912 resultados para conceptual analysis


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This paper shows how mobile phone technology can influence the development of egovernance in emerging countries. We evaluate the conditions under which consumers really engage with m-services. We argue that the lower cost of m-infrastructure is more appropriate than the Internet-based structure that prevents large part of the population access to ICT. However, m-technology should not be separated from the Internet but be integrated allowing emerging country to leap frog the technological cycle.


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There has been private sector involvement in the delivery of public services in the Irish State since its foundation. This involvement was formalised in 1998 when Public Private Partnership (PPP) was officially introduced. Ireland is a latecomer to PPP and, prior to the credit crisis, was seen as a ‘rapid follower’ relying primarily on the UK PPP model in the procurement of infrastructure in transport, education, housing/urban regeneration and water/wastewater.  PPP activity in Ireland stalled during the credit crisis, and some projects were cancelled, but it has taken off again recently with part of the Infrastructure and Capital Investment Plan 2016 – 2021 to be delivered through PPP showing continuing political commitment to PPP.  Ireland’s interest in PPP cannot be explained by economic rationale alone, as PPP was initiated during a period of prosperity. We consider three alternative explanations: voluntary adoption – where the UK model was closely followed; coercive adoption – where PPP policy was forced upon Ireland; and institutional isomorphism – where institutional creation and change was promoted to aid public sector organisations in gaining institutional legitimacy. We find evidence of all three patterns, with coercive adoption becoming more relevant in recent years. Ireland’s rapid uptake of PPP differs from other European countries, mostly because when PPP was introduced in 1998, the Irish State was in an economic position where it could have directly procured necessary infrastructure. This paper therefore asks why PPP was adopted and how this adoption pattern has affected the sustainability of PPP in Ireland.  This paper defines PPP; examines the background to the PPP approach adopted in Ireland; outlines the theoretical framework of the paper: transfer theory and institutional theory; discusses the methodology; reports on findings and gives conclusions.   


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We develop a taxonomy that relates foreign direct investment (FDI) motivation (technology- and cost-based) to its anticipated effects on host countries domestic productivity. We then empirically examine the effects of FDI into the United Kingdom on domestic productivity, and find that different types of FDI have markedly different productivity spillover effects, which are consistent with the conceptual analysis. The UK gains substantially only from inward FDI motivated by a strong technology-based ownership advantage. As theory predicts, inward FDI motivated by technology-sourcing considerations leads to no productivity spillovers.


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Building with Building Information Modelling (BIM) changes design and production processes. But can BIM be used to support process changes designed according to lean production and lean construction principles? To begin to answer this question we provide a conceptual analysis of the interaction of lean construction and BIM for improving construction. This was investigated by compiling a detailed listing of lean construction principles and BIM functionalities which are relevant from this perspective. These were drawn from a detailed literature survey. A research framework for analysis of the interaction between lean and BIM was then compiled. The goal of the framework is to both guide and stimulate research; as such, the approach adopted up to this point is constructive. Ongoing research has identified 55 such interactions, the majority of which show positive synergy between the two.


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Resumen: Este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal desarrollar un análisis conceptual de “Derechos Humanos”. Primeramente se dará cuenta de las definiciones habituales, entre ellas, aquellas facultades e institutos que, en cada momento histórico, concretan las exigencias de libertad, igualdad y dignidad humana, y que deben ser reconocidos por los ordenamientos normativos interno e internacional. A su vez, se pasará revista a sus características (innatos, necesarios, inalienables, imprescriptibles, oponibles erga omnes , universales, laicos, carentes de connotación ideológica, ya sea religiosa o política, fundados en una filosofía humanista e indivisibles. Luego, se enunciarán y analizarán sus fuentes y antecedentes históricos: desde 1945 con la Carta de la ONU, hasta 1993 en la Conferencia de Viena. Además, se estudiarán los principales sistemas de protección tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. Finalmente -y como ejemplo ilustrativo de uno de los Derechos Humanos-, se explicitará a la Bioética, puntualizando el análisis en el derecho a la salud


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Twitter has changed the dynamic of the academic conference. Before Twitter, delegate participation was primarily dependent on attendance and feedback was limited to post-event survey. With Twitter, delegates have become active participants. They pass comment, share reactions and critique presentations, all the while generating a running commentary. This study examines this phenomenon using the Academic & Special Libraries (A&SL) conference 2015 (hashtag #asl2015) as a case study. A post-conference survey was undertaken asking delegates how and why they used Twitter at #asl2015. A content and conceptual analysis of tweets was conducted using Topsy and Storify. This analysis examined how delegates interacted with presentations, which sessions generated most activity on the timeline and the type of content shared. Actual tweet activity and volume per presentation was compared to survey responses. Finally, recommendations on Twitter engagement for conference organisers and presenters are provided.


