987 resultados para continuous production
A segmented flow-based microreactor is used for the continuous production of faceted nanocrystals. Flow segmentation is proposed as a versatile tool to manipulate the reduction kinetics and control the growth of faceted nanostructures; tuning the size and shape. Switching the gas from oxygen to carbon monoxide permits the adjustment in nanostructure growth from 1D (nanorods) to 2D (nanosheets). CO is a key factor in the formation of Pd nanosheets and Pt nanocubes; operating as a second phase, a reductant, and a capping agent. This combination confines the growth to specific structures. In addition, the segmented flow microfluidic reactor inherently has the ability to operate in a reproducible manner at elevated temperatures and pressures whilst confining potentially toxic reactants, such as CO, in nanoliter slugs. This continuous system successfully synthesised Pd nanorods with an aspect ratio of 6; thin palladium nanosheets with a thickness of 1.5 nm; and Pt nanocubes with a 5.6 nm edge length, all in a synthesis time as low as 150 s.
This research deals with the production of pectic oligosaccharides (POS) from agro-industrial residues, with specific focus on development of continuous cross flow enzyme membrane reactor. Pectic oligosaccharides have recently gained attention due to their prebiotic activity. Lack of information on the continuous production of POS from agro-industrial residues formed the basis for the present study. Four residues i.e sugar beet pulp, onion hulls, pressed pumpkin cake and berry pomace were taken to study their pectin content. Based on the presence of higher galacturonic acid and arabinose (both homogalacturonan and rhamnogalacturonan) in sugar beet pulp and galacturonic acid (only homogalacturonan) in onion hulls, further optimization of different extraction methods of pectin (causing minimum damage to pectic chain) from these residues were done. The most suitable extractant for sugar beet pulp and onion hulls were nitric acid and sodium hexametaphosphate respectively. Further the experiments on the continuous production of POS from sugar beet pulp in an enzyme membrane reactor was initiated. Several optimization experiments indicated the optimum enzyme (Viscozyme) as well as feed concentration (25 g/L) to be used for producing POS from sugar beet pulp in an enzyme membrane reactor. The results highlighted that steady state POS production with volumetric and specific productivity of 22g/L/h and 11 g/gE/h respectively could be achieved by continuous cross flow filtration of sugar beet pulp pectic extract over 10 kDa membrane at residence time of 20 min. The POS yield of about 80% could be achieved using above conditions. Also, in this thesis preliminary experiments on the production and characterization of POS from onion hulls were conducted. The results revelaed that the most suitable enzyme for POS production from onion hulls is endo-polygalacturonase M2. The POS produced from onion hulls were present in the form of DP1 -DP10 in substituted as well as unsubstituted forms. This study clearly demonstrates that continuous production of POS from pectin rich sources can be achieved by using cross flow continuous enzyme membrane reactor.
The impact of alkyl chain length on the esterification of C2–C16 organic acids with C1–C4 alcohols has been systematically investigated over bulk and SBA-15 supported sulfated zirconias (SZs). Rates of catalytic esterification for methanol with acetic acid are directly proportional to the sulfur content for both SZ and SZ/SBA-15, with the high dispersion of SZ achievable in conformal coatings over mesoporous SBA-15 confering significant rate-enhancements. Esterification over the most active 0.24 mmol gcat−1 bulk SZ and 0.29 mmol gcat−1 SZ/SBA-15 materials was inversely proportional to the alkyl chain length of alcohol and acid reactants; being most sensitive to changes from methanol to ethanol and acetic to hexanoic acids respectively. Kinetic analyses reveal that these alkyl chain dependencies are in excellent accord with the Taft relationship for polar and steric effects in aliphatic systems and the enthalpy of alcohol adsorption, implicating a Langmuir–Hinshelwood mechanism. The first continuous production of methyl propionate over a SZ fixed-bed is also demonstrated.
