939 resultados para crustin-like gene


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FGFRL1 is a novel member of the fibroblast growth factor receptor family that controls the formation of musculoskeletal tissues. Some vertebrates, including man, cow, dog, mouse, rat and chicken, possess a single copy the FGFRL1 gene. Teleostean fish have two copies, fgfrl1a and fgfrl1b, because they have undergone a whole genome duplication. Vertebrates belong to the chordates, a phylum that also includes the subphyla of the cephalochordates (e.g. Branchiostoma floridae) and urochordates (tunicates, e.g. Ciona intestinalis). We therefore investigated whether other chordates might also possess an FGFRL1 related gene. In fact, a homologous gene was found in B. floridae (amphioxus). The corresponding protein showed 60% sequence identity with the human protein and all sequence motifs identified in the vertebrate proteins were also conserved in amphioxus Fgfrl1. In contrast, the genome of the urochordate C. intestinalis and those from more distantly related invertebrates including the insect Drosophila melanogaster and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans did not appear to contain any related sequences. Thus, the FGFRL1 gene might have evolved just before branching of the vertebrate lineage from the other chordates.


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The Arabidopsis PAD4 gene previously was found to be required for expression of multiple defense responses including camalexin synthesis and PR-1 gene expression in response to infection by the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola. This report describes the isolation of PAD4. The predicted PAD4 protein sequence displays similarity to triacyl glycerol lipases and other esterases. The PAD4 transcript was found to accumulate after P. syringae infection or treatment with salicylic acid (SA). PAD4 transcript levels were very low in infected pad4 mutants. Treatment with SA induced expression of PAD4 mRNA in pad4–1, pad4–3, and pad4–4 plants but not in pad4–2 plants. Induction of PAD4 expression by P. syringae was independent of the regulatory factor NPR1 but induction by SA was NPR1-dependent. Taken together with the previous observation that pad4 mutants have a defect in accumulation of SA upon pathogen infection, these results suggest that PAD4 participates in a positive regulatory loop that increases SA levels, thereby activating SA-dependent defense responses.


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We have used a combination of computerized database mining and experimental expression analyses to identify a gene that is preferentially expressed in normal male and female reproductive tissues, prostate, testis, fallopian tube, uterus, and placenta, as well as in prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and uterine cancer. This gene is located on the human X chromosome, and it is homologous to a family of genes encoding GAGE-like proteins. GAGE proteins are expressed in a variety of tumors and in testis. We designate the novel gene PAGE-1 because the expression pattern in the Cancer Genome Anatomy Project libraries indicates that it is predominantly expressed in normal and neoplastic prostate. Further database analysis indicates the presence of other genes with high homology to PAGE-1, which were found in cDNA libraries derived from testis, pooled libraries (with testis), and in a germ cell tumor library. The expression of PAGE-1 in normal and malignant prostate, testicular, and uterine tissues makes it a possible target for the diagnosis and possibly for the vaccine-based therapy of neoplasms of prostate, testis, and uterus.


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Brome mosaic virus (BMV), a member of the alphavirus-like superfamily of positive-strand RNA viruses, encodes two proteins, 1a and 2a, that interact with each other, with unidentified host proteins, and with host membranes to form the viral RNA replication complex. Yeast expressing 1a and 2a support replication and subgenomic mRNA synthesis by BMV RNA3 derivatives. Using a multistep selection and screening process, we have isolated yeast mutants in multiple complementation groups that inhibit BMV-directed gene expression. Three complementation groups, represented by mutants mab1–1, mab2–1, and mab3–1 (for maintenance of BMV functions), were selected for initial study. Each of these mutants has a single, recessive, chromosomal mutation that inhibits accumulation of positive- and negative-strand RNA3 and subgenomic mRNA. BMV-directed gene expression was inhibited when the RNA replication template was introduced by in vivo transcription from DNA or by transfection of yeast with in vitro transcripts, confirming that cytoplasmic RNA replication steps were defective. mab1–1, mab2–1, and mab3–1 slowed yeast growth to varying degrees and were temperature-sensitive, showing that the affected genes contribute to normal cell growth. In wild-type yeast, expression of the helicase-like 1a protein increased the accumulation of 2a mRNA and the polymerase-like 2a protein, revealing a new level of viral regulation. In association with their other effects, mab1–1 and mab2–1 blocked the ability of 1a to stimulate 2a mRNA and protein accumulation, whereas mab3–1 had elevated 2a protein accumulation. Together, these results show that BMV RNA replication in yeast depends on multiple host genes, some of which directly or indirectly affect the regulated expression and accumulation of 2a.


