981 resultados para cell protection


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Background: Amifostine is an efficient cytoprotector against toxicity caused by some chemotherapeutic drugs. Doxorubicin, a potent anticancer anthracycline, is known to produce spermatogenic damage even in low doses. Although some studies have suggested that amifostine does not confer protection to doxorubicin-induced testicular damage, schedules and age of treatment have different approach depending on the protocol. Thus, we proposed to investigate the potential cytoprotective action of amifostine against the damage provoked by doxorubicin to prepubertal rat testes (30-day-old) by assessing some macro and microscopic morphometric parameters 15, 30 and 60 days after the treatment; for fertility evaluation, quantitative analyses of sperm parameters and reproductive competence in the adult phase were also carried out.Methods: Thirty-day-old male rats were distributed into four groups: Doxorubicin (5 mg/kg), Amifostine (400 mg/kg), Amifostine/Doxorubicin (amifostine 15 minutes before doxorubicin) and Sham Control (0.9% saline solution). Standard One Way Anova parametric and Anova on Ranks non-parametric tests were applied according to the behavior of the obtained data; significant differences were considered when p < 0.05.Results: The rats killed 30 and 60 days after doxorubicin treatment showed diminution of seminiferous epithelium height and reduction on the frequency of tubular sections containing at least one type of differentiated spermatogonia; reduction of sperm concentration and motility and an increase of sperm anomalous forms where observed in doxorubicin-treated animals. All these parameters were improved in the Amifostine/Doxorubicin group only when compared to Doxorubicin group. Such reduction, however, still remained below the values obtained from the Sham Control group. Nevertheless, the reproductive competence of doxorubicin-treated rats was not improved by amifostine pre-administration.Conclusions: These results suggest that amifostine promotes a significant reduction of the doxorubicin long-term side effects on the seminiferous epithelium of prepubertal rats, which is reflected in the epidydimal fluid parameters in the adult phase. However, fertility status results suggest that such protection may not be effective against sperm DNA content damage. Further investigation of sperm DNA integrity must be carried out using amifostine and doxorubicin-treated experimental models. © 2010 Vendramini et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Baccharis dracunculifolia DC (Asteraceae) is the main botanical source used by honeybees to produce Brazilian green propolis whose hepatoprotective properties have been already described. In this work we investigated the protective effects of the glycolic extract of B. dracunculifolia (GEBd) against oxidative stress in isolated rat liver mitochondria (RLM). The GEBd was prepared by fractionated percolation using propylene glycol as solvent. The total phenols and flavonoids, which are substances with recognized antioxidant action, were quantified in GEBd and the phytochemical analysis was carried out by HPLC. GEBd exhibited significant scavenger activity towards DPPH radicals and superoxide anions in a concentration-dependent manner, and also a Fe 2+ chelating activity. GEBd decreased the basal H 2O 2 generation and the Fe 2+- or t-BuOOH-induced ROS production in isolated mitochondria. Lipid oxidation of mitochondrial membranes, protein thiol groups and GSH oxidation were also prevented by GEBd. This shows that B. dracunculifolia exhibit potent antioxidant activity protecting liver mitochondria against oxidative damage and such action probably contribute to the antioxidant and hepatoprotective effects of green propolis. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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Pós-graduação em Reabilitação Oral - FOAR


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Machaerium hirtum (Vell.) Stellfeld (M.hirtum) is a plant known as 'jacarandá-bico-de-pato' whose bark is commonly used against diarrhea, cough and cancer. The aim of this study was to phytochemically characterise the hydroethanolic extract of this plant, investigate its antimutagenic activities using the Ames test and evaluate its effects on cell viability, genomic instability, gene expression and cell protection in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells (HepG2). Antimutagenic activity was assessed by simultaneous pre- and post-treatment with direct and indirect mutagens, such as 4-nitro-o-phenylenediamine (NPD), mitomycin C (MMC), benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) and aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), using the Ames test, cytokinesis blocking micronucleus and apoptosis assays. Only 3 of the 10 concentrations evaluated in the MTT assay were cytotoxic in HepG2 cells. Micronucleated or apoptotic cells were not observed with any of the tested concentrations, and there were no mutagenic effects in the bacterial system. However, the Nuclear Division Index and flow cytometry data showed a decrease in cell proliferation. The extract showed an inhibitory effect against direct (NPD) and indirect mutagens (B[a]P and AFB1). Furthermore, pre- and post-treated cells showed significant reduction in the number of apoptotic and micronucleated cells. This effect is not likely to be associated with the modulation of antioxidant genes, as shown by the RT-qPCR results. Six known flavonoids were identified in the hydroethanolic extract of Machaerium hirtum leaves, and their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic and spectrophotometric methods. The presence of the antioxidants apigenin and luteolin may explain these protective effects, because these components can inhibit the formation of reactive species and prevent apoptosis and DNA damage. In conclusion, the M.hirtum extract showed chemopreventive potential and was not hazardous at the tested concentrations in the experiments presented here. Moreover, this extract should be investigated further as a chemopreventive agent.


