989 resultados para calcium-binding loop


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The hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and the thalamic intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) are considered to be the main centers of the mammalian circadian timing system. In primates, the IGL is included as part of the pregeniculate nucleus (PGN), a cell group located mediodorsally to the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. This work was carried out to comparatively evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of the calcium-binding proteins calbindin D-28k (CB), parvalbumin (PV), and calretinin (CR) into the circadian brain districts of the common marmoset and the rock cavy. In both species, although no fibers, terminals or perikarya showed PV-immunoreaction (IR) into the SCN, CB-IR perikarya labeling was detected throughout the SCN rostrocaudal extent, Seeming to delimit its cytoarchitectonic borders. CR-IR perikarya and neuropil were noticed into the ventral and dorsal portions of the SCN, lacking immunoreactivity in the central core of the marmoset and filling the entire nucleus in the rockcavy. The PGN of the marmoset presented a significant number of CB-, PV-, and CR-IR perikarya throughout the nucleus. The IGL of the rocky cavy exhibited a prominent CB- and CR-IR neuropil, showing similarity to the pattern found in other rodents. By comparing with literature data from other mammals, the results of the present study suggest that CB, PV, and CR are differentially distributed into the SCN and IGL among species. They may act either in concert or in a complementary manner in the SCN and IGL, so as to participate in specific aspects of the circadian regulation. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The clearance of apoptotic cells by phagocytes is a fundamental process during tissue remodeling and resolution of inflammation. In turn, the phagocytosis of apoptotic cells generates signals that suppress pro-inflammatory activation of macrophages. These events occur during the resolution phase of inflammation and therefore the malfunctioning of this process may lead to inflammation-related tissue damage. Here, we demonstrate that the calcium-binding protein S100A9, normally abundant in the cytoplasm of neutrophils and also released by apoptotic neutrophils, is involved in the suppression of macrophages after the uptake of apoptotic neutrophils. Both, spontaneous and induced production of inflammatory species (nitric oxide, hydrogen peroxide and TNF-alpha) as well as the phagocytic activity were inhibited when macrophages were in presence of apoptotic neutrophils, conditioned medium from neutrophil cultures or a peptide corresponding to the C-terminal region of S100A9 protein. On the other hand, macrophages kept in the conditioned medium of neutrophils that was previously depleted of S100A9 were shown to resume the activated status. Finally, we demonstrate that the calcium-binding property of S100A9 might play a role in the suppression process, since the stimulation of intracellular calcium release with ionomycin significantly reversed the effects of the uptake of apoptotic neutrophils in macrophages. In conclusion, we propose that S100A9 is a novel component of the regulatory mechanisms of inflammation, acting side-by-side with other suppressor factors generated upon ingestion of apoptotic cells. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Leptospixosis, a spirochaetal zoonotic disease caused by Leptospira, has been recognized as an important emerging infectious disease. LipL32 is the major exposed outer membrane protein found exclusively in pathogenic leptospires, where it accounts for up to 75% of the total outer membrane proteins. It is highly immunogenic, and recent studies have implicated LipL32 as an extracellular matrix binding protein, interacting with collagens, fibronectin, and laminin. In order to better understand the biological role and the structural requirements for the function of this important lipoprotein, we have determined the 2.25-angstrom-resolution structure of recombinant LipL32 protein corresponding to residues 21-272 of the wild-type protein (LipL32(21-272)). The LipL32(21-272) monomer is made of a jelly-roll fold core from which several peripheral secondary structures protrude. LipL32(21-272) is structurally similar to several other jelly-roll proteins, some of which bind calcium ions and extracellular matrix proteins. Indeed, spectroscopic data (circular dichroism, intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence, and extrinsic 1-amino-2-naphthol-4-sulfonic acid fluorescence) confirmed the calcium-binding properties of LipL32(21-272). Ca(2+) binding resulted in a significant increase in the thermal stability of the protein, and binding was specific for Ca(2+) as no structural or stability perturbations were observed for Mg(2+), Zn(2+), or Cu(2+). Careful examination of the crystal lographic structure suggests the locations of putative regions that could mediate Ca(2+) binding as well as binding to other interacting host proteins, such as collagens, fibronectin, and lamixidn. