991 resultados para constituent ordering


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Cells are packed with membrane structures, defining the inside and outside, and the different subcellular compartments. These membranes consisting mainly of phospholipids have a variety of functions in addition to providing a permeability barrier for various compounds. These functions involve cellular signaling, where lipids can act as second messengers, or direct regulation of membrane associating proteins. The first part of this study focuses on relating some of the physicochemical properties of membrane lipids to the association of drug compounds to membranes. A fluorescence based method is described allowing for determination of the membrane association of drugs. This method was subsequently applied to a novel drug, siramesine, previously shown to have anti-cancer activity. Siramesine was found to associate with anionic lipids. Especially interesting is its strong affinity for a second messenger lipid phosphatidic acid. This is the first example of a small molecule drug compound specifically interacting with a cellular lipid. Phosphatidic acid in cells is required for the activation of many signaling pathways mediating growth and proliferation. This provides an intriguing possibility for a simple molecular mechanism of the observed anti-cancer activity of siramesine. In the second part the thermal behavior and self assembly of charged and uncharged membrane assemblies was studied. Strong inter-lamellar co-operativity was observed for multilamellar DPPC vesicles using fluorescence techniques together with calorimetry. The commonly used membrane models, large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) and multilamellar vesicles (MLV) were found to possess different biophysical properties as interlamellar interactions of MLVs drive segregation of a pyrene labeled lipid analogue into clusters. The effect of a counter-ion lattice on the self assembly of a cationic gemini surfactant was studied. The presence of NaCl strongly influenced the thermal phase behavior of M-1 vesicles, causing formation of giant vesicles upon exceeding a phase transition temperature, followed by a subsequent transition into a more homogenous dispersion. Understanding the underlying biophysical aspects of cellular membranes is of fundamental importance as the complex picture of the structure and function of cells is evolving. Many of the cellular reactions take place on membranes and membranes are known to regulate the activity of many peripheral and intergral membrane associating proteins. From the point of view of drug design and gene technology, membranes can provide an interesting target for future development of drugs, but also a vehicle sensitive for environmental changes allowing for encapsulating drugs and targeting them to the desired site of action.


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This paper demonstrates how classroom trouble warranting teacher intervention can stem from transgressions in different layers of the complex moral order regulating classroom interactions. The paper builds from Durkheim’s treatment of schooling as the institution responsible for the inculcation of a shared moral order, Bernstein’s distinction between the instructional and regulative discourses in any pedagogic setting, and the concept of verticality in the instructional discourse to illuminate how curricular knowledge might apply across different contexts. This paper proposes a similar vertical dimension of moral gravity in the regulative discourse, such that some moral expectations apply across any context, while others are highly contextualized. This paper then applies this frame to data from classroom observations conducted in prevocational pathways for 16 years olds created under Australia’s “earning or learning till 17” policy. This paper describes the variety of moral premises teachers invoked in different teacher/class combinations, according to their level of moral gravity to display the dominant use of highly contextualized moral premises seeking institutional compliance, and minimal use of broader moral frames for these students on the brink of entry to the adult world.


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X-ray absorption edge and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic studies of As-Se glasses seem to support a chemical ordering model.


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Using even driven simulations, we show that homogeneously sheared inelastic dumbbells in two dimensions are randomly orientated in the limit of low density. As the packing fraction is increased, particles first tend to orient along the extensional axis, and then as the packing fraction is further increased, the alignment shifts closer to the flow axis. The orientational order parameter displays a continuous increase with packing fraction and does not appear to exhibit a universal scaling with elongation. Except at the highest packing fractions, the orientational distribution function can be reconstructed with only the first coefficient of the Fourier expansion.


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Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and magnetic properties of nanowires of Pr0.57Ca0.41Ba0.02MnO3 (PCBMO) are studied and compared with those of the bulk material. PCBMO nanowires with diameter of 80-90 nm and length of similar to 3.5 mu m were synthesized by a low reaction temperature hydrothermal method and the bulk sample was prepared following a solid-state reaction route. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The bulk PCBMO manganite exhibits charge order at 230 K along with a ferromagnetic transition at 110 K. However, superconducting quantum interference device measurements on the PCBMO nanowires show a complete `melting' of charge ordering and a ferromagnetic transition at 115 K. This result is confirmed by the EPR intensity behavior as well. However, the EPR line width, which is reflective of the spin dynamics, shows a shallow minimum for nanowires at the temperature corresponding to the charge-ordering transition, i.e., 230 K. We interpret this result as an indication of the presence of charge-ordering fluctuations in the nanowires even though the static charge order is absent, thus heralding the occurrence of charge order in the bulk sample.


