988 resultados para day-surgery
We conducted a national survey of Australian hospitals to assess their use of telehealth. Information was sought from the 814 hospitals with 10 or more beds, excluding the small number that provided only day surgery and seven for which we could not identify a contact person. A total of 564 replies were received (a 69% response rate). Nationally, nearly half (49%) reported that they were engaged in some telehealth activity. However, there was a significant difference across jurisdictions. Hospitals in the public sector were significantly more likely to report the use of telehealth than those in the private sector (62% vs 14%). Hospital remoteness was measured according to the Accessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia (ARIA). The highest levels of use were reported by hospitals in 'very remote' and 'remote' areas (90% and 88%, respectively), with moderate levels of use in 'moderately accessible' and 'accessible' areas (67% and 52%, respectively) and the lowest level of use in 'highly accessible' areas (35%). This trend was significant.
AIM: Hyperglycaemia is now a recognized predictive factor of morbidity and mortality after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). For this reason, we aimed to evaluate the postoperative management of glucose control in patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery, and to assess the impact of glucose levels on in-hospital mortality and morbidity. METHODS: This was a retrospective study investigating the association between postoperative blood glucose and outcomes, including death, post-surgical complications, and length of stay in the intensive care unit (ICU) and in hospital. RESULTS: A total of 642 consecutive patients were enrolled into the study after cardiovascular surgery (CABG, carotid endarterectomy and bypass in the lower limbs). Patients' mean age was 68+/-10 years, and 74% were male. In-hospital mortality was 5% in diabetic patients vs 2% in non-diabetic patients (OR: 1.66, P=0.076). Having blood glucose levels in the upper quartile range (> or =8.8 mmol/L) on postoperative day 1 was independently associated with death (OR: 10.16, P=0.0002), infectious complications (OR: 1.76, P=0.04) and prolonged ICU stay (OR: 3.10, P<0.0001). Patients presenting with three or more hypoglycaemic episodes (<4.1 mmol/L) had increased rates of mortality (OR: 9.08, P<0.0001) and complications (OR: 8.57, P<0.0001). CONCLUSION: Glucose levels greater than 8.8 mmol/L on postoperative day 1 and having three or more hypoglycaemic episodes in the postoperative period were predictive of mortality and morbidity among patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery. This suggests that a multidisciplinary approach may be able to achieve better postoperative blood glucose control. Conclusion: Objectif: L'hyperglycémie a été reconnue comme facteur prédictif de morbidité et mortalité après un pontage aortocoronaire. Notre étude avait pour objectif d'évaluer la prise en charge postopératoire des glycémies chez les patients qui avaient subi une intervention chirurgicale cardiovasculaire et d'évaluer l'impact de ces glycémies sur la mortalité et la morbidité intrahospitalières. Méthodes: Étude rétrospective recherchant une association entre la glycémie postopératoire et les complications postchirurgicales, la mortalité et la durée du séjour aux soins intensifs et à l'hôpital. Résultats: L'étude a été réalisée sur 642 patients qui avaient subi une intervention chirurgicale cardiovasculaire (ex. pontage aortocoronaire, endartérectomie de la carotide, pontage artériel des membres inférieurs). L'âge moyen est de 68 ± 10 ans et 74 % des patients étaient de sexe masculin. La mortalité intrahospitalière a été de 5 % parmi les patients diabétiques et 2 % chez les non-diabétiques (OR 1,66, p = 0,076). Les taux de glycémies situés dans le quartile supérieur (≥ 8,8 mmol/l) à j1 postopératoire sont associés de manière indépendante avec la mortalité (OR 10,16, 95 % CI 3,20-39,00, p = 0,0002), les complications infectieuses (OR 1,76, 95 % CI 1,02-3,00, p = 0,04) et la durée du séjour aux soins intensifs (OR 3,10, 95 % CI 1,83-5,38, p < 0,0001). Les patients qui avaient présenté trois hypoglycémies ou plus (< 4,1 mmol/l) ont présenté un taux augmenté de mortalité (OR 9,08, p ≤ 0,0001) et de complications (OR 8,57, p < 0,0001). Conclusion : Des glycémies supérieures à 8,8 mmol/l à j1 postopératoire et la présence de trois hypoglycémies ou plus en période postopératoire sont des facteurs prédictifs de mauvais pronostic chez les patients qui avaient subi une intervention chirurgicale cardiovasculaire. Ainsi, une approche multidisciplinaire devrait être proposée afin d'obtenir un meilleur contrôle postopératoire des glycémies.
