929 resultados para children daily dose
The recommended treatment for latent tuberculosis (TB) infection in adults is a daily dose of isoniazid (INH) 300 mg for six months. In Brazil, INH was formulated as 100 mg tablets. The treatment duration and the high pill burden compromised patient adherence to the treatment. The Brazilian National Programme for Tuberculosis requested a new 300 mg INH formulation. The aim of our study was to compare the bioavailability of the new INH 300 mg formulation and three 100 mg tablets of the reference formulation. We conducted a randomised, single dose, open label, two-phase crossover bioequivalence study in 28 healthy human volunteers. The 90% confidence interval for the INH maximum concentration of drug observed in plasma and area under the plasma concentration vs. time curve from time zero to the last measurable concentration “time t” was 89.61-115.92 and 94.82-119.44, respectively. The main limitation of our study was that neither adherence nor the safety profile of multiple doses was evaluated. To determine the level of INH in human plasma, we developed and validated a sensitive, simple and rapid high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method. Our results showed that the new formulation was bioequivalent to the 100 mg reference product. This finding supports the use of a single 300 mg tablet daily strategy to treat latent TB. This new formulation may increase patients’ adherence to the treatment and quality of life.
Manuel O, Pascual M, Perrottet N, Lamoth F, Venetz J-P, Decosterd LA, Buclin T, Meylan PR. Ganciclovir exposure under a 450 mg daily dosage of valganciclovir for cytomegalovirus prevention in kidney transplantation: a prospective study. Clin Transplant 2010: 24: 794-800. Abstract: This prospective study aimed at determining the ganciclovir exposure observed under a daily dosage of 450 mg valganciclovir routinely applied to kidney transplant recipients with a GFR above 25 mL/min at risk for cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease. Ganciclovir levels at trough (C(trough) ) and at peak (C(3 h) ) were measured monthly. Ganciclovir exposure (area under the curve [AUC(0-24) ]) was estimated using Bayesian non-linear mixed-effect modeling (NONMEM). Thirty-six patients received 450 mg of valganciclovir daily for three months. Median ganciclovir C(3 h) was 3.9 mg/L (range: 1.3-7.1), and C(trough) was 0.4 mg/L (range 0.1-2.7). Median AUC(0-24) of ganciclovir was 59.3 mg h/L (39.0-85.3) in patients with GFR(MDRD) 26-39 mL/min, 35.8 mg h/L (24.9-55.8) in patients with GFR(MDRD) 40-59 mL/min, and 29.6 mg h/L (22.0-43.2) in patients with GFR(MDRD) ≥ 60 mL/min. No major differences in adverse events according to ganciclovir exposure were observed. CMV viremia was not detected during prophylaxis. After discontinuing prophylaxis, CMV viremia was seen in 8/36 patients (22%), and 4/36 patients (11%) developed CMV disease. Ganciclovir exposure after administration of valganciclovir 450 mg daily in recipients with GFR ≥60 mL/min was comparable to those previously reported with oral ganciclovir. A routine daily dose of 450 mg valganciclovir appears to be acceptable for CMV prophylaxis in most kidney transplant recipients.
Therapeutic goal of vitamin D: optimal serum level and dose requirements Results of randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses investigating the effect of vitamin D supplementation on falls and fractures are inconsistent. The optimal serum level 25(OH) vitamin D for musculoskeletal and global health is > or = 30 ng/ml (75 nmol/l) for some experts and 20 ng/ml (50 nmol/l) for some others. A daily dose of vitamin D is better than high intermittent doses to reach this goal. High dose once-yearly vitamin D therapy may increase the incidence of fractures and falls. High serum level of vitamin D is probably harmful for the musculoskeletal system and health at large. The optimal benefits for musculoskeletal health are obtained with an 800 UI daily dose and a serum level of near 30 ng/ml (75 nmol/l).