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The electrophile Ca2+ is an essential multifunctional co-factor in the phospholipase A(2) mediated hydrolysis of phospholipids. Crystal structures of an acidic phospholipase A(2) from the venom of Bothrops jararacussu have been determined both in the Ca2+ free and bound states at 0.97 and 1.60 angstrom resolutions, respectively. In the Ca2+ bound state, the Ca2+ ion is penta-coordinated by a distorted pyramidal cage of oxygen and nitrogen atoms that is significantly different to that observed in structures of other Group I/II phospholipases A(2). In the absence of Ca2+, a water molecule occupies the position of the Ca2+ ion and the side chain of Asp49 and the calcium-binding loop adopts a different conformation. (c) 2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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Mutants of each of the four divalent cation binding sites of chicken skeletal muscle troponin C (TnC) were constructed using site directed mutagenesis to convert Asp to Ala at the first coordinating position in each site. With a view to evaluating the importance of site-site interactions both within and between the N- and C-terminal domains, in this study the mutants are examined for their ability to associate with other components of the troponin-tropomyosin regulatory complex and to regulate thin filaments. The functional effects of each mutation in reconstitution assays are largely confined to the domain in which it occurs, where the unmutated site is unable to compensate for the defect, Thus the mutants of sites I and II bind to the regulatory complex but are impaired in ability to regulate tension and actomyosin ATPase activity, whereas the mutants of sites III and IV regulate activity but are unable to remain bound to thin filaments unless Ca2+ is present. When all four sites are intact, free Mg2+ causes a 50-60-fold increase in TnC's affinity for the other components of the regulatory complex, allowing it to attach firmly to thin filaments. Calcium can replace Mg2+ at a concentration ratio of 1:5000, and at this ratio the Ca2 . TnC complex is more tightly bound to the filaments than the Mg2 . TnC form, In the C-terminal mutants, higher concentrations of Ca2+ (above tension threshold) are required to effect this transformation than in the recombinant wild-type protein, suggesting that the mutants reveal an attachment mediated by Ca2+ in the N-domain sites.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The subdivisions of the medial geniculate complex can be distinguished based on the immunostaining of calcium-binding proteins and by the properties of the neurons within each subdivision. The possibility of changes in neurochemistry in this and other central auditory areas are important aspects to understand the basis that contributing to functional variations determined by environmental cycles or the animal's cycles of activity and rest. This study investigated, for the first time, day/night differences in the amounts of parvalbumin-, calretinin- and calbindin-containing neurons in the thalamic auditory center of a non-human primate, Sapajus apella. The immunoreactivity of the PV-IR, CB-IR and CR-IR neurons demonstrated different distribution patterns among the subdivisions of the medial geniculate. Moreover, a high number of CB- and CR-IR neurons were found during day, whereas PV-IR was predominant at night. We conclude that in addition to the chemical heterogeneity of the medial geniculate nucleus with respect to the expression of calcium-binding proteins, expression also varied relative to periods of light and darkness, which may be important for a possible functional adaptation of central auditory areas to environmental changes and thus ensure the survival and development of several related functions.


