972 resultados para communication protocol


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Nous introduisons un nouveau modèle de la communication à deux parties dans lequel nous nous intéressons au temps que prennent deux participants à effectuer une tâche à travers un canal avec délai d. Nous établissons quelques bornes supérieures et inférieures et comparons ce nouveau modèle aux modèles de communication classiques et quantiques étudiés dans la littérature. Nous montrons que la complexité de la communication d’une fonction sur un canal avec délai est bornée supérieurement par sa complexité de la communication modulo un facteur multiplicatif d/ lg d. Nous présentons ensuite quelques exemples de fonctions pour lesquelles une stratégie astucieuse se servant du temps mort confère un avantage sur une implémentation naïve d’un protocole de communication optimal en terme de complexité de la communication. Finalement, nous montrons qu’un canal avec délai permet de réaliser un échange de bit cryptographique, mais que, par lui-même, est insuffisant pour réaliser la primitive cryptographique de transfert équivoque.


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Exascale systems are the next frontier in high-performance computing and are expected to deliver a performance of the order of 10^18 operations per second using massive multicore processors. Very large- and extreme-scale parallel systems pose critical algorithmic challenges, especially related to concurrency, locality and the need to avoid global communication patterns. This work investigates a novel protocol for dynamic group communication that can be used to remove the global communication requirement and to reduce the communication cost in parallel formulations of iterative data mining algorithms. The protocol is used to provide a communication-efficient parallel formulation of the k-means algorithm for cluster analysis. The approach is based on a collective communication operation for dynamic groups of processes and exploits non-uniform data distributions. Non-uniform data distributions can be either found in real-world distributed applications or induced by means of multidimensional binary search trees. The analysis of the proposed dynamic group communication protocol has shown that it does not introduce significant communication overhead. The parallel clustering algorithm has also been extended to accommodate an approximation error, which allows a further reduction of the communication costs. The effectiveness of the exact and approximate methods has been tested in a parallel computing system with 64 processors and in simulations with 1024 processing elements.


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Almost all modern cars can be controlled remotely using a personal communicator (keyfob). However, the degree of interaction between currently available personal communicators and cars is very limited. The communication link is unidirectional and the communication range is limited to a few dozen meters. However, there are many interesting applications that could be supported if a keyfob would be able to support energy efficient bidirectional longer range communication. In this paper we investigate off-the-shelf transceivers in terms of their usability for bidirectional longer range communication. Our evaluation results show that existing transceivers can generally support the required communication ranges but that links tend to be very unreliable. This high unreliability must be handled in an energy efficient way by the keyfob to car communication protocol in order to make off-the-shelf transceivers a viable solution.


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Faced with an imminent restructuring of the electric power system, over the past few years many countries have invested in a new paradigm known as Smart Grid. This paradigm targets optimization and automation of electric power network, using advanced information and communication technologies. Among the main communication protocols for Smart Grids we have the DNP3 protocol, which provides secure data transmission with moderate rates. The IEEE 802.15.4 is another communication protocol also widely used in Smart Grid, especially in the so-called Home Area Network (HAN). Thus, many applications of Smart Grid depends on the interaction of these two protocols. This paper proposes modeling, in the traditional network simulator NS-2, the integration of DNP3 protocol and the IEEE 802.15.4 wireless standard for low cost simulations of Smart Grid applications.


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In order to satisfy the safety-critical requirements, the train control system (TCS) often employs a layered safety communication protocol to provide reliable services. However, both description and verification of the safety protocols may be formidable due to the system complexity. In this paper, interface automata (IA) are used to describe the safety service interface behaviors of safety communication protocol. A formal verification method is proposed to describe the safety communication protocols using IA and translate IA model into PROMELA model so that the protocols can be verified by the model checker SPIN. A case study of using this method to describe and verify a safety communication protocol is included. The verification results illustrate that the proposed method is effective to describe the safety protocols and verify deadlocks, livelocks and several mandatory consistency properties. A prototype of safety protocols is also developed based on the presented formally verifying method.


