977 resultados para colonial trade
This report was inspired by a personal motivation to acquire more in depth knowledge about Brazil and Lusophone (Portuguese speaking) African nations and how they interact with each other in relation to their common colonial histories, cultures, and on matters of international relations, international development, and international trade. The countries selected for purpose and focus of this report are Brazil, Angola, and Mozambique; reference will also be made with respect to other Lusophone African countries such as Cabo Verde, Guinea-Bissau, and São Tomé e Príncipe. Some of the research methodologies used to gather information about Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, and other Lusophone African nations in relation to their respective histories, international relations, international trade relations, and roles in the global economy as emerging market nations.
Discutem-se os primeiros resultados de uma pesquisa sobre o comércio costeiro e suas relações com o funcionamento do sistema colonial e com o contexto da Independência. A tese é de que em portos menores da costa da capitania de São Paulo, como em Santos, havia um grupo de comerciantes que atuava efetivamente no comércio costeiro e defendeu seus interesses de exclusividade de participação nesse setor contra a presença de comerciantes externos à vila. A discussão apoia-se em documentos da alfândega de Santos, como mapas de exportação-importação, mapas de embarcações, ofícios de governadores e juízes da alfândega e requerimentos de negociantes estrangeiros.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Analisa em que medida epidemias de varíola e de sarampo ensejaram transformações nas formas de aquisição e uso de força de trabalho na Amazônia colonial, de meados do século XVII a meados do século XVIII, com o incremento de descimentos privados de índios e a tentativa de organização de uma rota de tráfico negreiro para a região. Trata igualmente de entender como a mortandade de indígenas significou, no fim do século XVII, uma preocupação com a defesa da região e motivou o recrutamento de soldados da Madeira.
El estudio de los procesos de contacto cultural en las fronteras coloniales de América ofrece claves para explicar la dinámica de las relaciones interétnicas, las experiencias de aculturación y la construcción de identidades. Asimismo, permite observar el funcionamiento del orden colonial a partir de los modos en que se estructuraron las relaciones de poder en las áreas donde los indígenas conservaron su autonomía y el control sobre sus territorios y recursos. Desde este horizonte referencial, se analizan las relaciones hispano-indígenas en uno de los últimos frentes en los que se proyectó la expansión hispana desde los imperativos de la política borbónica: los territorios meridionales del Río de la Plata. La aproximación a la problemática del fuerte del río Negro posibilitó identificar las estrategias de unos y otros y reconocer la estabilización de un conjunto de transacciones que definieron un particular régimen de intercambios basado en la reciprocidad. Estas prácticas de naturaleza política y económica favorecieron el mantenimiento de cierto equilibrio de fuerzas que se trasunta en la disminución de la conflictividad fronteriza durante las últimas décadas del período colonial.
El estudio de los procesos de contacto cultural en las fronteras coloniales de América ofrece claves para explicar la dinámica de las relaciones interétnicas, las experiencias de aculturación y la construcción de identidades. Asimismo, permite observar el funcionamiento del orden colonial a partir de los modos en que se estructuraron las relaciones de poder en las áreas donde los indígenas conservaron su autonomía y el control sobre sus territorios y recursos. Desde este horizonte referencial, se analizan las relaciones hispano-indígenas en uno de los últimos frentes en los que se proyectó la expansión hispana desde los imperativos de la política borbónica: los territorios meridionales del Río de la Plata. La aproximación a la problemática del fuerte del río Negro posibilitó identificar las estrategias de unos y otros y reconocer la estabilización de un conjunto de transacciones que definieron un particular régimen de intercambios basado en la reciprocidad. Estas prácticas de naturaleza política y económica favorecieron el mantenimiento de cierto equilibrio de fuerzas que se trasunta en la disminución de la conflictividad fronteriza durante las últimas décadas del período colonial.
El estudio de los procesos de contacto cultural en las fronteras coloniales de América ofrece claves para explicar la dinámica de las relaciones interétnicas, las experiencias de aculturación y la construcción de identidades. Asimismo, permite observar el funcionamiento del orden colonial a partir de los modos en que se estructuraron las relaciones de poder en las áreas donde los indígenas conservaron su autonomía y el control sobre sus territorios y recursos. Desde este horizonte referencial, se analizan las relaciones hispano-indígenas en uno de los últimos frentes en los que se proyectó la expansión hispana desde los imperativos de la política borbónica: los territorios meridionales del Río de la Plata. La aproximación a la problemática del fuerte del río Negro posibilitó identificar las estrategias de unos y otros y reconocer la estabilización de un conjunto de transacciones que definieron un particular régimen de intercambios basado en la reciprocidad. Estas prácticas de naturaleza política y económica favorecieron el mantenimiento de cierto equilibrio de fuerzas que se trasunta en la disminución de la conflictividad fronteriza durante las últimas décadas del período colonial.
A background paper for the Commonwealth Secretariat by Anirudh Shingal and Mohammad Razzaque: Existing work examining the trade effect of commonwealth membership does not account for sample selection, unobserved heterogeneity and multilateral resistance in estimation, leading to biased estimates. Our analyses improve on all these fronts. Unlike earlier work, we also consider services trade and assemble a much larger sample of trading partners (242 x 242, over 1995-2010). Commonwealth membership is found to increase goods exports by 18.5-33.2% and services exports by 42.8% in our results, ceteris paribus and on average. Our analyses on the determinants of intra-commonwealth trade suggest the positive role of common language (only for goods trade) and colonial relationships as well as the negative impact of geography, thereby confirming that commonwealth member states are not natural trading partners for each other. Finally, being one of Australia, Canada or the UK is associated with 98.2% greater merchandise trade than the commonwealth average; however, a similar effect is not observed for services trade.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Title is followed by year of issue.