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Durante las dos últimas décadas, la etapa final de los programas modernos de Desarme, Desmovilización y Reintegración (DDR), se ha convertido en un componente decisivo en los procesos de transición hacia la paz. Aun así, no existe suficiente análisis conceptual sobre la Reintegración. Esta investigación analiza cómo desde sus inicios, las experiencias de práctica e implementación de programas de DDR ha influenciado y contribuido a la aparición y transformación del concepto de reintegración de excombatientes a la vida civil. La investigación toma tres categorías de análisis de la metodología historiográfica Historia de los Conceptos, propuesta por Reinhart Koselleck, y a partir de cuatro casos, Namibia, República Democrática del Congo, la provincia de Aceh, Indonesia y Colombia, traza una línea de tiempo que evidencia elementos permanentes y discontinuidades al interior del concepto a nivel diacrónico, y la complejización que el término ha sufrido desde 1989 hasta el 2015 a nivel sincrónico


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Our growing understanding of human mind and cognition and the development of neurotechnology has triggered debate around cognitive enhancement in neuroethics. The dissertation examines the normative issues of memory enhancement, and focuses on two issues: (1) the distinction between memory treatment and enhancement; and (2) how the issue of authenticity concerns memory interventions, including memory treatments and enhancements. rnThe first part consists of a conceptual analysis of the concepts required for normative considerations. First, the representational nature and the function of memory are discussed. Memory is regarded as a special form of self-representation resulting from a constructive processes. Next, the concepts of selfhood, personhood, and identity are examined and a conceptual tool—the autobiographical self-model (ASM)—is introduced. An ASM is a collection of mental representations of the system’s relations with its past and potential future states. Third, the debate between objectivist and constructivist views of health are considered. I argue for a phenomenological account of health, which is based on the primacy of illness and negative utilitarianism.rnThe second part presents a synthesis of the relevant normative issues based on the conceptual tools developed. I argue that memory enhancement can be distinguished from memory treatment using a demarcation regarding the existence of memory-related suffering. That is, memory enhancements are, under standard circumstances and without any unwilling suffering or potential suffering resulting from the alteration of memory functions, interventions that aim to manipulate memory function based on the self-interests of the individual. I then consider the issue of authenticity, namely whether memory intervention or enhancement endangers “one’s true self”. By analyzing two conceptions of authenticity—authenticity as self-discovery and authenticity as self-creation, I propose that authenticity should be understood in terms of the satisfaction of the functional constraints of an ASM—synchronic coherence, diachronic coherence, and global veridicality. This framework provides clearer criteria for considering the relevant concerns and allows us to examine the moral values of authenticity. rn


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This dissertation examines the role of worldview and language in the cultural framework of American Indian people. In it I develop a theory of worldview which can be defined as an interrelated set of logics that orients a culture to space (land), time, the rest of life, and provides a prescription for understanding that life. Considering the strong links between language and worldview, it is methodologically necessary to focus on a particular language and culture to decolonize concepts of and relationships to land. In particular, this dissertation focuses on an Anishinaabe worldview as consisting of four components, which are; (1) an intimate relationship to a localized space; (2) a cyclical understanding of time; (3) living in a web of relatedness with all life, and (4) understanding the world around us in terms of balance. The methodological approach draws from Anishinaabemowin, the traditional Anishinaabe language, as a starting place for negotiating a linguistic-conceptual analysis of these logics to decolonize the understandings of land, time, relatedness and balance. This dissertation helps to demonstrate that the religious language as codified in the 1st Amendment to the United States Constitution as religious freedom is unable to carry the meaning of the fundamental relationships to land that are embedded in Anishinaabemowin and culture. I compare the above Anishinaabe worldview to that of the eurowestern culture in America, which is; (1) the domination of space; (2) a linear progression of time; (3) a hierarchical organization of life; and (4) understanding the world as a Manichean battle of good versus evil. This dissertation seeks to decolonize American Indian translational methodologies and undermine the assumptions of eurowestern cultural universality.