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This study reviews the literature concerning possible therapeutic approaches for spinal cord injury. Spinal cord injury is a disabling and irreversible condition that has high economic and social costs. There are both primary and secondary mechanisms of damage to the spinal cord. The primary lesion is the mechanical injury itself. The secondary lesion results from one or more biochemical and cellular processes that are triggered by the primary lesion. The frustration of health professionals in treating a severe spinal cord injury was described in 1700 BC in an Egyptian surgical papyrus that was translated by Edwin Smith; the papyrus reported spinal fractures as a ''disease that should not be treated.'' Over the last biological or pharmacological treatment method. Science is unraveling the mechanisms of cell protection and neuroregeneration, but clinically, we only provide supportive care for patients with spinal cord injuries. By combining these treatments, researchers attempt to enhance the functional recovery of patients with spinal cord injuries. Advances in the last decade have allowed us to encourage the development of experimental studies in the field of spinal cord regeneration. The combination of several therapeutic strategies should, at minimum, allow for partial functional recoveries for these patients, which could improve their quality of life.


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The plasma membrane xc- cystine/glutamate transporter mediates cellular uptake of cystine in exchange for intracellular glutamate and is highly expressed by pancreatic cancer cells. The xCT gene, encoding the cystine-specific xCT protein subunit of xc-, is important in regulating intracellular glutathione (GSH) levels, critical for cancer cell protection against oxidative stress, tumor growth and resistance to chemotherapeutic agents including platinum. We examined 4 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the xCT gene in 269 advanced pancreatic cancer patients who received first line gemcitabine with or without cisplatin or oxaliplatin. Genotyping was performed using Taqman real-time PCR assays. A statistically significant correlation was noted between the 3' untranslated region (UTR) xCT SNP rs7674870 and overall survival (OS): Median survival time (MST) was 10.9 and 13.6 months, respectively, for the TT and TC/CC genotypes (p = 0.027). Stratified analysis showed the genotype effect was significant in patients receiving gemcitabine in combination with platinum therapy (n = 145): MST was 10.5 versus 14.1 months for the TT and TC/CC genotypes, respectively (p = 0.013). The 3' UTR xCT SNP rs7674870 may correlate with OS in pancreatic cancer patients receiving gemcitabine and platinum combination therapy. Paraffin-embedded core and surgical biopsy tumor specimens from 98 patients with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma were analyzed by immunohistochemistry using an xCT specific antibody. xCT protein IHC expression scores were analyzed in relation to overall survival in 86 patients and genotype in 12 patients and no statistically significant association was found between the level of xCT IHC expression score and overall survival (p = 0.514). When xCT expression was analyzed in terms of treatment response, no statistically significant associations could be determined (p = 0.908). These data suggest that polymorphic variants of xCT may have predictive value, and that the xc- transporter may represent an important target for therapy in pancreatic cancer.


