962 resultados para constructive alignment


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O questionamento dos alunos é reconhecido como uma capacidade fundamental, de nível superior, associada ao desenvolvimento de outras competências centrais, como o pensamento crítico, a resolução de problemas ou a capacidade de reflexão, assumindo especial relevância no contexto de disciplinas científicas. O presente estudo surge no atual enquadramento de reestruturação curricular do ensino universitário em Portugal, como um caso de colaboração estreita entre investigadores do Departamento de Educação e professores das Unidades Curriculares de “Microbiologia”, “Genética” e “Temas e Laboratórios de Biologia”, do Departamento de Biologia, na Universidade de Aveiro. Estas unidades curriculares, dirigidas a alunos de várias licenciaturas, são sobretudo frequentadas por alunos do primeiro ano das licenciaturas em Biologia e Biologia/Geologia. Um dos principais objetivos era identificar contextos de prática no âmbito dos quais pudéssemos sugerir estratégias inovadoras de Ensino, Aprendizagem e Avaliação (EAA), que promovessem o questionamento dos estudantes, numa lógica de alinhamento construtivo. Outro dos objetivos era também o de analisar e caracterizar o questionamento dos alunos, associado à diversidade de estratégias adotadas. A presente investigação adota princípios dos paradigmas naturalista e sociocrítico, seguindo uma abordagem metodológica sobretudo de natureza qualitativa. As várias situações de EAA foram desenhadas, implementadas e adaptadas atendendo às particularidades de cada Unidade Curricular (UC), ao longo de dois estudos (2007/2008 e 2008/2009). O questionamento dos alunos foi caracterizado nos diversos contextos de EAA, atendendo ao seu nível cognitivo. Realizaram-se entrevistas semiestruturadas com alunos selecionados, no fim de cada estudo (17 alunos no total), e também com os professores envolvidos (4 professores), no fim do segundo estudo. A análise do questionamento dos alunos nos variados contextos, permitiu confirmar um questionamento espontâneo pouco frequente e tendencialmente de baixo nível cognitivo associado à expressão oral. No entanto, em situações com efeitos sumativos na avaliação, verificou-se um maior envolvimento e uma maior participação dos alunos, associados a uma maior frequência e qualidade do questionamento. Confirmamos o papel fundamental que a avaliação desempenha no decurso da aprendizagem, valorizando o seu papel formativo bem como o feedback proporcionado pelos professores no sentido de alcançar melhores desempenhos em termos de questionamento e, em última análise, em termos de aprendizagem. Todas as evidências recolhidas permitem afirmar que o questionamento constituiu um importante motor para um alinhamento construtivo entre o ensino, a aprendizagem e a avaliação, devidamente articulados com os objetivos de aprendizagem de cada UC. Comprovamos, também, que se não forem criadas situações em que os alunos sejam incentivados a questionar, situações que constituam para si um desafio, um estímulo extrínseco, apenas teremos acesso ao seu questionamento oral e espontâneo, com as características que já lhe são conhecidas. Afirmamos, assim, a relevância de se desenharem situações de ensino, aprendizagem e avaliação, que promovam nos alunos o desenvolvimento da competência de questionamento. Um outro objetivo central de investigação a que nos tínhamos proposto era a caracterização do questionamento dos alunos numa perspetiva mais holística, situando-o como uma competência fundamental que deverá ser desenvolvida em contextos educativos, mas também ao longo da vida. Avançamos com uma proposta de modelo de competência de questionamento, como um dos resultados principais do presente estudo. Este modelo surge de toda a experiência investigativa e, sobretudo, do estudo aprofundado de dois casos, correspondentes a dois alunos selecionados, que permitiu a elucidação das dimensões de competência. Assumindo o questionamento como competência, consideramos que o modelo proposto, e ainda em evolução, poderá representar um importante contributo para a teoria e para a prática do questionamento.


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Increasingly employers use virtual teams to leverage business knowledge that can solve day to day business problems and create new business opportunities. Consequently, according to Bridgstock, graduates increasingly require virtual teamwork skills such as communication, negotiation and collaboration. The project presented here has researched and trialled the role of a well-designed interactive scenario in developing graduate attributes related to working with others, using virtual business entities across four faculties. One innovative outcome from this has been the scoping and linking of cross-faculty virtual developments into an overarching structure which is easily navigable and engaging for the net generation learner, and capacity building for the university. For clarity, that scaffolding or framework ‘city’ has been called Virtualopolis. This has the potential to link pockets of innovation across the university in the area of experiential learning and virtual work-integrated learning (WIL), the term expolred by Walsh within the context of Briggs' constructive alignment. The prototype workteam scenario has multiple applications, with capacity to be a hurdle requirement, assessment item or training activity depending on the needs of the faculty’s WIL. By developing the online framework or model Virtualopolis, work-integrated teams assessment can be linked across different business entities, and used as skills preparation for experiential learning units such as internships, professional experience and workplace-based projects university-wide. This model has exciting possibilities of transferability across the higher education sector in the linkage of innovative virtual scenarios to reduce developmental costs, assessment tools/resources targeted specifically to graduate attributes, and virtual teamwork capacity building.


