964 resultados para continuum mechanics


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The mechanical properties of microfilament networks are systematically summarized at different special scales in this paper. We have presented the mechanical models of single microfilaments and microfilament networks at microscale. By adopting a coarse-grained simulation strategy, the mechanical stability of microfilaments related cellular structures are analysed. Structural analysis is conducted to microfilament networks to understand the stress relaxation under compression. The nanoscale molecular mechanisms of the microfilaments deformation is also summarized from the viewpoint of molecular dynamics simulation. This paper provides the fundaments of multiscale modelling framework for the mechanical behaviours simulation of hierarchical microfilament networks.


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The mechanical behavior of granular materials has been traditionally approached through two theoretical and computational frameworks: macromechanics and micromechanics. Macromechanics focuses on continuum based models. In consequence it is assumed that the matter in the granular material is homogeneous and continuously distributed over its volume so that the smallest element cut from the body possesses the same physical properties as the body. In particular, it has some equivalent mechanical properties, represented by complex and non-linear constitutive relationships. Engineering problems are usually solved using computational methods such as FEM or FDM. On the other hand, micromechanics is the analysis of heterogeneous materials on the level of their individual constituents. In granular materials, if the properties of particles are known, a micromechanical approach can lead to a predictive response of the whole heterogeneous material. Two classes of numerical techniques can be differentiated: computational micromechanics, which consists on applying continuum mechanics on each of the phases of a representative volume element and then solving numerically the equations, and atomistic methods (DEM), which consist on applying rigid body dynamics together with interaction potentials to the particles. Statistical mechanics approaches arise between micro and macromechanics. It tries to state which the expected macroscopic properties of a granular system are, by starting from a micromechanical analysis of the features of the particles and the interactions. The main objective of this paper is to introduce this approach.