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An extended formulation of a polyhedron P is a linear description of a polyhedron Q together with a linear map π such that π(Q)=P. These objects are of fundamental importance in polyhedral combinatorics and optimization theory, and the subject of a number of studies. Yannakakis’ factorization theorem (Yannakakis in J Comput Syst Sci 43(3):441–466, 1991) provides a surprising connection between extended formulations and communication complexity, showing that the smallest size of an extended formulation of $$P$$P equals the nonnegative rank of its slack matrix S. Moreover, Yannakakis also shows that the nonnegative rank of S is at most 2c, where c is the complexity of any deterministic protocol computing S. In this paper, we show that the latter result can be strengthened when we allow protocols to be randomized. In particular, we prove that the base-2 logarithm of the nonnegative rank of any nonnegative matrix equals the minimum complexity of a randomized communication protocol computing the matrix in expectation. Using Yannakakis’ factorization theorem, this implies that the base-2 logarithm of the smallest size of an extended formulation of a polytope P equals the minimum complexity of a randomized communication protocol computing the slack matrix of P in expectation. We show that allowing randomization in the protocol can be crucial for obtaining small extended formulations. Specifically, we prove that for the spanning tree and perfect matching polytopes, small variance in the protocol forces large size in the extended formulation.


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Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) are revolutionizing oceanography through their versatility, autonomy and endurance. However, they are still an underutilized technology. For coastal operations, the ability to track a certain feature is of interest to ocean scientists. Adaptive and predictive path planning requires frequent communication with significant data transfer. Currently, most AUVs rely on satellite phones as their primary communication. This communication protocol is expensive and slow. To reduce communication costs and provide adequate data transfer rates, we present a hardware modification along with a software system that provides an alternative robust disruption- tolerant communications framework enabling cost-effective glider operation in coastal regions. The framework is specifically designed to address multi-sensor deployments. We provide a system overview and present testing and coverage data for the network. Additionally, we include an application of ocean-model driven trajectory design, which can benefit from the use of this network and communication system. Simulation and implementation results are presented for single and multiple vehicle deployments. The presented combination of infrastructure, software development and deployment experience brings us closer to the goal of providing a reliable and cost-effective data transfer framework to enable real-time, optimal trajectory design, based on ocean model predictions, to gather in situ measurements of interesting and evolving ocean features and phenomena.


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A Cooperative Collision Warning System (CCWS) is an active safety techno- logy for road vehicles that can potentially reduce traffic accidents. It provides a driver with situational awareness and early warnings of any possible colli- sions through an on-board unit. CCWS is still under active research, and one of the important technical problems is safety message dissemination. Safety messages are disseminated in a high-speed mobile environment using wireless communication technology such as Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC). The wireless communication in CCWS has a limited bandwidth and can become unreliable when used inefficiently, particularly given the dynamic nature of road traffic conditions. Unreliable communication may significantly reduce the performance of CCWS in preventing collisions. There are two types of safety messages: Routine Safety Messages (RSMs) and Event Safety Messages (ESMs). An RSM contains the up-to-date state of a vehicle, and it must be disseminated repeatedly to its neighbouring vehicles. An ESM is a warning message that must be sent to all the endangered vehi- cles. Existing RSM and ESM dissemination schemes are inefficient, unscalable, and unable to give priority to vehicles in the most danger. Thus, this study investigates more efficient and scalable RSM and ESM dissemination schemes that can make use of the context information generated from a particular traffic scenario. Therefore, this study tackles three technical research prob- lems, vehicular traffic scenario modelling and context information generation, context-aware RSM dissemination, and context-aware ESM dissemination. The most relevant context information in CCWS is the information about possible collisions among vehicles given a current vehicular traffic situation. To generate the context information, this study investigates techniques to model interactions among multiple vehicles based on their up-to-date motion state obtained via RSM. To date, there is no existing model that can represent interactions among multiple vehicles in a speciffic region and at a particular time. The major outcome from the first problem is a new interaction graph model that can be used to easily identify the endangered vehicles and their danger severity. By identifying the endangered vehicles, RSM and ESM dis- semination can be optimised while improving safety at the same time. The new model enables the development of context-aware RSM and ESM dissemination schemes. To disseminate RSM efficiently, this study investigates a context-aware dis- semination scheme that can optimise the RSM dissemination rate to improve safety in various vehicle densities. The major outcome from the second problem is a context-aware RSM dissemination protocol. The context-aware protocol can adaptively adjust the dissemination rate based on an estimated channel load and danger severity of vehicle interactions given by the interaction graph model. Unlike existing RSM dissemination schemes, the proposed adaptive scheme can reduce channel congestion and improve safety by prioritising ve- hicles that are most likely to crash with other vehicles. The proposed RSM protocol has been implemented and evaluated by simulation. The simulation results have shown that the proposed RSM protocol outperforms existing pro- tocols in terms of efficiency, scalability and safety. To disseminate ESM efficiently, this study investigates a context-aware ESM dissemination scheme that can reduce unnecessary transmissions and deliver ESMs to endangered vehicles as fast as possible. The major outcome from the third problem is a context-aware ESM dissemination protocol that uses a multicast routing strategy. Existing ESM protocols use broadcast rout- ing, which is not efficient because ESMs may be sent to a large number of ve- hicles in the area. Using multicast routing improves efficiency because ESMs are sent only to the endangered vehicles. The endangered vehicles can be identified using the interaction graph model. The proposed ESM protocol has been implemented and evaluated by simulation. The simulation results have shown that the proposed ESM protocol can prevent potential accidents from occurring better than existing ESM protocols. The context model and the RSM and ESM dissemination protocols can be implemented in any CCWS development to improve the communication and safety performance of CCWS. In effect, the outcomes contribute to the realisation of CCWS that will ultimately improve road safety and save lives.


