984 resultados para contemporary fiction


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Esta investigación se centra en la Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) como organización política. Intenta responder dos interrogantes primordiales: 1) ¿cómo la FIFA ha constituido el poder que tiene actualmente y, así, hacerse del monopolio indiscutido del fútbol? Y 2) ¿cómo ha cambiado en el tiempo la política interna de FIFA y su vínculo con la política internacional? Para lograr esto, se realiza un estudio histórico, basado principalmente en documentos, que intenta caracterizar y analizar los cambios de la organización en el tiempo. Se enfatizan las últimas dos presidencias de FIFA, de João Havelange y Joseph Blatter, como casos de estudio.


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Contemporary fiction, through its delineation of “feminine” and “unfeminine” women, ultimately either perpetuates or challenges the patriarchal discourse of femininity. This paper is premised on the belief that “the feminine” falls into two specific categories, each as limiting in scope as the other: namely, conformity and transgression.


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This thesis examines gender-political representations of middle-aged, middle-class, white women in a sample of new millennial middlebrow novels. The findings demonstrate how popular contemporary fiction traffics a set of feminine norms that are complexly inflected by both feminism and the apolitical ethos of feminism.


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Alasdair Gray is now an established figure in the Scottish literary scene and has numerous claims to be considered an important voice writing in English. First Lanark: A Life in Four Books (1981) and then 1982 Janine (1984) contributed to the recognition of Gray as one of the founding fathers of the new Scottish writing and as a figure of importance in international contemporary fiction due to his innovative, experimental and postmodernist novels. As the title of this dissertation - “Alasdair Gray’s 1982 Janine (1984): A Postmodernist Scottish Novel” - suggests, it aims at analysing the author’s second novel, 1982 Janine (1984), in a thematic and formal perspective, in order to justify the choice of the terms - Postmodernist and Scottish - to classify this novel. 1982 Janine projects a world through Jock McLeish’s mind and is a powerful stream-of-consciousness narrative. Jock is an alcoholic who lives a personal crisis and, therefore, tries to escape from his depressing reality through sexual fantasies and political diatribes. During a single night in a Scottish hotel room, he drinks and dreams, and spends the whole night alone with his fantasies and fears, his memories and hopes. In Chapter 11, the most daring experimental section of the novel, Jock attempts to commit suicide by taking an overdose of tablets with alcohol but fails. Following this, he decides to review his life and make for a new beginning; the novel thus closing with an optimistic note. Also, the narrative is based on a constant interweaving of sex fantasy with political satire, that is, it is through his protagonist that Gray manages to convey the state of Scotland as well as the concerns and aspirations of the Scottish people and then, proceed to a political and social critique. This dissertation appears structured in three chapters. In Chapter I - “Alasdair Gray: A Postmodernist Scottish Writer” - I present Gray as a powerful postmodernist writer who also sees himself as a Scottish author, and more particularly as a Glaswegian, who concentrates on Scottish subject matter in his literary work. In a first section, I offer a brief survey of the Scottish literary scene from the fourteenth to the twentieth century, in order to understand Gray’s choice of setting and themes and to check his influence or indebtedness to previous Scottish authors. As 1982 Janine is also a good example of selfconscious experimental writing, in a second section, I present various seminal fictional works that introduced and developed experimentalism in British fiction, in order to evaluate the influence of modernist developments in form and technique on recent experimental writing. The third section consists of an introduction to Gray’s work for he is not only a novelist, but also an artist, a playwright, a poet, an activist and a scholar. Chapter II - “Postmodernist Features in 1982 Janine” - aims at listing and examining the postmodernist devices that the novel includes, in what content and form are concerned. On the one hand, the use of a developed type of the modernist stream of consciousness, the presence of a protagonist who feels entrapped in a specific system, the quest for freedom, the incoherence and fragmentation of time, the nonchronological order of the narrative, the blending of fantasy and “reality”, as well as the importance of the Scottish material are definitely current aspects within postmodernist literature that can be found in Gray’s novel. On the other hand, the handling of literary self-conscious devices, such as typographical experimentation, presence of metafiction and intertextuality, and inclusion of an Epilogue, are likewise among recurrent postmodernist features. As the title - “A Narratological Analysis of 1982 Janine” - evidences, Chapter III offers a description of the mechanics of the narrative and its functioning in order to better understand the narrative technique of postmodernist fiction. This study is based primarily on Gérard Genette’s theoretical framework and terminology, presented in Narrative Discourse: An Essay in Method, an analytical tool that allows me to provide a more objective and scientific analysis. Hence, I follow the Genettian division of narrative discourse in Time, Mood and Voice while examining the novel. Finally, I proceed to a description of the intertextual relationships 1982 Janine establishes with other texts.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Our aim in this article is to accomplish an afterthought concerning contemporary fiction. Taken as initial the afterthought of the role of the novel as fiction and its linking with the afterthought of mimesis in modernity, we aim to consider the presence of agony not only as a theme but also as a structural element of narratives. Eventually, we will make brief tallies of theses aspects in the work of José Saramago.


