1000 resultados para carbon stratification
[EN] It is generally assumed that episodic nutrient pulses by cyclonic eddies into surface waters support a significant fraction of the primary production in subtropical low-nutrient environments in the northern hemisphere. However, contradictory results related to the influence of eddies on particulate organic carbon (POC) export have been reported. As a step toward understanding the complex mechanisms that control export of material within eddies, we present here results from a sediment trap mooring deployed within the path of cyclonic eddies generated near the Canary Islands over a 1.5-year period. We find that, during summer and autumn (when surface stratification is stronger, eddies are more intense, and a relative enrichment in CaCO3 forming organisms occurs), POC export to the deep ocean was 2–4 times higher than observed for the rest of the year. On the contrary, during winter and spring (when mixing is strongest and the seasonal phytoplankton bloom occurs), no significant enhancement of POC export associated with eddies was observed. Our biomarker results suggest that a large fraction of the material exported from surface waters during the late-winter bloom is either recycled in the mesopelagic zone or bypassed by migrant zooplankton to the deep scattering layer, where it would disaggregate to smaller particles or be excreted as dissolved organic carbon. Cyclonic eddies, however, would enhance carbon export below 1000 m depth during the summer stratification period, when eddies are more intense and frequent, highlighting the important role of eddies and their different biological communities on the regional carbon cycle.
The link between the atmospheric CO2 level and the ventilation state of the deep ocean is an important building block of the key hypotheses put forth to explain glacial-interglacial CO2 fluctuations. In this study, we systematically examine the sensitivity of atmospheric CO2 and its carbon isotope composition to changes in deep ocean ventilation, the ocean carbon pumps, and sediment formation in a global three-dimensional ocean-sediment carbon cycle model. Our results provide support for the hypothesis that a break up of Southern Ocean stratification and invigorated deep ocean ventilation were the dominant drivers for the early deglacial CO2 rise of ~35 ppm between the Last Glacial Maximum and 14.6 ka BP. Another rise of 10 ppm until the end of the Holocene is attributed to carbonate compensation responding to the early deglacial change in ocean circulation. Our reasoning is based on a multi-proxy analysis which indicates that an acceleration of deep ocean ventilation during the early deglaciation is not only consistent with recorded atmospheric CO2 but also with the reconstructed opal sedimentation peak in the Southern Ocean at around 16 ka BP, the record of atmospheric δ13CCO2, and the reconstructed changes in the Pacific CaCO3 saturation horizon.
The link between the atmospheric CO2 level and the ventilation state of the deep ocean is an important building block of the key hypotheses put forth to explain glacial-interglacial CO2 fluctuations. In this study, we systematically examine the sensitivity of atmospheric CO2 and its carbon isotope composition to changes in deep ocean ventilation, the ocean carbon pumps, and sediment formation in a global 3-D ocean-sediment carbon cycle model. Our results provide support for the hypothesis that a break up of Southern Ocean stratification and invigorated deep ocean ventilation were the dominant drivers for the early deglacial CO2 rise of ~35 ppm between the Last Glacial Maximum and 14.6 ka BP. Another rise of 10 ppm until the end of the Holocene is attributed to carbonate compensation responding to the early deglacial change in ocean circulation. Our reasoning is based on a multi-proxy analysis which indicates that an acceleration of deep ocean ventilation during early deglaciation is not only consistent with recorded atmospheric CO2 but also with the reconstructed opal sedimentation peak in the Southern Ocean at around 16 ka BP, the record of atmospheric δ13CCO2, and the reconstructed changes in the Pacific CaCO3 saturation horizon.
Fully coupled climate carbon cycle models are sophisticated tools that are used to predict future climate change and its impact on the land and ocean carbon cycles. These models should be able to adequately represent natural variability, requiring model validation by observations. The present study focuses on the ocean carbon cycle component, in particular the spatial and temporal variability in net primary productivity (PP) and export production (EP) of particulate organic carbon (POC). Results from three coupled climate carbon cycle models (IPSL, MPIM, NCAR) are compared with observation-based estimates derived from satellite measurements of ocean colour and results from inverse modelling (data assimilation). Satellite observations of ocean colour have shown that temporal variability of PP on the global scale is largely dominated by the permanently stratified, low-latitude ocean (Behrenfeld et al., 2006) with stronger stratification (higher sea surface temperature; SST) being associated with negative PP anomalies. Results from all three coupled models confirm the role of the low-latitude, permanently stratified ocean for anomalies in globally integrated PP, but only one model (IPSL) also reproduces the inverse relationship between stratification (SST) and PP. An adequate representation of iron and macronutrient co-limitation of phytoplankton growth in the tropical ocean has shown to be the crucial mechanism determining the capability of the models to reproduce observed interactions between climate and PP.