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Background: Hospital disaster resilience can be defined as a hospital’s ability to resist, absorb, and respond to the shock of disasters while maintaining critical functions, and then to recover to its original state or adapt to a new one. This study aims to explore the status of resilience among tertiary hospitals in Shandong Province, China. Methods: A stratified random sample (n = 50) was derived from tertiary A, tertiary B, and tertiary C hospitals in Shandong Province, and was surveyed by questionnaire. Data on hospital characteristics and 8 key domains of hospital resilience were collected and analysed. Variables were binary, and analysed using descriptive statistics such as frequencies. Results: A response rate of 82% (n = 41) was attained. Factor analysis identified four key factors from eight domains which appear to reflect the overall level of disaster resilience. These were hospital safety, disaster management mechanisms, disaster resources and disaster medical care capability. The survey demonstrated that in regard to hospital safety, 93% had syndromic surveillance systems for infectious diseases and 68% had evaluated their safety standards. In regard to disaster management mechanisms, all had general plans, while only 20% had specific plans for individual hazards. 49% had a public communication protocol and 43.9% attended the local coordination meetings. In regard to disaster resources, 75.6% and 87.5% stockpiled emergency drugs and materials respectively, while less than a third (30%) had a signed Memorandum of Understanding with other hospitals to share these resources. Finally in regard to medical care, 66% could dispatch an on-site medical rescue team, but only 5% had a ‘portable hospital’ function and 36.6% and 12% of the hospitals could surge their beds and staff capacity respectively. The average beds surge capacity within 1 day was 13%. Conclusions: This study validated the broad utility of a framework for understanding and measuring the level of hospital resilience. The survey demonstrated considerable variability in disaster resilience arrangements of tertiary hospitals in Shandong province, and the difference between tertiary A hospitals and tertiary B hospitals was also identified in essential areas.


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This thesis addresses voltage violation problem, the most critical issue associated with high level penetration of photovoltaic (PV) in electricity distribution network. A coordinated control algorithm using the reactive power from PV inverter and integrated battery energy storage has been developed and investigated in different network scenarios in the thesis. Probable variations associated with solar generation, end-user participation and network parameters are also considered. Furthermore, a unified data model and well-defined communication protocol to ensure the smooth coordination between all the components during the operation of the algorithm is described. Finally this thesis incorporated the uncertainties of solar generation using probabilistic load flow analysis.