AIM: Hyperglycaemia is now a recognized predictive factor of morbidity and mortality after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). For this reason, we aimed to evaluate the postoperative management of glucose control in patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery, and to assess the impact of glucose levels on in-hospital mortality and morbidity. METHODS: This was a retrospective study investigating the association between postoperative blood glucose and outcomes, including death, post-surgical complications, and length of stay in the intensive care unit (ICU) and in hospital. RESULTS: A total of 642 consecutive patients were enrolled into the study after cardiovascular surgery (CABG, carotid endarterectomy and bypass in the lower limbs). Patients' mean age was 68+/-10 years, and 74% were male. In-hospital mortality was 5% in diabetic patients vs 2% in non-diabetic patients (OR: 1.66, P=0.076). Having blood glucose levels in the upper quartile range (> or =8.8 mmol/L) on postoperative day 1 was independently associated with death (OR: 10.16, P=0.0002), infectious complications (OR: 1.76, P=0.04) and prolonged ICU stay (OR: 3.10, P<0.0001). Patients presenting with three or more hypoglycaemic episodes (<4.1 mmol/L) had increased rates of mortality (OR: 9.08, P<0.0001) and complications (OR: 8.57, P<0.0001). CONCLUSION: Glucose levels greater than 8.8 mmol/L on postoperative day 1 and having three or more hypoglycaemic episodes in the postoperative period were predictive of mortality and morbidity among patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery. This suggests that a multidisciplinary approach may be able to achieve better postoperative blood glucose control.
The traditional surgical training in the operating room (OR) is often complemented by participation in workshops and on simulators. The foundation Vascular International offers basic courses for vascular surgery techniques with training on pulsatile circulation, lifelike anatomical models. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of a 2.5-day intensive course on basic skills in vascular surgery.
We report a case of a 67 year-old-male patient admitted to the intensive care unit in the post-coronary bypass surgery period who presented cardiogenic shock, acute renal failure and three episodes of sepsis, the latter with pulmonary distress at the 30th post-operative day. The patient expired within five days in spite of treatment with vancomycin, imipenem, colistimethate and amphotericin B. At autopsy severe adenovirus pneumonia was found. Viral pulmonary infections following cardiovascular surgery are uncommon. We highlight the importance of etiological diagnosis to a correct treatment approach.
This investigation examined the impact of a 17-d training period (that included basketball-specific training, sprints, intermittent running exercises, and weight training, prior to an international championship competition) on salivary immunoglobulin A (SIgA) levels in 10 subjects (athletes and staff members) from a national basketball team, as a biomarker for mucosal immune defence. Unstimulated saliva samples were collected at rest at the beginning of the preparation for the Pan American Games and 1 d before the first game. The recovery interval from the last bout of exercise was 4 h. The SIgA level was measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and expressed as absolute concentrations, secretion rate, and SIgA level relative to total protein. The decrease in SIgA levels following training was greater in athletes than in support staff; however, no significant differences between the two groups were detected. A decrease in SIgA level, regardless of the method used to express IgA results, was verified for athletes. Only one episode of upper respiratory tract illness symptoms was reported, and it was not associated with changes in SIgA levels. In summary, a situation of combined stress for an important championship was found to decrease the level of SIgA-mediated immune protection at the mucosal surface in team members, with greater changes observed in the athletes.