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GSK3/shaggy-like genes encode kinases that are involved in a variety of biological processes. By functional complementation of the yeast calcineurin mutant strain DHT22-1a with a NaCl stress-sensitive phenotype, we isolated the Arabidopsis cDNA AtGSK1, which encodes a GSK3/shaggy-like protein kinase. AtGSK1 rescued the yeast calcineurin mutant cells from the effects of high NaCl. Also, the AtGSK1 gene turned on the transcription of the NaCl stress-inducible PMR2A gene in the calcineurin mutant cells under NaCl stress. To further define the role of AtGSK1 in the yeast cells we introduced a deletion mutation at the MCK1 gene, a yeast homolog of GSK3, and examined the phenotype of the mutant. The mck1 mutant exhibited a NaCl stress-sensitive phenotype that was rescued by AtGSK1. Also, constitutive expression of MCK1 complemented the NaCl-sensitive phenotype of the calcineurin mutants. Therefore, these results suggest that Mck1p is involved in the NaCl stress signaling in yeast and that AtGSK1 may functionally replace Mck1p in the NaCl stress response in the calcineurin mutant. To investigate the biological function of AtGSK1 in Arabidopsis we examined the expression of AtGSK1. Northern-blot analysis revealed that the expression is differentially regulated in various tissues with a high level expression in flower tissues. In addition, the AtGSK1 expression was induced by NaCl and exogenously applied ABA but not by KCl. Taken together, these results suggest that AtGSK1 is involved in the osmotic stress response in Arabidopsis.


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NF-kappa B/Rel transcription factors are central regulators of mammalian immunity and are also implicated in the induction of cecropins and other antibacterial peptides in insects. We identified the gene for Relish, a compound Drosophila protein that, like mammalian p105 and p100, contains both a Rel homology domain and an I kappa B-like domain. Relish is strongly induced in infected flies, and it can activate transcription from the Cecropin A1 promoter. A Relish transcript is also detected in early embryos, suggesting that it acts in both immunity and embryogenesis. The presence of a compound Rel protein in Drosophila indicates that similar proteins were likely present in primordial immune systems and may serve unique signaling functions.


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Molecular events involved in specification of early hematopoietic system are not well known. In Xenopus, a paired-box homeodomain family (Mix.1–4) has been implicated in this process. Although Mix-like homeobox genes have been isolated from zebrafish (bon), chicken (CMIX) and mice (MmI/MIXL1), isolation of a human Mix-like gene has remained elusive. ^ We have recently isolated and characterized a novel human Mix-like homeobox gene with a predicted open reading frame of 232 amino acids designated the Mix.1 homeobox (Xenopus laevis)-like gene (MIXL). The overall identity of this novel protein to CMIX and MmI/MIXL1 is 41% and 69%, respectively. However, the identity in the homeodomain is 66% to that of Xenopus Mix.1, 79% to that of CMIX, and 94% to that of MmI/MIXL1. In normal hematopoiesis, MIXL expression appears to be restricted immature B and T lymphoid cells. Several acute leukemic cell lines of B, T and myeloid lineages express MIXL suggesting a survival/block in differentiation advantage. Furthermore, Xenopus animal cap assay revealed that MIXL could induce expression of the α-globin gene, suggesting a functional conservation of the homeodomain. ^ Biochemical analysis revealed that MIXL proteins are phosphorylated at multiple sites. Immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting confirmed that MIXL is tyrosine phosphorylated. Mutational analysis determined that Tyr20 appears to be the site for phosphorylation. However, deletion analysis preliminarily showed that the proline-rich domain appears not to be necessary for tyrosine phosphorylation. The novel finding will help us make a deeper understanding of the regulation on homeodomain proteins by rarely reported tyrosine phosphorylation. ^ Taken together, isolation of the MIXL gene is the first step toward understanding novel regulatory circuits in early hematopoietic differentiation and malignant transformation. ^


