168 resultados para coalición tarsal
Fil: Bozza, Juan Alberto Domingo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Carnagui, Juan Luis. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
[ES] El contexto de incertidumbre política que atraviesa España tras las elecciones del 20 de Diciembre desvela una situación provocada por el último cambio del sistema de partidos, que como en otras ocasiones afecto anteriormente a la arena autonómica. En el siguiente trabajo clasificamos la formación de los gobiernos autonómicos tras las elecciones de mayo de 2011, analizando, desde las teorias de la coalición, cuales son los factores más determinantes en la coalicionabilidad española y cómo el cambio del sistema de partidos ha influido en las dinámicas de coalicionabilidad anticipando la situación a la que se enfrenta la gobernabilidad nacional.
Deficiency of the enzyme P450 oxidoreductase is a rare form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia with characteristics of combined and partial impairments in steroidogenic enzyme activities, as P450 oxidoreductase transfers electrons to CYP21A2, CYP17A1, and CYP19A1. It results in disorders of sex development and skeletal malformations similar to Antley-Bixley syndrome. We report the case of a 9-year-old girl who was born with virilized genitalia (Prader stage V), absence of palpable gonads, 46,XX karyotype, and hypergonadotropic hypogonadism. During the first year of life, ovarian cyst, partial adrenal insufficiency, and osteoarticular changes, such as mild craniosynostosis, carpal and tarsal synostosis, and limited forearm pronosupination were observed. Her mother presented severe virilization during pregnancy. The molecular analysis of P450 oxidoreductase gene revealed compound heterozygosis for the nonsense p.Arg223*, and the novel missense p.Met408Lys, inherited from the father and the mother, respectively. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(8):578-85
Egg and pupa of Lobeza dentilinea Schaus, 1901 are described and illustrated for the first time. Eggs are smooth, dome-shaped, and greenish at oviposition. Last instar larvae have an aposematic coloration and the chaetotaxy is very similar to other notodontines, except for the number of lateral setae: L. dentilinea has three instead of four lateral setae on abdominal segments A3-A6. Pupae are light brown and typical of the family, with the last abdominal segments broadly round. Evidence from the adult morphology supporting the placement of the genus in Notodontinae includes proboscis smaller than the length of the head, epiphysis with more than half the length of tibia, tarsal claws simple, and labial palpi short. Male and female are confidently associated, and a redescription of the species is presented based on both sexes. Larvae of L. dentilinea are here recorded feeding on a Melastomataceae.
Background: Although the role of cartilage grafts in reconstruction of the posterior eyelid lamella is well established, spontaneous conjunctival epithelialization on such grafts has yet to be fully proven. The aim of this study was to perform a comparative analysis of the influence of perichondrium on conjunctival epithelialization over conchal cartilage grafts used in eyelid reconstruction in rabbits. Methods: The posterior lamellae of 100 lower eyelids from 50 rabbits were reconstructed with autogenous grafts of conchal ear cartilage. In the right eyelids, cartilage was grafted with the perichondrium in direct contact with the eyeball, and the left eyelids were reconstructed in a similar manner but using cartilage grafts without perichondrium. The animals were killed after 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 weeks, and their lower eyelids were analyzed macroscopically and histologically. Results: The percentage difference in conjunctival epithelialization on the cartilage with perichondrium and that without perichondrium was 11.41 percent in the first week of the experiment, 13.64 percent in the second week, 18.69 percent in the third week, 10.38 percent in the fourth week, and 6.17 percent in the fifth week. The average percentage conjunctival epithelialization in the eyelids reconstructed with a cartilage graft with perichondrium was significantly higher throughout the 5 weeks of the experiment than in the eyelids reconstructed with cartilage without perichondrium (p < 0.0002). Conclusion: It was found that the perichondrium had an important role in conjunctival epithelialization in eyelids reconstructed with a cartilage graft in the present study. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 123: 55, 2009.)
