983 resultados para cleft lip palate
The observation of mirror-image clefts in conjoined twins may suggest an influence from environmental factors (e.g., poor blood supply) on the appearance of clefts. The present paper reports on a pair of male thoracopagus twins born to a 20-year-old woman. The twins were stillborn. Both twins exhibited complete unilateral cleft lip and palate with mirror-image configuration, affecting the left side for twin A and the right side for twin B. The twins also shared some organs. The case is discussed with similar information in the literature, with reference to possible related etiologic factors. Reporting on such occurrences throughout the world is important to shed light on important aspects underlying the formation of clefts.
Objective: To evaluate soft tissue characteristics in individuals with cleft lip and palate and the degree of satisfaction of these individuals after rehabilitation. Setting: Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies, Brazil. Patients: Forty-five individuals with repaired complete unilateral cleft lip and palate, aged 15 to 30 years. Interventions: One hundred thirty-five frontal facial photographs were obtained at rest and in natural and forced smile. Specialists in periodontics evaluated the soft tissue characteristics. Both patients and specialists evaluated the smiles and scored them as esthetically unpleasant, acceptable, or pleasant. Main Outcome Measures: Comparison of the cleft area with the contralateral region was performed for evaluation of soft tissue. The results of the degree of satisfaction with smile were expressed as percentages and means. The findings between patients and periodontists experienced or inexperienced with cleft care were compared. Results: Statistically significant differences were observed for alveolar process deficiency and absence of papilla in the esthetic area between groups (p < .05). Results show 84.4% of individuals considered their smile as esthetically pleasant. Specialists in periodontics of both groups scored the natural smile and forced smile as esthetically acceptable. There was a statistically significant difference in the mean of patients compared with both groups of specialists in periodontics (p < .05). Conclusions: Evaluation and knowledge of the soft tissue characteristics is extremely important for successful rehabilitation. The esthetic values and degree of patient satisfaction are essential for treatment success, since smile reconstruction should be esthetically pleasant to the patient.
The objective of the current study was to characterize the internal nasal dimensions of children with repaired cleft lip and palate and transverse maxillary deficiency, using acoustic rhinometry and analyze the changes caused by rapid maxillary expansion (RME). A convenience sampling of 19 cleft lip and palate individuals, aged 14 to 18 years, of both sexes, previously submitted to primary surgeries and referred for RME were analyzed prospectively at the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies, University of Sao Paulo, Bauru, Sao Paulo, Brazil. All patients underwent acoustic rhinometry before installation of the expansor and at 30 and 180 days after the active expansion phase. Nasal cross-sectional areas and volumes corresponding to the nasal valve (CSA(1) and V(1)) and the turbinates (CSA(2), CSA(3), and V(2)) regions were determined before and after nasal decongestion. Rapid maxillary expansion led to a statistically significant increase (P < 0.05) in mean CSA(1), CSA(2), V(1), and V(2) (without nasal decongestion) and in CSA(1) and V(1) (with decongestion) in the group as a whole. Individual data analysis showed that 58% of the patients responded positively to RME, with an average increase in CSA(1) of 26% (with decongestion), whereas 37% of the patients had no significant change. Only 1 patient (5%) showed a decrease. The findings contribute toward the characterization of nasal deformities determined by the cleft and demonstrate the positive effect RME had on nasal morphophysiology in a significant number of the patients who underwent this procedure.
Ultrasound scans in the mid-trimester of pregnancy are now a routine part of antenatal care in most European countries. Using data from registries of congenital anomalies a study was undertaken in Europe. The objective of the study was to evaluate prenatal detection of cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL(P)) and cleft palate (CP). All CL(P) and CPs suspected prenatally and identified at birth in the period 1996-98 were registered from 20 Congenital Malformation Registers from the following European countries: Austria, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Spain, Switzerland, The Netherlands, UK, Ukraine. These registries followed the same methodology. A total of 709,027 births were covered; 7758 cases with congenital malformations were registered. Included in the study were 751 cases reported with facial clefts: 553 CL(P) and 198 CP. The prenatal diagnosis by transabdominal ultrasound of CL(P) was made in 65/366 cases with an isolated malformation, in 32/62 cases with chromosomal anomaly, in 30/89 cases with multiple malformations and in 21/36 syndromic cases. The prenatal diagnosis of CP was made in 13/198 cases. One hundred pregnancies were terminated (13%); in 97 of these the cleft was associated with other malformations.
