967 resultados para data warehouse


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Tesi riguardante le differenze tra Semantic Web e Web Tradizionale


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Obiettivo della tesi è la progettazione e lo sviluppo di un sistema di BI e di relativa reportistica per un'azienda di servizi. Il tutto realizzato mediante la suite Microsoft Business Intelligence.


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Sviluppo e analisi di un dataset campione, composto da circa 3 mln di entry ed estratto da un data warehouse di informazioni riguardanti il consumo energetico di diverse smart home.


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Negli ultimi anni la biologia ha fatto ricorso in misura sempre maggiore all’informatica per affrontare analisi complesse che prevedono l’utilizzo di grandi quantità di dati. Fra le scienze biologiche che prevedono l’elaborazione di una mole di dati notevole c’è la genomica, una branca della biologia molecolare che si occupa dello studio di struttura, contenuto, funzione ed evoluzione del genoma degli organismi viventi. I sistemi di data warehouse sono una tecnologia informatica che ben si adatta a supportare determinati tipi di analisi in ambito genomico perché consentono di effettuare analisi esplorative e dinamiche, analisi che si rivelano utili quando si vogliono ricavare informazioni di sintesi a partire da una grande quantità di dati e quando si vogliono esplorare prospettive e livelli di dettaglio diversi. Il lavoro di tesi si colloca all’interno di un progetto più ampio riguardante la progettazione di un data warehouse in ambito genomico. Le analisi effettuate hanno portato alla scoperta di dipendenze funzionali e di conseguenza alla definizione di una gerarchia nei dati. Attraverso l’inserimento di tale gerarchia in un modello multidimensionale relativo ai dati genomici sarà possibile ampliare il raggio delle analisi da poter eseguire sul data warehouse introducendo un contenuto informativo ulteriore riguardante le caratteristiche dei pazienti. I passi effettuati in questo lavoro di tesi sono stati prima di tutto il caricamento e filtraggio dei dati. Il fulcro del lavoro di tesi è stata l’implementazione di un algoritmo per la scoperta di dipendenze funzionali con lo scopo di ricavare dai dati una gerarchia. Nell’ultima fase del lavoro di tesi si è inserita la gerarchia ricavata all’interno di un modello multidimensionale preesistente. L’intero lavoro di tesi è stato svolto attraverso l’utilizzo di Apache Spark e Apache Hadoop.


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Nowadays, organizations have plenty of data stored in DB databases, which contain invaluable information. Decision Support Systems DSS provide the support needed to manage this information and planning médium and long-term ?the modus operandi? of these organizations. Despite the growing importance of these systems, most proposals do not include its total evelopment, mostly limiting itself on the development of isolated parts, which often have serious integration problems. Hence, methodologies that include models and processes that consider every factor are necessary. This paper will try to fill this void as it proposes an approach for developing spatial DSS driven by the development of their associated Data Warehouse DW, without forgetting its other components. To the end of framing the proposal different Engineering Software focus (The Software Engineering Process and Model Driven Architecture) are used, and coupling with the DB development methodology, (and both of them adapted to DW peculiarities). Finally, an example illustrates the proposal.


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Currently there are an overwhelming number of scientific publications in Life Sciences, especially in Genetics and Biotechnology. This huge amount of information is structured in corporate Data Warehouses (DW) or in Biological Databases (e.g. UniProt, RCSB Protein Data Bank, CEREALAB or GenBank), whose main drawback is its cost of updating that makes it obsolete easily. However, these Databases are the main tool for enterprises when they want to update their internal information, for example when a plant breeder enterprise needs to enrich its genetic information (internal structured Database) with recently discovered genes related to specific phenotypic traits (external unstructured data) in order to choose the desired parentals for breeding programs. In this paper, we propose to complement the internal information with external data from the Web using Question Answering (QA) techniques. We go a step further by providing a complete framework for integrating unstructured and structured information by combining traditional Databases and DW architectures with QA systems. The great advantage of our framework is that decision makers can compare instantaneously internal data with external data from competitors, thereby allowing taking quick strategic decisions based on richer data.