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Confinement and Surface specific interactions call induce Structures otherwise unstable at that temperature and pressure. Here we Study the groove specific water dynamics ill the nucleic acid sequences, poly-AT and poly-GC, in long B-DNA duplex chains by large scale atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, accompanied by thermodynamic analysis. While water dynamics in the major groove remains insensitive to the sequence differences, exactly the opposite is true for the minor groove water. Much slower water dynamics observed in the minor grooves (especially in the AT minor) call be attributed to all enhanced tetrahedral ordering (< t(h)>) of water. The largest value of < t(h)> in the AT minor groove is related to the spine of hydration found in X-ray Structure. The calculated configurational entropy (S-C) of the water molecules is found to be correlated with the self-diffusion coefficient of water in different region via Adam-Gibbs relation D = A exp(-B/TSC), and also with < t(h)>.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), a dreaded pathogen, has a unique cell envelope composed of high fatty acid content that plays a crucial role in its pathogenesis. Acetyl Coenzyme A Carboxylase (ACC), an important enzyme that catalyzes the first reaction of fatty acid biosynthesis, is biotinylated by biotin acetyl-CoA carboxylase ligase (BirA). The ligand-binding loops in all known apo BirAs to date are disordered and attain an ordered structure only after undergoing a conformational change upon ligand-binding. Here, we report that dehydration of Mtb-BirA crystals traps both the apo and active conformations in its asymmetric unit, and for the first time provides structural evidence of such transformation. Recombinant Mtb-BirA was crystallized at room temperature, and diffraction data was collected at 295 K as well as at 120 K. Transfer of crystals to paraffin and paratone-N oil (cryoprotectants) prior to flash-freezing induced lattice shrinkage and enhancement in the resolution of the X-ray diffraction data. Intriguingly, the crystal lattice rearrangement due to shrinkage in the dehydrated Mtb-BirA crystals ensued structural order of otherwise flexible ligand-binding loops L4 and L8 in apo BirA. In addition, crystal dehydration resulted in a shift of similar to 3.5 angstrom in the flexible loop L6, a proline-rich loop unique to Mtb complex as well as around the L11 region. The shift in loop L11 in the C-terminal domain on dehydration emulates the action responsible for the complex formation with its protein ligand biotin carboxyl carrier protein (BCCP) domain of ACCA3. This is contrary to the involvement of loop L14 observed in Pyrococcus horikoshii BirA-BCCP complex. Another interesting feature that emerges from this dehydrated structure is that the two subunits A and B, though related by a noncrystallographic twofold symmetry, assemble into an asymmetric dimer representing the ligand-bound and ligand-free states of the protein, respectively. In-depth analyses of the sequence and the structure also provide answers to the reported lower affinities of Mtb-BirA toward ATP and biotin substrates. This dehydrated crystal structure not only provides key leads to the understanding of the structure/function relationships in the protein in the absence of any ligand-bound structure, but also demonstrates the merit of dehydration of crystals as an inimitable technique to have a glance at proteins in action.


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Usually metallicity accompanies ferromagnetism. K2Cr8O16 is one of the less common examples of magnetic materials, exhibiting ferromagnetism in the insulating state. Analyzing the electronic and magnetic properties within first principles electronic structure calculations, we find that the doped electrons due to K induce a charge-ordered and insulating ground state and interestingly also introduce a ferromagnetic coupling between the Cr ions. The primary considerations driving the charge ordering are found to be electrostatic ones with the charge being localized on two Cr atoms that minimize the electrostatic energy. The structural distortion that accompanies the ordering gives rise to a rare example of a charge-order driven ferromagnetic insulator.


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We report magnetization and magnetoresistance studies of the geometrically frustrated spinel compound LiMn2O4 near its charge ordering temperature. The effect of a 7 T magnetic field is to very slightly shift the transition in the resistivity to lower temperatures resulting in large negative magnetoresistance with significant hysteresis. This hysteresis is not reflected in the magnetization. These observations are compared with what is found in the colossal magnetoresistance and charge ordering perovskite manganese oxides. The manner in which geometric frustration influences the coupling of charge and spin degrees of freedom is examined.


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In the superconducting state of high Tc oxides, it is possible to conceive that the mobility of the charge carrier pairs is a consequence of the absence of a net chemical force on them. On this assumption, we have examined a heuristic relation between Tc and a simple function of electronegativities of constituent atoms. We find that Tc varies approximately linearly with the fractional electronegativity of all cations considered together.


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KO2 is a molecular solid consisting of oxygen dimers. K present in the lattice donates an electron which goes on to occupy the O p levels.As the basic electronic structure is similar to that of an oxygen molecule, except for broadening due to solid state effects, KO2 represents the realization of the doping of oxygen molecules arranged in a lattice. These considerations alone result in magnetism with high ordering temperatures as our calculations reveal. However, we find that the high temperature structure is unstable to an orbital ordering (OO) transition. The microscopic considerations driving the OO transition, however, are electrostatic interactions instead of the often encountered superexchange driven ordering within the Kugel-Khomskii model often used to describe the OO. This OO transition is also found to preclude any possibility of high magnetic ordering temperatures, which otherwise seemed possible.


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We report the first electron paramagnetic resonance studies of single crystals and powders of Pr0.6Ca0.4MnO3 in the 300-4.2 K range, covering the charge-ordering transition (Tco) at ~240 K and antiferromagnetic transition (TN) at ~170 K. The asymmetry parameter for the Dysonian single-crystal spectra shows an anomalous increase at Tco. Below Tco the g-value increases continuously, suggesting a gradual strengthening of the orbital ordering. The linewidth undergoes a sudden increase at Tco and continues to increase down to TN. The intensity increases as the temperature is decreased until Tco is reached, due to the renormalization of the magnetic susceptibility arising from the build-up of ferromagnetic correlations.


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Randomly diluted quantum boson and spin models in two dimensions combine the physics of classical percolation with the well-known dimensionality dependence of ordering in quantum lattice models. This combination is rather subtle for models that order in two dimensions but have no true order in one dimension, as the percolation cluster near threshold is a fractal of dimension between 1 and 2: two experimentally relevant examples are the O(2) quantum rotor and the Heisenberg antiferromagnet. We study two analytic descriptions of the O(2) quantum rotor near the percolation threshold. First a spin-wave expansion is shown to predict long-ranged order, but there are statistically rare points on the cluster that violate the standard assumptions of spin-wave theory. A real-space renormalization group (RSRG) approach is then used to understand how these rare points modify ordering of the O(2) rotor. A new class of fixed points of the RSRG equations for disordered one-dimensional bosons is identified and shown to support the existence of long-range order on the percolation backbone in two dimensions. These results are relevant to experiments on bosons in optical lattices and superconducting arrays, and also (qualitatively) for the diluted Heisenberg antiferromagnet La-2(Zn,Mg)(x)Cu1-xO4.