116 resultados para condoms


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Objectives: To examine factors associated with the uptake of i) long-acting reversible, ii) permanent and iii) traditional contraceptive methods among Australian women. Methods: Participants in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health born in 1973–78 reported on their contraceptive use at three surveys: 2003, 2006 and 2009. The participants were 5,849 women aged 25–30 in 2003 randomly sampled from Medicare. The main outcome measure was current contraceptive method at age 28–33 years categorised as long-acting reversible methods (implant, IUD, injection), permanent (tubal ligation, vasectomy), and traditional methods (oral contraceptive pills, condoms, withdrawal, safe period). Results: Compared to women living in major cities, women in inner regional areas were more likely to use long-acting (OR=1.26, 95%CI 1.03–1.55) or permanent methods (OR=1.43, 95%CI 1.17–1.76). Women living in outer regional/remote areas were more likely than women living in cities to use long-acting (OR=1.65, 95%CI 1.31–2.08) or permanent methods (OR=1.69, 95%CI 1.43–2.14). Conclusions: Location of residence is an important factor in women's choices about long-acting and permanent contraception in addition to the number and age of their children. Implications: Further research is needed to understand the role of geographical location in women's access to contraceptive options in Australia.


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HIV risk in vulnerable groups such as itinerant male street labourers is often examined via a focus on individual determinants. This study provides a test of a modified Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills (IMB) model to predict condom use behaviour among male street workers in urban Vietnam. In a cross-sectional survey using a social mapping technique, 450 male street labourers from 13 districts of Hanoi, Vietnam were recruited and interviewed. Collected data were first examined for completeness; structural equation modelling was then employed to test the model fit. Condoms were used inconsistently by many of these men, and usage varied in relation to a number of factors. A modified IMB model had a better fit than the original IMB model in predicting condom use behaviour. This modified model accounted for 49% of the variance, versus 10% by the original version. In the modified model, the influence of psychosocial factors was moderately high, whilst the influence of HIV prevention information, motivation and perceived behavioural skills was moderately low, explaining in part the limited level of condom use behaviour. This study provides insights into social factors that should be taken into account in public health planning to promote safer sexual behaviour among Asian male street labourers.


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The rapid change of technological trends in the marketplace has increased the difficulty for social marketers to reach consumers using traditional marketing channels (Della et al., 2008). Traditionally, social marketing interventions have typically used more conventional supporting products and services such as water counters for water conservation or condoms for sex safety. However, recently social marketers are witnessing the diminishing effectiveness of more traditional social products and services in encouraging the uptake and maintenance of behaviour. In light of the technological trends in the marketplace and diminishing effect of previous social products and services (Lefebvre, 2009), social marketers have been encouraged to look to alternate means of delivering valuable offerings...


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Cervical cancer develops through precursor lesions, i.e. cervical intraepithelialneoplasms (CIN). These can be detected and treated before progression to invasive cancer. The major risk factor for developing cervical cancer or CIN is persistent or recurrent infection with high-risk human papilloma virus (hrHPV). Other associated risk factors include low socioeconomic status, smoking, sexually transmitted infections, and high number of sexual partners, and these risk factors can predispose to some other cancers, excess mortality, and reproductive health complications as well. The aim was to study long-term cancer incidence, mortality, and reproductive health outcomes among women treated for CIN. Based on the results, we could evaluate the efficacy and safety of CIN treatment practices and estimate the role of the risk factors of CIN patients for cancer incidence, mortality, and reproductive health. We collected a cohort of 7 599 women treated for CIN at Helsinki University Central Hospital from 1974 to 2001. Information about their cancer incidence, cause of death, birth of children and other reproductive endpoints, and socio-economic status were gathered through registerlinkages to the Finnish Cancer Registry, Finnish Population Registry, and Statistics Finland. Depending on the endpoints in question, the women treated were compared to the general population, to themselves, or to an age- and municipality-matched reference cohort. Cervical cancer incidence was increased after treatment of CIN for at least 20 years, regardless of the grade of histology at treatment. Compared to all of the colposcopically guided methods, cold knife conization (CKC) was the least effective method of treatment in terms of later CIN 3 or cervical cancer incidence. In addition to cervical cancer, incidence of other HPV-related anogenital cancers was increased among those treated, as was the incidence of lung cancer and other smoking-related cancers. Mortality from cervical cancer among the women treated was not statistically significantly elevated, and after adjustment for socio-economic status, the hazard ratio (HR) was 1.0. In fact, the excess mortality among those treated was mainly due to increased mortality from other cancers, especially from lung cancer. In terms of post-treatment fertility, the CIN treatments seem to be safe: The women had more deliveries, and their incidence of pregnancy was similar before and after treatment. Incidence of extra-uterine pregnancies and induced abortions was elevated among the treated both before and after treatment. Thus this elevation did not occur because they were treated rather to a great extent was due to the other known risk factors these women had in excess, i.e. sexually transmitted infections. The purpose of any cancer preventive activity is to reduce cancer incidence and mortality. In Finland, cervical cancer is a rare disease and death from it even rarer, mostly due to the effective screening program. Despite this, the women treated are at increased risk for cancer; not just for cervical cancer. They must be followed up carefully and for a long period of time; general health education, especially cessation of smoking, is crucial in the management process, as well as interventions towards proper use of birth control such as condoms.


