950 resultados para cholinergic receptors
We studied the effect of the alpha(1)- and alpha(2)-adrenergic receptors of the lateral hypothalamus (LH) on the control of water intake induced by injection of carbachol into the medial septal area (MSA) of adult male Holtzman rats (250-300 g) implanted with chronic stainless steel cannulae into the LH and MSA. The volume of injection was always 1 mu l and was injected over a period of 30-60 s. For control, 0.15 M NaCl was used. Clonidine (20 nmol) but not phenylephrine (160 nmol) injected into the LH inhibited water intake induced by injection of carbachol (2 nmol) into the MSA, from 5.4 +/- 1.2 ml/h to 0.3 +/- 0.1 and 3.0 +/- 0.9 ml/h, respectively (N = 26). When we injected yohimbine (80 nmol) + clonidine (20 nmol) and prazosin (40 nmol) + clonidine (20 nmol) into theLH, water intake induced by injection of carbachol into the MSA was inhibited from 5.4 +/- 1.2 ml/h to 0.8 +/- 0.5 and 0.3 +/- 0.2 ml/h, respectively (N = 19). Water intake induced by carbachol (2 nmol) injected into the MSA was decreased by previous injection of yohimbine (80 nmol) + phenylephrine (160 nmol) and prazosin (40 nmol) + phenylephrine (l60 nmol) from 5.4 +/- 1.2 ml/h to 1.0 +/- 0.7 and 1.8 +/- 0.8 ml/h, respectively (N = 16). The cannula reached both the medial septal area in its medial portion and the lateral hypothalamus. It has been suggested that the different pathways for induction of drinking converge on a final common pathway. Thus, adrenergic stimulation of alpha(2),-adrenoceptors ofLH can influence this final common pathway.
Smoking crack cocaine involves the inhalation of cocaine and its pyrolysis product, anhydroecgonine methyl ester (AEME). Although there is evidence that cocaine is neurotoxic, the neurotoxicity of AEME has never been evaluated. AEME seems to have cholinergic agonist properties in the cardiovascular system; however, there are no reports on its effects in the central nervous system. The aim of this study was to investigate the neurotoxicity of AEME and its possible cholinergic effects in rat primary hippocampal cell cultures that were exposed to different concentrations of AEME, cocaine, and a cocaineAEME combination. We also evaluated the involvement of muscarinic cholinergic receptors in the neuronal death induced by these treatments using concomitant incubation of the cells with atropine. Neuronal injury was assessed using 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assays. The results of the viability assays showed that AEME is a neurotoxic agent that has greater neurotoxic potential than cocaine after 24 and 48 h of exposure. We also showed that incubation for 48 h with a combination of both compounds in equipotent concentrations had an additive neurotoxic effect. Although both substances decreased cell viability in the MTT assay, only cocaine increased LDH release. Caspase-3 activity was increased after 3 and 6 h of incubation with 1mM cocaine and after 6 h of 0.1 and 1.0mM AEME exposure. Atropine prevented the AEME-induced neurotoxicity, which suggests that muscarinic cholinergic receptors are involved in AEME's effects. In addition, binding experiments confirmed that AEME has an affinity for muscarinic cholinergic receptors. Nevertheless, atropine was not able to prevent the neurotoxicity produced by cocaine and the cocaineAEME combination, suggesting that these treatments activated other neuronal death pathways. Our results suggest a higher risk for neurotoxicity after smoking crack cocaine than after cocaine use alone.
