815 resultados para change in working process


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This research examines the process of placemaking in LeDroit Park, a residential Washington, DC, neighborhood with a historic district at its core. Unpacking the entwined physical and social evolution of the small community within the context of the Nation’s Capital, this analysis provides insight into the role of urban design and development as well as historic designation on shaping collective identity. Initially planned and designed in 1873 as a gated suburb just beyond the formal L’Enfant-designed city boundary, LeDroit Park was intended as a retreat for middle and upper-class European Americans from the growing density and social diversity of the city. With a mixture of large romantic revival mansions and smaller frame cottages set on grassy plots evocative of an idealized rural village, the physical design was intentionally inwardly-focused. This feeling of refuge was underscored with a physical fence that surrounded the development, intended to prevent African Americans from nearby Howard University and the surrounding neighborhood, from using the community’s private streets to access the City of Washington. Within two decades of its founding, LeDroit Park was incorporated into the District of Columbia, the surrounding fence was demolished, and the neighborhood was racially integrated. Due to increasingly stringent segregation laws and customs in the city, this period of integration lasted less than twenty years, and LeDroit Park developed into an elite African American enclave, using the urban design as a bulwark against the indignities of a segregated city. Throughout the 20th century housing infill and construction increased density, yet the neighborhood never lost the feeling of security derived from the neighborhood plan. Highlighting the architecture and street design, neighbors successfully received historic district designation in 1974 in order to halt campus expansion. After a stalemate that lasted two decades, the neighborhood began another period of transformation, both racial and socio-economic, catalyzed by a multi-pronged investment program led by Howard University. Through interviews with long-term and new community members, this investigation asserts that the 140-year development history, including recent physical interventions, is integral to placemaking, shaping the material character as well as the social identity of residents.


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Objective: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding regulatory RNAs (19-25 nucleotides) that play a major role in regulation of gene expression. They are responsible for the control of fundamental cellular processes that has been reported to be involved in human tumorigenesis. The characterization of miRNA profiles in human tumors is crucial for the understanding of carcinogenesis processes, finding of new tumor markers, and discovering of specific targets for the development of innovative therapies. The aim of this study is to find miRNAs involved in prostate cancer progression comparing the profile of miRNA expressed by localized high grade carcinoma and bone metastasis. Material and methods: Two groups of tumors where submitted to analyses. The first is characterized by 18 patients who underwent radical prostatectomy for treatment of localized high grade prostate carcinoma (PC) with mean Gleason score 8.6, all staged pT3. The second group is composed of 4 patients with metastatic, androgen-independent prostate carcinoma, and 2 PC cell lines. LNCaP derived from a metastatic PC to a lymph node, and another derived from an obstructive, androgen-independent PC (PcBRA1). Expression analysis of 14 miRNAs was carried out using quantitative RT-PCR. Results: miR-let7c, miR-100, and miR-218 were significantly overexpressed by all localized high GS, pT3 PC in comparison with metastatic carcinoma. (35.065 vs. 0.996 P < 0.001), (55.550 vs. 8.314, P = 0.010), and (33.549 vs. 2.748, P = 0.001), respectively. Conclusion: We hypothesize that miR-let7c, miR-100, and miR-218 may be involved in the process of metastasization of PC, and their role as controllers of the expression of RAS, c-myc, Laminin 5 beta 3, THAP2, SMARCA5, and BAZ2A should be matter of additional studies. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Public sector organizations traditionally have been associated with the internal process (bureaucratic) model of organizational culture. Public choice and management theory have suggested that public sector managers can learn from the experience of private sector management, and need to change from the Internal process model of organizational culture. Due to these Influences an managers, the current research proposes that managers' perceptions of Ideal organizational culture would no longer reflect the Internal process model. Public sector managers' perceptions of the current culture, as well as their perceptions of the Ideal culture, were measured. A mail-out survey was conducted In the Queensland (a state of Australia) public sector. Responses to a competing values culture Inventory were received from 222 managers. Results Indicated that a reliance on the Internal process model persists, while managers had a desire for cultural models other than the Internal process model, as hypothesized.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.


