30 resultados para curadores


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The aim of this study is to look into the benefits provided to social inclusion by cultural activities carried out in a cultural place with great seriousness at Rio de Janeiro. To accomplish that, the author attempt to deepen into the social exclusion/inclusion in brazilian urban context, spotlighting the historic reality of the urban process of the city. Afterwards, by means of a quality research, document files from the cultural spot were consulted and looked into the view of customers, trustees and managers. For customers were applied questionnaires with open and close questions, with trustees and managers were made interviews, and also a documentary research with opinions available in mass media. This study fits into public politics, cultural and institutional marketing, for presenting examples of how cultural activities are essential tools for completely social inclusion of people in community, demonstrating that often marketing enterprises in culture area can result in benefits for society, even no being these their main purposes.


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This thesis nalyzes the wayfinding in Landscape Museum of Contemporary Art (MPAC), based on the Institute of Contemporary Art CACI, Minas Gerais, Brazil and the Museum of Contemporary Art of the Serralves Foundation, Porto, Portugal. The study focuses on the interrelationship of the public/visitors with the landscape, architecture and contemporary art museums in these, in order to understand visual perception and apprehension of such an environment for their users. For both were confronted documentation (visual and written) and people talk. The main hypothesis put forward is that the audience/visitor MPAC appreciates the interrelationship between the natural environment (park/garden) and built environment (the works of contemporary art and the galleries), giving equal value to both. To complement this, a second hypothesis is that during the visit to MPACS, visitors define their paths spontaneously, but strongly influenced by existing visual indicators (maps, signage and striking landscape elements), which facilitate the readability of space, which also contribute to the offered services and the experiences of similar institutions. The analytical basis of the research used the concepts of legibility (LYNCH, 2009), wayfinding (GIBSON, 2009; ARTHUR, PASSINI, 2002; WEISMAN, 1982), Experiential Cotinnum (TUAN, 1985), Space Bound (CRUZ PINTO, 2007) and habitus (BOURDIEU, 1992). Methodologically was used qualitative research (DEMO 2000) by means of a case study (YIN, 2005; STAKE, 1999) and participant observation (WHYTE, 2005). In the two institutions interviews with researchers and curators, behavior observation and questionnaires from employees, trainees, monitors and the public/visitor of the two museums were performed. Although partially referende the initial hypothesis, the research showed that the public/visitor value appears more natural environments, they experience a greater intensity and in addition to the factors listed in the second case, your perception and definition of paths suffer significant influence of emotional relations established with space. Generally the audience/visitor adapts easily to different demands of contemporary art exhibition in the two museums and the built environment (park/garden and museum) interferes with your reading path during the visit, perceived by the public/visitor condition as a factor that favors the enjoyment of works on different mounts (wayfinding), though often become a factor that hinders the legibility of the building and its built environment


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The use of graphical objects three-dimensional (3D) multimedia applications is gaining more space in the media. Networks with high transmission rates, computers with large processing and graphics boost and popularize such three-dimensional applications. The areas of 3D applications ranging from military applications, entertainment applications geared up for education. Within the applications related to education, we highlight the applications that create virtual copies of cultural spaces such as museums. Through this copy, you can virtually visit a museum, see other users, communicate, exchange information on works, etc. Thereby allowing the visit museums physically distant remote users. A major problem of such virtual environments is its update. By dealing with various media (text, images, sounds, and 3D models), its subsequent handling and update on a virtual environment requires staff with specialized knowledge. Speaking of museums, they hardly have people on your team with this profile. Inside the GT-MV (Grupo de Trabalho de Museus Virtuais), funded by RNP (Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa) propose a portal for registration, amendment and seen collaborative virtual museums of Brazil. The update, be it related to work or physical space, a system with a national scale like this, would be impossible if done only by the project team. Within this scenario, we propose the modeling and implementation of a tool that allows editing of virtual spaces in an easy and intuitive as compared with available tools. Within the context of GT-MV, we apply the SAMVC (Sistema de Autoria de Museus Virtuais Colaborativos) to museums where curators build the museum from a 3D floor plan (2D). The system, from these twodimensional information, recreates the equivalent in three dimensions. With this, through little or no training, team members from each museum may be responsible for updating the system