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Objetivo: analizar cómo influye la inequidad y la posición socio económica como factores determinantes de la conceptualización de la actividad física, desde la concepción de los determinantes sociales, de forma tal que su revisión conceptual, ayude a constituir la re configuración del concepto de actividad física. Métodos: Exploración de la literatura científica desde la revisión conceptual de artículos seleccionados, utilizando las categorías inequidad y posición socioeconómica para establecer la influencia del concepto de la actividad física en entornos educativos. Y a partir de ella interpretar la re configuración del concepto de la actividad física, desde diferentes concepciones asociadas a los determinantes sociales. Resultados: Se hallaron concepciones de los diferentes autores respecto al concepto de la actividad física. (Peso, raza, índice de masa corporal, edad). Se interpretaron distintos niveles de influencia desde la inequidad y la posición socio económica asociados a la ocupación, el género, sitio de vivienda, nivel de estudio, y la estructura física del entorno. Posteriormente se reportaron resultados desde un análisis explicativo en el cual se interpretan las concepciones de los autores en cuanto al concepto de la actividad física, y como desde ella se establecen relaciones entre la inequidad, la posición socioeconómica y los entornos educativos que incluyen diferentes aspectos sociales para finalmente poder establecer un concepto claro de la re configuración social del concepto de la actividad física, concluyendo que este nuevo concepto social de la actividad física no posee una definición exacta, el análisis de los aspectos sociales de ésta, involucra innumerables concepciones que la influencian y la determinan, en consecuencia el concepto de la actividad física debe ser un concepto en constante evolución y reconfiguración debido a la naturaleza cambiante del ser humano, de las dinámicas sociales y las asociaciones de la salud con los aspectos sociales que se presentan en el diario vivir. Así mismo se evidencia que el concepto de la actividad física se fundamenta en estudios que dejan de lado los aspectos sociales que influencia el concepto y en consecuencia la práctica de la actividad física, esta investigación establece un punto de partida frente a la re configuración social del concepto de la actividad física. Conclusiones: Diferentes organizaciones en el mundo reconocen a la actividad física como una herramienta que favorece la socialización de las personas. Es así como la actividad física, desde el deporte en el campo competitivo y la educación física desde el campo educativo exploran la interacción social de los individuos, esto permite la construcción de valores y fortalece la sana convivencia dentro de las comunidades. Esta trasformación desde el concepto de la actividad física biomédica hasta la actividad física social se evidencia en los documentos revisados, en los cuales la actividad física es estudiada desde las categorías de inequidad y posición socio económica, De ahí que en su conceptualización se involucren diferentes conceptos asociados a los determinantes sociales de la salud, que en definitiva establecen un nuevo concepto de la re configuración social de la actividad física trascendiendo desde la actividad física biomédica o fisiológica hasta un concepto complejo que incluye intereses y particularidades de las personas como lo son la ocupación, la educación, el entorno, el medio ambiente y la estructura física.