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The alignment of collective goals and individual behavior has been extensively studied by economists under a principal-agent framework. Two main solutions have been presented: explicit incentive contracts and monitoring. These solutions correspond to changes in the objective situation faced by individuals. However, an extensive literature in social psychology provides evidence that behavior is influenced, not only by situational constraints, but also by attitudes. Therefore, an important aspect of organization is to choose the structures and procedures that best contribute to the dissemination of the desired attitudes throughout the organization. This paper studies how the initial configuration of attitudes and the size of the organization affect the optimal organizational structure and the timing of information flows when the objective is to align the members' attitudes. We identify and characterize three factors that affect the optimal organizational structures and procedures and the degree of alignment of attitudes: (1) clustering effects; (2) member cross-influence effects; and (3) leader cross-influence effects.


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Due to the decline of the heavy industries in the Ruhr region, the area has to reinvent itself. The orientation towards service industries proves to be a difficult task for the district and its population. This paper examines the challenges, problems and potentials of the Ruhr region against the backdrop of its economical history out of a sociological perspective. Thereby the economical situation and its outcome towards the population stand in the foreground of the paper.


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This study is specifically concerned with the effect of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) on the Business Process Redesign (BPR). Researcher’s experience and the investigation on previous researches imply that BPR and ERP are deeply related to each other and a study to found the mentioned relation further is necessary. In order to elaborate the hypothesis, a case study, in particular Turkish electricity distribution market and the phase of privatization are investigated. Eight companies that have taken part in privatization process and executed BPR serve as cases in this study. During the research, the cases are evaluated through critical success factors on both BPR and ERP. It was seen that combining the ERP Solution features with business processes lead the companies to be successful in ERP and BPR implementation. When the companies’ success and efficiency were compared before and after the ERP implementation, a considerable change was observed in organizational structure. It was spotted that the team composition is important in the success of ERP projects. Additionally, when the ERP is in driver or enabler role, the companies can be considered successful. On the contrary, when the ERP has a neutral role of business processes, the project fails. In conclusion, it can be said that the companies, which have implemented the ERP successfully, have accomplished the goals of the BPR.


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It has been already shown that delivering tDCS that are spaced by an interval alters its impact on motor plasticity. These effects can be explained, based on metaplasticity in which a previous modification of activity in a neuronal network can change the effects of subsequent interventions in the same network. But to date there is limited data assessing metaplasticity effects in cognitive functioning.


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El proceso cultural en las Sierras de Córdoba fue habitualmente concebido como marginal con respecto al Noroeste Argentino. Tras el establecimiento del esquema básico de la secuencia prehispánica, a mediados del siglo pasado, se definió una etapa agroalfarera de cronología tardía, que continuaba a una extensa etapa precerámica cuyos límites se aproximaban a la transición Pleistoceno-Holoceno. Se hacía referencia, de este modo, al advenimiento de un modo de vida agrícola y aldeano, que reemplazaba a otro basado en la caza y recolección. Dicha transformación, alternativamente atribuida a la población cazadora local o a una migración de grupos agricultores desde regiones vecinas, se habría consumado hacia 1500 AP, fijando uno de los límites de la dispersión de la agricultura andina. Es necesario destacar la extremada escasez y el carácter indirecto de las evidencias arqueológicas utilizadas para sustentar la ocurrencia de tal proceso. Asimismo, la vigencia de supuestos que han comenzado a mostrar inconsistencias con los resultados de las recientes investigaciones. Entre ellos, principalmente, el que asume que la introducción de la agricultura dio paso a una transformación radical de las sociedades prehispánicas, constituyendo un hito fundamental en su devenir histórico, el comienzo de una nueva etapa. Nuestros últimos estudios en el sector central de las Sierras de Córdoba apuntaron, entre otros objetivos, a reconocer indicadores arqueológicos directos de producción agrícola, así como de la manipulación y consumo de plantas cultivadas. Los primeros resultados nos permiten vislumbrar un escenario complejo que desafía los modelos vigentes. El consumo de maíz, por ejemplo, parece haber antecedido por muchos siglos a la adopción de prácticas agrícolas. El acceso a este cultígeno, sumado a otros elementos, indicaría cambios entre los cazadores-recolectores serranos, promovidos por su integración en redes macrorregionales que los vincularon con sociedades agricultoras de la vertiente oriental andina y quizás del Chaco Santiagueño, por lo menos desde 2500 AP. En definitiva, la agricultura no parece haber sido adoptada rápidamente ni provocado transformaciones profundas e inmediatas en la organización de los grupos prehispánicos. Se ha observado, por el contrario, la incorporación gradual de distintas innovaciones que incluso permiten relacionar la manipulación y más tarde el cultivo de plantas domesticadas, con procesos de intensificación productiva de mayor escala temporal. Uno de nuestros objetivos en este proyecto consiste, básicamente, en profundizar las investigaciones en curso a fin de ampliar el cuerpo de datos con el cual analizar y discutir el problema de la dispersión agrícola en la región. Ello implica el tratamiento de diferentes líneas de evidencia, en particular: 1) la distribución regional de sitios arqueológicos y las modalidades de ocupación de las tierras cultivables; 2) la búsqueda de superficies de cultivo en sitios estratificados; y 3) estudios arqueobotánicos, polínicos y de isótopos estables. Se entiende que no le corresponde a la arqueología asumir apriorísticamente el significado histórico de la introducción de la agricultura, sino establecerlo en cada caso puntual a través de la investigación concreta. Nuestro segundo objetivo consiste, por lo tanto, en delinear los cambios (económicos, tecnológicos, políticos, sociales) que acompañaron al proceso de dispersión agrícola. Ello implica el tratamiento de diferentes problemas, entre otros: 1) las prácticas de apropiación de los recursos silvestres; 2) la continuidad y cambio tecnológico; 3) la movilidad y la articulación microambiental; y 4) los aspectos políticos y sociales ligados a prácticas como la molienda grupal y la producción del arte rupestre. The radical chage of societies from hunter-gatherers to farmers in 1500 BP was considered a milestone whitin the cultural process of pre-hispanic societies in Cordoba Hill. But there is a shortage of archaeological remains to support this change and there are weak hypotheses of absolute transformations. During the last years, our studies carried out on the central area of Cordoba Hill have tried to recognize direct archaeological signs of agriculture production as well as the handling and consumption of crops. The first results show a complex set that challenges the current theoretical models. For example, the corn was probably eatten prior to its adoption for farm practices. Our first main consists in increasing a corpus of data about the spread of agriculture in Cordoba region that we have been researching for the last years. These researches involve different lines of evidence: 1-regional location of archaeological sites and kinds of occupation on cultivable lands; 2-the search for plots at archaeological sites; 3-archaeobotanical, pollen and stable isotopes studies. Our second main consists in outlining changes within the spread of agriculture. It implies to considering different problems: 1-the practices to gatherer wild resources; 2-the continuity and changes of technologies; 3-the mobility and the articulation on the micro-environment; 4-political and social aspects in connection with activities such as groupal grinding and rock art productions.