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Este estudo mostra como se conforma a religião em São Caetano de Odivelas-PA, a partir do elemento que lá é definido como cura, procurando entendê-la no âmbito das práticas xamânicas. Nessa compreensão, esta cura é o espaço em que se concretizam variadas relações que partem do curador para com o pesquisador; seus adeptos; os ajudantes, referidos como serventes; familiares e dos curadores para com o mundo sobrenatural. Estas relações foram o primeiro elemento, isto é, os vínculos pessoais e sobrenaturais, que têm origem no curador, que me chamaram a atenção. O modo de construí-los e sustentá-los acabam por funcionar como um aspecto que influencia os curadores a querer se diferenciar entre si, considerando especificamente os vários discursos que constroem para tal. Dentre estas alocuções parte do título do trabalho, e que é a fala constante dos curadores que convivi, ‘aqui, a cura é de verdade’ já procura expressar o caráter das diferenciações que estes agentes procuram manifestar.


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Análise de entrevistas com benzedores e curadores na região de Araraquara, visando a compreensão do mecanismo de transmissão das práticas da medicina popular.


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This thesis nalyzes the wayfinding in Landscape Museum of Contemporary Art (MPAC), based on the Institute of Contemporary Art CACI, Minas Gerais, Brazil and the Museum of Contemporary Art of the Serralves Foundation, Porto, Portugal. The study focuses on the interrelationship of the public/visitors with the landscape, architecture and contemporary art museums in these, in order to understand visual perception and apprehension of such an environment for their users. For both were confronted documentation (visual and written) and people talk. The main hypothesis put forward is that the audience/visitor MPAC appreciates the interrelationship between the natural environment (park/garden) and built environment (the works of contemporary art and the galleries), giving equal value to both. To complement this, a second hypothesis is that during the visit to MPACS, visitors define their paths spontaneously, but strongly influenced by existing visual indicators (maps, signage and striking landscape elements), which facilitate the readability of space, which also contribute to the offered services and the experiences of similar institutions. The analytical basis of the research used the concepts of legibility (LYNCH, 2009), wayfinding (GIBSON, 2009; ARTHUR, PASSINI, 2002; WEISMAN, 1982), Experiential Cotinnum (TUAN, 1985), Space Bound (CRUZ PINTO, 2007) and habitus (BOURDIEU, 1992). Methodologically was used qualitative research (DEMO 2000) by means of a case study (YIN, 2005; STAKE, 1999) and participant observation (WHYTE, 2005). In the two institutions interviews with researchers and curators, behavior observation and questionnaires from employees, trainees, monitors and the public/visitor of the two museums were performed. Although partially referende the initial hypothesis, the research showed that the public/visitor value appears more natural environments, they experience a greater intensity and in addition to the factors listed in the second case, your perception and definition of paths suffer significant influence of emotional relations established with space. Generally the audience/visitor adapts easily to different demands of contemporary art exhibition in the two museums and the built environment (park/garden and museum) interferes with your reading path during the visit, perceived by the public/visitor condition as a factor that favors the enjoyment of works on different mounts (wayfinding), though often become a factor that hinders the legibility of the building and its built environment


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El presente libro contiene las conferencias que recibieron el premio "Isidro Menéndez" en los años 1918-1919. La institución del registro civil desde el punto de vista técnico y administrativo. La situación de los menores ante la legislación civil salvadoreña


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El artículo intenta discutir la formación de la identidad médica a partir del análisis del proceso de descalificación oficial de los curanderos y de los esfuerzos por diferenciar el conocimiento médico de la llamada charlatanería en Río de Janeiro de la primera mitad del siglo XIX. En este sentido, se trata de señalar la diferencia entre el período en que las actividades de los curanderos eran legitimadas por la Fisicatura-mor (órgano del gobierno responsable por la normatividad de las prácticas de cura) a partir de la concesión de licencias a los mismos y luego para el momento en que los médicos organizados en instituciones y articulados políticamente comienzan el proceso de descalificación de los curanderos populares y también en la apropiación de sus conocimientos. El artículo analiza las licencias y peticiones así como discursos de políticos del período para demostrar la búsqueda de la hegemonía social del conocimiento médico, principalmente por la asociación del conocimiento de las plantas dominadas por los curanderos populares y la legitimidad de la población hacia ellos.