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Las transformaciones martensíticas (MT) se definen como un cambio en la estructura del cristal para formar una fase coherente o estructuras de dominio multivariante, a partir de la fase inicial con la misma composición, debido a pequeños intercambios o movimientos atómicos cooperativos. En el siglo pasado se han descubierto MT en diferentes materiales partiendo desde los aceros hasta las aleaciones con memoria de forma, materiales cerámicos y materiales inteligentes. Todos muestran propiedades destacables como alta resistencia mecánica, memoria de forma, efectos de superelasticidad o funcionalidades ferroicas como la piezoelectricidad, electro y magneto-estricción etc. Varios modelos/teorías se han desarrollado en sinergia con el desarrollo de la física del estado sólido para entender por qué las MT generan microstructuras muy variadas y ricas que muestran propiedades muy interesantes. Entre las teorías mejor aceptadas se encuentra la Teoría Fenomenológica de la Cristalografía Martensítica (PTMC, por sus siglas en inglés) que predice el plano de hábito y las relaciones de orientación entre la austenita y la martensita. La reinterpretación de la teoría PTMC en un entorno de mecánica del continuo (CM-PTMC) explica la formación de los dominios de estructuras multivariantes, mientras que la teoría de Landau con dinámica de inercia desentraña los mecanismos físicos de los precursores y otros comportamientos dinámicos. La dinámica de red cristalina desvela la reducción de la dureza acústica de las ondas de tensión de red que da lugar a transformaciones débiles de primer orden en el desplazamiento. A pesar de las diferencias entre las teorías estáticas y dinámicas dado su origen en diversas ramas de la física (por ejemplo mecánica continua o dinámica de la red cristalina), estas teorías deben estar inherentemente conectadas entre sí y mostrar ciertos elementos en común en una perspectiva unificada de la física. No obstante las conexiones físicas y diferencias entre las teorías/modelos no se han tratado hasta la fecha, aun siendo de importancia crítica para la mejora de modelos de MT y para el desarrollo integrado de modelos de transformaciones acopladas de desplazamiento-difusión. Por lo tanto, esta tesis comenzó con dos objetivos claros. El primero fue encontrar las conexiones físicas y las diferencias entre los modelos de MT mediante un análisis teórico detallado y simulaciones numéricas. El segundo objetivo fue expandir el modelo de Landau para ser capaz de estudiar MT en policristales, en el caso de transformaciones acopladas de desplazamiento-difusión, y en presencia de dislocaciones. Comenzando con un resumen de los antecedente, en este trabajo se presentan las bases físicas de los modelos actuales de MT. Su capacidad para predecir MT se clarifica mediante el ansis teórico y las simulaciones de la evolución microstructural de MT de cúbicoatetragonal y cúbicoatrigonal en 3D. Este análisis revela que el modelo de Landau con representación irreducible de la deformación transformada es equivalente a la teoría CM-PTMC y al modelo de microelasticidad para predecir los rasgos estáticos durante la MT, pero proporciona una mejor interpretación de los comportamientos dinámicos. Sin embargo, las aplicaciones del modelo de Landau en materiales estructurales están limitadas por su complejidad. Por tanto, el primer resultado de esta tesis es el desarrollo del modelo de Landau nolineal con representación irreducible de deformaciones y de la dinámica de inercia para policristales. La simulación demuestra que el modelo propuesto es consistente fcamente con el CM-PTMC en la descripción estática, y también permite una predicción del diagrama de fases con la clásica forma ’en C’ de los modos de nucleación martensítica activados por la combinación de temperaturas de enfriamiento y las condiciones de tensión aplicada correlacionadas con la transformación de energía de Landau. Posteriomente, el modelo de Landau de MT es integrado con un modelo de transformación de difusión cuantitativa para elucidar la relajación atómica y la difusión de corto alcance de los elementos durante la MT en acero. El modelo de transformaciones de desplazamiento y difusión incluye los efectos de la relajación en borde de grano para la nucleación heterogenea y la evolución espacio-temporal de potenciales de difusión y movilidades químicas mediante el acoplamiento de herramientas de cálculo y bases de datos termo-cinéticos de tipo CALPHAD. El modelo se aplica para estudiar la evolución microstructural de aceros al carbono policristalinos procesados por enfriamiento y partición (Q&P) en 2D. La microstructura y la composición obtenida mediante la simulación se comparan con los datos experimentales disponibles. Los resultados muestran el importante papel jugado por las diferencias en movilidad de difusión entre la fase austenita y martensita en la distibución de carbono en las aceros. Finalmente, un modelo multi-campo es propuesto mediante la incorporación del modelo de dislocación en grano-grueso al modelo desarrollado de Landau para incluir las diferencias morfológicas entre aceros y aleaciones con memoria de forma con la misma ruptura de simetría. La nucleación de dislocaciones, la formación de la martensita ’butterfly’, y la redistribución del carbono después del revenido son bien representadas en las simulaciones 2D del estudio de la evolución de la microstructura en aceros representativos. Con dicha simulación demostramos que incluyendo las dislocaciones obtenemos para dichos aceros, una buena comparación frente a los datos experimentales de la morfología de los bordes de macla, la existencia de austenita retenida dentro de la martensita, etc. Por tanto, basado en un modelo integral y en el desarrollo de códigos durante esta tesis, se ha creado una herramienta de modelización multiescala y multi-campo. Dicha herramienta acopla la termodinámica y la mecánica del continuo en la macroescala con la cinética de difusión y los modelos de campo de fase/Landau en la mesoescala, y también incluye los principios de la cristalografía y de la dinámica de red cristalina en la microescala. ABSTRACT Martensitic transformation (MT), in a narrow sense, is defined as the change of the crystal structure to form a coherent phase, or multi-variant domain structures out from a parent phase with the same composition, by small shuffles or co-operative movements of atoms. Over the past century, MTs have been discovered in different materials from steels to shape memory alloys, ceramics, and smart materials. They lead to remarkable properties such as high strength, shape memory/superelasticity effects or ferroic functionalities including piezoelectricity, electro- and magneto-striction, etc. Various theories/models have been developed, in synergy with development of solid state physics, to understand why MT can generate these rich microstructures and give rise to intriguing properties. Among the well-established theories, the Phenomenological Theory of Martensitic Crystallography (PTMC) is able to predict the habit plane and the orientation relationship between austenite and martensite. The re-interpretation of the PTMC theory within a continuum mechanics framework (CM-PTMC) explains the formation of the multivariant domain structures, while the Landau theory with inertial dynamics unravels the physical origins of precursors and other dynamic behaviors. The crystal lattice dynamics unveils the acoustic softening of the lattice strain waves leading to the weak first-order displacive transformation, etc. Though differing in statics or dynamics due to their origins in different branches of physics (e.g. continuum mechanics or crystal lattice dynamics), these theories should be inherently connected with each other and show certain elements in common within a unified perspective of physics. However, the physical connections and distinctions among the theories/models have not been addressed yet, although they are critical to further improving the models of MTs and to develop integrated models for more complex displacivediffusive coupled transformations. Therefore, this thesis started with two objectives. The first one was to reveal the physical connections and distinctions among the models of MT by means of detailed theoretical analyses and numerical simulations. The second objective was to expand the Landau model to be able to study MTs in polycrystals, in the case of displacive-diffusive coupled transformations, and in the presence of the dislocations. Starting with a comprehensive review, the physical kernels of the current models of MTs are presented. Their ability to predict MTs is clarified by means of theoretical analyses and simulations of the microstructure evolution of cubic-to-tetragonal and cubic-to-trigonal MTs in 3D. This analysis reveals that the Landau model with irreducible representation of the transformed strain is equivalent to the CM-PTMC theory and microelasticity model to predict the static features during MTs but provides better interpretation of the dynamic behaviors. However, the applications of the Landau model in structural materials are limited due its the complexity. Thus, the first result of this thesis is the development of a nonlinear Landau model with irreducible representation of strains and the inertial dynamics for polycrystals. The simulation demonstrates that the updated model is physically consistent with the CM-PTMC in statics, and also permits a prediction of a classical ’C shaped’ phase diagram of martensitic nucleation modes activated by the combination of quenching temperature and applied stress conditions interplaying with Landau transformation energy. Next, the Landau model of MT is further integrated with a quantitative diffusional transformation model to elucidate atomic relaxation and short range diffusion of elements during the MT in steel. The model for displacive-diffusive transformations includes the effects of grain boundary relaxation for heterogeneous nucleation and the spatio-temporal evolution of diffusion potentials and chemical mobility by means of coupling with a CALPHAD-type thermo-kinetic calculation engine and database. The model is applied to study for the microstructure evolution of polycrystalline carbon steels processed by the Quenching and Partitioning (Q&P) process in 2D. The simulated mixed microstructure and composition distribution are compared with available experimental data. The results show that the important role played by the differences in diffusion mobility between austenite and martensite to the partitioning in carbon steels. Finally, a multi-field model is proposed by incorporating the coarse-grained dislocation model to the developed Landau model to account for the morphological difference between steels and shape memory alloys with same symmetry breaking. The dislocation nucleation, the formation of the ’butterfly’ martensite, and the redistribution of carbon after tempering are well represented in the 2D simulations for the microstructure evolution of the representative steels. With the simulation, we demonstrate that the dislocations account for the experimental observation of rough twin boundaries, retained austenite within martensite, etc. in steels. Thus, based on the integrated model and the in-house codes developed in thesis, a preliminary multi-field, multiscale modeling tool is built up. The new tool couples thermodynamics and continuum mechanics at the macroscale with diffusion kinetics and phase field/Landau model at the mesoscale, and also includes the essentials of crystallography and crystal lattice dynamics at microscale.