Objectives: Resternotomy is a common part of cardiac surgical practice. Associated with resternotomy are the risks of cardiac injury and catastrophic hemorrhage and the subsequent elevated morbidity and mortality in the operating room or during the postoperative period. The technique of direct vision resternotomy is safe and has fewer, if any, serious cardiac injuries. The technique, the reduced need for groin cannulation and the overall low operative mortality and morbidity are the focus of this restrospective analysis. Methods: The records of 495 patients undergoing 546 resternotomies over a 21-year period to January 2000 were reviewed. All consecutive reoperations by the one surgeon comprised patients over the age of 20 at first resternotomy: M:F 343:203, mean age 57 years (range 20 to 85, median age 60). The mean NYHA grade was 2.3 [with 67 patients (1), 273 (11),159 (111), 43 (IV), and 4 (V classification)] with elective reoperation in 94.6%. Cardiac injury was graded into five groups and the incidence and reasons for groin cannulation estimated. The morbidity and mortality as a result of the reoperation and resternotomy were assessed. Results: The hospital/30 day mortality was 2.9% (95% Cl: 1.6%-4.4%) (16 deaths) over the 21 years. First (481), second (53), and third (12) resternotomies produced 307 uncomplicated technical reopenings, 203 slower but uncomplicated procedures, 9 minor superficial cardiac lacerations, and no moderate or severe cardiac injuries. Direct vision resternotomy is crystalized into the principle that only adhesions that are visualized from below are divided and only sternal bone that is freed of adhesions is sewn. Groin exposure was never performed prophylactically for resternotomy. Fourteen patients (2.6%) had such cannulation for aortic dissection/aneurysm (9 patients), excessive sternal adherence of cardiac structures (3 patients), presurgery cardiac arrest (1 patient), and high aortic cannulation desired and not possible (1 patient). The average postop blood loss was 594 mL (95% CI:558-631) in the first 12 hours. The need to return to the operating room for control of excessive bleeding was 2% (11 patients). Blood transfusion was given in 65% of the resternotomy procedures over the 21 years (mean 854 mL 95% Cl 765-945 mL) and 41% over the last 5 years. Conclusions: The technique of direct vision resternotomy has been associated with zero moderate or major cardiac injury/catastrophic hemorrhage at reoperation. Few patients have required groin cannulation. In the postoperative period, there was acceptable blood loss, transfusion rates, reduced morbidity, and moderate low mortality for this potentially high risk group.
Objectives: To examine the association between introduction of paediatric ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgery guidelines and population procedure rates. To determine changes in children's risk of undergoing ENT surgery. Methods: Trend analysis of incidence of myringotomy, tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy among New South Wales (NSW) children aged 0-14 between 1981 and mid 1999. Poisson regression models were used to estimate annual rates of change pre and postguidelines introduction and age/gender specific rates, and lifetable methods to determine risk of undergoing an ENT procedure by age 15. Results: ENT surgery rates increased by 21% over the study period. Children's risk of surgery increased from 17.9% in 1981 to 20.2% in 1998/99. Guideline introduction was associated with moderate short-term decreases in rates. For tonsillectomy, rates decreased between 1981 and 1983, but then rose continually until the introduction of myringotomy guidelines in 1993, when they fell, only to recommence rising until the end of the study period. For myringotomy, rates rose annually from 1981 to 1992/93 and fell in the 3 years following guideline introduction, after which they rose again. Increases were almost exclusively restricted to children aged 0-4 and correspond with increased use of formal childcare. The prevalence of myringotomy by the age of 5 years rose from 5.6% of children born in 1988/89 to 6.4% of those born in 1994/95, and the prevalence of tonsillectomy from 2.4% to 2.7%. Conclusions: The risk of young Australian children undergoing ENT surgery increased significantly over the last two decades despite the introduction of guidelines and no evidence of an increase in otitis media, one condition prompting surgery. Surgery increased most among the very young. We hypothesize this is related to increasing use of childcare.
Third molar extraction surgery is one of the most frequently performed procedures in the areas of buccal-maxillofacial traumatology and surgery. The post-surgery evolution was evaluated based on the clinical evidence obtained so far. The objective of this study was to analyze the post-surgery clinical evolution of the masseter muscle by means of surface electromyography, to evaluate muscle activity. Four analyses were performed: one pre-surgery, to register the normal activity, and three in post-surgery: on the 7(th), 14(th) and 21(st) postoperative days, in a sample of 30 patients. On the 21(st) day, there was near normal recovery of the electrical signal of the masseter in women, but in men this activity did not reach normal levels. Surface electromyography is a safe and reliable tool for post-surgery evolution control of masseter function.