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Phaseolus vulgaris L. (frijol común o judía) es una leguminosa de gran demanda para la nutrición humana y un producto agrícola muy importante. Sin embargo, la producción de frijol se ve limitada por presiones ambientales como la sequía. En México, el 85% de la cosecha de frijol se produce en la temporada de primavera-verano, principalmente en las regiones del altiplano semiárido con una precipitación anual entre 250 y 400 mm. A pesar del implemento de tecnología en el campo, los factores naturales impiden al agricultor llegar a los rendimientos deseados. El Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (INIFAP), como instituto de investigación gubernamental en México, tiene como objetivo la mejora de cultivos estratégicos, uno de ellos, P. vulgaris. Los estudios en relación a la sequía se enfocan especialmente en la selección de genotipos tolerantes, los cuales son sometidos en condiciones de estrés y monitoreando parámetros como el rendimiento y peso de semilla, además de algunos indicadores tales como índice de cosecha. El resultado de estos trabajos ha sido la obtención de variedades con mayor tolerancia a la sequía, tales como Pinto Villa y Pinto Saltillo. En los últimos años se ha avanzado notablemente en el conocimiento de las bases moleculares en las respuestas de las plantas al estrés. De acuerdo a diversos estudios se ha demostrado que las plantas bajo estrés por sequía experimentan cambios en la expresión de genes involucrados en la señalización, regulación de la transcripción y la traducción, transporte de agua y la función directa en la protección celular. También se ha observado que el déficit de agua es causado por las temperaturas extremas y la alta concentración de sales, por lo que al nivel molecular, las respuestas al estrés tienen puntos de especificidad y puntos de entrecruzamiento. La sequía puede generar estreses secundarios, tales como el nutricional, oxidativo y osmótico. Sin embargo, es necesario identificar y caracterizar muchos de los componentes involucrados en las respuestas al déficit hídrico, la caracterización de estos genes permitirá tener una mejor comprensión de los mecanismos bioquímicos y fisiológicos involucrados en la tolerancia al estrés. Actualmente, con el apoyo de la biología molecular se han identificado algunos genes que otorgan ventajas para la adaptación a ambientes desfavorables. Por lo que el objetivo del presente trabajo es identificar marcadores genéticos asociados a rasgos fenotípicos con énfasis a la tolerancia a estrés hídrico en P. vulgaris. Una vez establecidos los marcadores asociados al estrés hídrico, es factible considerar su uso para la selección asistida por marcadores en líneas o variedades de frijol de interés para los mejoradores. Se evaluaron 282 familias F3:5 derivadas de la cruza entre los cultivares Pinto Villa y Pinto Saltillo. Las familias se sembraron bajo un diseño simple de látice 17x17, el experimento se llevo acabo en el ciclo primavera-verano del 2010 y 2011, y otoñoinvierno de 2010 en el Campo Experimental Bajío del INIFAP con dos repeticiones para cada tratamiento de humedad (riego completo y sequía terminal). En todos los genotipos se realizó el fenotipado (variables fenotípicas) y el genotipado a través de marcadores moleculares. Los análisis estadísticos se basaron en el análisis de componentes principales (Eigen Analysis Selection Index Method, ESIM), la asociación entre marcadores SNP y el fenotipado (paquete SNPassoc para R) y el análisis de varianza (ANOVA). Los valores ESIM mostraron que las variables de Rendimiento, Días a floración, Días a madurez fisiológica e Índice de cosecha fueron sobresalientes en sequía terminal, por lo que se sugieren tomarse en consideración para los estudios de sequía en P. vulgaris como monitores de evaluación a la resistencia. Se identificaron nueve familias sobresalieron por sus valores ESIM (PV/PS6, 22, 131, 137, 149, 154, 201, 236 y 273), además de presentar valores superiores para el rendimiento en comparación con los parentales. Estos genotipos son candidatos interesantes para realizar estudios de identificación de loci asociados con la respuesta al estrés, y como potenciales parentales en el desarrollo de nuevas variedades de frijol. En los análisis de asociación SNPassoc se identificaron 83 SNPs significativos (p<0,0003) asociados a los rasgos fenotípicos, obteniendo un total de 222 asociaciones, de las cuales predomina el modelo genético de codominancia para las variables Días a floración, Periodo reproductivo y Biomasa total. Treinta y siete SNPs se identificaron a diferentes funciones biológicas a través del análisis de anotación funcional, de los cuales 12 SNPs (9, 18, 28, 39, 61, 69, 80, 106, 115, 128, 136 y 142) sobresalen por su asociación al fenotipado, y cuya anotación funcional indica que se encuentran en genes relacionados a la tolerancia a la sequía, tales como la actividad kinasa, actividad metabólica del almidón, carbohidratos y prolina, respuesta al estrés oxidativo, así como en los genes LEA y posibles factores de transcripción. En el caso de los análisis ANOVA, se identificaron 72 asociaciones entre los SNPs y las variables fenotípicas (F< 3,94E-04). Las 72 asociaciones corresponden a 30 SNPs y 7 variables fenotípicas, de las que predomina Peso de 100 semillas y Periodo reproductivo. Para los rasgos de Rendimiento, Índice de cosecha y Días a madurez fisiológica se presentaron asociaciones con seis SNPs (17, 34, 37, 50, 93 y 107), de