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Tratou-se de um estudo descritivo exploratório com abordagem quantitativa acerca da vulnerabilidade de mulheres com mais de 60 anos em relação ao HIV/AIDS, cujo problema foi descobrir qual o processo de vulnerabilidade auto referido por mulheres de 60 anos e mais em relação ao HIV/AIDS a partir de suas atitudes sexuais.Os objetivos foram: Descrever o processo de vulnerabilidade auto referido por mulheres com 60 anos e mais em relação ao HIV/AIDS a partir de suas atitudes sexuais. Identificar atitudes sexuais entre mulheres com mais de 60 anos e mais. Descrever o conhecimento sobre HIV/AIDS das mulheres com mais de 60 anos.Descrever o processo de vulnerabilidade auto referido por mulheres com mais de 60 anos em relação ao HIV/AIDS.O estudo foi realizado com mulheres com mais de 60 anos freqüentadoras das atividades do Projeto Longegividade da Secretária Especial de Envelhecimento Saudável e Qualidade de vida do Rio de Janeiro. O local escolhido foram espaços públicos aonde se realizavam as atividades do Projeto. A coleta de dados aconteceu no período dos meses de setembro e outubro de 2009. Em atendimento ao preconizado pela resolução 196/96, todos os sujeitos assinaram o termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido. O estudo foi submetido à apreciação do Comitê de Ética da Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro a fim obter a autorização para a divulgação do nome da Instituição aonde foi realizada a pesquisa, sob o parecer de número 84 A-2009. Participaram do estudo 256 mulheres. O questionário foi criado à partir de quatro dimensões estabelecidas. Dimensão sócio econômico e demográfica, processo de vulnerabilidade auto referido, conhecimento sobre HIV/AIDS e práticas sexuais. Os dados coletados foram organizados em bancos de dados, criados pelo pesquisador através de um sistema Gerenciador de Banco de Dados Microsoft Excel versão 2003. Foram utilizadas medidas estatísticas descritivas como freqüência absoluta e a freqüência relativa para atender aos objetivos do estudo. Concluiu-se que em nossa amostra as mulheres idosas se colocam em situação de risco, quando ao possuir vida sexual ativa não usam preservativos. Compõem um grupo bem informado acerca dos métodos de prevenção, porém a utilização do preservativo esta relacionada, a muito mais do que informação e sim a um objeto de confiança nas relações. Entendeu-se que a prevenção ao HIV/AIDS em mulheres com mais de 60 anos deveria incluir, além de estratégias de repasse de repasse de informação, estratégia de fortalecimento individual, reforço na auto estima e estimulo a autonomia de uma forma geral.


