927 resultados para cold yoke
A simple and reliable method for Hg determination in fish samples has been developed. Lyophilised fish tissue samples were extracted in a 25% (w/v) tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) solution; the extracts were then analysed by FI-CVAFS. This method can be used to determine total and inorganic Hg, using the same FI manifold. For total Hg determination, a 0.1% (w/v) KMnO(4) solution was added to the FI manifold at the sample zone, followed by the addition of a 0.5% (w/v) SnCl(2) solution, whereas inorganic Hg was determined by adding a 0.1% (w/v) L-cysteine solution followed by a 1.0% (w/v) SnCl(2) solution to the FI system. The organic fraction was determined as the difference between total and inorganic Hg. Sample preparation, reagent consumption and parameters that can influence the FI-CVAFS performance were also evaluated. The limit of detection for this method is 3.7 ng g(-1) for total Hg and 4.3 ng g(-1) for inorganic Hg. The relative standard deviation for a 1.0 mu gL(-1) CH(3)Hg standard solution (n = 20) was 1.1%, and 1.3% for a 1.0 mu gL(-1) Hg(2+) standard solution (n = 20). Accuracy was assessed by the analysis of Certified Reference Material (dogfish: DORM-2, NRCC). Recoveries of 99.1% for total Hg and 93.9% inorganic Hg were obtained. Mercury losses were not observed when sample solutions were re-analysed after a seven day period of storage at 4 degrees C.
Medium carbon steels are mostly used for simple applications; however, new applications have been developed for which good sheet metal formability is required. These types of steels have an inherent low formability. A medium-carbon hot-rolled SAE 1050 steel was selected for this study. It has been cold rolled with thickness reductions varying between 7 and 80%. The samples obtained were used to evaluate the strain hardening curve. For samples with a 50 and 80% thickness reduction, an annealing heat treatment was performed to achieve recrystallization. The material was characterized in the ""as-received"", cold rolled and annealed conditions using several methods: optical metallography, X-ray diffraction (texture), Vickers hardness, and tensile testing. For large thickness reductions, the SAE 1050 steel presented low elongation, less than 2%, and yield strength (YS) and tensile strength (TS) around 1400 MPa. Texture in the ""as-received"" condition showed strong components on the {001} plane, in the < 100 >, < 210 > and (110) directions. After cold rolling, the texture did not present any significant changes for small thickness reductions, however. It changed completely for large ones, where gamma, < 111 >//ND, alpha, < 110 > HRD, and gamma prime, < 223 >//ND, fibres were strengthened. After annealing, the microstructure of the SAE 1050 steel was characterized by recrystallized ferrite and globular cementite. There was little change in the alpha fibre for the 50% reduction, whereas for the 80% reduction, its intensity increased. Both gamma and gamma prime fibres vanished upon annealing for 50 and 80% reductions alike. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The mechanical properties (yield stress, ultimate tensile stress and elongation) of alloy 20Cr32Ni + Nb subject to isochronal aging at temperatures between 670 and 820 degrees C for 200 h were investigated using samples extracted from a centrifugally cast tube. The results confirm the occurrence of embrittlement in the aged samples, with maximum embrittlement observed around 770 degrees C without significant gain in strength. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Medium carbon steels are mostly used for simple applications; nevertheless new applications have been developed for which good sheet formability is required. This class of steels has an inherent low formability. A medium carbon hot rolled SAE 1050 steel has been selected for this study. It has been cold rolled with reductions in the 7-80% range. Samples have been used to assess the cold work hardening curve. For samples with a 50 and 80% thickness reduction, an annealing heat treatment has been performed to obtain recrystallization. The material has been characterized in the ""as received"", cold rolled and annealed conditions, using several methods: optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction (texture), Vickers hardness and tensile testing. The 50% cold rolled and recrystallized material has been further studied in terms of sheet metal formability and texture evolution during the actual stamping of a steel toecap that has been used to validate the finite element simulations. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The ideal conditions for the operation of tandem cold mills are connected to a set of references generated by models and used by dynamic regulators. Aiming at the optimization of the friction and yield stress coefficients an adaptation algorithm is proposed in this paper. Experimental results obtained from an industrial cold rolling mill are presented. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper presents two strategies for the upgrade of set-up generation systems for tandem cold mills. Even though these mills have been modernized mainly due to quality requests, their upgrades may be made intending to replace pre-calculated reference tables. In this case, Bryant and Osborn mill model without adaptive technique is proposed. As a more demanding modernization, Bland and Ford model including adaptation is recommended, although it requires a more complex computational hardware. Advantages and disadvantages of these two systems are compared and discussed and experimental results obtained from an industrial cold mill are shown.