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As the complexity of parallel applications increase, the performance limitations resulting from computational load imbalance become dominant. Mapping the problem space to the processors in a parallel machine in a manner that balances the workload of each processors will typically reduce the run-time. In many cases the computation time required for a given calculation cannot be predetermined even at run-time and so static partition of the problem returns poor performance. For problems in which the computational load across the discretisation is dynamic and inhomogeneous, for example multi-physics problems involving fluid and solid mechanics with phase changes, the workload for a static subdomain will change over the course of a computation and cannot be estimated beforehand. For such applications the mapping of loads to process is required to change dynamically, at run-time in order to maintain reasonable efficiency. The issue of dynamic load balancing are examined in the context of PHYSICA, a three dimensional unstructured mesh multi-physics continuum mechanics computational modelling code.


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This thesis presents a mathematical model of the evaporation of colloidal sol droplets suspended within an atmosphere consisting of water vapour and air. The main purpose of this work is to investigate the causes of the morphologies arising within the powder collected from a spray dryer into which the precursor sol for Synroc™ is sprayed. The morphology is of significant importance for the application to storage of High Level Liquid Nuclear Waste. We begin by developing a model describing the evaporation of pure liquid droplets in order to establish a framework. This model is developed through the use of continuum mechanics and thermodynamic theory, and we focus on the specific case of pure water droplets. We establish a model considering a pure water vapour atmosphere, and then expand this model to account for the presence of an atmospheric gas such as air. We model colloidal particle-particle interactions and interactions between colloid and electrolyte using DLVO Theory and reaction kinetics, then incorporate these interactions into an expression for net interaction energy of a single particle with all other particles within the droplet. We account for the flow of material due to diffusion, advection, and interaction between species, and expand the pure liquid droplet models to account for the presence of these species. In addition, the process of colloidal agglomeration is modelled. To obtain solutions for our models, we develop a numerical algorithm based on the Control Volume method. To promote numerical stability, we formulate a new method of convergence acceleration. The results of a MATLAB™ code developed from this algorithm are compared with experimental data collected for the purposes of validation, and further analysis is done on the sensitivity of the solution to various controlling parameters.