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Background: The aims of this study were to evaluate the prevalence of HIV and its associated demographic and clinical factors among psychiatric inpatients of a general hospital. Methods: This was a single-center, observational, cross-sectional study that included patients consecutively admitted to our unit aged 16 years or older and with no relevant cognitive problems. The patients were evaluated using a semistructured interview and an appropriate test for HIV infection. Results: Of the 637 patients who were screened, 546 (86%) who consented to participate were included in the analyses. Twenty-five (4.6%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 3.0-6.8) patients were HIV-positive. The prevalence was higher among patients with substance misuse (17.4%, 95% CI 9.7-28.8). All except one of the 25 patients knew of their seropositive condition prior to participation in the study. Only 14 (56%) of the 25 seropositive patients had previously received pharmacological treatment for their infection. According to the multiple logistic regression analysis, the likelihood of HIV infection was lower in patients with higher levels of education and higher among patients who were single, had history of intravenous drug use, and had an HIV-positive partner, particularly if they did not use condoms. Among the patients with HIV infection, 18 (72%) had a history of suicide attempts compared with 181 (34.7%) of the patients without HIV infection (relative risk 2.1, 95% CI 1.6-2.7; P<0.001). Conclusion: HIV infection is highly prevalent in patients admitted to a psychiatric unit, especially those with a diagnosis of substance misuse. Seropositive patients show very poor treatment adherence. The risk of suicide seems to be very high in this population. Implementing interventions to reduce the suicide risk and improve adherence to antiretroviral therapy and psychotropic medications seems crucial.


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A eficácia da terapia anti-retroviral tem contribuído para uma vida melhor das pessoas vivendo com HIV/Aids, e a presença dos casais sorodiscordantes nos ambulatórios tem sido mais freqüente. O uso sistemático da camisinha foi suficientemente demonstrado por diversas pesquisas como eficaz na prevenção ao HIV, mas como fazer com que os pacientes percebam a sua importância? Este estudo busca identificar e refletir sobre as estratégias médicas utilizadas na prevenção e assistência aos pacientes com HIV e Aids, envolvidos em relações conjugais sorodiscordantes, através do uso do preservativo. Seis médicos (2 mulheres e 4 homens) que atuam com pacientes portadores de HIV/Aids em ambulatórios públicos no município do Rio de Janeiro, deram seus depoimentos através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas orientadas por um roteiro. Dentre os resultados encontrados, destaca-se a produção de uma invisibilidade dirigida aos casais sorodiscordantes, posto que o que se revela como realmente importante é a adesão ao tratamento, que se confunde com adesão aos medicamentos antiretrovirais). O tratamento medicamentoso concentra os objetivos e as reocupações dos profissionais de saúde na assistência aos pacientes com HIV/Aids, centrado na tradição biomédica que reduz as experiências sociais, emocionais e culturais de viver com Aids, a fatores que facilitem ou dificultem a adesão ao tratamento. A estratégia médica dirigida à sorodiscordância é negativa, no sentido de apagar a condição de casal assim como os outros aspectos não objetivos da vida do paciente.