Disulfoton (O,O, diethyl S-2-(ethylthio)ethyl phosphorodithioate) and other organophosphorus ester compounds are insecticides which inhibit acetylcholinesterase. Chemicals of this class cause signs of toxicity in mammals which are referable to acculmulation of acetylcholine at neuroeffector sites. A tolerance to this toxic action can be induced in experimental animals by giving multiple, sublethal doses of the compounds. There is strong evidence that disulfoton tolerance occurs because of a reduction in the sensitivity of tissues in the affected animals to acetylcholine.^ Experiments were designed to test the possibility that a decrease in the number of muscarinic cholinergic receptors could be downmodulating the sensitivity of tissues to acetylcholine. It was found that, concomitant with the onset of disulfoton tolerance, there was a decrease relative to control values in the specific binding of {('3)H} quinuclidinyl benzilate ({('3)H}QNB, a compound which selectively labels muscarinic cholinergic receptors) to homogenates of rat brain and ileal muscle. The decrease in {('3)H}QNB binding was due to a reduction in the density of muscarinic receptors. There was, however, no alteration in the binding of {('3)H} QNB, or the muscarinic agonists {('3)H} oxotremorine-M and oxotremorine to atria from disulfoton-tolerant rats. The possibility that cardiac tissue was not subsensitive to cholinergic agonists was ruled out in experiments testing the effect of the muscarinic agonist carbachol on heart rate in vivo, and the negative chronotropic effect of oxotremorine on atria from disulfoton-tolerant rats: a clear reduction in the sensitivity to cholinergic agonists was seen in each case. It was, therefore concluded that the specificity and temporal correlation of {('3)H}QNB binding decreases suggested that the loss of muscarinic receptors might play a role in modulating the sensitivity of several tissues to acetylcholine, but that other mechanisms also contribute to the tolerance phenomenon.^ Other experiments revealed that disulfoton tolerance, as measured by resistance to the lethal effects of carbachol, could be induced by feeding rats low levels of the organophosphorus ester in the diet. The concentration of disulfoton used inhibited acetylcholinesterase, but not to the extent that overt signs of toxicity were observed. These results suggested that tolerance to organophosphorus ester insecticides could be induced in rodents with a dosing scheme which more closely modeled the sort of low level exposures which would be expected in humans environmentally or occupationally in contact with these compounds. ^
Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) are exposed to high concentrations of mercury because they are apex predators in the Arctic ecosystem. Although mercury is a potent neurotoxic heavy metal, it is not known whether current exposures are of neurotoxicological concern to polar bears. We tested the hypotheses that polar bears accumulate levels of mercury in their brains that exceed the estimated lowest observable adverse effect level (20 µg/g dry wt) for mammalian wildlife and that such exposures are associated with subtle neurological damage, as determined by measuring neurochemical biomarkers previously shown to be disrupted by mercury in other high-trophic wildlife. Brain stem (medulla oblongata) tissues from 82 polar bears subsistence hunted in East Greenland were studied. Despite surprisingly low levels of mercury in the brain stem region (total mercury = 0.36 ± 0.12 µg/g dry wt), a significant negative correlation was measured between N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor levels and both total mercury (r = -0.34, p < 0.01) and methylmercury (r = -0.89, p < 0.05). No relationships were observed among mercury, selenium, and several other neurochemical biomarkers (dopamine-2, gamma-aminobutyric acid type A, muscarinic cholinergic, and nicotinic cholinergic receptors; cholinesterase and monoamine oxidase enzymes). These data show that East Greenland polar bears do not accumulate high levels of mercury in their brain stems. However, decreased levels of NMDA receptors could be one of the most sensitive indicators of mercury's subclinical and early effects.
Classical eyeblink conditioning is a well-characterized model paradigm that engages the septohippocampal cholinergic system. This form of associative learning is impaired in normal aging and severely disrupted in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Some nicotinic cholinergic receptor subtypes are lost in AD, making the use of nicotinic allosterically potentiating ligands a promising therapeutic strategy. The allosterically potentiating ligand galantamine (Gal) modulates nicotinic cholinergic receptors to increase acetylcholine release as well as acting as an acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitor. Gal was tested in two preclinical experiments. In Experiment 1 with 16 young and 16 older rabbits, Gal (3.0 mg/kg) was administered for 15 days during conditioning, and the drug significantly improved learning, reduced AChE levels, and increased nicotinic receptor binding. In Experiment 2, 53 retired breeder rabbits were tested over a 15-wk period in four conditions. Groups of rabbits received 0.0 (vehicle), 1.0, or 3.0 mg/kg Gal for the entire 15-wk period or 3.0 mg/kg Gal for 15 days and vehicle for the remainder of the experiment. Fifteen daily conditioning sessions and subsequent retention and relearning assessments were spaced at 1-month intervals. The dose of 3.0 mg/kg Gal ameliorated learning deficits significantly during acquisition and retention in the group receiving 3.0 mg/kg Gal continuously. Nicotinic receptor binding was significantly increased in rabbits treated for 15 days with 3.0 mg/kg Gal, and all Gal-treated rabbits had lower levels of brain AChE. The efficacy of Gal in a learning paradigm severely impaired in AD is consistent with outcomes in clinical studies.