Objective : The announcement, prenatally or at birth, of a cleft lip and/or palate represents a challenge for the parents. The purpose of this study is to identify parental working internal models of the child (parental representations of the child and relationship in the context of attachment theory) and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in mothers of infants born with a cleft. Method : The study compares mothers with a child born with a cleft (n = 22) and mothers with a healthy infant (n = 36). Results : The study shows that mothers of infants with a cleft more often experience insecure parental working internal models of the child and more posttraumatic stress symptoms than mothers of the control group. It is interesting that the severity or complexity of the cleft is not related to parental representations and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. The maternal emotional involvement, as expressed in maternal attachment representations, is higher in mothers of children with a cleft who had especially high posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, as compared with mothers of children with a cleft having fewer posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. Discussion : Mothers of children with a cleft may benefit from supportive therapy regarding parent-child attachment, even when they express low posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms.
The aim of the study was to determine the influence of the dissection of the palate during primary surgery and the type of orthognathic surgery needed in cases of unilateral total cleft. The review concerns 58 children born with a complete unilateral cleft lip and palate and treated between 1994 and 2008 at the appropriate age for orthognathic surgery. This is a retrospective mixed-longitudinal study. Patients with syndromes or associated anomalies were excluded. All children were treated by the same orthodontist and by the same surgical team. Children are divided into 2 groups: the first group includes children who had conventional primary cleft palate repair during their first year of life, with extensive mucoperiosteal undermining. The second group includes children operated on according to the Malek surgical protocol. The soft palate is closed at the age of 3 months, and the hard palate at 6 months with minimal mucoperiosteal undermining. Lateral cephalograms at ages 9 and 16 years and surgical records were compared. The need for orthognathic surgery was more frequent in the first than in the second group (60% vs 47.8%). Concerning the type of orthognathic surgery performed, 2- or 3-piece Le Fort I or bimaxillary osteotomies were also less required in the first group. Palate surgery following the Malek procedure results in an improved and simplified craniofacial outcome. With a minimal undermining of palatal mucosa, we managed to reduce the amount of patients who required an orthognathic procedure. When this procedure was indicated, the surgical intervention was also greatly simplified.
Van der Woude syndrome (VWS), caused by dominant IRF6 mutation, is the most common cleft syndrome. In 15% of the patients, lip pits are absent and the phenotype mimics isolated clefts. Therefore, we hypothesized that some of the families classified as having non-syndromic inherited cleft lip and palate could have an IRF6 mutation. We screened in total 170 patients with cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P): 75 were syndromic and 95 were a priori part of multiplex non-syndromic families. A mutation was identified in 62.7 and 3.3% of the patients, respectively. In one of the 95 a priori non-syndromic families with an autosomal dominant inheritance (family B), new insights into the family history revealed the presence, at birth, of lower lip pits in two members and the diagnosis was revised as VWS. A novel lower lip sign was observed in one individual in this family. Interestingly, a similar lower lip sign was also observed in one individual from a 2nd family (family A). This consists of 2 nodules below the lower lip on the external side. In a 3rd multiplex family (family C), a de novo mutation was identified in an a priori non-syndromic CL/P patient. Re-examination after mutation screening revealed the presence of a tiny pit-looking lesion on the inner side of the lower lip leading to a revised diagnosis of VWS. On the basis of this data, we conclude that IRF6 should be screened when any doubt rises about the normality of the lower lip and also if a non-syndromic cleft lip patient (with or without cleft palate) has a family history suggestive of autosomal dominant inheritance.