los cuales, a los SNP37 y SNP107 fueron identificados a la anotación biológica de protein binding. Por otro lado, los SNP106 y SNP128 asociados al Periodo reproductivo, son genes con actividad kinasa y actividad metabólica del almidón, respectivamente. Para los marcadores tipo AFLP, se identificaron 271 asociaciones (F<2,34E-04). Las asociaciones corresponden a 86 AFLPs con todas las variables fenotípicas evaluadas, de las que predomina peso de 100 semillas, Días a floración y Periodo reproductivo. Debido a que los en los AFLPs no es posible determinar su anotación biológica, se proponen como marcadores potenciales relacionados a la resistencia a la sequía en frijol. Los AFLPs candidatos requieren más estudios tales como la secuenciación de los alelos respectivos, así como la identificación de éstas secuencias en el genoma de referencia y su anotación biológica, entre otros análisis, de esta manera podríamos establecer aquellos marcadores candidatos a la validación para la selección asistida. El presente trabajo propone tanto genotipos como marcadores genéticos, que deben ser validados para ser utilizados en el programa de mejoramiento de P. vulgaris, con el objetivo de desarrollar nuevas líneas o variedades tolerantes a la sequía. ABSTRACT Phaseolus vulgaris L. (common bean or judia) is a legume of great demand for human consumption and an important agricultural product. However, the common bean production is limited by environmental stresses, such as drought. In Mexico, 85% of the common bean crop is produced in the spring-summer season mainly in semiarid highland regions with a rainfall between 250 and 400 mm per year. In spite of the improvement of crop technology, the natural factors hamper getting an optimal yield. The National Institute for Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock (INIFAP) is a government research institute from Mexico, whose main objective is the genetic breeding of strategic crops, like P. vulgaris L. The drought tolerance studies particularly focus on the selection of bean tolerant genotypes, which are subjected to stress conditions, by means of monitoring parameters such as yield and seed weight, plus some agronomic indicators such as harvest index. The results of these works have led to obtain cultivars with higher drought tolerance such as Pinto Villa and Pinto Saltillo. Significant achievements have been recently made in understanding the molecular basis of stress plant responses. Several studies have shown that plants under drought stress present changes in gene expression related to cell signalling, transcriptional and translational regulation, water transport and cell protection. In addition, it has been observed that the extreme temperatures and high salt concentrations can cause a water deficiency so, at the molecular level, stress responses have specific and crossover points. The drought can cause secondary stresses, such as nutritional, oxidative and osmotic stress. It is required the identification of more components involved in the response to water deficit, the characterization of these genes will allow a better understanding of the biochemical and physiological mechanisms involved in stress tolerance. Currently, with the support of molecular biology techniques, some genes that confer an advantage for the crop adaptation to unfavourable environments have been identified. The objective of this study is to identify genetic markers associated with phenotypic traits with emphasis on water stress tolerance in P. vulgaris. The establishment of molecular markers linked to drought tolerance would make possible their use for marker-assisted selection in bean breeding programs. Two hundred and eighty two F3:5 families derived from a cross between the drought resistant cultivars Pinto Villa and Pinto Saltillo were evaluated. The families were sowed under a 17x17 simple lattice design. The experiment was conducted between spring-summer seasons in 2010 and 2011, and autumn-winter seasons in 2010 at the Bajio Experimental Station of INIFAP with two treatments (full irrigation and terminal drought). All families were phenotyped and genotyped using molecular markers. Statistical analysis was based on principal component analysis (Eigen Analysis Selection Index Method, ESIM), association analysis between SNP markers and phenotype (SNPassoc package R) and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The ESIM values showed that seed yield, days to flowering, days to physiological maturity and harvest index were outstanding traits in terminal drought treatment, so they could be considered as suitable parameters for drought-tolerance evaluation in P. vulgaris. Nine outstanding families for the ESIM values were identified (PV/PS6, 22, 131, 137, 149, 154, 201, 236 and 273), in addition, these families showed higher values for seed yield compared to the parental cultivars. These families are promising candidates for studies focused on the identification of loci associated to the stress response, and as potential parental cultivars for the development of new varieties of common bean. In the SNPassoc analysis, 83 SNPs were found significantly associated (p<0.0003) with phenotypic traits, obtaining a total of 222 associations, most of which involved the traits days to flowering, reproductive period and total biomass under a codominant genetic model. The functional annotation analysis showed 37 SNPs with different biological functions, 12 of them (9, 18, 28, 39, 61, 69, 80, 106, 115, 128, 136 and 