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The aim of this essay is to offer a new angle on the novel A sombra dos dias [The shadow of the days] by Guilherme de Melo, published in 1981, stressing the homoerotic look on Mozambique's Colonial War and the Lourenço Marques society of the time, recreated her in another direction, revealing the scenarios and the behavior of that society. We propose a rereading of a not too distant past, which still has political and cultural effects on Portuguese society.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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When the jury of the Man Booker Prize 2010 chose three novels for their short-list that were written in present tense they earned some harsh criticism. To some, like Philipp Pullman, present tense narration seemed to be no more than an annoying fad, “a silly affectation,” which he criticises as a limitation to narrative possibility.1 Nevertheless, present tense narration is spreading fast, not only among Booker Prize nominees and winners. Indeed, it has become so common that it hardly seems to draw much attention anymore. But what is the appeal of present tense narration to contemporary authors? What effect does the choice of present tense narration have on the ways stories are told and read? This paper will address and compare the use of present tense narration in recent British novels by authors such as Hilary Mantel (Wolf Hall, Bring up the Bodies), Ali Smith (Hotel World, The Accidental ), Tom McCarthy (C) and others, looking for similarities and differences in their respective narrative rationale. In view of the heterogeneous and complex use of present tense in contemporary fiction, I would like to suggest, merely pointing to the pace of contemporary life and the simultaneity of new communication media does not suffice to adequately address a phenomenon that has become a characteristic feature of 21st century narration. 1 Laura Roberts. “Philip Pullman and Philip Hensher criticise Booker Prize for including present tense novels.” The Telegraph. 11. Sept. 2010.


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En el marco de las discusiones en torno al "valor" en tiempos de posautonomía, se diagrama un mapa que articula los diversos modos en que los textos narrativos de los poetas Fabián Casas, Washington Cucurto y Juan Diego Incardona, reinventan, singularmente, el imaginario populista (nostalgia barrial desplazada al vacío representacional de la experiencia zen; religación ideológica y política del sujeto colectivo; discurso revolucionario en clave de farsa y banalidad), a la vez que definen, desde esas inflexiones, tres economías ficcionales como tres posiciones en relación con el trabajo como uno de los nudos de la cultura del nuevo capitalismo: ocio, artesanía, y superproducción. La película Historias extraordinarias de Mariano Llinás constituye otra versión del modelo artesanal y, desde su particular economía, un acontecimiento narrativo en la ficción argentina del presente


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Este trabajo pretende abordar algunas de las particularidades de las representaciones de la violencia política en la novela actual en lengua vasca. A partir de la constatación de que en la sociedad vasca, como en toda sociedad, existe un conflicto entre memorias de violencias de distinto signo, el artículo pretende ilustrar cómo se han articulado cuestionestales como las categorías de víctima y victimario, cuya distinción no es siempre nítida, o los orígenes de la violencia política en dos novelas vascas actuales: Soinujolearen semea (El hijo del acordeonista) de Bernardo Atxaga y Antzararen bidea (El camino de la oca) de Jokin Muñoz. El autor sostiene que estas novelas plantean dos modos distintos, aunque no incompatibles, de ficcionalización de la violencia y el deber de memoria


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Este trabajo pretende abordar algunas de las particularidades de las representaciones de la violencia política en la novela actual en lengua vasca. A partir de la constatación de que en la sociedad vasca, como en toda sociedad, existe un conflicto entre memorias de violencias de distinto signo, el artículo pretende ilustrar cómo se han articulado cuestionestales como las categorías de víctima y victimario, cuya distinción no es siempre nítida, o los orígenes de la violencia política en dos novelas vascas actuales: Soinujolearen semea (El hijo del acordeonista) de Bernardo Atxaga y Antzararen bidea (El camino de la oca) de Jokin Muñoz. El autor sostiene que estas novelas plantean dos modos distintos, aunque no incompatibles, de ficcionalización de la violencia y el deber de memoria


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En el marco de las discusiones en torno al "valor" en tiempos de posautonomía, se diagrama un mapa que articula los diversos modos en que los textos narrativos de los poetas Fabián Casas, Washington Cucurto y Juan Diego Incardona, reinventan, singularmente, el imaginario populista (nostalgia barrial desplazada al vacío representacional de la experiencia zen; religación ideológica y política del sujeto colectivo; discurso revolucionario en clave de farsa y banalidad), a la vez que definen, desde esas inflexiones, tres economías ficcionales como tres posiciones en relación con el trabajo como uno de los nudos de la cultura del nuevo capitalismo: ocio, artesanía, y superproducción. La película Historias extraordinarias de Mariano Llinás constituye otra versión del modelo artesanal y, desde su particular economía, un acontecimiento narrativo en la ficción argentina del presente


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Este trabajo pretende abordar algunas de las particularidades de las representaciones de la violencia política en la novela actual en lengua vasca. A partir de la constatación de que en la sociedad vasca, como en toda sociedad, existe un conflicto entre memorias de violencias de distinto signo, el artículo pretende ilustrar cómo se han articulado cuestionestales como las categorías de víctima y victimario, cuya distinción no es siempre nítida, o los orígenes de la violencia política en dos novelas vascas actuales: Soinujolearen semea (El hijo del acordeonista) de Bernardo Atxaga y Antzararen bidea (El camino de la oca) de Jokin Muñoz. El autor sostiene que estas novelas plantean dos modos distintos, aunque no incompatibles, de ficcionalización de la violencia y el deber de memoria