Kynurenine (KYN) is the first stable metabolite of the kynurenine pathway, the major route of tryptophan. (TRP) metabolIsm. In the liver, cortisol-inducible tIyptophan-2,3-dioxygenase (TDO) is the first enzyme and rate limiting step. In extrahepatic tissues, it is superceded by indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase (IDO), an enzyme with a wider substrate specificity. Earlier work in this research group has found substantial elevations in plasma KYN in fasting Tourette's Syndrome (TS) patients with normal TRP and neopterin. The aim of our initial pilot study was to confirm this increase in KYN in fasting human TS patients compared with normal controls, and to see how changes in diet :ay influence certain kynurenine pathway variables. However, we failed to detect a change in plasma KYN, TRP, kynurenic acid (KYNA), neopterin or cortisol between the fasting TS and control groups. Moreover, none of the variables was affected by dietary status, and thus candidates selected for the larger cross-sectional study were permitted to eat and drink freely on the day that blood samples were submitted, but were requested to avoid products containing caffeine, aspirin or nicotine. In the cross-sectional study, TS patients exhibited significantly higher plasma KYN concentrations than controls, although the magnitude of the change was much smaller than originally found. This may be due to differences in detection procedure and the seasonal fluctuation of some biochemical variables, notably cortisol. The generalised increase in neopterin in the TS subject group, suggests a difference in the activity of cytokine-inducible IDO as a likely source for this elevated KYN. Other kynurenine pathway metabolites, specifIcally TRP, 3-hydroxykynurenine (HKY), 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid (HAA) and KYNA were unchanged. In view of recent speculation of the potential therapeutic effects of nicotine in TS, the lower KYN concentrations observed in TS smokers, compared with non-smoking TS patients, was another interesting finding. Tic-like movements, such as head-shakes (HS), which occur in rodents both spontaneously and following diverse drug treatments, closely resemble tic behaviours in humans. The animal tic model was used to examine what effects nicotine may have on shaking behaviours and on selected TRP metabolites. Acute systemic administration of nicotine to mice, produced a dose-dependent reduction in HS frequency (induced by the 5-HT2A/2C agonist DOl), which appeared to be mediated via central nicotinic cholinergic receptors, since mecamylamine pretreatment abolished this effect. Conversely, twice daily subcutaneous injections of nicotine for 7 days, led to an increase in spontaneous and DOI-induced HS. Chronic nicotine also caused a significant elevation m plasma and whole brain KYN concentrations, but plasma TRP, HKY, HAA and KYNA were unaltered. In addition, no change in brain 5-HT or 5-HIAA concentrations or 5-HT turnover, was found. Despite contrasting results from human and animal studIes, a role for nicotine in the mediation of tic-like movements is indicated. The relevance of the kynurenine pathway to TS and the potential role played by nicotine in modifying tic-like behaviours is discussed.
The ontogeny of muscarinic receptors was studied in human fetal striatum, brainstem, and cerebellum to investigate general principles of synaptogenesis as well as the physiological balance between various chemical synapses during development in a given region of the brain. [3H]Quinuclidinyl benzilate ([-'H]QNB) binding was assayed in total particulate fraction (TPF) from various parts of brain. In the corpus striatum, QNB binding sites are present at 16 weeks of gestation (average concentration 180 fmol/mg protein of TPF), slowly increase up to 24 weeks (average concentration 217 fmol/mg protein), and rapidly increase during the third trimester to 480 fmol/mg protein of TPF. In contrast, dopaminergic receptors exist as two subpopulations. one with low affinity and the other with high affinity up to the 24th week of gestation; all of them acquire the highaffinity characteristic during the third trimester. In brainstem, the muscarinic receptors show maximum concentration by 16 weeks of age (360 fmolimg protein of TPF). Subsequently the muscarinic receptor concentration shows a gradual decline in the brainstem. In cerebellum, except for a slight increase at 24 weeks (average concentration 90 fmol/mg protein of TPF), the receptor concentration remained nearly constant at about 60-70 fmolimg protein of TPF throughout fetal life. This study demonstrates that the ontogeny of muscarinic receptors varies among the different regions, and the patterns observed suggest that receptor formation occurs principally in the third trimester. Also noteworthy is the finding that the QNB binding sites decreased in all regions of the human brain during adult life. Key Words: Cholinergic muscarinic receptors-Quinuclidinyl benzilate-Corpus striaturn-Brainstem-Cerebellum. Ravikumar B. V. and Sastry P. S. Cholinergic muscarinic receptors in human fetal brain: Ontogeny of [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate binding sites in corpus striatum, brainstem, and cerebellum. J. Neurochem. 45, 1948- 1950 (1985).