A recent randomized EORTC phase III trial, comparing two doses of imatinib in patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs), reported dose dependency for progression-free survival. The current analysis of that study aimed to assess if tumour mutational status correlates with clinical response to imatinib. Pre-treatment samples of GISTs from 377 patients enrolled in phase III study were analyzed for mutations of KIT or PDGFRA by combination of D-HPLC and direct sequencing of tumour genomic DNA. Mutation types were correlated with patients' survival data. The presence of exon 9-activating mutations in KIT was the strongest adverse prognostic factor for response to imatinib, increasing the relative risk of progression by 171% (P<0.0001) and the relative risk of death by 190% (P<0.0001) when compared with KIT exon 11 mutants. Similarly, the relative risk of progression was increased by 108% (P<0.0001) and the relative risk of death by 76% (P=0.028) in patients without detectable KIT or PDGFRA mutations. In patients whose tumours expressed an exon 9 KIT oncoprotein, treatment with the high-dose regimen resulted in a significantly superior progression-free survival (P=0.0013), with a reduction of the relative risk of 61%. We conclude that tumour genotype is of major prognostic significance for progression-free survival and overall survival in patients treated with imatinib for advanced GISTs. Our findings suggest the need for differential treatment of patients with GISTs, with KIT exon 9 mutant patients benefiting the most from the 800 mg daily dose of the drug.
Some methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) programs prescribe inadequate daily methadone doses. Patients complain of withdrawal symptoms and continue illicit opioid use, yet practitioners are reluctant to increase doses above certain arbitrary thresholds. Serum methadone levels (SMLs) may guide practitioners dosing decisions, especially for those patients who have low SMLs despite higher methadone doses. Such variation is due in part to the complexities of methadone metabolism. The medication itself is a racemic (50:50) mixture of 2 enantiomers: an active "R" form and an essentially inactive "S" form. Methadone is metabolized primarily in the liver, by up to five cytochrome P450 isoforms, and individual differences in enzyme activity help explain wide ranges of active R-enantiomer concentrations in patients given identical doses of racemic methadone. Most clinical research studies have used methadone doses of less than 100 mg/day [d] and have not reported corresponding SMLs. New research suggests that doses ranging from 120 mg/d to more than 700 mg/d, with correspondingly higher SMLs, may be optimal for many patients. Each patient presents a unique clinical challenge, and there is no way of prescribing a single best methadone dose to achieve a specific blood level as a "gold standard" for all patients. Clinical signs and patient-reported symptoms of abstinence syndrome, and continuing illicit opioid use, are effective indicators of dose inadequacy. There does not appear to be a maximum daily dose limit when determining what is adequately "enough" methadone in MMT.
Resting energy expenditure is frequently increased in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but it is unknown if this hypermetabolism holds true over 24 h. The aim of this study was to measure the actual 24-h energy expenditure (24-h EE) in patients with stable COPD. Energy expenditure was measured by indirect calorimetry, using a metabolic chamber for 24-h EE and a canopy for basal metabolic rate (BMR). Physical activity was detected in the chamber by a radar system, and its duration was quantified. Two groups matched for age and height were studied: 16 male ambulatory patients with stable COPD and 12 male normal subjects. Body weight was 92 +/- 12% of ideal body weight in the group with COPD and 108 +/- 11% in the control group (p = 0.01). BMR was 120 +/- 7% of predicted in the group with COPD and 108 +/- 12% in the control group (p < 0.01). However, 24-h EE was similar in the two groups, amounting to 1,935 +/- 259 kcal in patients with COPD and 2,046 +/- 253 kcal in the control group (NS). This corresponded to 145% and 137% of predicted BMR, and to 121% and 126% of measured BMR in patients with COPD and the control group, respectively (NS). Patients were allowed to pursue their usual treatment within the chamber, and a positive correlation existed between 24-h EE and the daily dose of inhaled beta 2-agonists (p < 0.03). During daytime, physical activity was lower in patients with COPD. This study shows that patients with stable COPD are characterized by a normal daily energy expenditure in controlled conditions in spite of an increased basal metabolic rate. They appear to save energy by reducing their spontaneous level of physical activity.