Males, females, and larvae of Carios fonsecai sp. nov. are described from free-living ticks collected in a cave at Bonito, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The presence of cheeks and legs with micromammillate cuticle makes adults of C. fonsecai morphologically related to a group of argasid species (mostly bat-associated) formerly classified into the subgenus Alectorobius, genus Ornithodoros. Examination of larvae indicates that C. fonsecai is clearly distinct from most of the previously described Carios species formerly classified into the subgenus Alectorobius, based primarily on its larger body size, dorsal setae number, dorsal plate shape, and hypostomal morphology. On the other hand, the larva of C. fonsecai is most similar to Carios peropteryx, and Carios peruvianus, from which differences in dorsal plate length and width, tarsal setae, and hypostome characteristics are useful for morphological differentiation. The mitochondrial 16S rDNA sequence of C. fonsecai showed to be closest (85-88% identity) to several corresponding sequences of different Carios species available in GenBank. Bats identified as Peropteryx macrotis and Desmodus rotundus were found infested by C. fonsecai larvae in the same cave where the type series was collected. C. fonsecai showed to be aggressive to humans in the laboratory.
Dogs suffering from Golden Retriever muscular dystrophy (GRMD) present symptoms that are similar to human patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Phenotypic variability is common in both cases and correlates with disease progression and response to therapy. Physical therapy assessment tools were used to study disease progression and assess phenotypic variability in dogs with GRMD. At 5 (TO), 9 (T1), 13 (T2) and 17 (T3) months of age, the physical features, joint ranges of motion (ROM), limb and thorax circumferences, weight and creatine kinase (CK) levels were assessed in 11 dogs with GRMD. Alterations of physical features were higher at 13 months, and different disease progression rates were observed. Passive ROM decreased until 1 year old, which was followed by a decline of elbow and tarsal ROM. Limb and thorax circumferences, which were corrected for body weight, decreased significantly between TO and T3. These measurements can be used to evaluate disease progression in dogs with GRMD and to help discover new therapies for DMD patients. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pretendeu-se verificar a influência de dois tipos de ligaduras no tempo de reacção dos peroniais, através de electromiografia de superfície, em atletas femininas de voleibol, com história de entorse e indicadores de instabilidade. Efectuou-se um estudo com uma amostra de 15 atletas. Seleccionaram-se as ligaduras elástica adesiva em heel-lock e kinesiotape com aplicação peronial e ligamentar, pela sua indicação de diminuição da instabilidade tíbio-társica. Utilizaram-se os testes paramétricos ANOVA de medidas repetidas e Teste t para amostras emparelhadas. Verificou-se que a aplicação da ligadura kinesiotape reduziu o tempo de reacção dos peroniais enquanto a ligadura elástica não exerceu influência sobre este.
Introdução: A sequência de movimento de sentado para de pé (SPP) exige um elevado controlo postural (CP). Em indivíduos com doença de Parkinson (DP), os circuitos que envolvem os ajustes posturais antecipatórios (APA’s) parecem estar afetados, refletindo-se numa diminuição do CP com repercussões nesta sequência de movimento. Objetivo: Avaliar o comportamento dos APA’s na tibio-társica na sequência de movimento SPP em indivíduos com DP. Métodos: Recorreu-se ao estudo de 4 casos com DP, com tempo de evolução entre os 3 e 17 anos, objeto de uma intervenção de fisioterapia baseada nos princípios do Conceito de Bobath durante 12 semanas. Antes (M0) e após (M1) a intervenção procedeu-se ao registo eletromiográfico dos músculos tibial anterior (TA) e solear (SOL) bilateralmente e durante a sequência de SPP. Adicionalmente foram também utilizadas a Escala de Equilíbrio de Berg, a Modified Falls Efficacy Scale (MFES) e a Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade (CIF), para, indiretamente, averiguar o impacto funcional da reorganização dos APA’s. Resultados: Em M0 os resultados sugerem uma diminuição APA’s, uma vez que se observou: 1) diferentes tempos de ativação do TA e do SOL entre membros e 2) uma ativação prévia do SOL ao TA para os participantes A, C e D. Em M1, observou-se uma aproximação ao comtemplado para os APA’s para a maioria dos indivíduos. Os resultados na escala de Berg e MFES, de M0 para M1, sugerem um aumento do equilíbrio e da capacidade de confiança na maioria dos participantes (A, 21/42 pontos, B manteve a pontuação final 31 pontos, C, 50/54 pontos e D 45/53 pontos na escala de Berg; A, 30/43 pontos, B, 21/18 pontos, C, 70/68 pontos e D, 40/64 pontos na MFES;). Também se observaram melhorias nas atividades e participação da CIF. Conclusão: nos indivíduos em estudo verificou-se, de uma forma geral, uma modificação no sentido da aproximação do período comtemplado para os APA’s, em M1. Nos sujeitos A, C, e D verificou-se uma modificação do tempo de activação do SOL em função da actividade do TA em M1. No individuo B, à esquerda não se verificou o mesmo comportamento, verificou-se a activação inversa do SOL ao TA.