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Macroeconomic activity has become less volatile over the past three decades in most G7 economies. Current literature focuses on the characterization of the volatility reduction and explanations for this so called "moderation" in each G7 economy separately. In opposed to individual country analysis and individual variable analysis, this paper focuses on common characteristics of the reduction and common explanations for the moderation in G7 countries. In particular, we study three explanations: structural changes in the economy, changes in common international shocks and changes in domestic shocks. We study these explanations in a unified model structure. To this end, we propose a Bayesian factor structural vector autoregressive model. Using the proposed model, we investigate whether we can find common explanations for all G7 economies when information is pooled from multiple domestic and international sources. Our empirical analysis suggests that volatility reductions can largely be attributed to the decline in the magnitudes of the shocks in most G7 countries while only for the U.K., the U.S. and Italy they can partially be attributed to structural changes in the economy. Analyzing the components of the volatility, we also find that domestic shocks rather than common international shocks can account for a large part of the volatility reduction in most of the G7 countries. Finally, we find that after mid-1980s the structure of the economy changes substantially in five of the G7 countries: Germany, Italy, Japan, the U.K. and the U.S..


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This article sets out a theoretical framework for the study of organisational change within political alliances. To achieve this objective it uses as a starting point a series of premises, the most notable of which include the definition of organisational change as a discrete, complex and focussed phenomenon of changes in power within the party. In accordance with these premises, it analyses the synthetic model of organisational change proposed by Panebianco (1988). After examining its limitations, a number of amendments are proposed to adapt it to the way political alliances operate. The above has resulted in the design of four new models. In order to test its validity and explanatory power in a preliminary manner, the second part looks at the organisational change of the UDC within the CiU alliance between 1978 and 2001. The discussion and conclusions reached demonstrate the problems of determinism of the Panebianco model and suggest, tentatively, the importance of the power balance within the alliance as a key factor.