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This thesis nalyzes the wayfinding in Landscape Museum of Contemporary Art (MPAC), based on the Institute of Contemporary Art CACI, Minas Gerais, Brazil and the Museum of Contemporary Art of the Serralves Foundation, Porto, Portugal. The study focuses on the interrelationship of the public/visitors with the landscape, architecture and contemporary art museums in these, in order to understand visual perception and apprehension of such an environment for their users. For both were confronted documentation (visual and written) and people talk. The main hypothesis put forward is that the audience/visitor MPAC appreciates the interrelationship between the natural environment (park/garden) and built environment (the works of contemporary art and the galleries), giving equal value to both. To complement this, a second hypothesis is that during the visit to MPACS, visitors define their paths spontaneously, but strongly influenced by existing visual indicators (maps, signage and striking landscape elements), which facilitate the readability of space, which also contribute to the offered services and the experiences of similar institutions. The analytical basis of the research used the concepts of legibility (LYNCH, 2009), wayfinding (GIBSON, 2009; ARTHUR, PASSINI, 2002; WEISMAN, 1982), Experiential Cotinnum (TUAN, 1985), Space Bound (CRUZ PINTO, 2007) and habitus (BOURDIEU, 1992). Methodologically was used qualitative research (DEMO 2000) by means of a case study (YIN, 2005; STAKE, 1999) and participant observation (WHYTE, 2005). In the two institutions interviews with researchers and curators, behavior observation and questionnaires from employees, trainees, monitors and the public/visitor of the two museums were performed. Although partially referende the initial hypothesis, the research showed that the public/visitor value appears more natural environments, they experience a greater intensity and in addition to the factors listed in the second case, your perception and definition of paths suffer significant influence of emotional relations established with space. Generally the audience/visitor adapts easily to different demands of contemporary art exhibition in the two museums and the built environment (park/garden and museum) interferes with your reading path during the visit, perceived by the public/visitor condition as a factor that favors the enjoyment of works on different mounts (wayfinding), though often become a factor that hinders the legibility of the building and its built environment


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Comunicação, Cultura e Artes, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2014


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No seio da reforma da administração pública portuguesa, decorrente da crise do Estado de bem-estar social, emerge a reforma do ensino superior português, através da Lei n.º 62/2007, de 10 de setembro que institui o Regime Jurídico das Instituições de Ensino Superior. Além de se caraterizar por uma reforma que visa um sistema de ensino com uma maior qualidade, provocando assim profundas mudanças nomeadamente na reestruturação da estrutura orgânica e do poder interno das universidades, o Regime Jurídico das Instituições de Ensino Superior possibilitou às universidades a adoção de um novo regime jurídico capaz de promover uma concorrência visando a excelência das universidades – o regime fundacional. Assim, na senda do Regime Jurídico das Instituições de Ensino Superior, as universidades podem revestir a natureza jurídica de fundações públicas de direito privado, passando a reger-se pelo direito privado no que concerne à gestão financeira, à gestão patrimonial e à gestão de recursos humanos, obtendo assim um reforço de autonomia. Considerando que a Universidade do Porto sofreu alterações em consequência da adoção do regime fundacional, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo identificar o nível de conhecimento da comunidade académica da Universidade do Porto em relação ao regime fundacional. Desta forma, o estudo desenvolvido permite concluir que a comunidade académica não possui conhecimento sobre as competências do Conselho de Curadores, contudo, possui um nível de conhecimento fraco em relação às vantagens do regime fundacional, assim como, relativamente às alterações na autonomia organizacional, na autonomia de recursos humanos e na autonomia financeira decorrentes da adoção do regime fundacional.


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As plantas medicinais são utilizadas desde há longo tempo para tratar as doenças da população de Timor-Leste. O conhecimento existente sobre essa utilização é muito limitado. Com este trabalho pretendeu-se analisar os três grupos de intervenientes no consumo de plantas medicinais utilizadas para tratar doenças: os curadores as clínicas de saúde e os utilizadores, com o intuito de caracterizar este mercado e identificar as suas principais lacunas. A metodologia utilizada para a realização do trabalho e concretização dos objectivos formulados incluiu o recurso a dados primários e secundários. A obtenção de dados secundários foi feita através de uma revisão da literatura tanto de componentes teóricas como de estudos empíricos. Os dados primários foram obtidos através da aplicação de um inquérito por questionário a cada um dos intervenientes: os curadores, as clínicas de saúde e os utilizadores finais.Com os resultados obtidos tivemos indicações sobre o tipo de oferta e de procura para a utilização de plantas medicinais e para propor medidas para dinamizar esta actividade numa base em que se perspective a segurança da população que as usa e o reconhecimento dos curadores competentes.