As part of a collaborative project on the epidemiology of craniofacial anomalies, funded by the National Institutes for Dental and Craniofacial Research and channeled through the Human Genetics Programme of the World Health Organization, the International Perinatal Database of Typical Orofacial Clefts (IPDTOC) was established in 2003. IPDTOC is collecting case-by-case information on cleft lip with or without cleft palate and on cleft palate alone from birth defects registries contributing to at least one of three collaborative organizations: European Surveillance Systems of Congenital Anomalies (EUROCAT) in Europe, National Birth Defects Prevention Network (NBDPN) in the United States, and International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Surveillance and Research (ICBDSR) worldwide. Analysis of the collected information is performed centrally at the ICBDSR Centre in Rome, Italy, to maximize the comparability of results. The present paper, the first of a series, reports data on the prevalence of cleft lip with or without cleft palate from 54 registries in 30 countries over at least 1 complete year during the period 2000 to 2005. Thus, the denominator comprises more than 7.5 million births. A total of 7704 cases of cleft lip with or without cleft palate (7141 livebirths, 237 stillbirths, 301 terminations of pregnancy, and 25 with pregnancy outcome unknown) were available. The overall prevalence of cleft lip with or without cleft palate was 9.92 per 10,000. The prevalence of cleft lip was 3.28 per 10,000, and that of cleft lip and palate was 6.64 per 10,000. There were 5918 cases (76.8%) that were isolated, 1224 (15.9%) had malformations in other systems, and 562 (7.3%) occurred as part of recognized syndromes. Cases with greater dysmorphological severity of cleft lip with or without cleft palate were more likely to include malformations of other systems.
RESUME : Introduction : L'objectif de cette étude est de déterminer l'influence de la dissection du palais lors de la chirurgie primaire et le type de chirurgie orthognathique requise chez les patients porteurs d'une séquelle de fente labio-maxillo-palatine unilatérale complète Méthode : Cette revue porte sur 58 enfants nés avec une fente labio-maxillo-palatine complète unilatérale et traités entre 1994 et 2008 à Page approprié pour une chirurgie orthognathique. C'est une étude rétrospective longitudinale mixte. Les patients avec des syndromes ou anomalies associées ont été exclus. Tous les patients ont été traités parle même orthodontiste et par la même équipe chirurgicale. Les enfants sont divisés en deux groupes; le premier comprend les patients avec une chirurgie primaire du palais conventionnelle, avec un décollement extensif de la fibro-muqueuse palatine. Le deuxième groupe comprend les patients opérés selon le protocole de Malek. Le palais mou est fermé a |'âge de trois mois, le palais dur à |'âge de six mois, avec un décollement minimal de la tibro-muqueuse palatine. Les radiographies du crâne de profil ainsi que les données chirurgicales ont été comparées. Résultats: La nécessité d'une chirurgie orthognathique est plus élevée dans le premier groupe par rapport au deuxième (60% versus 47,8%). Concernant le type de chirurgie orthognathique réalisé, des ostéotomies Lefort I en deux ou trois pièces ou des ostéotomies bi-maxillaires ont aussi été plus fréquentes dans le premier groupe Conclusion : La chirurgie primaire du palais selon le protocole de Malek améliore le pronostic des patients avec une fente labio-maxillo-palatine. Avec un décollement minimal de la fibro-muqueuse palatine, le nombre d'interventions de chirurgie orthognathique a été diminué. Lorsque ces opérations étaient néanmoins indiquées, elles étaient simplifiées.
