887 resultados para childbirth provider location
Hub-and-spoke networks are widely studied in the area of location theory. They arise in several contexts, including passenger airlines, postal and parcel delivery, and computer and telecommunication networks. Hub location problems usually involve three simultaneous decisions to be made: the optimal number of hub nodes, their locations and the allocation of the non-hub nodes to the hubs. In the uncapacitated single allocation hub location problem (USAHLP) hub nodes have no capacity constraints and non-hub nodes must be assigned to only one hub. In this paper, we propose three variants of a simple and efficient multi-start tabu search heuristic as well as a two-stage integrated tabu search heuristic to solve this problem. With multi-start heuristics, several different initial solutions are constructed and then improved by tabu search, while in the two-stage integrated heuristic tabu search is applied to improve both the locational and allocational part of the problem. Computational experiments using typical benchmark problems (Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) and Australian Post (AP) data sets) as well as new and modified instances show that our approaches consistently return the optimal or best-known results in very short CPU times, thus allowing the possibility of efficiently solving larger instances of the USAHLP than those found in the literature. We also report the integer optimal solutions for all 80 CAB data set instances and the 12 AP instances up to 100 nodes, as well as for the corresponding new generated AP instances with reduced fixed costs. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Model for facilities or vendors location in a global scale considering several echelons in the Chain
The facilities location problem for companies with global operations is very complex and not well explored in the literature. This work proposes a MILP model that solves the problem through minimization of the total logistic cost. Main contributions of the model are the pioneer carrying cost calculation, the treatment given to the take-or-pay costs and to the international tax benefits such as drawback and added value taxes in Brazil. The model was successfully applied to a real case of a chemical industry with industrial plants and sales all over the world. The model application recommended a totally new sourcing model for the company.
This paper concerns a collaborative experiment in architectural design teaching and thinking developed during a workshop held at The University of Queensland in 2000. The programme explored the possibilities and the consequences of relocating location-specific architecture to a different context - a 'Trans-Cultural Trans-Location'. The project involved the careful study by Australia-based students of a house designed for a Japanese family in a dense part of Tokyo by the eminent Japanese architect Tadao Ando, and the subsequent translocation of the ideas that underlay the building to a suburban location in Brisbane, for a theoretical equivalent Australian family. This experimental project examined the universality of architectural concepts, their appreciation and the pedagogical setting. The project raised questions of: - How well do students from one culture comprehend architecture designed specifically for another – which are the areas of misunderstanding and understanding? - How can students transpose architectural ideas from one social and physical context to one that is almost entirely the opposite? - What are the limits of collaboration and exchange in design teaching and how do they reveal similarities, inconsistencies and the unexpected in the aims of the teacher and of the student? These questions suggest that in order to comprehend a design, we must understand the culture within which it originated, and that we must understand the cultures within which we work in order to design. This paper is written in two parts. The first part establishes a framework for discussing the contrast of the cultural settings studied. The second part considers the nature, conduct and results of the Studio Workshop itself.
This article presents the findings from a secondary analysis of the 1991 Queensland Crime Victim Survey. Although now more than 10 years old, this survey still has validity as it remains the largest of its kind conducted in Queensland, and it is a rich source of information about the experiences of victims of violence. The study investigated how the experiences of younger female assault victims differ from older female victims in terms of their relationship with their aggressor and the assault location. The following factors were examined: whether or not the assault occurred (a) at the hands of a partner or former partner, (b) in a private dwelling, (c) in a public place, and (d) in a leisure venue away from home. Results pointed to important differences between younger and older women in terms of their experiences of violence. Teenage women reported significantly more assaults in public places compared with older women, and were less likely to be assaulted in their own dwelling. Also, trends in the data suggested that compared to older women, teenage women were more likely to be assaulted in leisure venues away from home, and were less likely to be assaulted by partners or former partners. Considering that young women are at a much higher risk than older women of being assaulted, consideration of these age differences may be helpful in the design of violence prevention strategies. In particular, more attention should be paid to the public place prevention of violence against young women.
Warthin tumor (papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum) is a benign salivary gland tumor involving almost exclusively the parotid gland. The lip is a very unusual location for this type of tumor, which develops only rarely in minor salivary glands. The case of 42-year-old woman with Warthin tumor arising in minor salivary glands of the upper lip is reported.