The Iron Age cemetery of Münsingen in Switzerland with 220 abundantly equipped burials marked a milestone for Iron Age research. The horizontal spread throughout the time of its occupancy laid the foundation for the chronology system of the Late Iron Age. Today, skulls of 77 individuals and some postcranial bones are still preserved. The aim of the study was to obtain information about diet, mobility and social stratification of the individuals. Stable isotope ratios of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur were analysed for 63 individuals. For all of them C3 plants were found to be the staple food. There are significant differences between males and females in δ13C and δ15N values. This points to a gender restriction in the access to animal protein with males probably having more access to meat and dairy products. Differences in δ15N values were also observed for different age classes. δ34S values indicate a terrestrial-based diet with no significant intake of marine or freshwater fish. Seven adults with enriched δ34S values might have immigrated to Münsingen, four of which were found in the oldest part of the cemetery. Furthermore, possible changes of the vegetation are indicated by the more positive stable carbon ratios in the later phases. The results lead to the suggestion that especially males buried with weapons might have played a special role in the Iron Age society.
The 220 abundantly equipped burials from the Late Iron Age cemetery of Münsingen (420 – 240 BC) marked a milestone for Iron Age research. The evident horizontal spread throughout the time of occupancy laid the foundation for the chronology system of the Late Iron Age. Today the skulls of 77 individuals and some postcranial bones are still preserved. The aim was to obtain information about nutrition, social stratification and migration of the individuals from Münsingen. Stable isotope ratios of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur were analysed. The results of 63 individuals show that all consumed C3 plants as staple food with significant differences between males and females in δ13C and δ15N values. The results indicate a gender restriction in access to animal protein. Stable isotope values of one male buried with weapons and meat as grave goods suggest a diet with more animal proteins than the other individuals. It is possible that he was privileged due to high status. Furthermore, the δ34S values indicate minor mobility. Assuming that the subadults represent the local signal of δ34S it is very likely that adults with enriched δ34S could have migrated to Münsingen at some point during their lives. This study presents stable isotope values of one of the most important Late Iron Age burial sites in Central Europe. The presented data provide new insight into diet, migration and social stratification of the population from Münsingen.
This study presents high-resolution foraminiferal-based sea surface temperature, sea surface salinity and upper water column stratification reconstructions off Cape Hatteras, a region sensitive to atmospheric and thermohaline circulation changes associated with the Gulf Stream. We focus on the last 10,000 years (10 ka) to study the surface hydrology changes under our current climate conditions and discuss the centennial to millennial time scale variability. We observed opposite evolutions between the conditions off Cape Hatteras and those south of Iceland, known today for the North Atlantic Oscillation pattern. We interpret the temperature and salinity changes in both regions as co-variation of activities of the subtropical and subpolar gyres. Around 8.3 ka and 5.2-3.5 ka, positive salinity anomalies are reconstructed off Cape Hatteras. We demonstrate, for the 5.2-3.5 ka period, that the salinity increase was caused by the cessation of the low salinity surface flow coming from the north. A northward displacement of the Gulf Stream, blocking the southbound low-salinity flow, concomitant to a reduced Meridional Overturning Circulation is the most likely scenario. Finally, wavelet transform analysis revealed a 1000-year period pacing the d18O signal over the early Holocene. This 1000-year frequency band is significantly coherent with the 1000-year frequency band of Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) between 9.5 ka and 7 ka and both signals are in phase over the rest of the studied period.
