997 resultados para ddc:690


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"Beitrag des Instituts für Sozialforschung zu dem Forschungsprojekt über Autorität" (3.1.1951). Typoskript, 5 Blatt; "Reactions to the Antisemitic Incidents in January 1960. A Pilot Study in Frankfurt am Main. Summary of Procedure and Results" (1960). Typoskript, 6 Blatt (= Alt.Sig. IX 234.13 a); "Proposal for International Study of Anti-Semitism" (1960):; 1. American Jewish Committee: Luncheon Meeting, May 25, 1960, Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 2. American Jewish Committee, Institute of Human Relations: "The JDA Agencies and Germany" (17.5.1960). Als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 32 Blatt; Exzerpte aus Werken über Antisemitismus, Literaturlisten (etwa 1933-46):; 1. Everett R. Clinchy, Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 2. Paul K. Hatt, Typoskript, 3 Blatt; 3. John Moffat Mecklin, Typoskript, 3 Blatt; 4. Conrad Henry Moehlman, Typoskript, 4 Blatt; 5. Maurice Samuel, Typoskript, 5 Blatt; 6. Milton Steinberg, Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 7. "General Literature on Antisemitism", Liste, Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Ergänzungen, 1 Blatt; 8. "Bibliography" zum Judentum, 15 Blatt; 9. Literaturliste, handschriftliche Notizen, 9 Blatt; 10. Literaturliste, eigenhändige Notizen von Max Horkheimer, 1 Blatt; 11. Literaturliste, 1 Blatt; 12. Zitate zum Judentum aus Zeitschriften, 1 Blatt; Memorandum zum Antisemitismus (1944-48):; 1. S. Andhil Fineberg: "Notes on 'A Mask for Privilege' by Carey McWilliams", als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 4 Blatt; Carey McWilliams: "Memorandum" (8.5.1948), Typoskript, 3 Blatt; Lawrence Bloomgarden und S.A. Fineberg: "In Reply to Carey McWilliams Memorandum of May 8th", Typoskript, 3 Blatt; 2. Rundbriefe der American Jewish Sociological Society, 1944, als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 4 Blatt; 3. Bericht über einen Vortrag von Wladimir Eliasberg über Antisemitismus, Typoskript, 1 Blatt; Abschriften und Übersetzungen aus Zeitungsartikeln über Antisemitismus (1939-43):; 1. "A Note on Anti-Semitism", aus: The New Statesman and Nation (13.3.1939), Typoskript, 7 Blatt; 2. Abschriften aus deutschen und englischen Zeitungen, 1939, Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 3. "A Homility of the Bishop of Cremona" (Übersetzung aus: Osservatore Romano) 1939. Typoskript, 18 Blatt; Veröffentlichungen über Antisemitismus, Vorurteil, Demagogie (1941-63):; 1. Earl Raab und Seymour M. Lipset: "Prejudice and Society", Freedom Pamphlet Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (New York 1963), 48 Seiten; 2. Committee on Education, Training and Research in Race Relations of the University of Chicago: Bulletin, Nr. 1, 30.6.1948, 55. Seiten; 3. Solomon Andhil Fineberg: "Checkmate for Rabble-Rousers. What to Do When the Demagogue Comes to Town", Sonderdruck aus Commentary, Vol. 2, 1946 und eine Broschüre, 20 Seiten; 4. Kurt Lewin: "A new Approach to Old Problems", aus: Congress Week, 19.1.1945, 2 Blatt; 5. Eric A. Johnston: "Intolerance", New York, 11.1.1945, Heft, 8 Blatt; 6. Philip Wylie: "Memorandum on Anti-Semitism", aus: American Mercury, Januar 1945, 5 Blatt; 7. S.I. Hayakawa: "Race and Words", aus: Common Sense, Juli 1943, 3 Blatt; 8. David Riesman: "The Politics of Persecution". Als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 21 Blatt; 9. James P. Gifford, Frank D. Schroth, Maximilian Moss, Edward A. Richards, Samuel J. Levinson, Thomas G. Grace: "Anti-Semitism. It's Causes and Cures", New York, 1941, 30 Seiten;


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Fluctuations in oxygen (d18O) and carbon (d13C) isotope values of benthic foraminiferal calcite from the tropical Pacific and Southern Oceans indicate rapid reversals in the dominant mode and direction of the thermohaline circulation during a 1 m.y. interval (71-70 Ma) in the Maastrichtian. At the onset of this change, benthic foraminiferal d18O values increased and were highest in low-latitude Pacific Ocean waters, whereas benthic and planktic foraminiferal d13C values decreased and benthic values were lowest in the Southern Ocean. Subsequently, benthic foraminiferal d18O values in the Indo-Pacific decreased, and benthic and planktic d13C values increased globally. These isotopic patterns suggest that cool intermediate-depth waters, derived from high-latitude regions, penetrated temporarily to the tropics. The low benthic d13C values at the Southern Ocean sites, however, suggest that these cool waters may have been derived from high northern rather than high southern latitudes. Correlation with eustatic sea-level curves suggests that sea-level change was the most likely mechanism to change the circulation and/or source(s) of intermediate-depth waters. We thus propose that oceanic circulation during the latest Cretaceous was vigorous and that competing sources of intermediate- and deep-water formation, linked to changes in climate and sea level, may have alternated in importance.


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Biogenic calcareous and siliceous sediments were drilled at ODP Sites 689 and 690 on the Maud Rise, Antarctic Ocean. We analyzed dissolved combined amino acids (DCAA) and dissolved free amino acids (DFAA) in interstitial waters in order to characterize the amino acids in dissolved organic matter. The DFAA was predominant over the DCAA in interstitial waters at Sites 689 and 690, which contradicted the previous results from interstitial water and seawater studies. The DCAA in the interstitial waters probably originated from calcareous biogenic debris with less amounts of siliceous debris. Although glutamic acid constituted 41% of the total concentration of DCAA, it accounted for only 1% of the total concentration of DFAA due to the adsorption and/or reaction with biogenic carbonate. Ornithine, a nonprotein amino acid, is a decomposed product of arginine and made up 17 mol% of the total DFAA and. The total hydrolyzable amino acids (=DCAA + DFAA) accounted for 5 to 28% of the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration, which implied that high molecular weight organic matter was a major contributor for the DOM (dissolved organic matter) in interstitial waters. Fairly positive correlation between the dissolved manganese and the total DCAA values suggested that the redox condition plays a significant role in controlling the total DCAA content. A small decrease in the sulfate concentration in the interstitial waters from both sites suggested fairly low microbial activity by sulfate-reducing bacteria.


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This contribution summarizes the biostratigraphy of planktonic foraminifers, calcareous nannofossils, and benthic foraminifers, in combination with the magnetostratigraphy, carbon and oxygen isotope stratigraphy of benthic foraminifers, and CaCO3 stratigraphy for the Maestrichtian through Paleogene calcareous sequences recovered at Sites 689 and 690 on Maud Rise (at about 65°S, eastern Weddell Sea, Antarctica). These data represent the southernmost calciumcarbonate record available for that interval, and thus extend the biostratigraphic and isotopic database to higher latitudes. Sites 689 and 690 form the southernmost anchor of a north-south transect through the Atlantic Ocean for Paleogene biostratigraphy and chemostratigraphy.