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INTRODUCTION: Assessing motivation for change is deemed an important step in the treatment process that allows further refinement of the intervention in motivational interviewing (MI) and brief MI (BMI) adaptations. During MI (and BMI) sessions, motivation for change is expressed by the client as "change talk", i.e. all statements inclined toward or away from change. We tested the predictive validity of the Change Questionnaire, a 12-item instrument assessing motivation to change, on hazardous tobacco and alcohol use. METHODS: As part of the baseline measurements for a randomized controlled trial on multi-substance BMI at the Lausanne recruitment center (army conscription is mandatory in Switzerland for males at age 20, and thus provides a unique opportunity to address a non-clinical and largely representative sample of young men), 213 participants completed the questionnaire on tobacco and 95 on alcohol and were followed-up six months later. The overall Change Questionnaire score and its six subscales (Desire, Ability, Reasons, Need, Commitment, and Taking steps) were used as predictors of hazardous tobacco use (defined as daily smoking) and hazardous alcohol use (defined as more than one occasion with six standard drinks or more per month, and/or more than 21 standard drinks per week) in bivariate logistic regression models at follow-up. RESULTS: Higher overall Change scores were significant predictors of decreased risk for hazardous tobacco (odds ratio [OR] = 0.83, p = 0.046) and alcohol (OR = 0.76, p = 0.03) use. Several sub-dimensions were associated with the outcomes in bivariate analyses. Using a principal components analysis to reduce the number of predictors for multivariate models, we obtained two components. 'Ability to change' was strongly related to change in hazardous tobacco use (OR = 0.54, p < 0.001), the second we interpreted as 'Other change language dimensions' and which was significantly related to change in hazardous alcohol use (OR = 0.81, p = 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The present findings lend initial support for the predictive validity of the Change Questionnaire on hazardous tobacco and alcohol use, making it an interesting and potentially useful tool for assessing motivation to change among young males.


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It is a well established fact that the entry of women into higher-level professional occupations has not resulted in their equal distribution within these occupations. Indeed, the emergence and persistence of horizontal and vertical gender segregation within the professions has been at the heart of the development of a range of alternative theoretical perspectives on both the "feminisation process" and the future of the "professions"more generally. Through an in-depth comparative analysis of the recent changes in the organisation and administration of the medical profession in Britain and France, this paper draws upon statistical data and biographical interviews with male and female general practitioners (GPs) in both countries in order to discuss and review a variety of approaches that have been adopted to explain and analyse the "eminisation" process of higher-level professions. Our conclusions review the theoretical debates in the light of the evidence we have presented. It is argued that, despite important elements of continuity in respect of gendered occupational structuring in both countries, national variations in both professional and domestic gendered architectures lead to different outcomes as far as the extent and patterns of internal occupational segregation are concerned. Both female and male doctors are currently seeking - with some effect - to resist thepressures of medicine on family life.


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Short-term dynamic psychotherapy (STDP) has rarely been investigated with regard to its underlying mechanisms of change, even if psychoanalytic theory informs us about several potential putative mechanisms of change in patients. Change in overall defensive functioning is one. In this study, we explored the role of overall defensive functioning, by comparing it on the process level with the neighbouring concept of overall coping functioning. A total of N=32 patients, mainly presenting adjustment disorder, were included in the study. The patients underwent STDP up to 40 sessions; three sessions per psychotherapy were transcribed and analyzed by using two observer-rating scales: Defense Mechanism Rating Scales (Perry, 1990) and Coping Action Patterns (Perry, Drapeau, Dunkley, & Blake, 2005). Hierarchical linear modeling was applied to model the change over the course of therapy and relate it to outcome. Results suggest that STDP has an effect on the target variable of overall defensive functioning, which was absent for overall coping functioning. Links with outcome confirm the importance of the effect. These results are discussed from methodological and clinical viewpoints.


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Abstract Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is characterized by both maladaptive thinking and problematic schemas. Kramer and colleagues (2011) showed that using the motive-oriented therapeutic relationship (MOTR), based on the individualized understanding of the patient according to Plan Analysis (Caspar, 2007), can improve treatment outcomes for BPD. The present process-outcome pilot study aimed to examine the effects of the motive-oriented therapeutic relationship on the cognitive biases of patients with BPD. Change in biased cognitions in N=10 patients who were subject to MOTR was compared to that of N=10 patients who received psychiatric-psychodynamic treatment (Gunderson & Links, 2008). Results show a greater decrease in over-generalizations in patients who received MOTR, compared to the patients who received the psychiatric-psychodynamic treatment. These changes were related to outcome in various ways. These findings underline the importance of an individualized case formulation method in bringing about therapeutic change.