High-resolution bio- and chemostratigraphy of an earliest Pliocene section from ODP Site 652 indicates that postflood paleoceanographic conditions in the Tyrrhenian Sea can be sub-divided into two discrete intervals. The first is manifested by an acme of Sphaeroidinellopsis spp., increasing carbonate contents, and a progressive decrease upsection in both the d13C and dl8O values of the planktonic foraminifera. The lower part of the acme interval contains unusual surface-to-bottom water isotope gradients suggesting a stratification of two water masses. Normal gradients in the upper part of the acme interval suggest a well-mixed water body. Between the end of the acme interval and the MP11/MP12 boundary, denoted by the first occurrence (F.O.) of Globorotalia margaritae, a migrational first appearance, there was a catastrophic collapse of the gradient marking an onset of the second post-flood interval. The disintegration of habitable conditions is suggested by a sharp decrease in carbonate content and the disappearance of the benthonic assemblage, which is subsequently replaced predominantly by Uvigerinapygmea, indicative of cold, low-oxygenated bottom waters. The introduction of benthonic species denoting well-oxygenated bottom conditions occurs within the lower MP12 zone. Superimposed on these overall trends are shorter term, warm-cold cycles, which are interpreted as orbitally induced, climatic fluctuations. Correlative studies of the less complete earliest Pliocene sections from ODP Holes 653B and 654A confirm these interpretations. A scenario derived from an integration of all the stratigraphic data indicates that normal paleoceanographic conditions were operating in the Tyrrhenian Sea only approximately 250,000 yr after the cessation of Messinian evaporative conditions at the Miocene/Pliocene boundary. The post-flood interval is marked by an initial period of gradual infilling, the Sphaeroidinellopsis spp. acme interval, followed by a disintegration of oceanographic conditions and a second recovery period. A sudden influx of cold, deep Atlantic waters into the Tyrrhenian Sea, resulting from a major tectonic break in the Gibraltar sill, may have caused this catastrophic reversal in the orderly recovery of normal paleoceanographic conditions in the post-flood period.
Stable isotope analysis of two species (or groups of species) of planktonic foraminifers: Globigerinoides ruber (or G. obliquus and G. obliquus extremus) and Globigerina bulloides (or G. falconensis and G. obesa) from ODP Hole 653A and Site 654 in the Tyrrhenian basin, records the Pliocene-Pleistocene glacial history of the Northern Hemisphere. The overall increase in mean d18O values through the interval 4.6-0.08 Ma is 1.7 per mil for G. bulloides and 1.5 per mil for G. ruber. The time interval 3.1-2.5 Ma corresponds to an important phase of 18O enrichment for planktonic foraminifers. In this interval, glacial d18O values of both species G. bulloides and G. ruber increase by about l per mil, this increase being more progressive for G. ruber than for G. bulloides. The increase of interglacial d18O values is higher for G. bulloides (1.5 per mil) than for the Gruber group (1 per mil). These data suggest a more pronounced seasonal stratification of the water masses during interglacial phases. Large positive d18O fluctuations of increasing magnitude are also recorded at 2.25 and 2.15 Ma by G bulloides and appear to be diachronous with those of Site 606 in the Atlantic Ocean. Other events of increasing d18O values are recorded between 1.55 and 1.3 Ma, at 0.9 Ma, 0.8 Ma, and near 0.34 Ma. In the early Pliocene the d18O variability recorded by the planktonic species G. bulloides was higher in the Mediterranean than in the Atlantic at the same latitude. This suggests that important cyclic variations in the water budget of the Mediterranean occurred since that time. Step increases in the d18O variability are synchronous with those of the open ocean at 0.9 and 0.34 Ma. The higher variability as well as the higher amplitude of the peaks of 18O enrichment may be partly accounted for by increase of dryness over the Mediterranean area. In particular the high amplitude d18O fluctuations recorded between 3.1 and 2.1 Ma are correlated with the onset of a marked seasonal contrast and a summer dryness, revealed by pollen analyses. Strong fluctuations towards d13C values higher than modern ones are recorded by the G. ruber group species before 1.7 Ma and suggest a high production of phytoplankton. When such episodes of high primary production are correlated with episodes of decreasing 13C content of G. bulloides, they are interpreted as the consequence of a higher stratification of the upper water masses resulting itself from a marked seasonality. Such episodes occur between 4.6 and 4.05 Ma, 3.9 and 3.6 Ma, and 3.25 and 2.66 Ma. The interval 2.66-1.65 Ma corresponds to a weakening of the stratification of the upper water layers. This may be related to episodes of cooling and increasing dryness induced by the Northern Hemisphere Glaciations. The Pleistocene may have been a less productive period. The transition from highly productive to less productive surface waters also coincides with a new step increase in dryness and cooling, between 1.5 and 1.3 Ma. The comparison of the 13C records of G ruber and G. bulloides in fact suggests that a high vertical convection became a dominant feature after 2.6 Ma. Increases in the nutrient input and the stratification of the upper water masses may be suspected, however, during short episodes near 0.86 Ma (isotopic stage 25), 0.57-0.59 Ma (isotopic stage 16), 0.49 Ma (isotopic stage 13), 0.4-0.43 Ma (isotopic stage 11), and 0.22 and 0.26 Ma (part of isotopic stage 7 and transition 7/8). In fact, changes in the C02 balance within the different water masses of the Tyrrhenian basin as well as in the local primary production did not follow the general patterns of the open ocean.