142) stand out by their association to phenotype. The functional annotation suggested a connection with genes related to drought tolerance, such as kinase activity, starch, carbohydrates and proline metabolic processes, responses to oxidative stress, as well as LEA genes and putative transcription factors. In the ANOVA analysis, 72 associations between SNPs and phenotypic traits (F<3.94E- 04) were identified. All of these associations corresponded to 30 SNPs markers and seven phenotypic traits. Weight of 100 seeds and reproductive period were the traits with more associations. Seed yield, harvest index and days to physiological maturity were associated to six SNPs (17, 34, 37, 50, 93 and 107), the SNP37 and SNP107 were identified as located in protein binding genes. The SNP106 and SNP128 were associated with the reproductive period and belonged to genes with kinase activity and genes related to starch metabolic process, respectively. In the case of AFLP markers, 271 associations (F<2.34E-04) were identified. The associations involved 86 AFLPs and all phenotypic traits, being the most frequently associated weight of 100 seeds, days to flowering and reproductive period. Even though it is not possible to perform a functional annotation for AFLP markers, they are proposed as potential markers related to drought resistance in common bean. AFLPs candidates require additional studies such as the sequencing of the respective alleles, identification of these sequences in the reference genome and gene annotation, before their use in marker assisted selection. This work, although requires further validation, proposes both genotypes and genetic markers that could be used in breeding programs of P. vulgaris in order to develop new lines or cultivars with enhanced drought-tolerance.


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At two natural volcanic seeps in Papua New Guinea, the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) in the seawater is consistent with projections for 2100. Here, the cover of massive scleractinian corals Porites spp. is twice as high at elevated compared with ambient pCO2, while that of branching corals such as Acropora millepora is greater than twofold reduced. To assess the underlying mechanisms for such community shifts under long-term exposure to elevated pCO2, biochemical parameters related to tissue biomass, energy storage, pigmentation, cell protection, and cell damage were compared between Porites spp. and A. millepora from control (mean pHtotal = 8.1, pCO2 = 323 µatm) and CO2 seep sites (mean pHtotal = 7.8, pCO2 = 803 µatm) each at two reefs. In Porites spp., only one of the biochemical parameters investigated (the ratio of photoprotective to light-harvesting pigments) responded to pCO2, while tissue biomass, total lipids, total proteins, and some pigments differed between the two reefs, possibly reflecting differences in food availability. Furthermore, some fatty acids showed pCO2 –reef interactions. In A. millepora, most pigments investigated were reduced at elevated pCO2, while other parameters (e.g. tissue biomass, total proteins, total lipids, protein carbonyls, some fatty acids and pigments) differed between reefs or showed pCO2–reef interactions. Tissue biomass, total lipids, and cell-protective capacities were distinctly higher in Porites spp. than in A. millepora, indicating higher resistance to environmental stress in massive Porites. However, our data suggest that important biochemical measures remain relatively unaffected in these two coral species in response to elevated pCO2 up to 800 µatm, with most responses being smaller than differences between species and locations, and also when compared with responses to other environmental stressors such as ocean warming.


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BACKGROUND: Earlier we reported that an oral administration of two mannose-specific dietary lectins, banana lectin (BL) and garlic lectin (GL), led to an enhancement of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell (HSPC) pool in mice. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Cord blood–derived CD34+ HSPCs were incubated with BL, GL, Dolichos lectin (DL), or artocarpin lectin (AL) for various time periods in a serum- and growth factor–free medium and were subjected to various functional assays. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels were detected by using DCHFDA method. Cell fractionation was carried out using lectin-coupled paramagnetic beads. RESULTS: CD34+ cells incubated with the lectins for 10 days gave rise to a significantly higher number of colonies compared to the controls, indicating that all four lectins possessed the capacity to protect HSPCs in vitro. Comparative analyses showed that the protective ability of BL and GL was better than AL and DL and, therefore, further experiments were carried out with them. The output of long-term culture-initiating cell (LTC-IC) and extended LTC-IC assays indicated that both BL and GL protected primitive stem cells up to 30 days. The cells incubated with BL or GL showed a substantial reduction in the ROS levels, indicating that these lectins protect the HSPCs via antioxidant mechanisms. The mononuclear cell fraction isolated by lectin-coupled beads got enriched for primitive HSPCs, as reflected in the output of phenotypic and functional assays. CONCLUSION: The data show that both BL and GL protect the primitive HSPCs in vitro and may also serve as cost-effective HSPC enrichment tools.