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Biomechanics involves research and analysis of the mechanisms of living organisms. This can be conducted on multiple levels and represents a continuum from the molecular, wherein biomaterials such as collagen and elastin are considered, to the tissue, organ and whole body level. Some simple applications of Newtonian mechanics can supply correct approximations on each level, but precise details demand the use of continuum mechanics. Sport biomechanics uses the scientific methods of mechanics to study the effects of forces on the sports performer and considers aspects of the behaviour of sports implements, equipment, footwear and surfaces. There are two main aims of sport biomechanics, that is, the reduction of injury and the improvement of performance (Bartlett, 1999). Aristotle (384-322 BC) wrote the first book on biomechanics, De Motu Animalium, translated as On the Movement of Animals. He saw animals' bodies as mechanical systems, but also pursued questions that might explain the physiological difference between imagining the performance of an action and actually doing it. Some simple examples of biomechanics research include the investigation of the forces that act on limbs, the aerodynamics of animals in flight, the hydrodynamics of objects moving through water and locomotion in general across all forms of life, from individual cells to whole organisms...


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Dermal wound repair involves complex interactions between cells, cytokines and mechanics to close injuries to the skin. In particular, we investigate the contribution of fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, TGFβ, collagen and local tissue mechanics to wound repair in the human dermis. We develop a morphoelastic model where a realistic representation of tissue mechanics is key, and a fibrocontractive model that involves a reasonable approximation to the true kinetics of the important bioactive species. We use each of these descriptions to elucidate the mechanisms that generate pathologies such as hypertrophic scars, contractures and keloids. We find that for hypertrophic scar and contracture development, factors regulating the myofibroblast phenotype are critical, with heightened myofibroblast activation, reduced myofibroblast apoptosis or prolonged inflammation all predicted as mediators for scar hypertrophy and contractures. Prevention of these pathologies is predicted when myofibroblast apoptosis is induced, myofibroblast activation is blocked or TGFβ is neutralised. To investigate keloid invasion, we develop a caricature representation of the fibrocontractive model and find that TGFβ spread is the driving factor behind keloid growth. Blocking activation of TGFβ is found to cause keloid regression. Thus, we recommend myofibroblasts and TGFβ as targets for clinicians when developing intervention strategies for prevention and cure of fibrotic scars.


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In this Letter a hydrodynamic theory of liquid slippage on a solid substrate near a moving contact line is proposed. A family of spatially varying slip lengths in the Navier slip law recovers the results of past formulations for slip in continuum theories and molecular dynamics simulations and is consistent with well-established experimental observations of complete wetting. This formulation gives a general approach for continuum hydrodynamic theories. New fluid flow behaviors are also predicted yet to be seen in experiment. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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This thesis is a comparative study of the modelling of mechanical behaviours of F-actin cytoskeleton which is an important structural component in living cells. A new granular model was developed for F-actin cytoskeleton based on the concept of multiscale modelling. This framework overcomes difficulties encountered in physical modelling of cytoskeleton in conventional continuum mechanics modelling, and the computational challenges in all-atom molecular dynamics simulation. The thermostat algorithm was further modified to better predict the thermodynamic properties of F-actin cytoskeleton in modelling. This multiscale modelling framework was applied in explaining the physical mechanisms of cytoskeleton responses to external mechanical loads.


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A constitutive modeling approach for shape memory alloy (SMA) wire by taking into account the microstructural phase inhomogeneity and the associated solid-solid phase transformation kinetics is reported in this paper. The approach is applicable to general thermomechanical loading. Characterization of various scales in the non-local rate sensitive kinetics is the main focus of this paper. Design of SMA materials and actuators not only involve an optimal exploitation of the hysteresis loops during loading-unloading, but also accounts for fatigue and training cycle identifications. For a successful design of SMA integrated actuator systems, it is essential to include the microstructural inhomogeneity effects and the loading rate dependence of the martensitic evolution, since these factors play predominant role in fatigue. In the proposed formulation, the evolution of new phase is assumed according to Weibull distribution. Fourier transformation and finite difference methods are applied to arrive at the analytical form of two important scaling parameters. The ratio of these scaling parameters is of the order of 10(6) for stress-free temperature-induced transformation and 10(4) for stress-induced transformation. These scaling parameters are used in order to study the effect of microstructural variation on the thermo-mechanical force and interface driving force. It is observed that the interface driving force is significant during the evolution. Increase in the slopes of the transformation start and end regions in the stress-strain hysteresis loop is observed for mechanical loading with higher rates.