Early endosomal antigen I (EEAI) is known to be a marker of early endosomes and in cultured hippocampal neurons it preferentially localizes to the dendritic but not the axonal compartment. We show in cultured dorsal root ganglia and superior cervical ganglia neurons that EEAI localizes to the cell bodies and the neurites of both sensory and sympathetic neurons. We then show in vivo using a ligated rat sciatic nerve that EEAI significantly accumulates on the proximal side and not on the distal side of the ligation. This suggests that EEAI is transported in the anterograde direction in axons either as part of the homeostatic process or to the nerve ligation site in response to nerve injury. NeuroReport 12:281-284 (C) 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Objectives: Advances in surface electromyography (sEMG) techniques provide a clear indication that refinement of electrode location relative to innervation zones (IZ) is required in order to optimise the accuracy, relevance and repeatability of the sEMG signals. The aim of this study was to identify the IZ for the sternocleidomastoid and anterior scalene muscles to provide guidelines for electrode positioning for future clinical and research applications. Methods: Eleven volunteer subjects participated in this study. Myoelectric signals were detected from the sternal and clavicular heads of the stemocleidomastoid and the anterior scalene muscles bilaterally using a linear array of 8 electrodes during isometric cervical flexion contractions. The signals were reviewed and the IZ(s) were identified, marked on the subjects' skin and measurements were obtained relative to selected anatomical landmarks. Results: The position of the IZ lay consistently around the mid-point or in the superior portion of the muscles studied. Conclusions: Results suggest that electrodes should be positioned over the lower portion of the muscle and not the mid-point, which has been commonly used in previous studies. Recommendations for sensor placement on these muscles should assist investigators and clinicians to ensure improved validity in future sEMG applications. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
A relation between a rice irrigation system and mosquito breeding was established in a study undertaken at the Ribeira Valley Experimental Station, from January through December 1992. Flooding favoured Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) and Culex (Melanoconion) species, while empty paddies condition were propitious to Aedes scapularis and Culex (Culex) species. Compared with a more primitive area of the same region, several species showed high a degree of adaptation to the anthropic environment. Among them, Anopheles albitarsis, a potential malaria vector that breeds in the irrigation system, has shown immature stage production thirteen times higher than at the natural breeding sites. In addition, Ae. scapularis, An. oswaldoi, Cx. bastagarius, and Cx. chidesteri presented high levels of synanthropy.
This paper presents an investigation into cloud-to-ground lightning activity over the continental territory of Portugal with data collected by the national Lightning Location System. The Lightning Location System in Portugal is first presented. Analyses about geographical, seasonal, and polarity distribution of cloud-to-ground lightning activity and cumulative probability of peak current are carried out. An overall ground flash density map is constructed from the database, which contains the information of more than five years and almost four million records. This map is compared with the thunderstorm days map, produced by the Portuguese Institute of Meteorology, and with the orographic map of Portugal. Finally, conclusions are duly drawn.
The best places to locate the Gas Supply Units (GSUs) on a natural gas systems and their optimal allocation to loads are the key factors to organize an efficient upstream gas infrastructure. The number of GSUs and their optimal location in a gas network is a decision problem that can be formulated as a linear programming problem. Our emphasis is on the formulation and use of a suitable location model, reflecting real-world operations and constraints of a natural gas system. This paper presents a heuristic model, based on lagrangean approach, developed for finding the optimal GSUs location on a natural gas network, minimizing expenses and maximizing throughput and security of supply.The location model is applied to the Iberian high pressure natural gas network, a system modelised with 65 demand nodes. These nodes are linked by physical and virtual pipelines – road trucks with gas in liquefied form. The location model result shows the best places to locate, with the optimal demand allocation and the most economical gas transport mode: by pipeline or by road truck.
A major determinant of the level of effective natural gas supply is the ease to feed customers, minimizing system total costs. The aim of this work is the study of the right number of Gas Supply Units – GSUs - and their optimal location in a gas network. This paper suggests a GSU location heuristic, based on Lagrangean relaxation techniques. The heuristic is tested on the Iberian natural gas network, a system modelized with 65 demand nodes, linked by physical and virtual pipelines. Lagrangean heuristic results along with the allocation of loads to gas sources are presented, using a 2015 forecast gas demand scenario.