Objective To identify the main doubts of caregivers of children with cleft lip and palate on postoperative care after cheiloplasty and palatoplasty. Method Cross-sectional study carried out in a reference hospital, between September and November 2012. The sample was composed of 50 individuals divided in two groups, of which 25 caregivers of children submitted to cheiloplasty, and 25 of children submitted to palatoplasty. The doubts were identified by an interview applied during the preoperative nursing consultation and were then categorized by similarity. Descriptive statistics was used for analysis of the outcomes. Results Concerning cheiloplasty, the doubts were related to feeding (36%), hygiene and healing (24% each), pain and infection (8% each). With regard to palatoplasty, the doubts were related to feeding (48%), hygiene (24%), pain (16%), bleeding (8%) and infection (4%). Conclusion The study evidenced the concern of caregivers in relation to feeding and care of the postoperative wound.
Correction of sagittal and transverse maxillary discrepancies in patients with cleft lip or palate remains a challenge for craniofacial surgeons. Distraction osteogenesis has revolutionized the conceptualization and approach to the craniofacial malformations and has become a reliable and irreplaceable part of the surgical armamentarium. We are reporting a case of sequential maxillary advancement and transpalatal expansion using internal distraction in a patient with unilateral cleft lip and palate presenting with severe maxillary sagittal and transverse deficiencies.
Lectio praecursoria
Congrès de la Société Française de Pédiatrie et de l'Association des Pédiatres de Langue Française (APLF)
The aim of this study was to systematically review literature reporting on the use of external distraction osteogenesis (DO) and internal DO in the treatment of severe maxillary hypoplasia in cleft and palate patients. Literature research has been performed using the PubMed database of the National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health from 1966 to August 2007. We used cleft lip and palate and distraction osteogenesis as key words. Of the 104 articles found, we only considered the Anglo-Saxon literature, which reported on the correction of the maxillary hypoplasia with DO techniques. A total of 32 studies reported on anteroposterior external DO (27 studies on rigid external device and 5 on face mask), 17 studies reported on anteroposterior internal DO, and 3 studies reported on transverse internal DO have been retained for this review. Despite the heterogeneity and methodological limitations of most of the studies, results showed that external DO with rigid external device and internal DO resulted to be a more reliable and accurate technique than the face mask in the management of severe maxillary hypoplasia in patients with cleft lip and palate. The current review demonstrated that external and internal DO in the treatment of severe maxillary hypoplasia in cleft and palate patients (1) is a reproducible and valuable alternative to standard orthognathic surgery procedures, (2) allows for a global improvement in facial aesthetic, (3) allows a maxillary correction in patients during the period of mixed dentition, and (4) allows either for an unchanged or better velopharyngeal function.
We studied 5,449 cases of cleft lip (CL) with or without cleft palate (CL/P) identified between 1980 and 2000 from the EUROCAT network of 23 registers (nearly 6 million births) in 14 European countries. We investigated specific types of defects associated with clefts. Among CL/P cases (prevalence = 9.1 per 10,000), 1,996 (36.6%) affected only the lip (CL) and 3,453 (63.4%) involved CL and palate (CLP). A total of 3,860 CL/P cases (70.8%) occurred as isolated anomalies and 1,589 (29.2%) were associated with other defects such as multiple congenital anomalies of unknown origin (970), chromosomal (455) and recognized syndromes (164). Associated malformations were more frequent in infants who had CLP (34.0%) than in infants with CL only (20.8%). Among multi-malformed infants, 2 unrelated anomalies were found in 351 cases, 3 in 242 cases, and 4 or more in 377 cases. Among 5,449 CL/P cases, 4,719 were live births (LB) (86.6%), 203 stillbirths (SB) (3.7%), while 508 (9.3%) were terminations of pregnancy (ToP). CL/P occurred significantly more frequently in males (M/F = 1.70), especially among total isolated cases (M/F = 1.87) and CLP isolated cases (M/F = 1.92). The study confirmed that musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and central nervous system defects are frequently associated with CL/P. An association with reduction anomalies of the brain was found. This association suggests that clinicians should seek to identify structural brain anomalies in these patients with CL/P as the potential functional consequences may be important for rehabilitation and clinical management.