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Null mutations at the misato locus of Drosophila melanogaster are associated with irregular chromosomal segregation at cell division. The consequences for morphogenesis are that mutant larvae are almost devoid of imaginal disk tissue, have a reduction in brain size, and die before the late third-instar larval stage. To analyze these findings, we isolated cDNAs in and around the misato locus, mapped the breakpoints of chromosomal deficiencies, determined which transcript corresponded to the misato gene, rescued the cell division defects in transgenic organisms, and sequenced the genomic DNA. Database searches revealed that misato codes for a novel protein, the N-terminal half of which contains a mixture of peptide motifs found in α-, β-, and γ-tubulins, as well as a motif related to part of the myosin heavy chain proteins. The sequence characteristics of misato indicate either that it arose from an ancestral tubulin-like gene, different parts of which underwent convergent evolution to resemble motifs in the conventional tubulins, or that it arose by the capture of motifs from different tubulin genes. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome lacks a true homolog of the misato gene, and this finding highlights the emerging problem of assigning functional attributes to orphan genes that occur only in some evolutionary lineages.


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We report here the identification of a pollen-specific gene from Zea mays that contains multiple Ser-(Pro)n repeats, the motif found in the cell wall-associated extensins. Sequence analysis reveals that the encoded protein has a putative globular domain at the N terminus and an extensin-like domain at the C terminus. The Pex1 (pollen extensin-like) gene is expressed exclusively in pollen, not in vegetative or female tissues, and is not induced in leaves upon wounding. We propose that the encoded protein may have a role in reproduction, either as a structural element deposited in the pollen tube wall during its rapid growth or as a sexual recognition molecule that interacts with partner molecules in the pistil.


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The sheep (Ovis aries) is commonly used as a large animal model in skeletal research. Although the sheep genome has been sequenced there are still only a limited number of annotated mRNA sequences in public databases. A complementary DNA (cDNA) library was constructed to provide a generic resource for further exploration of genes that are actively expressed in bone cells in sheep. It was anticipated that the cDNA library would provide molecular tools for further research into the process of fracture repair and bone homeostasis, and add to the existing body of knowledge. One of the hallmarks of cDNA libraries has been the identification of novel genes and in this library the full open reading frame of the gene C12orf29 was cloned and characterised. This gene codes for a protein of unknown function with a molecular weight of 37 kDa. A literature search showed that no previous studies had been conducted into the biological role of C12orf29, except for some bioinformatics studies that suggested a possible link with cancer. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that C12orf29 had an ancient pedigree with a homologous gene found in some bacterial taxa. This implied that the gene was present in the last common eukaryotic ancestor, thought to have existed more than 2 billion years ago. This notion was further supported by the fact that the gene is found in taxa belonging to the two major eukaryotic branches, bikonts and unikonts. In the bikont supergroup a C12orf29-like gene was found in the single celled protist Naegleria gruberi, whereas in the unikont supergroup, encompassing the metazoa, the gene is universal to all chordate and, therefore, vertebrate species. It appears to have been lost to the majority of cnidaria and protostomes taxa; however, C12orf29-like genes have been found in the cnidarian freshwater hydra and the protostome Pacific oyster. The experimental data indicate that C12orf29 has a structural role in skeletal development and tissue homeostasis, whereas in silico analysis of the human C12orf29 promoter region suggests that its expression is potentially under the control of the NOTCH, WNT and TGF- developmental pathways, as well SOX9 and BAPX1; pathways that are all heavily involved in skeletogenesis. Taken together, this investigation provides strong evidence that C12orf29 has a very important role in the chordate body plan, in early skeletal development, cartilage homeostasis, and also a possible link with spina bifida in humans.


