975 resultados para cysteine-protease


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Plasmodium cysteine proteases are essential for host-cell invasion and egress, hemoglobin degradation, and intracellular development of the parasite. The temporal, site-specific regulation of cysteine-protease activity is a prerequisite for survival and propagation of Plasmodium. Recently, a new family of inhibitors of cysteine proteases (ICPs) with homologs in at least eight Plasmodium species has been identified. Here, we report the 2.6 A X-ray crystal structure of the C-terminal, inhibitory domain of ICP from P. berghei (PbICP-C) in a 1:1 complex with falcipain-2, an important hemoglobinase of Plasmodium. The structure establishes Plasmodium ICP as a member of the I42 class of chagasin-like protease inhibitors but with large insertions and differences in the binding mode relative to other family members. Furthermore, the PbICP-C structure explains why host-cell cathepsin B-like proteases and, most likely, also the protease-like domain of Plasmodium SERA5 (serine-repeat antigen 5) are no targets for ICP.


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Plasmodium parasites express a potent inhibitor of cysteine proteases (ICP) throughout their life cycle. To analyze the role of ICP in different life cycle stages, we generated a stage-specific knockout of the Plasmodium berghei ICP (PbICP). Excision of the pbicb gene occurred in infective sporozoites and resulted in impaired sporozoite invasion of hepatocytes, despite residual PbICP protein being detectable in sporozoites. The vast majority of these parasites invading a cultured hepatocyte cell line did not develop to mature liver stages, but the few that successfully developed hepatic merozoites were able to initiate a blood stage infection in mice. These blood stage parasites, now completely lacking PbICP, exhibited an attenuated phenotype but were able to infect mosquitoes and develop to the oocyst stage. However, PbICP-negative sporozoites liberated from oocysts exhibited defective motility and invaded mosquito salivary glands in low numbers. They were also unable to invade hepatocytes, confirming that control of cysteine protease activity is of critical importance for sporozoites. Importantly, transfection of PbICP-knockout parasites with a pbicp-gfp construct fully reversed these defects. Taken together, in P. berghei this inhibitor of the ICP family is essential for sporozoite motility but also appears to play a role during parasite development in hepatocytes and erythrocytes.


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The bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato DC3000 suppresses plant innate immunity with effector proteins injected by a type III secretion system (T3SS). The cysteine protease effector HopN1, which reduces the ability of DC3000 to elicit programmed cell death in non-host tobacco, was found to also suppress the production of defence-associated reactive oxygen species (ROS) and callose when delivered by Pseudomonas fluorescens heterologously expressing a P. syringae T3SS. Purified His 6 -tagged HopN1 was used to identify tomato PsbQ, a member of the oxygen evolving complex of photosystem II (PSII), as an interacting protein. HopN1 localized to chloroplasts and both degraded PsbQ and inhibited PSII activity in chloroplast preparations, whereas a HopN1 D299A non-catalytic mutant lost these abilities. Gene silencing of NtPsbQ in tobacco compromised ROS production and programmed cell death.


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Senescence-associated proteolysis in plants is a crucial process to relocalize nutrients from leaves to growing or storage tissues. The massive net degradation of proteins involves broad metabolic networks, different subcellular compartments, and several types of proteases and regulators. C1A cysteine proteases, grouped as cathepsin L-, B-, H-, and F-like according to their gene structures and phylogenetic relationships, are the most abundant enzymes responsible for the proteolytic activity during leaf senescence. Besides, cystatins as specific modulators of C1A peptidase activities exert a complex regulatory role in this physiological process. This overview article covers the most recent information on C1A proteases in leaf senescence in different plant species. Particularly, it is focussed on barley, as the unique species where the whole gene family members of C1A cysteine proteases and cystatins have been analysed.