The purpose of this work was to evaluate the effects of ethylene action blockade and cold storage on the ripening of `Golden` papaya fruit. Papayas harvested at maturity stage 1 (up to 15% yellow skin) were evaluated. Half of the fruits, whether treated or not treated with 100 nL L(-1) of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), were stored at 23A degrees C, while the other half were stored at 11A degrees C for 20 days prior to being stored at 23A degrees C. Non-refrigerated fruits receiving 1-MCP application presented a reduction in respiratory activity, ethylene production, skin color development and pectinmethylesterase activity. Even with a gradual increase in ethylene production at 23A degrees C, fruits treated with 1-MCP maintained a high firmness, but presented a loss of green skin color. Cold storage caused a decrease in ethylene production when fruits were transferred to 23A degrees C. The results suggest that pulp softening is more dependent on ethylene than skin color development, and that some processes responsible for loss of firmness do not depend on ethylene.
A simple method with a fast sample preparation procedure for total and inorganic mercury determinations in blood samples is proposed based on flow injection cold vapor inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (FI-CVICP-MS). Aliquots of whole blood (500 mL) are diluted 1 + 1 v/v with 10.0% v/v tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) solution, incubated for 3 h at room temperature and then further diluted 1 + 4 v/v with 2.0% v/v HCl. The inorganic Hg was released by online addition of L-cysteine and then reduced to elemental Hg by SnCl(2). On the other hand, total mercury was determined by on-line addition of KMnO(4) and then reduced to elemental Hg by NaBH(4). Samples were calibrated against matrix-matching. The method detection limit was found to be 0.80 mu g L(-1) and 0.08 mu g L(-1) for inorganic and total mercury, respectively. Sample throughput is 20 samples h(-1). The method accuracy is traceable to Standard Reference Material (SRM) 966 Toxic Metals in Bovine Blood from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). For additional validation purposes, human whole blood samples were analyzed by the proposed method and by an established CV AAS method, with no statistical difference between the two techniques at 95% confidence level on applying the t-test.
A versatile miniature de Broglie waveguide is formed by two parallel current-carrying wires in the presence of a uniform bias field. We derive a variety of analytical expressions to describe the guide and present a quantum theory to show that it offers a remarkable range of possibilities for atom manipulation on the submicron scale. These include controlled and coherent splitting of the wave function as well as cooling, trapping, and guiding. In particular, we discuss a novel microscopic atom interferometer with the potential to be exceedingly sensitive.
This review reflects the state of the art in study of contact and dynamic phenomena occurring in cold roll forming. The importance of taking these phenomena into account is determined by significant machine time and tooling costs spent on worn out forming rolls replacement and equipment adjustment in cold roll forming. Predictive modelling of the tool wear caused by contact and dynamic phenomena can reduce the production losses in this technological process.
A hydride cold-trapping technique was developed and optimised for the measurement of urinary arsenic metabolites. The analytical precision of the method was found to be 6.1, 4.0 and 4.8% (n = 5) for inorganic arsenic (As-i), monomethylarsonate (MMA) and dimethylarsinate (DMA), respectively, with recoveries close to 100%, The detection limits were 1.0, 1.3 and 3 ng for As-i, MMA and DMA, respectively. The method was then used to analyse urine samples obtained from three groups of workers for occupational exposure in three companies where copper chrome arsenate was used for timber treatment. The results were compared with those for a normal control group of laboratory workers. Arsenic and its metabolites were also measured in experimental rats given 5 mg As kg(-1) body mass by oral gavage in the form of sodium arsenite, calcium arsenite or sodium arsenate. Occupational workers showed a significantly higher excretion of As-i, Up to two fold increases of urinary As-i excretion in rats compared with control rats were also observed in animals dosed with various forms of arsenicals. The method is suitable for the measurement of arsenic metabolites in urine of both humans and experimental animals.
We describe the classical two-dimensional nonlinear dynamics of cold atoms in far-off-resonant donut beams. We show that chaotic dynamics exists there for charge greater than unity, when the intensity of the beam is periodically modulated. The two-dimensional distributions of atoms in the (x,y) plant for charge 2 are simulated. We show that the atoms will accumulate on several ring regions when the system enters a regime of global chaos. [S1063-651X(99)03903-3].