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In this paper, the nonlocal elasticity theory has been incorporated into classical Euler-Bernoulli rod model to capture unique features of the nanorods under the umbrella of continuum mechanics theory. The strong effect of the nonlocal scale has been obtained which leads to substantially different wave behaviors of nanorods from those of macroscopic rods. Nonlocal Euler-Bernoulli bar model is developed for nanorods. Explicit expressions are derived for wavenumbers and wave speeds of nanorods. The analysis shows that the wave characteristics are highly over estimated by the classical rod model, which ignores the effect of small-length scale. The studies also shows that the nonlocal scale parameter introduces certain band gap region in axial wave mode where no wave propagation occurs. This is manifested in the spectrum cures as the region where the wavenumber tends to infinite (or wave speed tends to zero). The results can provide useful guidance for the study and design of the next generation of nanodevices that make use of the wave propagation properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This article deals with the axial wave propagation properties of a coupled nanorod system with consideration of small scale effects. The nonlocal elasticity theory has been incorporated into classical rod/bar model to capture unique features of the coupled nanorods under the umbrella of continuum mechanics theory. Nonlocal rod model is developed for coupled nanorods. The strong effect of the nonlocal scale has been obtained which leads to substantially different wave behavior of nanorods from those of macroscopic rods. Explicit expressions are derived for wavenumber, cut-off frequency and escape frequency of nanorods. The analysis shows that the wave characteristics of nanorods are highly over estimated by the classical rod model, which ignores the effect of small-length scale. The studies also shows that the nonlocal scale parameter introduces certain band gap region in axial or longitudinal wave mode, where no wave propagation occurs. This is manifested in the spectrum cures as the region, where the wavenumber tends to infinite or wave speed tends to zero. The effect of the coupled spring stiffness is also capture in the present analysis. It has been also shown that the cut-off frequency increases as the stiffness of the coupled spring increases and also the coupled spring stiffness has no effect on escape frequency of the axial wave mode in the nanorod. This cut-off frequency is also independent of the nonlocal small scale parameter. The present study may bring in helpful insights while investigating multiple-nanorod-system-models for future nano-optomechanical systems applications. The results can also provide useful guidance for the study and design of the next generation of nanodevices that make use of the wave propagation properties of coupled single-walled carbon nanotubes or coupled nanorods. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Realistic and realtime computational simulation of soft biological organs (e.g., liver, kidney) is necessary when one tries to build a quality surgical simulator that can simulate surgical procedures involving these organs. Since the realistic simulation of these soft biological organs should account for both nonlinear material behavior and large deformation, achieving realistic simulations in realtime using continuum mechanics based numerical techniques necessitates the use of a supercomputer or a high end computer cluster which are costly. Hence there is a need to employ soft computing techniques like Support Vector Machines (SVMs) which can do function approximation, and hence could achieve physically realistic simulations in realtime by making use of just a desktop computer. Present work tries to simulate a pig liver in realtime. Liver is assumed to be homogeneous, isotropic, and hyperelastic. Hyperelastic material constants are taken from the literature. An SVM is employed to achieve realistic simulations in realtime, using just a desktop computer. The code for the SVM is obtained from [1]. The SVM is trained using the dataset generated by performing hyperelastic analyses on the liver geometry, using the commercial finite element software package ANSYS. The methodology followed in the present work closely follows the one followed in [2] except that [2] uses Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) while the present work uses SVMs to achieve realistic simulations in realtime. Results indicate the speed and accuracy that is obtained by employing the SVM for the targeted realistic and realtime simulation of the liver.


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A detailed understanding of structure and stability of nanowires is critical for applications. Atomic resolution imaging of ultrathin single crystalline Au nanowires using aberration-corrected microscopy reveals an intriguing relaxation whereby the atoms in the close-packed atomic planes normal to the growth direction are displaced in the axial direction leading to wrinkling of the (111) atomic plane normal to the wire axis. First-principles calculations of the structure of such nanowires confirm this wrinkling phenomenon, whereby the close-packed planes relax to form saddle-like surfaces. Molecular dynamics studies of wires with varying diameters and different bounding surfaces point to the key role of surface stress on the relaxation process. Using continuum mechanics arguments, we show that the wrinkling arises due to anisotropy in the surface stresses and in the elastic response, along with the divergence of surface-induced bulk stress near the edges of a faceted structure. The observations provide new understanding on the equilibrium structure of nanoscale systems and could have important implications for applications in sensing and actuation.