968 resultados para dance improvisation


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Conundrum is about improvisation as a performance practice. Conundrum is a hybrid event with dancers, actors, and musicians participating in a format that is informal, maintains modest production values and is rooted in the performers desire to practice improvisation in performance. Conundrum is the defining event, a lighthouse to pinpoint and illuminate a range of improvisation and body practices which constellate around the space known as Cecil Street Studio located in Fitzroy, Melbourne.


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Cracking it Open puts the spotlight on improvisation with live performances by some of Melbourne's leading improvisation artists. Each artist presents a short performance, and then opens the floor for discussion with audience members.


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The little con was created as a collective in 2005 to support and promote the vibrant community of dance improvisation in Melbourne. It is a monthly curated evening of spontaneous choreography.


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The idea of Cafe urgency was to create a loose and social atmosphere in which performers, audience and everyone present explored the ideas of the evening together. What Urgency do we have in our lives? Which pressing ideas, compelling needs, burning desires fill a day? Which insistent thoughts, driving wishes, forceful longings span a lifetime? Our delectable menu of musings, meditations and magnificent imaginations will provide bite-sized morsels and overlapping slabs of creative sustenance to suit all tastes: song, sound, spoken word, dance, music, live art, installation.


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An intimate format of solos and duets, aiming to spotlight the emergence of Deakin University's dance students.


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A screendance artist response to the essay "Falling into the surface (toward a materiality of affect)" 1999 by Pia Ednie-Brown curated by Simon Ellis.


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This article reflects on a dance improvisation project in which the foundational relationship of the Mover Witness Dyad (MWD), the private exchange between mover and witness (and more commonly known as Authentic Movement) became an ethical and physical paradigm for an improvised performance. The untitled performance (conceived by Shaun McLeod and danced by Olivia Millard, Peter Fraser, Jason Marchant, Sophia Cowen and Shaun McLeod) took place over three nights in Melbourne in November 2014. It was specifically informed by the experiences, observations and questions drawn from an extensive studio practice of the MWD by the dancers. The practice of the MWD is a therapeutic relationship between contemplative mover and attentive witness. Falling within the wider field of Dance Movement Therapy, the MWD has uses as a therapeutic aid, in personal development and also as a context for exploring dance improvisation. An important feature of the MWD is that attention, in whatever manifestation, is directed inwardly and is engaged bodily. The form parallels dance improvisation in its emphasis on open, exploratory movement, which is grounded in the particular sensibility each individual brings to embodiment. Never intended as a performance practice, the MWD has nonetheless been used by dancers as a method for investigating dancing and towards informing or generating performance content. This project threw up considerations of values; in this case values associated with audience participation and the ethics of ‘witnessing’ improvised dance.


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The Little Con is an artist led initiative and dedicated to the performance of dance improvisation. The Little Con-ference is a conference linked to The Little Con (organised by Dianne Reid)


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The TraSe (Transform-Select) algorithm has been developed to investigate the morphing of electronic music through automatically applying a series of deterministic compositional transformations to the source, guided towards a target by similarity metrics. This is in contrast to other morphing techniques such as interpolation or parameters or probabilistic variation. TraSe allows control over stylistic elements of the music through user-defined weighting of numerous compositional transformations. The formal evaluation of TraSe was mostly qualitative and occurred through nine participants completing an online questionnaire. The music generated by TraSe was generally felt to be less coherent than a human composed benchmark but in some cases judged as more creative.


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This project investigates machine listening and improvisation in interactive music systems with the goal of improvising musically appropriate accompaniment to an audio stream in real-time. The input audio may be from a live musical ensemble, or playback of a recording for use by a DJ. I present a collection of robust techniques for machine listening in the context of Western popular dance music genres, and strategies of improvisation to allow for intuitive and musically salient interaction in live performance. The findings are embodied in a computational agent – the Jambot – capable of real-time musical improvisation in an ensemble setting. Conceptually the agent’s functionality is split into three domains: reception, analysis and generation. The project has resulted in novel techniques for addressing a range of issues in each of these domains. In the reception domain I present a novel suite of onset detection algorithms for real-time detection and classification of percussive onsets. This suite achieves reasonable discrimination between the kick, snare and hi-hat attacks of a standard drum-kit, with sufficiently low-latency to allow perceptually simultaneous triggering of accompaniment notes. The onset detection algorithms are designed to operate in the context of complex polyphonic audio. In the analysis domain I present novel beat-tracking and metre-induction algorithms that operate in real-time and are responsive to change in a live setting. I also present a novel analytic model of rhythm, based on musically salient features. This model informs the generation process, affording intuitive parametric control and allowing for the creation of a broad range of interesting rhythms. In the generation domain I present a novel improvisatory architecture drawing on theories of music perception, which provides a mechanism for the real-time generation of complementary accompaniment in an ensemble setting. All of these innovations have been combined into a computational agent – the Jambot, which is capable of producing improvised percussive musical accompaniment to an audio stream in real-time. I situate the architectural philosophy of the Jambot within contemporary debate regarding the nature of cognition and artificial intelligence, and argue for an approach to algorithmic improvisation that privileges the minimisation of cognitive dissonance in human-computer interaction. This thesis contains extensive written discussions of the Jambot and its component algorithms, along with some comparative analyses of aspects of its operation and aesthetic evaluations of its output. The accompanying CD contains the Jambot software, along with video documentation of experiments and performances conducted during the project.


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This article is an analysis and reflection on the role of lists and diagrams in Start where you are, a multimedia improvisational piece performed as part of square zero independent dance festival: the second edition/la deuxième édition. This interdisciplinary festival was organised by collective (gulp) dance projects and took place in Ottawa, Canada, in August 2005. Start where you are was the result of a collaboration between the authors: two dance artists (Andrew and MacKinnon, the principals of (gulp)) and a visual communication designer (Gillieson). A sound artist and a lighting technician also participated in the work. This is a post-performance retrospective meant to analyze more closely the experience that meshed the evidentiary weight of words and graphics with the ephemerality and subjectivity of movement-based live performance. It contextualizes some of the work of collective (gulp) within a larger tradition of improvisation in modern dance. It also looks at how choice-making processes are central to improvisation, how they relate to Start, and how linguistic material can intersect with and support improvisational performance. Lastly, it examines some characteristics of lists and diagrams, unique forms of visual language that are potentially rich sources of material for improvisation.


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A site-specific solo dance work created and performed by Dianne Reid. The work interacts directly with the audience who must move in and around the dance action in intimate and non-traditional performance locations. The dancer creates the performance in real-time, improvising her movement and text in response to the location and the particular audience members she encounters there. The work also incorporates projected video imagery using the skin as projection screen, and a unique soundscape is created for each performance drawn from the music and effects library of SA composer Stuart Day.


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A site-specific solo dance work created and performed by Dianne Reid. The work interacts directly with the audience who must move in and around the dance action in intimate and non-traditional performance locations. The dancer creates the performance in real-time, improvising her movement and text in response to the location and the particular audience members she encounters there. The work also incorporates projected video imagery using the skin as projection screen, and a unique soundscape is created for each performance drawn from the music and effects library of SA composer Stuart Day.


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A performed conference presentation incorporating dance, video projection and spoken word.