In order to study whether flavivirus RNA packaging is dependent on RNA replication, we generated two DNA-based Kunjin virus constructs, pKUN1 and pKUN1dGDD, allowing continuous production of replicating (wild-type) and nonreplicating (with a deletion of the NS5 gene RNA-polymerase motif GDD) full-length Kunjin virus RNAs, respectively, via nuclear transcription by cellular RNA polymerase II. As expected, transfection of pKUN1 plasmid DNA into BHK cells resulted in the recovery of secreted infectious Kunjin virions. Transfection of pKUN1dGDD DNA into BHK cells, however, did not result in the recovery of any secreted virus particles containing encapsidated dGDD RNA, despite an apparent accumulation of this RNA in cells demonstrated by Northern blot analysis and its efficient translation demonstrated by detection of correctly processed labeled structural proteins (at least prM and E) both in cells and in the culture fluid using coimmunoprecipitation analysis with anti-E antibodies. In contrast, when dGDD RNA was produced even in much smaller amounts in PKUN1dGDD DNA-transfected repBHK cells (where it was replicated via complementation), it was packaged into secreted virus particles, Thus, packaging of defective Kunjin virus RNA could occur only when it was replicated. Our results with genome-length Kunjin virus RNA and the results with poliovirus replicon RNA (C, I. Nugent et al,, J, Virol, 73:427-435, 1999), both demonstrating the necessity for the RNA to be replicated before it can be packaged, strongly suggest the existence of a common mechanism for minimizing amplification and transmission of defective RNAs among the quasispecies in positive-strand RNA viruses, This mechanism may thus help alleviate the high-copy error rate of RNA-dependent RNA polymerases.
BACKGROUND: Despite the continuous production of genome sequence for a number of organisms, reliable, comprehensive, and cost effective gene prediction remains problematic. This is particularly true for genomes for which there is not a large collection of known gene sequences, such as the recently published chicken genome. We used the chicken sequence to test comparative and homology-based gene-finding methods followed by experimental validation as an effective genome annotation method. RESULTS: We performed experimental evaluation by RT-PCR of three different computational gene finders, Ensembl, SGP2 and TWINSCAN, applied to the chicken genome. A Venn diagram was computed and each component of it was evaluated. The results showed that de novo comparative methods can identify up to about 700 chicken genes with no previous evidence of expression, and can correctly extend about 40% of homology-based predictions at the 5' end. CONCLUSIONS: De novo comparative gene prediction followed by experimental verification is effective at enhancing the annotation of the newly sequenced genomes provided by standard homology-based methods.
INTRODUCTION In the critically ill patient, there is a continuous production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that need to be neutralized to prevent oxidative stress (OS). Quantitatively speaking, the glutathione system (GSH) is the most important anti-oxidant endogenous defense. To increase it, glutamine supplementation has been shown to be effective by protecting against the oxidative damage and reducing the morbimortality. OBJECTIVE To assess the effect of adding an alanylglutamine dipeptide to PN on lipid peroxidation lipidica and glutathione metabolism, as well as its relationship with morbidity in critically ill patients. METHODS Determination through spectrophotometry techniques of glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, total glutathione, and maloniladdehyde at admission adn after seven days of hospitalization at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in 20 patients older than 18 years on parenteral nutrition therapy. RESULTS The group of patients receiving parenteral nutrition with glutamine supplementation had significant increases in total glutathione (42.35+/-13 vs 55.29+/-12 micromol/l; p<0.05) and the enzymatic activity of glutathione peroxidasa (470+/-195 vs 705+/-214 micromol/l; p<0.05) within one week of nutritional therapy, whereas the group on conventional parenteral nutrition did not show significant changes of any of the parameters studied (p>0.05). However, both mortality and ICU stay were not different between the study group, whereas the severity (assessed by the SOFA score) was lower in the group of patients receiving glutamine (SOFA 5+/-2 vs 8+/-1.8; p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS Glutamine intake in critically ill patients improves the antioxidant defenses, which leads to lower lipid peroxidation and lower morbidity during admission at the ICU.