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O objetivo deste estudo é discutir a associação entre padrão de consumo de álcool e dimensões de risco à exposição ao HIV, desdobradas em conhecimento sobre HIV e práticas sexuais entre universitários. Trata-se de uma pesquisa transversal com abordagem quantitativa, realizada com 416 universitários de 14 cursos distintos. Os dados foram coletados através de dois instrumentos e tratados através de estatística descritiva com o software SPSS 21.0. A pesquisa foi autorizada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, sob n 003.3.2012. A população de estudo é predominantemente do sexo masculino (59,6%), com faixa etária entre 19 a 22 anos (54,3%), de cor branca (57,5%), sem companheiros (69,2%) ou filhos (92,3%) e com maior percentual de católicos (31,3%) e daqueles que não possuem religião (33,7%). Destaca-se, ainda, que são possuidores de computador ou eletrônicos portáteis (98,8%) com fácil acesso à internet (96,8%). Os principais achados apontam que a maioria faz uso de álcool (60%), com a proporção de 7 homens para cada 3 mulheres. Relacionado ao AUDIT, foi identificado predomínio das zonas I (abstinência ou baixo risco-73,8%) e II (uso nocivo-20,4%). Sobre as relações sexuais, a maioria afirmou ter experiência sexual (69,5%), com idade da primeira relação entre 16 e 18 anos (54%), no entanto, mais homens (54,3%) afirmaram manter relações sexuais após o consumo de álcool do que mulheres (45,7%). Apesar do conhecimento sobre HIV/aids e álcool ser considerado como fator protetor pela literatura vigente, constatou-se que não há associação deste conhecimento com a prática sexual mais segura. Independente do padrão de consumo de bebidas alcoólicas, os universitários apresentam o mesmo tipo de prática sexual, muitas vezes se expondo à infecção ao HIV e outras doenças sexualmente transmissíveis. Dentre os dados analisados, um dos motivos de exposição ao HIV/Aids são as relações sexuais após a ingestão de bebida alcoólicas e o não uso de preservativos nestas situações. O consumo exagerado de bebidas alcoólicas está ligado ao sexo masculino e este grupo apresenta práticas sexuais de maior risco. Sugere-se que novos estudos possam analisar a relação de causa e efeito para verificar quais fatores podem influenciar de fato a exposição ao HIV de estudantes usuários de álcool. Estas informações são relevantes para conhecermos a atual demanda desse grupo e focar nas reais necessidades que são imperiosas para a prevenção dos futuros danos nocivos à saúde individual e coletiva. Torna-se necessário compreender qual é a demanda dos jovens em se expor a diversos riscos à saúde adotando práticas não seguras e, principalmente, o que de fato modula estas condutas.


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O presente estudo tem por objeto a promoção da saúde sexual de adolescentes em situação de acolhimento institucional. A saúde sexual de adolescentes institucionalizadas confere uma temática intrigante. Em um contexto particular, estas jovens recentemente iniciaram suas atividades sexuais e estão cercadas por disparidades sociais que aumentam os riscos de DST/Aids e gravidezes precoces. Esta situação desperta preocupações em relação aos seus comportamentos sexuais e às próprias estratégias desenvolvidas referentes a promoção da saúde sexual. Este trabalho teve como objetivo geral analisar a promoção da saúde sexual de adolescentes em situação de acolhimento institucional considerando a Teoria de Promoção da Saúde de Nola Pender e objetivos específicos, identificar e analisar os comportamentos e aspectos biológicos, psicológicos e socioculturais relacionados à saúde sexual de adolescentes acolhidas; identificar e analisar os sentimentos e fatores influenciadores das adolescentes acolhidas associados à promoção de sua saúde sexual; indicar possibilidades de cuidados auxiliadoras na autopromoção/autocuidado da saúde sexual das adolescentes em acolhimento. A pesquisa foi do tipo descritiva e exploratória, com abordagem qualitativa. O referencial teórico-metodológico utilizado foi A Teoria Modelo de Promoção da Saúde de Nola Pender, o qual, a partir da identificação dos fatores biopsicossociais e comportamentais, busca incentivar atitudes saudáveis como proposta de promoção da saúde. As participantes foram oito adolescentes, institucionalizadas, do sexo feminino, e que vivenciaram vida sexualmente ativa. O cenário do estudo foi uma instituição de acolhimento localizada no município do Rio de Janeiro. Para a produção dos dados, utilizou-se a técnica de entrevista estruturada, utilizando um roteiro pré-elaborado, com base no modelo citado. A análise dos resultados foi baseada em Bardin (análise de conteúdo). A partir da análise dos dados, criou-se duas categorias: a) Contexto da saúde sexual de adolescentes acolhidas: características e experiências; b) Sentimentos e Conhecimentos das adolescentes acolhidas sobre a promoção da saúde sexual. As adolescentes apresentaram comportamentos sexuais lábeis, com uso de métodos contraceptivos descontínuos e uma dualidade nas práticas sexuais protegidas. Foram percebidas mudanças nos comportamentos sexuais através do aumento do uso de preservativos nas relações sexuais, redução do número de gravidez em comparação ao período antes e durante o acolhimento, uma maior percepção das vulnerabilidades sexuais e atitudes de autonomia e empoderamento nas estratégias de promoção da saúde sexual. Percebeu-se influência da família, amigos, mídia e instituição de acolhimento na promoção da saúde sexual das jovens. Observou-se ainda, comportamentos positivos resilientes e mecanismos pessoais de enfrentamento ao histórico de violência sexual. Ações educativas dialógicas, que valorizem a promoção da saúde sexual de adolescentes institucionalizadas, com base no Modelo de Promoção da Saúde de Nola Pender, constitui uma proposta viável e relevante na busca da cidadania dessas adolescentes, principalmente quanto a conquista dos direitos reprodutivos e sexuais sobre sua saúde.