The purpose of this dissertation is to examine the role played by merchants in the shaping of South Carolina plantation society in its early stages of development. In 1700 South Carolina was on the fringes of the British Empire. By mid-century the colony had become an integral part of the British Atlantic system. This dissertation addresses merchants' activity in the shaping of plantation society through their involvement in the Atlantic slave trade. Records of the British and South Carolina governments, and petitions from merchants on both sides of the Atlantic have been extremely valuable in understanding the complex and rapidly changing political affiliations of merchants on both sides of the Atlantic. These sources are valuable to this study since they illustrate the merchants' strategy of utilizing government policies to acquire the absolute best terms of trade. Records such as wills and inventories yielded valuable information on merchants' economic portfolios and provided valuable insight into their personal lives. The data shows that the integration of Colonial South Carolina into the global economy can be attributed to its merchant class, who actively sought out business opportunities in the global economy while working within the framework of British mercantilism.
Sex sells. A lot. But who exactly is on the market?
What kinds of bodies are calibrated for traffic and consumption, and how exactly do they get there? When it comes to “sex” trafficking—which comprises a minority percentage of human trafficking, yet dominates the moral imagination as an “especially heinous” crime—the rise in predominantly white, evangelical Christian American interest in the trafficked subject galvanizes an ethical outrage that rarely observes critiques of race, ethnicity, sexuality or class as conditions of possibility. Though a nuanced mandate to fight trafficking is all but cemented in the contemporary American political and moral conscience, Virgin Territory accounts for the ways Christian ideas of purity annex both gender and sexuality inside the legacies of racialized colonial encounter, and foreground the market expansion of the global sex trade as it exists today.
In Part I, I argue that the narratives of virginity tied to Mary’s body simultaneously foregrounded the gendered, sexed Other as sparked disdain for the religious Other, for the Jewish body and for Mary’s Jewish identity. Through this analysis I explore the connections of racial identity to the Christian theological elision of Jewish election. I demonstrate how the questions of sexual ethics materialized at the site of the Virgin Mary, and align the moral attachments of sex and purity in the production of whiteness. These machinations, tied to the emerging European identity of empire, irrupt horrifically into the narrative ontology of dark flesh in Africa, Asia, and the Americas.
In Part II, I highlight the function of these narratives inside of the moments of colonial encounter, demonstrating how the logics of purity and virginity were directly applied to manage dark female flesh. I map the visual iconography of the Black Madonna first through a Dutch painting entitled The Rape of the Negress. I read this image through the social theological imagination instantiating the idea of the reprobate body and white imperial gaze. This analysis foregrounds a theological reading of Sarah Baartman, the “Hottentot Venus,” as the center of a complex sex trafficking investigation, outlining the genealogy of race, as well as the ideologies of the racial, ethnic and national Other, as mitigating factors in the conditions of possibility of a global sex trade. By restoring these narratives and their theological undertones, I reiterate the ways Christian thought is imbricated in the global sex trade, and propose theological strategies for rethinking humanitarian responses to sex trafficking.
In the 16th century, merchants and bankers gained a social influence and political relevance, due to their capacity of ‘faire travailler l’argent des autres’ (Benassar 1972:50). For the success of their activity, they built evolving networks with cooperative partners. These networks were much more than the sum of all partners. In the case study of the Castilian merchant Simon Ruiz, the network functioned in an unique way and independent from any formal institutional control. Its functioning varied in how different partners were associated and the particular characteristics and contents of these social ties. Being a self-organized network, since the formal institutions of trade regulation and the Crown control didn’t influence the network functioning, the Simon Ruiz network was deeply embedded in the economic and financial performance of the Hispanic Empires, in two different ways. The first, purely commercial. The monopolistic regime which was applied by the two crowns in the trade of certain colonial goods was insufficient to the costs of imperial maintenance. In such manner, particulars tried to rent a contract of exploration of trade, paying an annual sum to the crown, as in the Portuguese trade. Some of these agents also moved along Simon Ruiz’s network. But others were involved in relations with the imperial crowns on a second way, the finance. Maintaining Empires implied a lot of human, technical but also financial means, and most of the times Kings were forced to recur to these merchants, as we will demonstrate. What were the implications of these collaborative relations in both parts? The main goal of this paper is to comprehend the evolution of informal norms within Simon Ruiz’s network and how they influenced cooperative behavior of the agents, particularly analyzing mechanisms of sanctioning, control, punishment and reward, as well as their consequences in different dimensions: future interactions, social repercussions and in agent’s economic health and activity. The research is based in the bills of exchange and commercial correspondence of the private archive of Simon Ruiz, located in the Provincial Archive of Valladollid, Spain.
Wild animals have been kept as pets for centuries, in Brazil companionship is one of the main reasons why wild species are legally bred and traded. This paper is an attempt to call the attention for problems concerning the welfare of wild pets involved in the trading system in Brazil. Some issues presented are: a) the significant increase in the number of wildlife breeders and traders and the difficulties faced by of the Brazilian government in controlling this activity; b) the main welfare issues faced by breeders and owners of wild pets; and c) the destination of wild pets no longer wanted. Finally, some recommendations are made having the welfare of the animals as a priority.