Background The objective of this study was to evaluate the early results of the laparoscopic interposition of a segment of ileum associated with a sleeve gastrectomy (LII-SG) in order to treat patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and BMI <35. Data regarding morbidly obese diabetic patients subjected to surgery has consistently been validated. To date, there is scarce information about morbidity and mortality related to the surgical treatment of a ""true"" typical diabetic population with BMI <35. Methods The procedures were performed in 454 patients (322 male, 132 female). Mean age was 53.6 +/- 8 years (range = 27-75). Mean BMI was 29.7 +/- 3.6 kg/m(2) (range = 19-34.8). All patients had the diagnosis of T2DM for at least 3 years. Insulin therapy was used by 45.6% of patients. Mean duration of T2DM was 10.8 +/- 5.9 years (range = 3-35). Mean hemoglobin A(1c) was 8.8 +/- 1.9%. Dyslipidemia was observed in 78.4%, hypertension in 64.8%, nephropathy in 28.6%, retinopathy in 32.6%, neuropathy in 34.6%, and coronary heart disease in 13%. Results There was no conversion to open surgery. All patients were evaluated postoperatively. Mortality was 0.4%. There were 29 major complications (6.4%) in 22 patients (4.8%) and 51 minor complications (11.2%). Reoperations were performed on 8 patients (1.7%). Twenty patients (4.4%) were readmitted to the hospital. Mean postoperative BMI was 25.8 +/- 3.5 kg/m(2). Mean fasting plasma glucose decreased from 198 +/- 69 to 128 +/- 67 mg/dl and mean postprandial plasma glucose decreased from 262 +/- 101 to 136 +/- 43 mg/dl. Conclusions The laparoscopic ileal interposition associated with a sleeve gastrectomy was considered a safe operation with low rates of morbidity and mortality in a diabetic population with BMI < 35. An early control of postprandial glycemia was observed.
Context Perioperative red blood cell transfusion is commonly used to address anemia, an independent risk factor for morbidity and mortality after cardiac operations; however, evidence regarding optimal blood transfusion practice in patients undergoing cardiac surgery is lacking. Objective To define whether a restrictive perioperative red blood cell transfusion strategy is as safe as a liberal strategy in patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery. Design, Setting, and Patients The Transfusion Requirements After Cardiac Surgery (TRACS) study, a prospective, randomized, controlled clinical noninferiority trial conducted between February 2009 and February 2010 in an intensive care unit at a university hospital cardiac surgery referral center in Brazil. Consecutive adult patients (n=502) who underwent cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass were eligible; analysis was by intention-to-treat. Intervention Patients were randomly assigned to a liberal strategy of blood transfusion (to maintain a hematocrit >= 30%) or to a restrictive strategy (hematocrit >= 24%). Main Outcome Measure Composite end point of 30-day all-cause mortality and severe morbidity (cardiogenic shock, acute respiratory distress syndrome, or acute renal injury requiring dialysis or hemofiltration) occurring during the hospital stay. The noninferiority margin was predefined at -8% (ie, 8% minimal clinically important increase in occurrence of the composite end point). Results Hemoglobin concentrations were maintained at a mean of 10.5 g/dL(95% confidence interval [CI], 10.4-10.6) in the liberal-strategy group and 9.1 g/dL (95% CI, 9.09.2) in the restrictive-strategy group (P<.001). A total of 198 of 253 patients (78%) in the liberal-strategy group and 118 of 249 (47%) in the restrictive-strategy group received a blood transfusion (P<.001). Occurrence of the primary end point was similar between groups (10% liberal vs 11% restrictive; between-group difference, 1% [95% CI, -6% to 4%]; P=.85). Independent of transfusion strategy, the number of transfused red blood cell units was an independent risk factor for clinical complications or death at 30 days (hazard ratio for each additional unit transfused, 1.2 [95% CI, 1.1-1.4]; P=.002). Conclusion Among patients undergoing cardiac surgery, the use of a restrictive perioperative transfusion strategy compared with a more liberal strategy resulted in noninferior rates of the combined outcome of 30-day all-cause mortality and severe morbidity. Trial Registration clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT01021631 JAMA. 2010; 304(14):1559-1567 www.jama.com
Low-grade inflammation adversely influences metabolism and cardiovascular prognosis, nevertheless increased intake of fruits and vegetables has rarely been studied in this context. Objective: In a prospective controlled study, the effect on C-reactive protein (CRP) levels was assessed. Methodology: Sixty consecutive women undergoing cosmetic abdominal surgery were instructed to consume six servings each of fruits and vegetables during the first postoperative month. Detailed 24h interviewer-administered dietary recall was conducted at baseline and at the end of the study, with weekly returns to monitor unscheduled dietary changes and compliance with the protocol. Variance (ANOVA) and covariance (ANCOVA) were evaluated to confirm significance and minimize confounding variables. Results: No differences concerning age (42.2 +/- 5.3 vs 41.1 +/- 6.0 years) or BMI (25.5 +/- 3.1 vs 25.0 +/- 3.0 kg/m(2)) occurred. Ingestion of fruits increased to approximately 5.2 vs 3.9 and of vegetables 5.9 vs 3.4 servings/ day, respectively. CRP decreased more conspicuously in the treated group (P = 0.028), and correlation between vitamin C input and CRP in supplemented participants was demonstrated (P = 0.014). Conclusions: Higher intake of antioxidant foods was feasible, and an antiinflammaotory effect occurred. Further studies with longer administration and follow-up period are recommended.