Cyclosporine is a substrate of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A and of the transporter ABCB1, for which polymorphisms have been described. In particular, CYP3A5 *3/*3 genotype results in the absence of CYP3A5 activity, whereas CYP3A7 *1/*1C genotype results in high CYP3A7 expression in adults. Log-transformed dose-adjusted cyclosporine trough concentration and daily dose per weight were compared 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after transplantation between CYP3A and ABCB1 genotypes in 73 renal (n = 64) or lung (n = 9) transplant recipients. CYP3A5 expressors (*1/*3 genotype; n = 8-10) presented significantly lower dose-adjusted cyclosporine trough concentrations (P < 0.05) and required significantly higher daily doses per weight (P < 0.01) than the nonexpressors (*3/*3 genotype; n = 55-59) 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after transplantation. In addition, 7 days after transplantation, more CYP3A5 expressors had uncorrected trough cyclosporine concentration below the target concentration of 200 ng/mL than the nonexpressors (odds ratio = 7.2; 95% confidence interval = 1.4-37.3; P = 0.009). CYP3A4 rs4646437C>T influenced cyclosporine kinetics, the T carriers requiring higher cyclosporine dose. CYP3A7*1C carriers required a 1.4-fold to 1.6-fold higher cyclosporine daily dose during the first year after transplantation (P < 0.05). In conclusion, CYP3A4, CYP3A5, and CYP3A7 polymorphisms affect cyclosporine metabolism, and therefore, their genotyping could be useful, in association with therapeutic drug monitoring, to prospectively optimize cyclosporine prescription in transplant recipients. The administration of a CYP3A genotype-dependent cyclosporine starting dose should therefore be tested prospectively in a randomized controlled clinical trial to assess whether it leads to an improvement of the patients outcome after transplantation, with adequate immunosuppression and decreased toxicity.
L’asthme maternel complique environ 3,4% à 12,4% des grossesses dans les pays développés ce qui en fait une des maladies chroniques les plus fréquentes pouvant engendrer de sérieux problèmes médicaux chez la mère et le fœtus. D’autre part, un taux relativement important de femmes enceintes, soit 4 à 7%, utilisent des médicaments anti-asthmatiques. La mortinaissance, la mortalité néonatale et/ou la mortalité périnatale sont les issues de grossesses les plus dramatiques pour l’enfant et la famille. Toutefois, l’effet de l’asthme et de l’utilisation des corticostéroïdes inhalés (CSI) pendant la grossesse sur ces complications a été inadéquatement évalué. La majorité des études qui ont évalué ces associations souffraient d’un manque de puissance statistique et/ou d’une absence ou d’un ajustement inadéquat pour les variables potentiellement confondantes. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse ont donc pour objectif d’évaluer le risque de mortalité périnatale chez les femmes asthmatiques comparativement aux femmes non- asthmatiques. Cette thèse vise également à évaluer si les femmes asthmatiques exposées aux CSI courent plus de risque de mortalité périnatale que les femmes asthmatiques non exposées et si le risque de mortalité périnatale varie en fonction de la dose quotidienne de CSI utilisée par la mère pendant la grossesse. À l’aide du croisement de trois bases de données administratives du Québec, une large cohorte de femmes asthmatiques et non-asthmatiques qui ont eu au moins une grossesse entre 1990 et 2002 a été construite (n=41 142). À partir de cette cohorte, deux cohortes de grossesses ont été constituées. Les deux premières études présentées dans cette thèse sont basées sur toute la cohorte alors que la dernière étude est basée uniquement sur les grossesses de femmes asthmatiques. Une étude de cohorte a d’abord été réalisée afin d’évaluer l’effet de l’asthme maternel sur le risque de mortalité périnatale permettant l’ajustement pour les variables provenant des bases de données administratives. Afin de mieux estimer le risque de mortalité périnatale chez les femmes asthmatiques une étude de cohorte comprenant deux phases d’échantillonnage a ensuite été