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Neurotoxicity induced by overstimulation of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors is due, in part, to a sustained rise in intracellular Ca2+; however, little is known about the ensuing intracellular events that ultimately result in cell death. Here we show that overstimulation of NMDA receptors by relatively low concentrations of glutamate induces apoptosis of cultured cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs) and that CGNs do not require new RNA or protein synthesis. Glutamate-induced apoptosis of CGNs is, however, associated with a concentration- and time-dependent activation of the interleukin 1β-converting enzyme (ICE)/CED-3-related protease, CPP32/Yama/apopain (now designated caspase 3). Further, the time course of caspase 3 activation after glutamate exposure of CGNs parallels the development of apoptosis. Moreover, glutamate-induced apoptosis of CGNs is almost completely blocked by the selective cell permeable tetrapeptide inhibitor of caspase 3, Ac-DEVD-CHO but not by the ICE (caspase 1) inhibitor, Ac-YVAD-CHO. Western blots of cytosolic extracts from glutamate-exposed CGNs reveal both cleavage of the caspase 3 substrate, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, as well as proteolytic processing of pro-caspase 3 to active subunits. Our data demonstrate that glutamate-induced apoptosis of CGNs is mediated by a posttranslational activation of the ICE/CED-3-related cysteine protease caspase 3.


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Caspase-3 knockout mice exhibit thickening of the internal granule cell layer of the cerebellum. Concurrently, it has been shown that intracerebral injection of pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) induces a transient increase of the thickness of the cerebellar cortex. In the present study, we have investigated the possible effect of PACAP on caspase activity in cultured cerebellar granule cells from 8-day-old rat. Incubation of granule neurons with PACAP for 24 h promoted cell survival and prevented DNA fragmentation. Exposure of cerebellar granule cells to the specific caspase-3 inhibitor N-benzyloxycarbonyl-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp fluoromethylketone (Z-DEVD-FMK) for 24 h markedly enhanced cell survival and inhibited apoptotic cell death. Time-course studies revealed that PACAP causes a prolonged inhibition of caspase-3 activity without affecting caspase-1. Administration of graded concentrations of PACAP for 3 h induced a dose-dependent inhibition of caspase-3 activity. Incubation of granule cells with both dibutyryl-cAMP (dbcAMP) and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) mimicked the inhibitory effect of PACAP on caspase-3. Cotreatment of cultured neurons with the protein kinase A inhibitor H89 and the protein kinase C inhibitor chelerythrine abrogated the effect of PACAP on caspase-3 activity. In contrast, the ERK kinase inhibitor U0126 did not affect the action of PACAP on caspase-3 activity. These data demonstrate that PACAP prevents cerebellar granule neurons from apoptotic cell death through a protein kinase A- and protein kinase C-dependent inhibition of caspase-3 activity.


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Papain family cysteine proteases are key factors in the pathogenesis of cancer invasion, arthritis, osteoporosis, and microbial infections. Targeting this enzyme family is therefore one strategy in the development of new chemotherapy for a number of diseases. Little is known, however, about the efficacy, selectivity, and safety of cysteine protease inhibitors in cell culture or in vivo. We now report that specific cysteine protease inhibitors kill Leishmania parasites in vitro, at concentrations that do not overtly affect mammalian host cells. Inhibition of Leishmania cysteine protease activity was accompanied by defects in the parasite’s lysosome/endosome compartment resembling those seen in lysosomal storage diseases. Colocalization of anti-protease antibodies with biotinylated surface proteins and accumulation of undigested debris and protease in the flagellar pocket of treated parasites were consistent with a pathway of protease trafficking from flagellar pocket to the lysosome/endosome compartment. The inhibitors were sufficiently absorbed and stable in vivo to ameliorate the pathology associated with a mouse model of Leishmania infection.


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Emerging evidence suggests that an amplifiable protease cascade consisting of multiple aspartate specific cysteine proteases (ASCPs) is responsible for the apoptotic changes observed in mammalian cells undergoing programmed cell death. Here we describe the cloning of two novel ASCPs from human Jurkat T-lymphocytes. Like other ASCPs, the new proteases, named Mch4 and Mch5, are derived from single chain proenzymes. However, their putative active sites contain a QACQG pentapeptide instead of the QACRG present in ail known ASCPs. Also, their N termini contain FADD-like death effector domains, suggesting possible interaction with FADD. Expression of Mch4 in Escherichia coli produced an active protease that, like other ASCPs, was potently inhibited (Kj = 14 nM) by the tetrapeptide aldehyde DEVD-CHO. Interestingly, both Mch4 and the serine protease granzyme B cleave recombinant proCPP32 and proMch3 at a conserved IXXD-S sequence to produce the large and small subunits of the active proteases. Granzyme B also cleaves proMch4 at a homologous IXXD-A processing sequence to produce mature Mch4. These observations suggest that CPP32 and Mch3 are targets of mature Mch4 protease in apoptotic cells. The presence of the FADD-like domains in Mch4 and Mch5 suggests a role for these proteases in the Fas-apoptotic pathway. In addition, these proteases could participate in the granzyme B apoptotic pathways.