Background Surgical treatment has proved to be effective for weight loss, improving the quality of life of obese individuals. However, metabolic and nutritional deficiencies may occur during the late postoperative period. The objective of the present study was to assess the metabolic and nutritional profile of grade III obese individuals for 12 months after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP). Methods Forty-eight patients with mean body mass index (BMI) of 51.9 +/- 7.8 kg/m(2) were submitted to RYGBP. Anthropometric, food intake, and biochemical data were obtained before and for 12 months after surgery. Results There was an average weight and body fat reduction of 35% and 46%, respectively. Calorie intake was reduced, ranging from 773 +/- 206 to 1035 +/- 345 kcal during the study. Protein intake remained below recommended values throughout follow-up, corresponding to 0.5 +/- 0.3 g/kg/current body weight/day during the 12th month. Iron and fiber intake was significantly reduced, remaining below recommended levels throughout the study. Serum cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and glycemia were reduced. Albumin deficiency was present in 15.6% of subjects at the beginning of the study vs 8.9% at the end, calcium deficiency was present in 3.4% vs 16.7%, and iron deficiency was present in 12.2% vs 14.6%. Conclusions RYGBP was effective for weight loss and for the reduction of obesity rates and risk factors for comorbidities. The diet of these patients, who frequently present inadequate intake of macronutrients and micronutrients, should receive special attention. Patient follow-up and assessment at short intervals are necessary for an early correction of nutritional deficiencies.
Obesity has become a global epidemic and bariatric surgery is one of the therapeutic tools to deal with it. Postoperative complications can occur, such as staple line dehiscence and anastomotic leaks, leading to increased patient mortality. The diagnosis of these complications is frequently difficult. The objective of the present study was to determine whether peritoneal and systemic cytokines could early detect those complications. All patients who underwent open Roux-en-Y gastric bypass from February 2007 to August 2008 were prospectively evaluated. Blood and peritoneal effluent from the drain were collected for the determination of cytokine levels. We also evaluated the clinical signs and the leukograms of the patients. A total of 107 obese patients were studied. Ninety patients had no complications; 17 had at least one infectious complication which include five cases of staple line dehiscence. Until the third postoperative day, the vital signs and the leukogram did not predict the onset of infectious complications, but the cytokines (interleukin-1 beta and interleukin-6) were early markers of these complications. Cytokines are good predictors of poor postoperative evolution in bariatric surgery since peritoneal cytokines diagnose better these infectious complications even before changes in blood count and before the occurrence of clinical manifestations.
This study seeks to assess the effect of inspiratory muscle training (IMT) on pulmonary function, respiratory muscle strength, and endurance in morbidly obese patients submitted to bariatric surgery. Thirty patients were randomly assigned to sham muscular training, or to IMT with a threshold device (40% of maximum inspiratory pressure, MIP), for 30 min/day, from the 2nd until 30th postoperative (PO) day. All of them were submitted to a standard respiratory kinesiotherapy and early deambulation protocol. Data on spirometry, maximum static respiratory pressures, and respiratory muscle endurance were collected on the PO days 2, 7, 14, and 30 in a blinded matter. IMT enabled increases in PO MIP and endurance, and an earlier recovery of the spirometry parameters FEV(1), PEF, and FEF(25-75%). Comparing to preoperative values, MIP was increased by 13% at the 30th PO day in the trained group, whereas control group had a reduction of 8%, with higher values for the IMT group (30th PO, IMT-130.6 +/- 22.9 cmH(2)O; controls-112.9 +/- 25.1 cmH(2)O; p < 0.05). Muscular endurance at the 30th PO day was increased in the trained group comparing to preoperative value (61.5 +/- 39.6 s vs 114.9 +/- 55.2 s; p < 0.05), a finding not observed in the control group (81.7 +/- 44.3 vs 95.2 +/- 42.0 s). IMT improves inspiratory muscle strength and endurance and accounts for an earlier recovery of pulmonary airflows in morbidly obese patients submitted to bariatric surgery.