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A pesquisa tem o objetivo de contribuir para os estudos relacionados ao desenvolvimento de software, mais especificamente à fase de levantamento de requisitos da Engenharia de Software, ao esclarecer como um método não muito popular, a construção de Ontologias de Domínio, pode ajudar na definição de requisitos de qualidade, que consequentemente contribuem para o sucesso de projetos de implementação de sistemas de informação.


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El proceso de toma de decisiones en las bibliotecas universitarias es de suma importancia, sin embargo, se encuentra complicaciones como la gran cantidad de fuentes de datos y los grandes volúmenes de datos a analizar. Las bibliotecas universitarias están acostumbradas a producir y recopilar una gran cantidad de información sobre sus datos y servicios. Las fuentes de datos comunes son el resultado de sistemas internos, portales y catálogos en línea, evaluaciones de calidad y encuestas. Desafortunadamente estas fuentes de datos sólo se utilizan parcialmente para la toma de decisiones debido a la amplia variedad de formatos y estándares, así como la falta de métodos eficientes y herramientas de integración. Este proyecto de tesis presenta el análisis, diseño e implementación del Data Warehouse, que es un sistema integrado de toma de decisiones para el Centro de Documentación Juan Bautista Vázquez. En primer lugar se presenta los requerimientos y el análisis de los datos en base a una metodología, esta metodología incorpora elementos claves incluyendo el análisis de procesos, la calidad estimada, la información relevante y la interacción con el usuario que influyen en una decisión bibliotecaria. A continuación, se propone la arquitectura y el diseño del Data Warehouse y su respectiva implementación la misma que soporta la integración, procesamiento y el almacenamiento de datos. Finalmente los datos almacenados se analizan a través de herramientas de procesamiento analítico y la aplicación de técnicas de Bibliomining ayudando a los administradores del centro de documentación a tomar decisiones óptimas sobre sus recursos y servicios.


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Mestrado em Gestão de Sistemas de Informação


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MEGAGEO - Moving megaliths in the Neolithic is a project that intends to find the provenience of lithic materials in the construction of tombs. A multidisciplinary approach is carried out, with researchers from several of the knowledge fields involved. This work presents a spatial data warehouse specially developed for this project that comprises information from national archaeological databases, geographic and geological information and new geochemical and petrographic data obtained during the project. The use of the spatial data warehouse proved to be essential in the data analysis phase of the project. The Redondo Area is presented as a case study for the application of the spatial data warehouse to analyze the relations between geochemistry, geology and the tombs in this area.


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Automating Software Engineering is the dream of software Engineers for decades. To make this dream to come to true, data mining can play an important role. Our recent research has shown that to increase the productivity and to reduce the cost of software development, it is essential to have an effective and efficient mechanism to store, manage and utilize existing software resources, and thus to automate software analysis, testing, evaluation and to make use of existing software for new problems. This paper firstly provides a brief overview of traditional data mining followed by a presentation on data mining in broader sense. Secondly, it presents the idea and the technology of software warehouse as an innovative approach in managing software resources using the idea of data warehouse where software assets are systematically accumulated, deposited, retrieved, packaged, managed and utilized driven by data mining and OLAP technologies. Thirdly, we presented the concepts and technology and their applications of data mining and data matrix including software warehouse to software engineering. The perspectives of the role of software warehouse and software mining in modern software development are addressed. We expect that the results will lead to a streamlined high efficient software development process and enhance the productivity in response to modern challenges of the design and development of software applications.


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The management of main material prices of provincial highway project quota has problems of lag and blindness. Framework of provincial highway project quota data MIS and main material price data warehouse were established based on WEB firstly. Then concrete processes of provincial highway project main material prices were brought forward based on BP neural network algorithmic. After that standard BP algorithmic, additional momentum modify BP network algorithmic, self-adaptive study speed improved BP network algorithmic were compared in predicting highway project main prices. The result indicated that it is feasible to predict highway main material prices using BP NN, and using self-adaptive study speed improved BP network algorithmic is the relatively best one.