Salivation induced by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections of pilocarpine (cholinergic agonist) is reduced by intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injections of moxonidine (alpha(2) adrenergic and imidazoline receptor agonist). In the present study, we investigated the involvement of central alpha(2) adrenergic receptors in the inhibitory effect of i.c.v. moxonidine on i.p. pilocarpine-induced salivation. Male Holtzman rats with stainless steel cannula implanted into the lateral ventricle (LV) were used. Saliva was collected using pre-weighted small cotton balls inserted into the animal's mouth under ketamine (100 mg kg(-1)) anesthesia. Salivation was induced by i.p. injection of pilocarpine (4 mu mol kg(-1)). Pilocarpine-induced salivation was reduced by i.c.v. injection of moxonidine (10 nmol) and enhanced by i.c.v. injections of either RX 821002 (160 nmol) or yohimbine (320 nmol). The inhibitory effect of i.c.v. moxonidine on pilocarpine-induced salivation was abolished by prior i.c.v. injections of the alpha(2) adrenergic receptor antagonists, RX 821002 (160 nmol) or yohimbine (160 and 320 nmol). The alpha(1) adrenergic receptor antagonist prazosin (320 nmol) injected i.c.v. did not change the effect of moxonidine on pilocarpine-induced salivation. The results suggest that moxonidine acts on central alpha(2) adrenergic receptors to inhibit pilocarpine-induced salivation, and that this salivation is tonically inhibited by central alpha(2) adrenergic receptors. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present study describes the isolation of the first neurotoxin (acantoxin IVa) from Acanthophis sp. Seram death adder venom and an examination of its activity at nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (naChR) subtypes. Acantoxin IVa (MW 6815; 0.1-1.0 muM) caused concentration-dependent inhibition of indirect twitches (0.1 Hz, 0.2 ms, supramaximal V) and inhibited contractile responses to exogenous nicotinic agonists in the chick biventer cervicis nerve-muscle, confirming that this toxin is a postsynaptic neurotoxin. Acantoxin IVa (1-10 nM) caused pseudo-irreversible antagonism at skeletal muscle nAChR with an estimated pA(2) Of 8.36 +/- 0.17. Acantoxin IVa was approximately two-fold less potent than the long-chain (Type 11) neurotoxin, alpha-bungarotoxin. With a pK(i) value of 4.48, acantoxin IVa was approximately 25,000 times less potent than a-bungarotoxin at alpha7-type neuronal nAChR. However, in contrast to alpha-bungarotoxin, acantoxin IVa completely inhibited specific [H-3]-methyllycaconitine (MLA) binding in rat hippocampus homogenate. Acantoxin IVa had no activity at ganglionic nAChR, alpha4beta2 subtype neuronal nAChR or cytisine-resistant [H-3]-epibatidine binding sites. While long-chain neurotoxin resistant [H-3]-MLA binding in hippocampus homogenate requires further investigation, we have shown that a short-chain (Type 1) neurotoxin is capable of fully inhibiting specific [H-3]-MLA binding. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Stress is a major driving force in alcohol use disorders (AUDs). It influences how much one consumes, craving intensity and whether an abstinent individual will return to harmful alcohol consumption. We are most vulnerable to the effects of stress during early development, and exposure to multiple traumatic early life events dramatically increases the risk for AUDs. However, not everyone exposed to early life stress will develop an AUD. The mechanisms determining whether an individual’s brain adapts and becomes resilient to the effects of stress or succumbs and is unable to cope with stress remain elusive. Emerging evidence suggests that neuroplastic changes in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) following early life stress underlie the development of AUDs. This review discusses the impact of early life stress on NAc structure and function, how these changes affect cholinergic signaling within the mesolimbic reward pathway and the role nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) play in this process. Understanding the neural pathways and mechanism determining stress resilience or susceptibility will improve our ability to identify individuals susceptible to developing AUDs, formulate cognitive interventions to prevent AUDs in susceptible individuals and to elucidate and enhance potential therapeutic targets, such as the nAChRs, for those struggling to overcome an AUD.
Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) family ligands: GDNF, neurturin, persephin and artemin, signal through a receptor tyrosine kinase Ret by binding first to a co-receptor (GFRα1-4) that is attached to the plasma membrane. The GDNF family factors can support the survival of various peripheral and central neuronal populations and have important functions also outside the nervous system, especially in kidney development. Activating mutations in the RET gene cause tumours in neuroendocrine cells, whereas inactivating mutations in RET are found in patients with Hirschsprung s disease (HSCR) characterized by loss of ganglionic cells along the intestine. The aim of this study was to examine the in vivo functions of neurturin receptor GFRα2 and persephin receptor GFRα4 using knockout (KO) mice. Mice lacking GFRα2 grow poorly after weaning and have deficits in parasympathetic and enteric innervation. This study shows that impaired secretion of the salivary glands and exocrine pancreas contribute to growth retardation in GFRα2-KO mice. These mice have a reduced number of intrapancreatic neurons and decreased cholinergic innervation of the exocrine pancreas as well as reduced excitatory fibres in the myenteric plexus of the small intestine. This study also demonstrates that GFRα2-mediated Ret signalling is required for target innervation and maintenance of soma size of sympathetic cholinergic neurons and sensory nociceptive IB4-binding neurons. Furthermore, lack of GFRα2 in mice results in deficient perception of temperatures above and below thermoneutrality and in attenuated inflammatory pain response. GFRα4 is co-expressed with Ret predominantly in calcitonin-producing thyroid C-cells in the mouse. In this study GFRα4-deficient mice were generated. The mice show no gross developmental deficits and have a normal number of C-cells. However, young but not adult mice lacking GFRα4 have a lower production of calcitonin in thyroid tissue and consequently, an increased bone formation rate. Thus, GFRα4/Ret signalling may regulate calcitonin production. In conclusion, this study reveals that GFRα2/Ret signalling is crucial for the development and function of specific components of the peripheral nervous system and that GFRα4-mediated Ret signalling is required for controlling transmitter synthesis in thyroid C-cells.
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are pentameric, ligand-gated, cation channels found throughout the central and peripheral nervous system, whose endogenous ligand is acetylcholine, but which can also be acted upon by nicotine. The subunit compositions of nAChR determine their physiological and pharmacological properties, with different subunits expressed in different combinations or areas throughout the brain. The behavioral and physiological effects of nicotine are elicited by its agonistic and desensitizing actions selectively on neuronal nAChRs. The midbrain is of particular interest due to its population of nAChRs expressed on dopaminergic neurons, which are important for reward and reinforcement, and possibly contribute to nicotine dependence. The α6-subunit is found on dopaminergic neurons but very few other regions of the brain, making it an interesting drug target. We assayed a novel nicotinic agonist, called TI-299423 or TC299, for its possible selectivity for α6-containing nAChRs. Our goal was to isolate the role of α6-containing nAChRs in nicotine reward and reinforcement, and provide insight into the search for more effective smoking cessation compounds. This was done using a variety of in vitro and behavioral assays, aimed dually at understanding TI-299423’s exact mechanism of action and its downstream effects. Additionally, we looked at the effects of another compound, menthol, on nicotine reward. Understanding how reward is generated in the cholinergic system and how that is modulated by other compounds contributes to a better understand of our complex neural circuitry and provides insight for the future development of therapeutics.