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The paper focuses on the ways in which medical discourses of HIV transmission risk, personal bodily meanings and reproductive decision-making are re-negotiated within the context of sero-different relationships, in which one partner is known to be HIV-positive. Eighteen in-depth interviews were conducted with 10 individuals in Northern Ireland during 2008–2009. Drawing on an embodied sociological approach, the findings show that physical pleasure, love, commitment, a desire to conceive without medical interventions and a dislike of condoms within regular ongoing relationships, shaped individuals' sense of biological risk. In addition, the subjective logic that a partner had not previously become infected through unprotected sex prior to knowledge of HIV status and the added security of an undetectable viral load significantly impacted upon women's and, especially, men's decisions to have unprotected sex in order to conceive. The findings speak to the importance of reframing public health campaigns and clinical counselling discourses on HIV risk transmission to acknowledge how couples negotiate this risk, alongside pleasure and commitment within ongoing relationships.


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Students' attitudes to and knowledge and awareness of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) was assessed by questionnaire. The recent information campaign reached a high proportion of the sample of 1063 students and television was the most memorable medium. Students were generally aware that AIDS was not associated with social contact but there was confusion about the risk of infection from donating or receiving blood, with 17.9% of blood donors now less willing to donate blood. Most of the students were aware that the condom reduces the risk of spread of AIDS sexually but there was no indication of widespread condom usage among the 399 students who admitted they were sexually active; 39.1% of this group used condoms alone or with other protection. Almost half the sample (47.6%) would like to have the opportunity to have their blood tested for the AIDS virus; 96 students would prefer this to be at a clinic and 59 of them would not wish their family doctor to know the result. A high proportion of the sample considered that AIDS victims should be cared for at home or in a special hospice.


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We develop a new a coinfection model for hepatitis C virus (HCV) and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). We consider treatment for both diseases, screening, unawareness and awareness of HIV infection, and the use of condoms. We study the local stability of the disease-free equilibria for the full model and for the two submodels (HCV only and HIV only submodels). We sketch bifurcation diagrams for different parameters, such as the probabilities that a contact will result in a HIV or an HCV infection. We present numerical simulations of the full model where the HIV, HCV and double endemic equilibria can be observed. We also show numerically the qualitative changes of the dynamical behavior of the full model for variation of relevant parameters. We extrapolate the results from the model for actual measures that could be implemented in order to reduce the number of infected individuals.


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Women account for 30% of all AIDS cases reported to the Health Ministry in Portugal and most infections are acquired through unprotected heterosexual sex with infected partners. This study analyzed socio-demographic and psychosocial predictors of consistent condom use and the role of education as a moderator variable among Portuguese women attending family planning clinics. A cross-sectional study using interviewer-administered fully structured questionnaires was conducted among 767 sexually active women (ages 18–65). Logistic regression analyses were used to explore the association between consistent condom use and the predictor variables. Overall, 78.7% of the women were inconsistent condom users. The results showed that consistent condom use was predicted by marital status (being not married), having greater perceptions of condom negotiation self-efficacy, having preparatory safer sexual behaviors, and not using condoms only when practicing abstinence. Living with a partner and having lack of risk perception significantly predicted inconsistent condom use. Less educated women were less likely to use condoms even when they perceive being at risk. The full model explained 53% of the variance in consistent condom use. This study emphasizes the need for implementing effective prevention interventions in this population showing the importance of taking education into consideration.