réalisée à l’aide d’informations additionnelles sur le tabagisme, l’utilisation de drogue illicite et l’histoire de mortinaissances, colligées à partir du dossier médical de la mère. Finalement, le risque de mortalité périnatale chez les femmes asthmatiques qui ont utilisé des CSI pendant la grossesse et le risque de mortalité périnatale en fonction de la dose moyenne quotidienne de CSI consommée par la mère pendant la grossesse ont été investigués à l’aide d’une étude de cohorte à deux phases d’échantillonnage chez les femmes asthmatiques uniquement. Nous avons premièrement observé que l’asthme pendant la grossesse pourrait augmenter le risque de mortalité périnatale due à l’augmentation du risque de bébés de petits poids et de bébés prématurés chez les femmes asthmatiques (OR=1,30; IC 95%: 1,05-1,57). Toutefois, après avoir ajusté pour le tabagisme pendant la grossesse, le risque relatif de mortalité périnatale a diminué à 12% et l’association n’est pas demeurée statistiquement significative (OR= 1,12; IC 95%: 0,87-1,45). Finalement, l’utilisation de CSI pendant la grossesse, lorsque la dose n’a pas été considérée, n’a pas été associé à une augmentation significative du risque de mortalité périnatale (OR= 1,07; IC 95% : 0,70-1,61) et un effet protecteur non-significatif de l’utilisation de doses de CSI de 250 ug ou moins par jour a été observé (OR=0,89; IC 95%: 0,55 -1,44). Toutefois, les femmes qui ont pris des doses >250 ug/jour avaient un risque accru de mortalité périnatale de 52%, mais cette association n’était pas statistiquement significative (OR=1,52; IC 95%: 0,62-3,76). Cette augmentation du risque pourrait toutefois résulter d’un ajustement imparfait pour la sévérité et le contrôle de l’asthme (les femmes asthmatiques qui ont utlisé >250 ug/jour sont susceptibles d’avoir un asthme plus sévère ou inadéquatement maîtrisé). Les conclusions de nos travaux qui sont plutôt rassurantes pourront contribuer à une meilleure prise en charge des femmes enceintes asthmatiques, à aider les médecins dans la prescription de CSI pendant la grossesse et à rassurer les femmes enceintes souffrant d’asthme et les femmes enceintes qui doivent utiliser des CSI. Toutefois, des études supplémentaires sont nécessaires afin de pouvoir conclure que l’utilisation de doses plus élevées de CSI (>250 ug/jour) pendant la grossesse sont sécuritaires.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The aim of this prospective, randomized, 1-year study was to compare the efficacy and safety of oral deferiprone (DFP) with those of combinations of parenteral desferrioxamine (DFO) with oral DFP. DESIGN AND METHODS: A total of 24 patients with thalassemia major were randomized to receive one of the following two treatments; DFP given at a daily dose of 75 mg/kg in combination with DFO (40-50 mg/kg twice weekly) (n=12) or as single agent (n=12). In addition, 12 patients treated with 40-50 mg/kg DFO 5 days weekly were included as a reference group without randomization. Changes in liver iron concentration (LIC) and serum ferritin (SF) were assessed; total iron excretion (TIE), urinary iron excretion (UIE) and iron balance were calculated. Cardiac function and toxicity were also examined. DESIGN AND METHODS: SF and LIC were significantly reduced after 1 year of combination therapy (p=0.01 and 0.07, respectively). A decrease of LIC was observed in all but one patient (87.5%) following the combination therapy but in only 42% of patients treated with DFP monotherapy. In the DFO reference group, a statistically significant decrease in LIC (p=0.01) associated with a substantial decrease in SF (p=0.08) was observed after 1 year. The combination regimen resulted in greater TIE compared to DFP monotherapy (p=0.08) and was the regimen associated with the highest iron balance compared to DFP monotherapy (p=0.04) or standard DFO treatment (p=0.006). INTERPRETATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS: The addition of subcutaneous DFO twice weekly to oral DFP 75 mg/kg is a highly efficacious and safe chelation therapy providing superior chelation activity to that of DFP and likely has an efficacy profile comparable to that of standard DFO.
