159 resultados para covariant


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We give a gauge and manifestly SO(2,2) covariant formulation of the field theory of the self-dual string. The string fields are gauge connections that turn the super-Virasoro generators into covariant derivatives, © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Using an infinite number of fields, we construct actions for D = 4 self-dual Yang-Mills with manifest Lorentz invariance and for D = 10 super-Yang-Mills with manifest super-Poincaré invariance. These actions are generalizations of the covariant action for the D = 2 chiral boson which was first studied by McClain, Wu, Yu and Wotzasek.


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The negative-dimensional integration method (NDIM) seems to be a very promising technique for evaluating massless and/or massive Feynman diagrams. It is unique in the sense that the method gives solutions in different regions of external momenta simultaneously. Moreover, it is a technique whereby the difficulties associated with performing parametric integrals in the standard approach are transferred to a simpler solving of a system of linear algebraic equations, thanks to the polynomial character of the relevant integrands. We employ this method to evaluate a scalar integral for a massless two-loop three-point vertex with all the external legs off-shell, and consider several special cases for it, yielding results, even for distinct simpler diagrams. We also consider the possibility of NDIM in non-covariant gauges such as the light-cone gauge and do some illustrative calculations, showing that for one-degree violation of covariance (i.e. one external, gauge-breaking, light-like vector n μ) the ensuing results are concordant with the ones obtained via either the usual dimensional regularization technique, or the use of the principal value prescription for the gauge-dependent pole, while for two-degree violation of covariance - i.e. two external, light-like vectors n μ, the gauge-breaking one, and (its dual) n * μ - the ensuing results are concordant with the ones obtained via causal constraints or the use of the so-called generalized Mandelstam-Leibbrandt prescription. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Using pure spinors, the superstring is covariantly quantized. For the first time, massless vertex operators are constructed and scattering amplitudes are computed in a manifestly ten-dimensional super-Poincaré covariant manner. Quantizable non-linear sigma model actions are constructed for the superstring in curved backgrounds, including the AdS 5 × S 5 background with Ramond-Ramond flux.


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Using pure spinors, the superstring was recently quantized in a manifestly ten-dimensional super-Poincaré covariant manner and a covariant prescription was given for tree-level scattering amplitudes. In this paper, we prove that this prescription is cyclically symmetric and, for the scattering of an arbitrary number of massless bosons and up to four massless fermions, it agrees with the standard Ramond-Neveu-Schwarz prescription.


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After reviewing the Green-Schwarz superstring using the approach of Siegel, the superstring is covariantly quantized by constructing a BRST operator from the fermionic constraints and a bosonic pure spinor ghost variable. Physical massless vertex operators are constructed and, for the first time, N-point tree amplitudes are computed in a manifestly ten-dimensional super-Poincaré covariant manner. Quantization can be generalized to curved supergravity backgrounds and the vertex operator for fluctuations around AdS 5 x S 5 is explicitly constructed.


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The ten-dimensional superparticle is covariantly quantized by constructing a BRST operator from the fermionic Green-Schwarz constraints and a bosonic pure spinor variable. This same method was recently used for covariantly quantizing the superstring, and it is hoped that the simpler case of the superparticle will be useful for those who want to study this quantization method. It is interesting that quantization of the superparticle action closely resembles quantization of the worldline action for Chern-Simons theory.


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By replacing ten-dimensional pure spinors with eleven-dimensional pure spinors, the formalism recently developed for covariantly quantizing the d = 10 superparticle and superstring is extended to the d = 11 superparticle and supermembrane. In this formalism, kappa symmetry is replaced by a BRST-like invariance using the nilpotent operator Q = ∮ λ αdα where dα is the worldvolume variable corresponding to the d = 11 spacetime supersymmetric derivative and λα is an SO(10, 1) pure spinor variable satisfying λΓcλ = 0 for c = 1 to 11. Super-Poincaré covariant unintegrated and integrated supermembrane vertex operators are explicitly constructed which are in the cohomology of Q. After double-dimensional reduction of the eleventh dimension, these vertex operators are related to type-IIA superstring vertex operators where Q = QL + QR is the sum of the left and right-moving type-IIA BRST operators and the eleventh component of the pure spinor constraint, λΓ 11λ = 0, replaces the bL 0 - b R 0 constraint of the closed superstring. A conjecture is made for the computation of M-theory scattering amplitudes using these supermembrane vertex operators. © SISSA/ISAS 2002.


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After constructing a BRST operator from the fermionic Green-Schwarz constraints and a bosonic pure spinor ghost variable, the superstring is covariantly quantized and N-point tree amplitudes are computed in a manifestly ten-dimensional super-Poincaré covariant manner. © 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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We propose a natural extension of the BRST-antiBRST superfield covariant scheme in general coordinates. Thus, the coordinate dependence of the basic tensor fields and scalar density of the formalism is extended from the base supermanifold to the complete set of superfield variables. © Springer-Verlag.


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The super-Poincaré covariant formalism for the superstring is used to compute massless four-point two-loop amplitudes in ten-dimensional superspace. The computations are much simpler than in the RNS formalism and include both external bosons and fermions. © SISSA 2006.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We studied the low energy motion of particles in the general covariant. version of Horava-Lifshitz gravity proposed by Horava and Melby-Thompson. Using a scalar field coupled to gravity according to the minimal substitution recipe proposed by da Silva and taking the geometrical optics limit, we could write an effective relativistic metric for a general solution. As a result, we discovered that the equivalence principle is not in general recovered at low energies, unless the spatial Laplacian of A vanishes. Finally, we analyzed the motion on the spherical symmetric solution proposed by Horava and Melby-Thompson, where we could find its effective line element and compute spin-0 geodesics. Using standard methods we have shown that such an effective metric cannot reproduce Newton's gravity law even in the weak gravitational field approximation. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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In questa tesi vengono presentati i piu recenti risultati relativi all'estensione della teoria dei campi localmente covariante a geometrie che permettano di descrivere teorie di campo supersimmetriche. In particolare, si mostra come la definizione assiomatica possa essere generalizzata, mettendo in evidenza le problematiche rilevanti e le tecniche utilizzate in letteratura per giungere ad una loro risoluzione. Dopo un'introduzione alle strutture matematiche di base, varieta Lorentziane e operatori Green-iperbolici, viene definita l'algebra delle osservabili per la teoria quantistica del campo scalare. Quindi, costruendo un funtore dalla categoria degli spazio-tempo globalmente iperbolici alla categoria delle *-algebre, lo stesso schema viene proposto per le teorie di campo bosoniche, purche definite da un operatore Green-iperbolico su uno spazio-tempo globalmente iperbolico. Si procede con lo studio delle supervarieta e alla definizione delle geometrie di background per le super teorie di campo: le strutture di super-Cartan. Associando canonicamente ad ognuna di esse uno spazio-tempo ridotto, si introduce la categoria delle strutture di super-Cartan (ghsCart) il cui spazio-tempo ridotto e globalmente iperbolico. Quindi, si mostra, in breve, come e possibile costruire un funtore da una sottocategoria di ghsCart alla categoria delle super *-algebre e si conclude presentando l'applicazione dei risultati esposti al caso delle strutture di super-Cartan in dimensione 2|2.