMRI studies adopting executive control tasks with minimal or no linguistic demands. Across a range of studies with divergent ages and language pairs spoken by bilinguals, brain regions supporting executive control significantly overlap with brain regions recruited for language control (Abutalebi & Green, this issue). Furthermore, limited but emerging studies on resting-state networks are addressed, which suggest more coherent spatially distributed functional connectivity in bilinguals. Given the dynamic nature of bilingual experience, it is essential to consider both task-related functional networks (externally-driven engagement), and resting-state networks, such as default mode network (internal control). Both types of networks are important elements of bilingual language control, which relies on domain-general executive control.


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Neuropsychiatric syndromes are highly prevalent in Alzheimer's disease (AD), but their neurobiology is not completely understood. New methods in functional magnetic resonance imaging, such as intrinsic functional connectivity or resting-state analysis, may help to clarify this issue. Using such approaches, alterations in the default-mode and salience networks (SNs) have been described in Alzheimer's, although their relationship with specific symptoms remains unclear. We therefore carried out resting-state functional connectivity analysis with 20 patients with mild to moderate AD, and correlated their scores on neuropsychiatric inventory syndromes (apathy, hyperactivity, affective syndrome, and psychosis) with maps of connectivity in the default mode network and SN. In addition, we compared network connectivity in these patients with that in 17 healthy elderly control subjects. All analyses were controlled for gray matter density and other potential confounds. Alzheimer's patients showed increased functional connectivity within the SN compared with controls (right anterior cingulate cortex and left medial frontal gyrus), along with reduced functional connectivity in the default-mode network (bilateral precuneus). A correlation between increased connectivity in anterior cingulate cortex and right insula areas of the SN and hyperactivity syndrome (agitation, irritability, aberrant motor behavior, euphoria, and disinhibition) was found. These findings demonstrate an association between specific network changes in AD and particular neuropsychiatric symptom types. This underlines the potential clinical significance of resting state alterations in future diagnosis and therapy. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Argomento del presente lavoro è l’analisi di dati fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) nell’ambito di uno studio EEG-fMRI su pazienti affetti da malattia di Parkinson idiopatica. L’EEG-fMRI combina due diverse tecniche per lo studio in vivo dell’attività cerebrale: l'elettroencefalografia (EEG) e la risonanza magnetica funzionale. La prima registra l’attività elettrica dei neuroni corticali con ottima risoluzione temporale; la seconda misura indirettamente l’attività neuronale registrando gli effetti metabolici ad essa correlati, con buona risoluzione spaziale. L’acquisizione simultanea e la combinazione dei due tipi di dati permettono di sfruttare i vantaggi di ciascuna tecnica. Scopo dello studio è l’indagine della connettività funzionale cerebrale in condizioni di riposo in pazienti con malattia di Parkinson idiopatica ad uno stadio precoce. In particolare, l’interesse è focalizzato sulle variazioni della connettività con aree motorie primarie e supplementari in seguito alla somministrazione della terapia dopaminergica. Le quattro fasi principali dell’analisi dei dati sono la correzione del rumore fisiologico, il pre-processing usuale dei dati fMRI, l’analisi di connettività “seed-based “ e la combinazione dei dati relativi ad ogni paziente in un’analisi statistica di gruppo. Usando ’elettrocardiogramma misurato contestualmente all’EEG ed una stima dell’attività respiratoria, è stata effettuata la correzione del rumore fisiologico, ottenendo risultati consistenti con la letteratura. L’analisi di connettività fMRI ha mostrato un aumento significativo della connettività dopo la somministrazione della terapia: in particolare, si è riscontrato che le aree cerebrali maggiormente connesse alle aree motorie sono quelle coinvolte nel network sensorimotorio, nel network attentivo e nel default mode network. Questi risultati suggeriscono che la terapia dopaminergica, oltre ad avere un effetto positivo sulle performance motorie durante l’esecuzione del movimento, inizia ad agire anche in condizioni di riposo, migliorando le funzioni attentive ed esecutive, componenti integranti della fase preparatoria del movimento. Nel prossimo futuro questi risultati verranno combinati con quelli ottenuti dall’analisi dei dati EEG.


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This thesis will focus on the residual function and visual and attentional deficits in human patients, which accompany damage to the visual cortex or its thalamic afferents, and plastic changes, which follow it. In particular, I will focus on homonymous visual field defects, which comprise a broad set of central disorders of vision. I will present experimental evidence that when the primary visual pathway is completely damaged, the only signal that can be implicitly processed via subcortical visual networks is fear. I will also present data showing that in a patient with relative deafferentation of visual cortex, changes in the spatial tuning and response gain of the contralesional and ipsilesional cortex are observed, which are accompanied by changes in functional connectivity with regions belonging to the dorsal attentional network and the default mode network. I will also discuss how cortical plasticity might be harnessed to improve recovery through novel treatments. Moreover, I will show how treatment interventions aimed at recruiting spared subcortical pathway supporting multisensory orienting can drive network level change.


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Aim: To assess if the intake of levodopa in patients with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) changes cerebral connectivity, as revealed by simultaneous recording of hemodynamic (functional MRI, or fMRI) and electric (electroencephalogram, EEG) signals. Particularly, we hypothesize that the strongest changes in FC will involve the motor network, which is the most impaired in PD. Methods: Eight patients with diagnosis of PD “probable”, therapy with levodopa exclusively, normal cognitive and affective status, were included. Exclusion criteria were: moderate-severe rest tremor, levodopa induced dyskinesia, evidence of gray or white matter abnormalities on structural MRI. Scalp EEG (64 channels) were acquired inside the scanner (1.5 Tesla) before and after the intake of levodopa. fMRI functional connectivity was computed from four regions of interest: right and left supplementary motor area (SMA) and right and left precentral gyrus (primary motor cortex). Weighted partial directed coherence (w-PDC) was computed in the inverse space after the removal of EEG gradient and cardioballistic artifacts. Results and discussion: fMRI group analysis shows that the intake of levodopa increases hemodynamic functional connectivity among the SMAs / primary motor cortex and: sensory-motor network itself, attention network and default mode network. w-PDC analysis shows that EEG connectivity among regions of the motor network has the tendency to decrease after the intake the levodopa; furthermore, regions belonging to the DMN have the tendency to increase their outflow toward the rest of the brain. These findings, even if in a small sample of patients, suggest that other resting state physiological functional networks, beyond the motor one, are affected in patients with PD. The behavioral and cognitive tasks corresponding to the affected networks could benefit from the intake of levodopa.


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COMPOSERS COMMONLY USE MAJOR OR MINOR SCALES to create different moods in music.Nonmusicians show poor discrimination and classification of this musical dimension; however, they can perform these tasks if the decision is phrased as happy vs. sad.We created pairs of melodies identical except for mode; the first major or minor third or sixth was the critical note that distinguished major from minor mode. Musicians and nonmusicians judged each melody as major vs. minor or happy vs. sad.We collected ERP waveforms, triggered to the onset of the critical note. Musicians showed a late positive component (P3) to the critical note only for the minor melodies, and in both tasks.Nonmusicians could adequately classify the melodies as happy or sad but showed little evidence of processing the critical information. Major appears to be the default mode in music, and musicians and nonmusicians apparently process mode differently.