Background: Despite the continuous production of genome sequence for a number of organisms,reliable, comprehensive, and cost effective gene prediction remains problematic. This is particularlytrue for genomes for which there is not a large collection of known gene sequences, such as therecently published chicken genome. We used the chicken sequence to test comparative andhomology-based gene-finding methods followed by experimental validation as an effective genomeannotation method.Results: We performed experimental evaluation by RT-PCR of three different computational genefinders, Ensembl, SGP2 and TWINSCAN, applied to the chicken genome. A Venn diagram wascomputed and each component of it was evaluated. The results showed that de novo comparativemethods can identify up to about 700 chicken genes with no previous evidence of expression, andcan correctly extend about 40% of homology-based predictions at the 5' end.Conclusions: De novo comparative gene prediction followed by experimental verification iseffective at enhancing the annotation of the newly sequenced genomes provided by standardhomology-based methods.
Water resource quality is a concern of today's society and, as a consequence, low pollutant wastewaters and sludges are being increasingly treated, resulting in continuous production of sewage sludge. Sewage sludge (SS) can be used as soil physical conditioner of agricultural or degraded lands, due to its organic C component. The objective of this research was to evaluate the long-term SS effects on soil physical quality of properties such as bulk density, porosity, permeability and water retention of degraded soils treated with annual SS applications. The SS rates were calculated according to the crop N demand. The field experiment consisted of three treatments: mineral fertilization, 10 and 20 Mg ha-1 of SS (once and twice the SS quantity to meet the maize N demand, respectively), in annual applications to the surface layer of a eutroferric Red Latosol. SS reduced bulk density, increased macroporosity and decreased microporosity after the third application, but did not significantly alter the soil permeability and physical quality as measured by the S index in the surface layer.
The continuous production of vascular tissues through secondary growth results in radial thickening of plant organs and is pivotal for various aspects of plant growth and physiology, such as water transport capacity or resistance to mechanical stress. It is driven by the vascular cambium, which produces inward secondary xylem and outward secondary phloem. In the herbaceous plant Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis), secondary growth occurs in stems, in roots and in the hypocotyl. In the latter, radial growth is most prominent and not obscured by parallel ongoing elongation growth. Moreover, its progression is reminiscent of the secondary growth mode of tree trunks. Thus, the Arabidopsis hypocotyl is a very good model to study basic molecular mechanisms of secondary growth. Genetic approaches have succeeded in the identification of various factors, including peptides, receptors, transcription factors and hormones, which appear to participate in a complex network that controls radial growth. Many of these players are conserved between herbaceous and woody plants. In this review, we will focus on what is known about molecular mechanisms and regulators of vascular secondary growth in the Arabidopsis hypocotyl.
Tietotekniikkapalvelut on palveluorganisaatio, jonka tavoitteena on tarjota asiakkaalleen toimivat tietoliikenneyhteydet ja toimivat tietojärjestelmät metsäteollisuuden vaatimiin tarpeisiin vastaten. Häiriöttömän ja jatkuvatoimisen tuotannon takaamiseksi tukiprosesseja kehitetään jatkuvasti. Suuren konsernin ongelmana ovat toisistaan poikkeavat käytännöt ja tästä aiheutuvat tehokkuuserot. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, mitä IT-palveluiden tuotteistaminen merkitsee ja kuvataan tietotekniikkasektorin palvelutuotteiden rakentuminen, hallinta ja käyttömahdollisuus metsäteollisuusyrityksessä. IT-palveluiden tuotteistamisella haetaan sisäistä tehokkuutta sekä laadukkaampaa tulosta. Tuotteistamalla palvelut saadaan tietopääoma paremmin hallintaan ja jakeluun. Suorituskyvyn hallinnan avulla saadaan palveluihin läpinäkyvyyttä ja kehitystoiminta tehostuu. Tuotteistusprojektin tavoitteena on rakentaa globaalit tuotekuvaukset metsäteollisuusyrityksen tietotekniikkapalveluista, joita yksiköt voivat tarkentaa ja syventää haluamalleen tasolle. Tuotekuvausten rakentaminen edellyttää toimintamallien perusteellista läpikäyntiä ja tarvittavien osaamisten selvittämistä sekä palveluiden suorituskykyodotusten määrittämistä. Tietotekniikkasektorin tuotteistusprojektin tuloksena palvelut jaetaan kolmeen palveluryhmään: tietojärjestelmäpalvelut, tietoliikennepalvelut sekä tietoturvapalvelut. Tietojärjestelmäpalvelut kuvataan vielä tarkemmin perustietotekniikka- ja järjestelmäpalvelutuotteiksi. Samoin tietoliikennepalvelut jaetaan datansiirto- ja puheensiirtopalvelutuotteiksi. Palvelutuotteita, siis tuotetietoa, hallitaan ja ylläpidetään tietojärjestelmällä, mistä on liityntä operatiiviseen järjestelmään.