La creciente literatura sobre el “giro a la izquierda” en América Latina ha dejado en un llamativo descuido el tratamiento de los factores políticos involucrados en la política económica de los gobiernos de la así llamada Nueva Izquierda latinoamericana. En este proyecto, sobre la base y la crítica de los escasos estudios sobre la temática, nos proponemos abordar la economía política de aquellos gobiernos a partir de una estrategia comparativa de tres casos que consideramos paradigmáticos: Chile, Argentina y Bolivia. Apoyándonos analíticamente en las nociones de coaliciones y de manejo de coaliciones, desarrollamos las hipótesis de que: 1) los gobiernos de la Nueva Izquierda responden a tres tipos diferentes según las características originales de su coalición de apoyo; 2) que los gobiernos tienden a implementar políticas económico-sociales compatibles con estas características cuya “cara izquierda” puede ser incompleta si tales características así lo exigen, y 3) que el mantenimiento, los cambios y eventual crisis de estas políticas se relaciona con los desequilibrios propios de cada tipo de gobierno y el intento de reequilibrio por parte de este a través del manejo -decisiones económicas y políticas orientadas a producir redistribuciones de recursos y a incentivar la continuidad o cambio de comportamientos económicos y políticos, respectivamente- de su coalición de apoyo. Con la guía de estas hipótesis procedemos, siguiendo la estrategia de process tracing, a la especificación de los mecanismos involucrados en los procesos de cada caso seleccionado con el fin de avanzar en el desarrollo de una teoría tipológica.
El presente proyecto tiene por objetivo general establecer las condiciones y factores que inciden en el mantenimiento de las coaliciones entre presidentes y gobernadores durante el período de gobiernos kirchneristas. Como señala la literatura que se ocupa del tema, la constitución y mantenimiento de estas coaliciones es crucial para los presidentes para el sostenimiento de sus posibilidades electorales y sus posibilidades de implementación de políticas públicas, dada la importancia que adquirieron los gobernadores como actores que inciden en aspectos claves de la política nacional en sus diferentes aspectos. No obstante, dadas las condiciones del contexto institucional argentino, tanto desde un punto de vista analítico como por antecedentes empíricos, es evidente que estas coaliciones son inestables, con secuencias de entradas y salidas de diferentes gobernadores de las mismas. Sobre la base de un estudio cuantitativo, y del estudio del caso de la provincia de Córdoba (cuya relevancia surge del hecho de que muestra durante la etapa que abarca una sucesión de entras y salidas de sus gobernadores de la coalición intergubernamental presidencial), intentaremos verificar la hipótesis de que esta inestabilidad resulta de la incidencia secuencial de: 1) la preeminencia de incentivos centrípetos (que se configuran principalmente a través de la derivación de apoyo fiscal del gobierno nacional hacia la provincia a cambio de apoyo político del gobernador hacia el presidente), seguida por: 2) la preeminencia de incentivos centrífugos que operan desde las relaciones políticas a partir de señales de ambición presidencial proactiva y que cristalizan en conflictos de tipo fiscal.