Millennial-scale paleoceanographic changes in the Bering Sea during the last 71 kyrs were reconstructed using geochemical and isotope proxies (biogenic opal, CaCO3, and total organic carbon (TOC), nitrogen and carbon isotopes of sedimentary organic matters) and microfossil (radiolaria and foraminifera) data from two cores (PC23A and PC24A) which were collected from the northern continental slope area at intermediate water depths. Biogenic opal and TOC contents were generally high with high sedimentation rates during the last deglaciation. Laminated sediment depositions during the Early-Holocene (EH) and Bølling-Allerød (BA) were closely related with the increased primary productivity recorded by high biogenic opal and TOC contents and high d15N values. Enhanced surface-water productivity was attributed to increased nutrient supply from strengthened Bering Slope Current (BSC) and from increased amount of glacial melt-water, resulting in high C/N ratios and low d13C values, and high proportion of Rhizoplegma boreale during the last deglaciation. In contrast, low surface-water productivity during the last glacial period was due to depleted nutrient supply caused by strong stratification and to restricted phytoplankton bloom by extensive sea ice distribution under cold climates. Extensive formation of sea ice produces more oxygen-rich intermediate-water, leading to oxic bottom-water conditions due to active ventilation, which favored good preservation of oxic benthic foraminifera species. Remarkable CaCO3 peaks coeval with high biogenic opal and TOC contents in both cores during MIS 3 to MIS 4 are most likely correlated with Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) events. High d15N and d13Corg values during D-O interstadials support increased surface-water productivity resulting from nutrients supplied mainly by intensified BSC. During the EH, BA and D-O interstadials, dominant benthic foraminifera species indicate dysoxic bottom-water conditions as a result of increased surface-water productivity and weak ventilation of intermediate-water with mitigated sea ice development caused by strengthening of the Alaskan Stream. It is of note that the bottom-water conditions and formation of intermediate-water in the Bering Sea during the last glacial period are related to the variation of dissolved oxygen concentration of the bottom-water in the northeastern Pacific and to strong ventilation of intermediate-water in the northwestern Pacific. Thus, the millennial-scale paleoceanographic events in the Bering Sea during the D-O interstadials are closely associated with the intermediate-water ventilation, ultimately leading to weakening of North Pacific Intermediate Water.
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) distribution and dynamics are investigated at the DYFAMED site (central Ligurian Sea, NW Mediterranean) in relation to hydrological and biological contexts, using a 4-year time-series dataset (1991-1994). The DYFAMED site is regarded as a one-dimensional station where simple hydrological mechanisms prevail and where the ecosystem is quite well understood. An average vertical profile of DOC concentration ([DOC]) indicates that maximal concentrations and variability are concentrated in the surface layers. For depths >800 m, the annual variations are on average similar to the analytical standard deviation (~2 µM). The "composite" [DOC] distribution (average distribution over a typical year, integrating about 40 monthly profiles) for surface waters (0-200 m) is closely related to hydrological and phytoplanktonic forcings. It exhibits summer DOC accumulation in surface waters, due to spring-summer stratification and successive phytoplanktonic events such as spring and summer blooms, and winter DOC removal to deeper waters, due to intense vertical mixing. The analysis of vertical [DOC] gradient at 100-m depth as a function of the integrated DOC content in the 0-100-m layer makes it possible to objectively distinguish three specific periods: the winter vertical mixing period, the period of stratification and spring phytoplankton bloom, and the period of stratification re-inforcement and summer-fall phytoplankton bloom. We recalculate the vertical DOC fluxes to deep waters using a larger original dataset, after the first direct calculation (Deep-Sea Res. 40 (10) (1993) 1963, 1972) that was reproduced for other oceanic areas. The seasonal variations of the "composite" [DOC] distribution in surface waters are significantly correlated to the apparent oxygen utilization distribution, but the biogeochemical significance of such a correlation is still under examination. The global significance of our local findings is presented and the role of the oceanic DOC in the global carbon cycle is emphasized, especially with respect to several current issues, such as the oceanic "missing sink" and the equivalence between new production and exported production.