Lähtökohta työlle on John Fogelholmin vuonna 2001 julkaisema tutkimus tuotekustannuslaskentamenetelmien soveltuvuuksista eri tuotantoprosesseihin. Työn tavoitteena on tutkia, mitä uutta vuoden 2001 jälkeen aiheesta on kirjoitettu ja uudistaa näiden tietojen pohjalta Fogelholmin tutkimus nykypäivään. Aihetta lähdettiin tutkimaan laaja-alaisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla, jossa tarkoituksena oli selvittää, mitkä tuotekustannuslaskentamenetelmistä ovat kaikkein eniten käytössä nykypäivän yrityksissä sekä millaisia ominaisuuksia yleisimmät tuotantoprosessit omaavat. Tämän jälkeen saatuja tuloksia sovellettiin käytäntöön erilaisten tutkimusten, artikkeleiden sekä omien päätelmien pohjalta tutkien, mitkä yleisimmistä tuotekustannuslaskentamenetelmistä sopivat parhaiten kuhunkin tuotantoprosessiin. Saatujen tulosten pohjalta rakennettiin yhteenvetotaulukko, josta voidaan havaita, mitä muutoksia aiheeseen liittyen on tapahtunut vajaan kymmenen vuoden aikana. Tutkimuksen tuloksista voidaan nähdä, että tuotantoprosessit jaotellaan nykyisin miltei samalla tavoin kuin aikaisemminkin, mutta laskentamenetelmissä on tapahtunut enemmän muutoksia modernin kustannuslaskennan käytön lisäännyttyä.
In the environment of ever-changing needs of customers, technologies and competitors, the survival of the company depends on how well it researches, develops and implements new products to the market. The need for development of new products relates to many factors: globalization, international competition which is now underway on a global scale, scientific advances and development of production, changes in consumer preferences and consumer behavior. In this study the focus is on the company form a dairy products industry. This study is aimed to defining the role of product innovation launch strategy in an overall enterprise strategy, and to select the optimal combination of its marketing tools. The main purpose of this study is to determine place and the role of innovative marketing based in the innovation process, and to determine launch and positioning strategies in the general concept of an innovative product. The object of the study is the Russian enterprise, which is aimed to achieve a competitive advantage through the continuous production of new products, upgrade existing ones and improve innovation management practices. Research showed that the differentiation strategy is suitable for launching the dairy industry product innovation to a market.
