996 resultados para dating violence


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.


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A violência nas relações íntimas juvenis (VRIJ) constitui uma problemática socialmente relevante, transversal a diferentes culturas e com potencial desestruturante no bem-estar dos jovens. Além disso, é igualmente sabido que a forma como as vítimas respondem a este tipo de abuso íntimo pode determinar a expressão e as dificuldades de ajustamento. Tendo por base esta realidade, a presente dissertação tem por objetivo geral caraterizar as vivências amorosas abusivas dos jovens adultos, o (des)ajustamento psicossocial daqueles que admitiram ter sofrido algum tipo de violência e as estratégias de coping que utilizam para fazer face ao impacto da VRIJ, com recurso ao Questionário de Vivências Amorosas Abusivas (QVAA) e ao Brief COPE. Para tal, recorreu-se a uma amostra intencional de 287 indivíduos, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 25 anos (M=22.08; DP=1.69). No total dos participantes envolvidos em relações amorosas, 13.9% dos jovens admitiram perpetrar atos abusivos contra o/a namorado/a, e 23.7% admitiram ter sido vítimas destes comportamentos, sendo a agressão psicológica a mais reportada tanto em termos de perpetração como de vitimação. Foi também possível verificar que as repercussões da VRIJ, nos jovens que admitiram a vitimação, se manifestam maioritariamente ao nível dos sentimentos e comportamentos, e que grande parte destes utilizam estratégias de coping do tipo ativo para lidarem com a situação. A partir dos dados obtidos pretende-se aprofundar o conhecimento sobre o fenómeno da VRIJ, procurando tecer algumas considerações sobre as estratégias interventivas a adotar na intervenção com as suas vítimas.


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The information contained in this Annual Safety and Security Report is provided to new and prospective students and employees, as well as their families, and all current members of the campus community. It contains Public Safety Services and Programming,Building Threat and Vulnerability Assessment Program,Campus Security authorities, Annual Preparation of Crime Statistics, Disclosure of Crime Statistics, Daily Crime Log, How to Report a Crime, Suspicious Activity or Emergency, Silent Witness Program, Relationship with Local Authorities, Off-Campus Violations & Criminal Activity, Confidential Reporting, Timely Warning Procedures, Emergency Response, Notification and Evacuation Procedures Activation Authority, Available Communications Media, Emergency Notification Tests, Emergency Evacuation Procedures, Shelter-in-Place Procedures,Crime Prevention and Safety Awareness Programs, Emergency Telephones, Access To Facilities, Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds, Alcohol and Other Drugs, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking, Sex Offender Registration, Weapons on Campus, Referrals for Disciplinary Action, Crime Information: Definitions and Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Definitions, Reporting Areas. Crime Statistics


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Rapport d’analyse de pratiques présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maîtrise ès sciences (M.Sc.) en service social


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Women with a disability continue to experience social oppression and domestic violence as a consequence of gender and disability dimensions. Current explanations of domestic violence and disability inadequately explain several features that lead women who have a disability to experience violent situations. This article incorporates both disability and material feminist theory as an alternative explanation to the dominant approaches (psychological and sociological traditions) of conceptualising domestic violence. This paper is informed by a study which was concerned with examining the nature and perceptions of violence against women with a physical impairment. The emerging analytical framework integrating material feminist interpretations and disability theory provided a basis for exploring gender and disability dimensions. Insight was also provided by the women who identified as having a disability in the study and who explained domestic violence in terms of a gendered and disabling experience. The article argues that material feminist interpretations and disability theory, with their emphasis on gender relations, disablism and poverty, should be used as an alternative tool for exploring the nature and consequences of violence against women with a disability.


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This paper demonstrates how Indigenous Studies is controlled in some Australian universities in ways that continue the marginalisation, denigration and exploitation of Indigenous peoples. Moreover, it shows how the engagement of white notions of “inclusion” can result in the maintenance of racism, systemic marginalisation, white race privilege and radicalised subjectivity. A case study will be utilised which draws from the experience of two Indigenous scholars who were invited to be part of a panel to review one Australian university’s plan and courses in Indigenous studies. The case study offers the opportunity to destabilise the relationships between oppression and privilege and the epistemology that maintains them. The paper argues for the need to examine exactly what is being offered when universities provide opportunities for “inclusion”.


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Typically adolescents' friends are considered a risk factor for adolescent engagement in risk-taking. This study took a more novel approach, by examining adolescent friendship as a protective factor. In particular it investigated friends' potential to intervene to reduce risk-taking. 540 adolescents (mean age 13.47 years) were asked about their intention to intervene to reduce friends' alcohol, drug and alcohol-related harms and about psychosocial factors potentially associated with intervening. More than half indicated that they would intervene in friends' alcohol, drug use, alcohol-related harms and interpersonal violence. Intervening was associated with being female, having friends engage in overall less risk-taking and having greater school connectedness. The findings provide an important understanding of increasing adolescent protective behavior as a potential strategy to reduce alcohol and drug related harms.


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This is an important book that ought to launch a debate about how we research our understanding of the world, it is an innovative intervention in a vital public issue, and it is an elegant and scholarly hard look at what is actually happening. Jean Seaton, Prof of Media History, U of Westminster, UK & Official Historian of the BBC -- Summary: This book investigates the question of how comparative studies of international TV news (here: on violence presentation) can best be conceptualized in a way that allows for crossnational, comparative conclusions on an empirically validated basis. This book shows that such a conceptualization is necessary in order to overcome existing restrictions in the comparability of international analysis on violence presentation. Investigated examples include the most watched news bulletins in Great Britain (10o'clock news on the BBC), Germany (Tagesschau on ARD) and Russia (Vremja on Channel 1). This book highlights a substantial cross-national violence news flow as well as a cross-national visual violence flow (key visuals) as distinct transnational components. In addition, event-related textual analysis reveals how the historical rootedness of nations and its symbols of power are still manifested in televisual mediations of violence. In conclusion, this study lobbies for a conscientious use of comparative data/analysis both in journalism research and practice in order to understand what it may convey in the different arenas of today’s newsmaking.


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