Changes in the ventilation of the Southern Ocean are thought to play an important role on deglacial carbon and radiocarbon evolution, but have not been tested within a coupled climate-carbon model. Here, we present such a simulation based on a simple scenario of transient deglacial sinking of brines - sea-ice salt rejections - around Antarctica, which modulates Southern Ocean ventilation. This experiment is able to reproduce deglacial atmospheric changes in carbon and radiocarbon but also ocean radiocarbon records measured in the Atlantic, Southern and Pacific Oceans. Simulated for the first time in a fully coupled climate-carbon model including radiocarbon, our modeling results suggest that the deglacial changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide and radiocarbon were achieved by means of a breakdown in the glacial brine-induced stratification of the Southern Ocean.
The oxygen- and carbon-isotope compositions of planktic and benthic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils from Middle Oligocene-Early Miocene Equatorial Atlantic sediments (DSDP Site 354) indicate two important paleoceanographic changes, in the Late Oligocene (foraminiferal Zone P.21) and in the Early Miocene (foraminiferal Zone N.5). The first change, reflected by a delta18O increase of 1.45? in Globigerina venezuelana, affected only intermediate pelagic and not surface, deep or bottom waters. The second change affected surface and intermediate waters, whereas deep and bottom waters showed only minor fluctuations. In the case of the former the isotope effect of the moderate ice accumulation on the Antarctic continent is amplified in the Equatorial Atlantic by changes in the circulation pattern. The latter paleoceanographic change, reflected by a significant increase in 18O in both planktic and benthic forms (about 1.0? and 0.5?, respectively), may have been caused by ice volume increase and temperature decrease. Both oxygen- and carbon-isotope compositions indicate a marked depth-habitat stratification for planktic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils. Three different dwelling groups are recognized: shallow Globigerinoides, Globoquadrina dehiscens, Globorotalia mayeri and nannofossils; intermediate Globigerina venezuelana; and deep Catapsydrax dissimilis. The comparison of foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils suggests that the isotopic compositions of nannofossils are generally controlled by the same parameters which control the isotopic composition of shallow-dwelling foraminifera, but the former are more enriched in 18O.
Temperate, transitional and subtropical waters of the remote Azores Front region east of Azores (24-40°N, 22-32°W) were sampled during three cruises conducted under increasing stratification conditions (April 1999, May 1997 and August 1998). Despite the temporal increase of surface temperature (by 5 °C) and stratification (by 2.1 1/min**2), as well as the thermocline shoaling (by ~15 m), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) in the surface layer were not significantly different for the early spring, late spring and summer periods, with average concentrations of 69±2 µM-C and 5.2±0.4 µM-N, respectively. The surface excess of semi-labile DOC, compared with the baseline DOC concentration in the deep ocean (47±2 µM-C), represents 33% of the bulk DOC concentration and as much as 85% of the TOC (=POC+DOC) excess. When compared with the winter baseline (56±2 µM-C), the seasonal surface DOC excess is 20% of the bulk DOC concentration and 87% of the seasonal TOC excess. These results confirm the major role played by DOC in the carbon cycle of surface waters of the Azores Front region. The total amount of bioreactive DOC transported from the temperate to the subtropical North Atlantic by the Ekman flux between March and December represents only ~15% of the average annual primary production, and ~15% and ~30% of the measured sinking POC flux+vertical DOC eddy diffusion during early spring and summer, respectively. Vertical eddy diffusion is 35% and 2% of the spring and summer sinking POC flux, respectively. On the other hand, DOC only contributes 13% to the local oxidation of organic matter in subsurface waters (between the pycnocline and 500 m) of the study region.