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Curtin University's Curriculum 2010 (C2010) initiative aimed at ensuring degree programs were excellent and sustainable. Before C2010, graduate attributes were not universally emphasised and indicators showed room for improvement in generic skills. C2010 focused on embedding graduate attributes through three strategies. The first was embedding graduate attributes in degree programs and mapping for constructive alignment of outcomes and assessments. The second strategy was related: programs were reviewed drawing on evidence including perspectives of graduates, employers and program teams on the relative importance of graduate attributes and the extent to which they were generally demonstrated or developed. The third strategy was a university-wide eportfolio system enabling students' self- and peer-assessment of graduate attributes. Since completion of C2010, proxy indicators show improvement. However, this paper highlights the challenges associated with graduate attributes and renewal. These include: academic staff engagement, the time needed for innovations to come to fruition and evidencing achievement of graduate attributes.


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This paper reports on a study conducted into how one cohort of Master of Teaching pre-service visual art teachers perceived their learning in a fully online learning environment. Located in an Australian urban university, this qualitative study provided insights into a number of areas associated with higher education online learning, including that of assessment, the focus of this paper. Authentic assessment tasks were designed within the University’s learning and teaching framework of constructive alignment and were sequenced across the three semesters of the visual art program. Analysis of data collected through a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews revealed that participants largely held very positive attitudes about the suite of online assessment tasks, particularly in light of (a) the collaborative learning that took place, (b) the nature, structure and sequence of the tasks, and (c) the ways in which the tasks contributed to their workplace readiness.


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The conventional lecture has significant limitations in the higher education context, often leading to a passive learning experience for students. This paper reports a process of transforming teaching and learning with active learning strategies in a research-intensive educational context across a faculty of 45 academic staff and more than 1000 students. A phased approach was used, involving nine staff in a pilot phase during which a common vision and principles were developed. In short, our approach was to mandate a move away from didactic lectures to classes that involved students interacting with content, with each other and with instructors in order to attain domain-specific learning outcomes and generic skills. After refinement, an implementation phase commenced within all first-year subjects, involving 12 staff including three from the pilot group. The staff use of active learning methods in classes increased by sixfold and sevenfold in the pilot and implementation phases, respectively. An analysis of implementation phase exam questions indicated that staff increased their use of questions addressing higher order cognitive skills by 51%. Results of a staff survey indicated that this change in practice was caused by the involvement of staff in the active learning approach. Fifty-six percent of staff respondents indicated that they had maintained constructive alignment as they introduced active learning. After the pilot, only three out of nine staff agreed that they understood what makes for an effective active learning exercise. This rose to seven out of nine staff at the completion of the implementation phase. The development of a common approach with explicit vision and principles and the evaluation and refinement of active learning were effective elements of our transformational change management strategy. Future efforts will focus on ensuring that all staff have the time, skills and pedagogical understanding required to embed constructively aligned active learning within the approach.


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Organisations are increasingly investing in complex technological innovations such as enterprise information systems with the aim of improving the operations of the business, and in this way gaining competitive advantage. However, the implementation of technological innovations tends to have an excessive focus on either technology innovation effectiveness (also known as system effectiveness), or the resulting operational effectiveness; focusing on either one of them is detrimental to the long-term enterprise benefits through failure to achieve the real value of technological innovations. The lack of research on the dimensions and performance objectives that organisations must be focusing on is the main reason for this misalignment. This research uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative, three-stage methodological approach. Initial findings suggest that factors such as quality of information from technology innovation effectiveness, and quality and speed from operational effectiveness are important and significantly well correlated factors that promote the alignment between technology innovation effectiveness and operational effectiveness.


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The objective of the project “Value Alignment Process for Project Delivery” is to provide a catalyst and tools for reform in the building and construction industry to transform business-as-usual performance into exceptional performance. The outcomes of this project will be beneficial to not only the construction industry, but to the community as a whole because a more sophisticated industry can deliver more effective use of assets, financing, operating and maintenance of facilities to suit the community’s needs. The research project consists of a study into best practice project delivery and the development of a suite of products, resources and services to guide project teams towards the best approach for a specific project. These resources will be focused on promoting the principles that underlie best practice project delivery, rather than on identifying a particular delivery system. The need for such tools and resources becomes more and more acute as the environment within which the construction industry operates becomes more and more complex, and as business and political imperatives shift to encompass or represent diverse stakeholder interests. To this end, this literature review looks at why it is essential to achieve transformation in the Australian construction industry in the context of its importance to the Australian economy. It seeks to investigate the concepts of ‘alignment’ and value’ as they pertain to construction industry processes and relationships. It comprehensively reviews drivers of project excellence and best practice project delivery principles and looks at how clients approach selection of project delivery systems. It critiques existing project delivery strategies and gives an overview of recent best practice initiatives. The literature review represents a milestone against the Project Agreement and forms a foundation document for this research project


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This paper describes an extended case-based reasoning model that addresses the notion of situatedness in designing through constructive memory. The model is illustrated through an application for predicting the corrosion rate for a specific material on a specific building.


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A study into best practice project delivery and the development of a suite of products, resources and services to help guide clients and project teams towards the best approach for specific projects.