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STUDY OBJECTIVE: The main aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of adolescent pregnancy in the future contraceptive choices. A secondary aim is to verify whether these choices differ from those made after an abortion. DESIGN: Retrospective study. SETTING:Adolescent Unit of a tertiary care center. PARTICIPANTS:212 pregnant teenagers. INTERVENTIONS: Medical records review. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:Intended pregnancy rate and contraceptive methods used before and after pregnancy. For contraceptive choices after pregnancy we considered: Group 1 - teenagers who continued their pregnancy to delivery (n = 106) and Group 2 - the same number of adolescents who chose to terminate their pregnancy. RESULTS: The intended pregnancy rate was 14.2%. Prior to a pregnancy continued to delivery, the most widely used contraceptive method was the male condom (50.9%), followed by oral combined contraceptives (28.3%); 18.9% of adolescents were not using any contraceptive method. After pregnancy, contraceptive implant was chosen by 70.8% of subjects (P < .001) and the oral combined contraceptives remained the second most frequent option (17.9%, P = .058). Comparing these results with Group 2, we found that the outcome of the pregnancy was the main factor in the choices that were made. Thus, after a pregnancy continued to delivery, adolescents prefer the use of LARC [78.4% vs 40.5%, OR: 5,958 - 95% (2.914-12.181), P < .001)], especially contraceptive implants [70.8% vs 38.7%, OR: 4.371 - 95% (2.224-8.591), P < .001], to oral combined contraceptives [17.9% vs 57.5%, OR: 0.118 - 95% CI (0.054-0.258), P < .001]. CONCLUSION:Adolescent pregnancy and its outcome constitute a factor of change in future contraceptive choice.


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Les clients de TS sont considérés comme un groupe à risque de VIH et aussi agiraient comme un « pont de transmission » entre les TS et les femmes de la population générale. En dépit de leurs comportements sexuels à risque, les clients de TS ont été rarement étudiés. En conséquence, les objectifs spécifiques de cette thèse étaient : 1) estimer la prévalence du VIH, de la syphilis, du VHS-2 (virus de l’herpès simplex et 2) des facteurs de risque associés chez les clients de TS en Haïti, 2) examiner les déterminants de l’intention d’utilisation du condom, et 3) estimer la prévalence des comportements de violence et ses conséquences. Pour ce faire, une enquête transversale a été effectuée en 2006 auprès de 378 clients fréquentant les milieux de prostitution de St-Marc et de Gonaïves, en Haïti. Un questionnaire structuré ainsi que des échantillons de sang séché sur papier filtre ont été utilisés pour la collecte de données comportementales et biologiques. Notre premier article a montré une prévalence élevée du VIH et des ITS chez les clients. Ces hommes avaient plusieurs partenaires sexuelles avec lesquelles l’utilisation du condom variait. Les clients qui avaient déjà consommé de la marijuana, pratiquaient le vaudou, avaient des antécédents d’ITS ou étaient infectés par le VHS-2, avaient plus de chances d’être positifs au VIH. Le fait d’habiter Gonaïves, de ne pas être protestant, d’être employé et d’avoir déjà essayé la marijuana était associé à l’infection à la syphilis. Tandis que les clients plus vieux, ceux résidants à Gonaïves ainsi que ceux pratiquant le vaudou étaient plus souvent infectés par le VHS-2. Dans notre second article, nous avons démontré que les normes subjectives, le contrôle comportemental perçu et les attitudes étaient des déterminants importants de l’intention d’utilisation du condom. Les clients qui avaient des antécédents d’ITS ou avaient utilisé le condom lors de la dernière relation sexuelle avec la TS étaient aussi plus susceptibles d’avoir l’intention d’en faire usage dans le futur. Les résultats du dernier article ont montré que la prévalence des comportements de violence envers les partenaires intimes était élevée. De plus, la violence émotionnelle et physique était associée à l’utilisation inconstante du condom avec les différentes partenaires sexuelles. En conclusion, cette étude suggère que les clients de TS agiraient comme un pont de transmission facilitant la propagation du VIH/ITS dans la population générale en Haïti et que la violence semblerait également jouer un rôle dans la transmission de ces infections. Nos résultats soulignent le besoin d’interventions en prévention du VIH et des ITS ciblant cette population vulnérable, incluant la problématique de la violence.