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We have purified from hamster liver a second cysteine protease that cleaves and activates sterol regulatory element binding proteins (SREBPs). cDNA cloning revealed that this enzyme is the hamster equivalent of Mch3, a human enzyme that is related to the interleukin 1beta converting enzyme. We call this enzyme Mch3/SCA-2. It is 54% identical to hamster CPP32/SCA-1, a cysteine protease that was earlier shown to cleave SREBPs at a conserved Asp between the basic helix-loop-helix leucine zipper domain and the membrane attachment domain. This cleavage liberates an NH2-terminal fragment of approximately 460 amino acids that activates transcription of genes encoding the low density lipoprotein receptor and enzymes of cholesterol synthesis. Mch3/SCA-2 and CPP32/SCA-I are synthesized as inactive 30-35 kDa precursors that are thought to be cleaved during apoptosis to generate active fragments of approximately 20 and approximately 10 kDa. The current data lend further support to the notion that SREBPs are cleaved and activated as part of the program in programmed cell death.


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The functional life of the flower is terminated by senescence and/or abscission. Multiple processes contribute to produce the visible signs of petal wilting and inrolling that typify senescence, but one of the most important is that of protein degradation and remobilization. This is mediated in many species through protein ubiquitination and the action of specific protease enzymes. This paper reports the changes in protein and protease activity during development and senescence of Alstroemeria flowers, a Liliaceous species that shows very little sensitivity to ethylene during senescence and which shows perianth abscission 8-10 d after flower opening. Partial cDNAs of ubiquitin (ALSUQ1) and a putative cysteine protease (ALSCYP1) were cloned from Alstroemeria using degenerate PCR primers and the expression pattern of these genes was determined semi-quantitatively by RT-PCR. While the levels of ALSUQ1 only fluctuated slightly during floral development and senescence, there was a dramatic increase in the expression of ALSCYP1 indicating that this gene may encode an important enzyme for the proteolytic process in this species. Three papain class cysteine protease enzymes showing different patterns of activity during flower development were identified on zymograms, one of which showed a similar expression pattern to the cysteine protease cDNA.


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The Fas/APO-1-receptor associated cysteine protease Mch5 (MACH/FLICE) is believed to be the enzyme responsible for activating a protease cascade after Fas-receptor ligation, leading to cell death. The Fas-apoptotic pathway is potently inhibited by the cowpox serpin CrmA, suggesting that Mch5 could be the target of this serpin. Bacterial expression of proMch5 generated a mature enzyme composed of two subunits, which are derived from the precursor proenzyme by processing at Asp-227, Asp-233, Asp-391, and Asp-401. We demonstrate that recombinant Mch5 is able to process/activate all known ICE/Ced-3-like cysteine proteases and is potently inhibited by CrmA. This contrasts with the observation that Mch4, the second FADD-related cysteine protease that is also able to process/activate all known ICE/Ced-3-like cysteine proteases, is poorly inhibited by CrmA. These data suggest that Mch5 is the most upstream protease that receives the activation signal from the Fas-receptor to initiate the apoptotic protease cascade that leads to activation of ICE-like proteases (TX, ICE, and ICE-relIII), Ced-3-like proteases (CPP32, Mch2, Mch3, Mch4, and Mch6), and the ICH-1 protease. On the other hand, Mch4 could be a second upstream protease that is responsible for activation of the same protease cascade in CrmA-insensitive apoptotic pathways.


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The role of invariant water molecules in the activity of plant cysteine protease is ubiquitous in nature. On analysing the 11 different Protein DataBank (PDB) structures of plant thiol proteases, the two invariant water molecules W I and W2 (W220 and W222 in the template 1PPN structure) were observed to form H-bonds with the Ob atom of Asn 175. Extensive energy minimization and molecular dynamics simulation studies up to 2 ns on all the PDB and solvated structures clearly revealed the involvement of the H-bonding association of the two water molecules in fixing the orientation of the asparagine residue of the catalytic triad. From this study, it is suggested that H-bonding of the water molecule at the W1 invariant site better stabilizes the Asn residue at the active site of the catalytic triad.