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This paper will describe a research project that examines the implications of multidisciplinary student cohorts on teaching and learning within undergraduate and postgraduate units in higher education. Whist students generally specialise in one discipline, it is also common that, at some point during their degree, they will choose to undertake subjects that are outside their specialist area. Students may choose a multidisciplinary learning experience either out of interest or because the subject is seen as complementary to their core discipline. When the lens of identity is applied to the multi-disciplinary cohorts in undergraduate and postgraduate units, it assists in identifying learning needs. The nature of disciplinarity, and the impact it has on students’ academic identity, presents challenges to both students and teachers when they engage in teaching and learning, impacting on curriculum design, assessment practices and teaching delivery strategies (Winberg, 2008). This project aims to identify the barriers that exist to effective teaching and learning in units that have multidisciplinary student cohorts. It will identify the particular needs of students in multidisciplinary student cohorts and determine a teaching and learning model that meets the needs of such cohorts. References Becher, T. & Trowler, P.R. (2001). Academic tribes and territories: Intellectual enquiry and the culture of the discipline. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press. Light, G. & Cox, R. (2001). Learning and teaching in higher education: A reflective professional. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Neumann, R. (2001). Disciplinary differences and university teaching. Studies in Higher Education, 26 (2), 135-46. Neumann, R., Parry, S. & Becher, T. (2002). Teaching and Learning in their disciplinary contexts: A conceptual analysis. Studies in Higher Education, 27(4), 405-417. Taylor, P.G. (1999) Making Sense of Academic Life: Academics, Universities and Change. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press. Winberg, C. (2008). Teaching engineering/engineering teaching: interdisciplinary collaboration and the construction of academic identities. Teaching in Higher Education, 13(3), 353 - 367.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to set out to explore the similarities and differences between jargon used to describe future-focussed commercial building product. This is not so much an exercise in semantics as an attempt to demonstrate that responses to challenges facing the construction and property sectors may have more to do with language than is generally appreciated. Design/methodology/approach – This is a conceptual analysis which draws upon relevant literature. Findings – Social responsibility and sustainability are often held to be much the same thing, with each term presupposing the existence of the other. Clearly, however, there are incidences where sustainable commercial property investment (SCPI) may not be particularly socially responsible, despite being understood as an environmentally friendly initiative. By contrast, socially responsible assets, at least in theory, should always be more sustainable than mainstream non-ethically based investment. Put simply, the expression of social responsibility in the built environment may evoke, and thereby deliver, a more sustainable product, as defined by wider socially inclusive parameters. Practical implications – The findings show that promoting an ethic of social responsibility may well result in more SCPI. Thus, the further articulation and celebration of social responsibility concepts may well help to further advance a sustainable property investment agenda, which is arguably more concerned about demonstrability of efficiency than wider public good outcomes. Originality/value – The idea that jargon affects outcomes is not new. However, this idea has rarely, if ever, been applied to the distinctions between social responsibility and sustainability. Even a moderate re-emphasis on social responsibility in preference to sustainability may well provide significant future benefits with respect to the investment, building and refurbishment of commercial property.


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Work-integrated learning in the form of internships is increasingly important for universities as they seek to compete for students, and seek links with industries. Yet, there is surprisingly little empirical research on the details of internships: (1) What they should accomplish? How they should be structure? (3) How students performance should be assess? There is also surprisingly little conceptual analysis of these key issues, either for business internships in general. or for marketing internships in particular. Furthermore, the "answers" on these issues may differ depending upon the perspective if the three stakeholders: students, business managers and university academics. There is not study in the marketing literature which surveys all three groups on these important aspects of internships. To fill these gaps, this paper discusses and analyses internships goals, internship structure, and internship assessment or undergraduate marketing internships, and then reports on a survey of the views of all three stakeholder groups on these issues. There are a considerable variety of approaches for internships, but generally there is consensus among the stake holder groups, with some notable differences. Managerial implication include recognition of the importance of having and academic aspects in internships; mutual understanding concerning needs and constraints; and the requirement that companies, students, and academics take a long-term view of internship programs to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.


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As the financial planning industry undergoes a series of reforms aimed at increased professionalism and improved quality of advice, financial planner training in Australia and elsewhere has begun to acknowledge the importance of interdisciplinary knowledge bases in informing both curriculum design and professoinal practice (e.g. FPA2009). This paper underscores the importance of the process of financial planning by providing a conceptual analysis of the six step financial planning process using key mechanisms derived from theory and research in cognate disciplines such as psychology and well-being. The paper identifies how these mechanisms may operate to impact client well-being in the financial planning context. The conceptual mapping of th emechanisms to process elements of financial planning is a unique contribution to the financial planning literature and offers a further framework in the armamentarium of researchers interested in pursuing questions around the value of financial planning. The conceptual framework derived from the analysis also adds to the growing body of literature aimed at developing an integrated model of financial planning.


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Identifying outstanding performers or ‘stars’ is a critical component of managing talent. However, organizational effectiveness in this area is limited by the current lack of guidance about the behaviour and characteristics of stars. We address this gap by combining a conceptual analysis with an empirical study involving 174 managers. Conceptually we examine the alignment of managers’ perceptions of outstanding performance with the well established task and contextual performance model and find this framework accounts for a core element in managers’ judgments about outstanding performers. However, a second, more qualitative approach finds that other dimensions including being self-directed, and a willingness to lead are also important. Our findings are consistent with a long-term trend toward identifying work effectiveness with highly discretionary, psychological and behavioural elements, and we consider the implications of this for the study and management of high level, individual effectiveness.