Puolijohteiden yleistyttyä vuodesta 1948 alkaen, ovat elektroniset laitteet pienentyneet jatkuvasti tehojen kuitenkin kasvaessa. Kasvaneet tehotiheydet kuitenkin vaikeuttavat laitesuunnittelua, sillä puoljohdekomponenttien suorituskyvylle ja eliniälle on oleellista lämpötilojen ja lämpötilavaihteluiden minimointi. Perinteisen ilmajäähdytyksen lähestyessä rajojaan niin kokonaistehon kuin järkevän energiatehokkuudenkin suhteen, on parhaaksi seuraavaksi teknologiaksi ennustettu kaksifaasijäähdytystä, jonka suorituskyky ja energiatehokkuus ovat vaaditulla tasolla. Kaksifaasijäähdytyksen optimaaliselle toiminnalle tärkeää on hyvin suunniteltu ja tarkasti valmistettu lämmönsiirtopinta, jota kutsutaan mikrokanavistoksi. Pulssitettu laserkaiverrus on edistynyt valmistustekniikka, jonka tarkkuus ja luotettavuus sopisivat mikrokanavistojen valmistamiseen. Laserkaiverruksella saavutettavat lopputulokset vaihtelevat kuitenkin materiaalista riippuen ja kupari – jota käytetään yleisesti lämmönjohteena – on eräs huonoimmin lasertyöstöön reagoivista materiaaleista ja siksi on oleellista selvittää laser-kaiverruksen toimivuutta kuparisten mikrokanavistojen valmistuksessa. Pulssitetun laser-kaiverruksen eri variaatioista nanosekunti-luokan pulssinpituuksilla toimivat laitteet ovat jatkuvan tuotannon kannalta paras vaihtoehto niiden hyvän tuottavuuden, saatavuuden sekä kohtuullisen alkuinvestoinnin vuoksi. Käytännön kaiverruskokeiden perusteella selvisi, että menetelmä on laatunsa ja tarkkuutensa puolesta sopiva varsinaiseen tuotantoon. Kaiverruksen tehokkuus kuparia työstettäessä on kuitenkin ennakoituakin heikompi ja niin valmistus- kuin suunnitelu-prosessikin vaativat vielä jatkotutkimusta ja -kehitystä.
Transient and continuous recombinant protein expression by HEK cells was evaluated in a perfused monolithic bioreactor. Highly porous synthetic cryogel scaffolds (10ml bed volume) were characterised by scanning electron microscopy and tested as cell substrates. Efficient seeding was achieved (94% inoculum retained, with 91-95% viability). Metabolite monitoring indicated continuous cell growth, and endpoint cell density was estimated by genomic DNA quantification to be 5.2x108, 1.1x109 and 3.5x1010 at day 10, 14 and 18. Culture of stably transfected cells allowed continuous production of the Drosophila cytokine Spätzle by the bioreactor at the same rate as in monolayer culture (total 1.2 mg at d18) and this protein was active. In transient transfection experiments more protein was produced per cell compared with monolayer culture. Confocal microscopy confirmed homogenous GFP expression after transient transfection within the bioreactor. Monolithic bioreactors are thus shown to be a flexible and powerful tool for manufacturing recombinant proteins.
Wheat, although moderately tolerant to salt, can not be cultivated in many areas. However, in the triticeae tribe, some of the wild wheat relatives are highly tolerant, e.g. Thinopyrum bessarabicum, which grows on the sea shore. Eight primary hexaploid tritipyrum lines, amphiploids between Triticum durum and Thinopyrum bessarabicum have been produced which can set seed in at least 250 mM NaCl. These tritipyrums (2n=6x=42, AABBEbEb) due to reasons such as brittle rachis, continuous production of tillers, late maturity, tall stature and meiotic instability will not fulfill the requirements of a successful commercial salt tolerant crop. To overcome such problems the substituted tritipyrum, in which selected Eb chromosomes are replaced by D genome chromosomes of 6x wheat, was produced from 6x tritipyrum x 6x wheat hybrids (F1: 2n=6x=42, AABBDEb) followed by selfing and backcrossing with 6x tritipyrum. The fertile plants among the above progenies were screened by the genomic fluorescent in situ hybridization technique to identify their Eb and D chromosome constitution. This study showed that producing tritiprum with variable numbers of Eb and D genome chromosomes is feasible and that FISH is a useful technique for determining the number of Eb chromosomes present.