Objective: To compare the effectiveness of three dosing regimens of caffeine for preterm infants in the periextubation period. Methods: A randomized double-blind clinical trial of three dosing regimens of caffeine citrate ( 3, 15 and 30 mg/kg) for periextubation management of ventilated preterm infants was undertaken. Infants born < 32 weeks gestation who were ventilated for > 48 h were eligible for the study. Caffeine citrate was given as a once daily dose for a period of 6 days commencing 24 h prior to a planned extubation, or within 6 h of an unplanned extubation. The primary outcome measure was extubation failure, defined as neonates who were unable to be extubated within 48 h of caffeine loading or who required reventilation or doxapram dose within 7 days of caffeine loading. Continuous recordings of oxygen saturation and heart rate were undertaken in a subgroup of enrolled infants. Results: A total of 127 babies were enrolled into the study ( 42, 40, 45, in the 3, 15, and 30 mg/kg groups, respectively). No statistically significant difference was demonstrated in the incidence of extubation failure between dosing groups ( 19, 10, and 11 infants in the 3, 15, and 30 mg/kg groups, respectively), however, infants in the two higher dose groups had statistically significantly less documented apnoea than the lowest dose group. Of the 37 neonates with continuous pulse oximetry recordings, those on higher doses of caffeine recorded a statistically significantly higher mean heart rate, oxygen saturations and less time with oxygen saturations < 85%. Conclusions: This trial indicated there were short-term benefits of decreased apnoea in the immediate periextubation period for ventilated infants born < 32 weeks gestation receiving higher doses of caffeine. Further studies with larger numbers of infants assessing longer-term outcomes are necessary to determine the optimal dosing regimen of caffeine in preterm infants.
To compare the incidence of foetal malformations (FMs) in pregnant women with epilepsy treated with different anti-epileptic drugs (AED) and doses, and the influence of seizures, family and personal history, and environmental factors. A prospective, observational, community-based cohort study. Methods. A voluntary, Australia-wide, telephone-interview-based register prospectively enrolling three groups of pregnant women: taking AEDs for epilepsy; with epilepsy not taking AEDs; taking AEDs for a non-epileptic indication. Four hundred and fifty eligible women were enrolled over 40 months. Three hundred and ninety six pregnancies had been completed, with 7 sets of twins, for a total of 403 pregnancy outcomes. Results. 354 (87.8%) pregnancy outcomes resulted in a healthy live birth, 26 (6.5%) had a FM, 4 (1%) a death in utero, 1 (0.2%) a premature labour with stillbirth, 14 (3.5%) a spontaneous abortion and 4 lost to follow-up. The FM rate was greater in pregnancies exposed to sodium valproate (VPA) in the first trimester (116.0%) compared with those exposed to all other AEDs (16.0% vs. 2.4%, P < 0.01) or no AEDs (16.0% vs. 3.1 %, P < 0.01). The mean daily dose of VPA taken in pregnancy with FMs was significantly greater than in those without (11975 vs: 1128 mg, P < 0.01). The incidence of FM with VPA doses greater than or equal to 1100 mg was 30.2% vs. 3.2% with doses < 1100 mg (P < 0.01). Conclusions. There is a dose-effect relationship for FM and exposure to VPA during the first trimester of pregnancy, with higher doses of VPA associated with a significantly greater risk than with lower doses or with other AEDs. These results highlight the need to limit, where possible, the dose of VPA in pregnancy. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose: The aims of this study were to develop an algorithm to accurately quantify Vigabatrin (VGB)-induced central visual field loss and to investigate the relationship between visual field loss and maximum daily dose, cumulative dose and duration of dose. Methods: The sample comprised 31 patients (mean age 37.9 years; SD 14.4 years) diagnosed with epilepsy and exposed to VGB. Each participant underwent standard automated static visual field examination of the central visual field. Central visual field loss was determined using continuous scales quantifying severity in terms of area and depth of defect and additionally by symmetry of defect between the two eyes. A simultaneous multiple regression model was used to explore the relationship between these visual field parameters and the drug predictor variables. Results: The regression model indicated that maximum VGB dose was the only factor to be significantly correlated with individual eye severity (right eye: p = 0.020; left eye: p = 0.012) and symmetry of visual field defect (p = 0.024). Conclusions: Maximum daily dose was the single most reliable indicator of those patients likely to exhibit visual field defects due to VGB. These findings suggest that high maximum dose is more likely to result in visual field defects than high cumulative doses or those of long duration.