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Background Malnutrition and unintentional weight loss are major clinical issues in people with dementia living in residential aged care facilities (RACFs) and are associated with serious adverse outcomes. However, evidence regarding effective interventions is limited and strategies to improve the nutritional status of this population are required. This presentation describes the implementation and results of a pilot randomised controlled trial of a multi-component intervention for improving the nutritional status of RACF residents with dementia. Method Fifteen residents with moderate-severe dementia living in a secure long-term RACF participated in a five week pilot study. Participants were randomly allocated to either an Intervention (n=8) or Control group (n=7). The intervention comprised four elements delivered in a separate dining room at lunch and dinner: the systematic reinforcement of residents’ eating behaviors using a specific communication protocol; family-style dining; high ambiance table presentation; and routine Dietary-Nutrition Champion supervision. Control group participants ate their meals according to the facility’s standard practice. Baseline and follow-up assessments of nutritional status, food consumption, and body mass index were obtained by qualified nutritionists. Additional assessments included measures of cognitive functioning, mealtime agitation, depression, wandering status and multiple measures of intervention fidelity. Results No participant was malnourished at study commencement and participants in both groups gained weight from follow-up to baseline which was not significantly different between groups (t=0.43; p=0.67). A high degree of treatment fidelity was evident throughout the intervention. Qualitative data from staff indicate the intervention was perceived to be beneficial for residents. Conclusions This multi-component nutritional intervention was well received and was feasible in the RACF setting. Participants’ sound nutritional status at baseline likely accounts for the lack of an intervention effect. Further research using this protocol in malnourished residents is recommended. For success, a collaborative approach between researchers and facility staff, particularly dietary staff, is essential.


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Mobile nodes observing correlated data communicate using an insecure bidirectional switch to generate a secret key, which must remain concealed from the switch. We are interested in fault-tolerant secret key rates, i.e., the rates of secret key generated even if a subset of nodes drop out before the completion of the communication protocol. We formulate a new notion of fault-tolerant secret key capacity, and present an upper bound on it. This upper bound is shown to be tight when the random variables corresponding to the observations of nodes are exchangeable. Further, it is shown that one round of interaction achieves the fault-tolerant secret key capacity in this case. The upper bound is also tight for the case of a pairwise independent network model consisting of a complete graph, and can be attained by a noninteractive protocol.


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Flexray is a high speed communication protocol designed for distributive control in automotive control applications. Control performance not only depends on the control algorithm but also on the scheduling constraints in communication. A balance between the control performance and communication constraints must required for the choice of the sampling rates of the control loops in a node. In this paper, an optimum sampling period of control loops to minimize the cost function, satisfying the scheduling constraints is obtained. An algorithm to obtain the delay in service of each task in a node of the control loop in the hyper period has been also developed. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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A realização da Internet das Coisas (Internet of Things, IoT) requer a integração e interação de dispositivos e serviços com protocolos de comunicação heterogêneos. Os dados gerados pelos dispositivos precisam ser analisados e interpretados em concordância com um modelo de dados em comum, o que pode ser solucionado com o uso de tecnologias de modelagem semântica, processamento, raciocínio e persistência de dados. A computação ciente de contexto possui soluções para estes desafios com mecanismos que associam os dados de contexto com dados coletados pelos dispositivos. Entretanto, a IoT precisa ir além da computação ciente de contexto, sendo simultaneamente necessário soluções para aspectos de segurança, privacidade e escalabilidade. Para integração destas tecnologias é necessário o suporte de uma infraestrutura, que pode ser implementada como um middleware. No entanto, uma solução centralizada de integração de dispositivos heterogêneos pode afetar escalabilidade. Assim esta integração é delegada para agentes de software, que são responsáveis por integrar os dispositivos e serviços, encapsulando as especificidades das suas interfaces e protocolos de comunicação. Neste trabalho são explorados os aspectos de segurança, persistência e nomeação para agentes de recursos. Para este fim foi desenvolvido o ContQuest, um framework, que facilita a integração de novos recursos e o desenvolvimento de aplicações cientes de contexto para a IoT, através de uma arquitetura de serviços e um modelo de dados. O ContQuest inclui soluções consistentes para os aspectos de persistência, segurança e controle de acesso tanto para os serviços de middleware, como para os Agentes de Recursos, que encapsulam dispositivos e serviços, e aplicações-clientes. O ContQuest utiliza OWL para a modelagem dos recursos e inclui um mecanismo de geração de identificadores únicos universais nas ontologias. Um protótipo do ContQuest foi desenvolvido e validado com a integração de três Agentes de Recurso para dispositivos reais: um dispositivo Arduino, um leitor de RFID e uma rede de sensores. Foi também realizado um experimento para avaliação de desempenho dos componentes do sistema, em que se observou o impacto do mecanismo de segurança proposto no desempenho do protótipo. Os resultados da validação e do desempenho são satisfatórios


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