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BACKGROUND: Earlier we reported that an oral administration of two mannose-specific dietary lectins, banana lectin (BL) and garlic lectin (GL), led to an enhancement of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell (HSPC) pool in mice. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Cord blood derived CD34+ HSPCs were incubated with BL, GL, Dolichos lectin (DL), or artocarpin lectin (AL) for various time periods in a serum- and growth factor free medium and were subjected to various functional assays. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels were detected by using DCHFDA method. Cell fractionation was carried out using lectin-coupled paramagnetic beads. RESULTS: CD34+ cells incubated with the lectins for 10 days gave rise to a significantly higher number of colonies compared to the controls, indicating that all four lectins possessed the capacity to protect HSPCs in vitro. Comparative analyses showed that the protective ability of BL and GL was better than AL and DL and, therefore, further experiments were carried out with them. The output of long-term culture-initiating cell (LTC-IC) and extended LTC-IC assays indicated that both BL and GL protected primitive stem cells up to 30 days. The cells incubated with BL or GL showed a substantial reduction in the ROS levels, indicating that these lectins protect the HSPCs via antioxidant mechanisms. The mononuclear cell fraction isolated by lectin-coupled beads got enriched for primitive HSPCs, as reflected in the output of phenotypic and functional assays.CONCLUSION: The data show that both BL and GL protect the primitive HSPCs in vitro and may also serve as cost-effective HSPC enrichment tools.


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Background: Staphyloccocal nuclease domain-containing protein 1 (SND1) is involved in the regulation of gene expression and RNA protection. While numerous studies have established that SND1 protein expression is modulated by cellular stresses associated with tumor growth, hypoxia, inflammation, heat- shock and oxidative conditions, little is known about the factors responsible for SND1 expression. Here, we have approached this question by analyzing the transcriptional response of human SND1 gene to pharmacological endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in liver cancer cells. Results: We provide first evidence that SND1 promoter activity is increased in human liver cancer cells upon exposure to thapsigargin or tunicamycin or by ectopic expression of ATF6, a crucial transcription factor in the unfolded protein response triggered by ER stress. Deletion analysis of the 5'-flanking region of SND1 promoter identified maximal activation in fragment (-934, +221), which contains most of the predicted ER stress response elements in proximal promoter. Quantitative real- time PCR revealed a near 3 fold increase in SND1 mRNA expression by either of the stress- inducers; whereas SND1 protein was maximally upregulated (3.4-fold) in cells exposed to tunicamycin, a protein glycosylation inhibitor. Conclusion: Promoter activity of the cell growth- and RNA-protection associated SND1 gene is up-regulated by ER stress in human hepatoma cells.


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In this paper, it is reported for the first time that a carbon-supported Au (Au/C) catalyst for the cathodic catalyst in a direct formic acid fuel cell (DFAFC) was prepared using a polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) protection method. The results indicated that for oxygen reduction, the electrocatalytic activity of the Au/C catalyst prepared with the PVA protection method is much better than that of a Au/C catalyst prepared with the pre-precipitation method. This is due to the small average size and low relative crystallinity of the An particles in the Au/C catalyst prepared by the PVA protection method, compared to that of the Au/C catalyst prepared by the pre-precipitation method, illustrating that the average size and the relative crystallinity of the ALL particles has an effect on the electrocatalytic activity of the Au/C catalyst for oxygen reduction. In addition, because An has no electrocatalytic activity for the oxidation of formic acid, the Au/C catalyst possesses a high formic acid tolerance. After the electrocatalytic activity of the Au/C catalyst for the oxygen reduction is improved, it is suitable to be used as the cathodic catalyst in DFAFC.