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Fruit softening in apple (Malus 3 domestica) is associated with an increase in the ripening hormone ethylene. Here, we show that in cv Royal Gala apples that have the ethylene biosynthetic gene ACC OXIDASE1 suppressed, a cold treatment preconditions the apples to soften independently of added ethylene. When a cold treatment is followed by an ethylene treatment, a more rapid softening occurs than in apples that have not had a cold treatment. Apple fruit softening has been associated with the increase in the expression of cell wall hydrolase genes. One such gene, POLYGALACTURONASE1 (PG1), increases in expression both with ethylene and following a cold treatment. Transcriptional regulation of PG1 through the ethylene pathway is likely to be through an ETHYLENE-INSENSITIVE3-like transcription factor, which increases in expression during apple fruit development and transactivates the PG1 promoter in transient assays in the presence of ethylene. A coldrelated gene that resembles a COLD BINDING FACTOR (CBF) class of gene also transactivates the PG1 promoter. The transactivation by the CBF-like gene is greatly enhanced by the addition of exogenous ethylene. These observations give a possible molecular mechanism for the coldand ethylene-regulated control of fruit softening and suggest that either these two pathways act independently and synergistically with each other or cold enhances the ethylene response such that background levels of ethylene in the ethylene-suppressed apples is sufficient to induce fruit softening in apples.


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MADS-box genes similar to Arabidopsis SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE (SVP) have been implicated in the regulation of flowering in annual species and bud dormancy in perennial species. Kiwifruit (Actinidia spp.) are woody perennial vines where bud dormancy and out-growth affect flower development. To determine the role of SVP-like genes in dormancy and flowering of kiwifruit, four MADS-box genes with homology to Arabidopsis SVP, designated SVP1, SVP2, SVP3, and SVP4, have been identified and analysed in kiwifruit and functionally characterized in Arabidopsis. Phylogenetic analysis indicate that these genes fall into different sub-clades within the SVP-like gene group, suggesting distinct functions. Expression was generally confined to vegetative tissues, and increased transcript accumulation in shoot buds over the winter period suggests a role for these genes in bud dormancy. Down-regulation before flower differentiation indicate possible roles as floral repressors. Over-expression and complementation studies in Arabidopsis resulted in a range of floral reversion phenotypes arising from interactions with Arabidopsis MADS-box proteins, but only SVP1 and SVP3 were able to complement the svp mutant. These results suggest that the kiwifruit SVP-like genes may have distinct roles during bud dormancy and flowering.


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Cancer is a complex disease which arises due to a series of genetic changes related to cell division and growth control. Cancer remains the second leading cause of death in humans next to heart diseases. As a testimony to our progress in understanding the biology of cancer and developments in cancer diagnosis and treatment methods, the overall median survival time of all cancers has increased six fold one year to six years during the last four decades. However, while the median survival time has increased dramatically for some cancers like breast and colon, there has been only little change for other cancers like pancreas and brain. Further, not all patients having a single type of tumour respond to the standard treatment. The differential response is due to genetic heterogeneity which exists not only between tumours, which is called intertumour heterogeneity, but also within individual tumours, which is called intratumoural heterogeneity. Thus it becomes essential to personalize the cancer treatment based on a specific genetic change in a given tumour. It is also possible to stratify cancer patients into low- and high-risk groups based on expression changes or alterations in a group of genes gene signatures and choose a more suitable mode of therapy. It is now possible that each tumour can be analysed using various high-throughput methods like gene expression profiling and next-generation sequencing to identify its unique fingerprint based on which a personalized or tailor-made therapy can be developed. Here, we review the important progress made in the recent years towards personalizing cancer treatment with the use of gene signatures.