Background: Adequate calcium intake may have a crucial role with regards to prevention of many chronic diseases, including hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, different types of cancer, obesity and osteoporosis. In children, sufficient calcium intake is especially important to support the accelerated growth spurt during the preteen and teenage years and to increase bone mineral mass to lay the foundation for older age. Objectives: This study aimed to assess daily calcium intake in school-age children to ensure whether they fulfill the FGP dairy serving recommendations, the recommended levels of daily calcium intake and to assess the relationship between dietary calcium intake and major bone health indicators. Patients and Methods: A total of 501 Iranian school-age children were randomly selected. Calcium intake was assessed using a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Bone health indicators were also assessed. Results: Dairy products contributed to 69.3% of the total calcium intake of the children. Daily adequate intake of calcium was achieved by 17.8% of children. Only 29.8% met the Food guide pyramid recommendations for dairy intake. Dietary calcium intake was not significantly correlated with serum calcium and other selected biochemical indicators of bone health. Conclusions: The need for planning appropriate nutrition strategies for overcoming inadequate calcium intake in school age children in the city of Tehran is inevitable.
Background: The Brazilian consensus recommends a short-term treatment course with clarithromycin, amoxicillin and proton-pump inhibitor for the eradication of Helicobacter pylori ( H. pylori). This treatment course has good efficacy, but cannot be afforded by a large part of the population. Azithromycin, amoxicillin and omeprazole are subsidized, for several aims, by the Brazilian federal government. Therefore, a short-term treatment course that uses these drugs is a low-cost one, but its efficacy regarding the bacterium eradication is yet to be demonstrated. The study's purpose was to verify the efficacy of H. pylori eradication in infected patients who presented peptic ulcer disease, using the association of azithromycin, amoxicillin and omeprazole. Methods: Sixty patients with peptic ulcer diagnosed by upper digestive endoscopy and H. pylori infection documented by rapid urease test, histological analysis and urea breath test were treated for six days with a combination of azithromycin 500 mg and omeprazole 20 mg, in a single daily dose, associated with amoxicillin 500 mg 3 times a day. The eradication control was carried out 12 weeks after the treatment by means of the same diagnostic tests. The eradication rates were calculated with 95% confidence interval. Results: The eradication rate was 38% per intention to treat and 41% per protocol. Few adverse effects were observed and treatment compliance was high. Conclusion: Despite its low cost and high compliance, the low eradication rate does not allow the recommendation of the triple therapy with azithromycin as an adequate treatment for H. pylori infection.
We have previously shown that exposing rats to a relatively high dose of ethanol during early postnatal life resulted in a deficit in spatial learning ability. This ability is controlled, at least in part, by the hippocampal formation. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether exposure of rats to ethanol during early postnatal life affected the number of specific neurons in the hippocampus. Wistar rats were exposed to a relatively high daily dose of ethanol between postnatal days 10 and 15 by placing them for 3 h each day in a chamber containing ethanol vapor. The blood ethanol concentration was about 430 mg/dl at the end of the exposure period. Groups of ethanol-treated (ET) rats, separation controls (SC), and mother-reared controls (MRC) were anesthetized and killed at 16 days of age by perfusion with phosphate-buffered glutaraldehyde (2.5%). The Cavalieri principle was used to determine the volume of various subdivisions of the hippocampal formation (CA1, CA2+CA3, hilus, and granule cell layer), and the physical disector method was used to estimate the numerical densities of neurons within each subdivision. The total number of neurons was calculated by multiplying estimates of the numerical density with the volume. There were, on average, about 441,000 granule cells in the granule cell layer and 153,000 to 177,000 pyramidal cells in both the CA1 and CA2+CA3 regions in all three treatment groups. In the hilus region, ET rats had about 27,000 neuronal cells. This was significantly fewer than the average of 38,000 such neurons estimated to be present in both MRC and SC animals. Thus, neurons in the hilus region may be particularly vulnerable to the effects of a high dose of ethanol exposure during early postnatal life. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.