A preliminary account on the normal development of the imaginai discs in holometabolic Insects is made to serve as an introduction to the study of the hereditary homoeosis. Several facts and experimental data furnished specially by the students of Drosophila are brought here in searching for a more adequate explanation of this highly interesting phenomenon. The results obtained from the investigations of different homoeotic mutants are analysed in order to test Goldschmidt's theory of homoeosis. Critical examination of the basis on which this theory was elaborated are equally made. As a result from an extensive theoretical consideration of the matter and a long discussion of the most recent papers on this subject the present writer concludes that the Goldschmidt explanation of the homoeotic phenomena based on the action of diffusing substances produced by the genes, the "evocators", and on the alteration of the normal speed of maturation of the imaginai discs equally due to the activity of the genes, could not be proved and therefore should be abandoned. In the same situation is any other explanation like that of Waddington or Villee considered as fundamentally identical to that of Goldschmidt. In order to clear the problem of homoeosis in terms which seem to put the phenomenon in complete agreement with the known facts the present writer elaborated a theory first published a few years ago (1941) based entirely on the assumption that the imaginai discs are specifically determined by some kind of substances, probably of chemical nature, contained in the cytoplam of the cells entering in the consti- tution of each individual disc. These substances already present in the blastem of the egg in which they are distributed in a definite order, pass to different cells at the time the blastem is transformed into blastoderm. These substances according to their organogenic potentiality may be called antenal-substance, legsubstance, wing-substance, eye-substance, etc. The hipoderm of the embryo resulting from the multiplication of the blastoderm cells would be constituted by a series of cellular areas differing from each other in their particular organoformative capacity. Thus the hypoderm giving rise to the imaginai discs, it follows that each disc must have the same organogenic power of the hypodermal area it came from. Therefore the discs i*re determinated since their origin by substances enclosed in the cytoplasm of their cells and consequently can no longer alter their potentiality. When an antennal disc develops into a leg one can conclude that this disc in spite of its position in the body of the larva is not, properly speaking, an antennal disc but a true leg disc whose cells instead of having in their cytoplasm the antennal substance derived from the egg blastem have in its place the leg-substance. Now, if a disc produces a tarsus or an antenna or even a compound appendage partly tarsus-like, partly antenna-like, it follows tha,t both tarsal and antennal substances are present in it. The ultimate aspect of the compound structure depends upon the reaction of each kind of substance to the different causes influencing development. For instance, temperature may orient the direction of development either lowards arista or tarsus, stimulating, or opposing to the one or the other of these substances. Confering to the genes the faculty of altering the constitution of the substances containing in the cytoplasm forming the egg blastem or causing transposition of these substances from one area to another or promoting the substitution of a given substance by a different one, the hereditary homoeocis may be easily explained. However, in the opinion of the present writer cytoplasm takes the initiative in all developmental process, provoking the chromosomes to react specifically and proportionally. Accordingly, the mutations causing homoeotic phenomena may arise independently at different rime in the cytoplasm and in the chromosomes. To the part taken by the chromosomes in the manifestation of the homoeotic characters is due the mendalian ratio observed in homoeotic X normal crosses. Expression, in itself, is mainly due to the proportion of the different substances in the cells of the affected discs. Homoeotic phenomena not presenting mendelian ratio may appear as consequence of cytoplasmic mutation not accompanied by chromosomal mutation. The great variability in the morphology of the homoeotic characteres, some individual being changed towards an extreme expression of the mutant phenotype while others in spite of their homozigous constitution cannot be distinguished from the normal ones, strongly supports the interpretation based on the relative proportion of the determining substances in the discs. To the same interpretation point also asymetry and other particularities observed in the exteriorization of the phenomenon. In conformity with this new conception homoeosis should not prove homology of Insect appendages (Villee 1942) since a more replacement of substances may cause legs to develop in substitution of the wings, as it was already observed (requiring confirmation in the opinion of Bateson 1894, p. 184) and no one would conclude for the homology of these organs in the usual meaning of the term.
Iguaira gen. nov., type species, I. poranga, sp. nov., based on one nymph from the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, are proposed. The new taxon is distinguished by the labrum with multiple, unorganized setae dorsally; hypopharynx with three-lobed lingua; cleft mandibular incisors; labium with internally curved paraglossae; labial palps with second segment with strong, apically rounded distomedial process and third segment with truncate medial and apical margins; elongate tarsal claws with minute denticles; and absence of scales and scale bases.