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Many studies have reported increased expression of S100 A7 (psoriasin) in neoplastic lesions. Among them are studies on breast carcinoma, bladder squamous cell carcinoma, skin tumors and oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma. The expression of S100 A7 has not been described for laryngeal cancer. Objective: This study aims to identify the expression of the calcium-binding protein S100 A7 and its correlation with squamous cell carcinomas of the larynx. Material and Methods: Specimens from 63 patients were submitted to immunohistochemistry testing with antibody S100 A7. Results were classified and compared. Results: The group with highly differentiated tumors had the highest treatment failure scores. Moderately differentiated tumors had higher treatment failure scores than poorly differentiated tumors. Higher scores were predominantly seen on stages I and II in moderately differentiated tumors, whereas score distribution was more homogeneous in advanced stage disease (III and IV). Regarding failure in treatment, the group scoring zero (3/4 complications: 75%) differed significantly from the remaining groups (13/59: 22%). Conclusions: S100 A7 marker was expressed in 93.7% of laryngeal cancer cases, with higher positive correlation rates in more differentiated tumors and significantly lower rates of treatment failure. Scores had no impact on survival rates.


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LipL32 is the most abundant outer membrane protein from pathogenic Leptospira and has been shown to bind extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins as well as Ca2+. Recent crystal structures have been obtained for the protein in the apo-and Ca2+-bound forms. In this work, we produced three LipL32 mutants (D163-168A, Q67A, and S247A) and evaluated their ability to interact with Ca2+ and with ECM glycoproteins and human plasminogen. The D163-168A mutant modifies aspartate residues involved in Ca2+ binding, whereas the other two modify residues in a cavity on the other side of the protein structure. Loss of calcium binding in the D163-D168A mutant was confirmed using intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence, circular dichroism, and thermal denaturation whereas the Q67A and S247A mutants presented the same Ca2+ affinity as the wild-type protein. We then evaluated if Ca2+ binding to LipL32 would be crucial for its interaction with collagen type IV and plasma proteins fibronectin and plasminogen. Surprisingly, the wild-type protein and all three mutants, including the D163-168A variant, bound to these ECM proteins with very similar affinities, both in the presence and absence of Ca2+ ions. In conclusion, calcium binding to LipL32 may be important to stabilize the protein, but is not necessary to mediate interaction with host extracellular matrix proteins.


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Calretinin (CR) and calbindin D-28k (CB) are cytosolic EF-hand Ca(2+)-binding proteins and function as Ca(2+) buffers affecting the spatiotemporal aspects of Ca(2+) transients and possibly also as Ca(2+) sensors modulating signaling cascades. In the adult hippocampal circuitry, CR and CB are expressed in specific principal neurons and subsets of interneurons. In addition, CR is transiently expressed within the neurogenic dentate gyrus (DG) niche. CR and CB expression during adult neurogenesis mark critical transition stages, onset of differentiation for CR, and the switch to adult-like connectivity for CB. Absence of either protein during these stages in null-mutant mice may have functional consequences and contribute to some aspects of the identified phenotypes. We report the impact of CR- and CB-deficiency on the proliferation and differentiation of progenitor cells within the subgranular zone (SGZ) neurogenic niche of the DG. Effects were evaluated (1) two and four weeks postnatally, during the transition period of the proliferative matrix to the adult state, and (2) in adult animals (3 months) to trace possible permanent changes in adult neurogenesis. The absence of CB from differentiated DG granule cells has no retrograde effect on the proliferative activity of progenitor cells, nor affects survival or migration/differentiation of newborn neurons in the adult DG including the SGZ. On the contrary, lack of CR from immature early postmitotic granule cells causes an early loss in proliferative capacity of the SGZ that is maintained into adult age, when it has a further impact on the migration/survival of newborn granule cells. The transient CR expression at the onset of adult neurogenesis differentiation may thus have two functions: (1) to serve as a self-maintenance signal for the pool of cells at the same stage of neurogenesis contributing to their survival/differentiation, and (2) it may contribute to retrograde signaling required for maintenance of the progenitor pool.


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Role of Neurogranin in the regulation of calcium binding to Calmodulin Anuja Chandrasekar, B.S Advisor: M. Neal Waxham, Ph.D The overall goal of my project was to gain a quantitative understanding of how the interaction between two proteins neurogranin (RC3) and calmodulin (CaM) alters a fundamental property of CaM. CaM, has been extensively studied for more than four decades due to its seminal role in almost all biological functions as a calcium signal transducer. Calcium signals in cardiac and neuronal cells are exquisitely precise and enable activation of some processes while down-regulating others. CaM, with its four calcium binding sites, serves as a central component of calcium signaling in these cells. It is aided in this role as a regulatory hub that differentially activates targets in response to a calcium flux by proteins that alter its calcium binding properties. Neurogranin, also known as RC3, is a member of a family of small neuronal IQ (SNIQ) domain proteins that was originally thought to play a ‘capacitive’ role by sequestering CaM until a calcium influx of sufficient intensity arrived. However, based on earlier work in our lab on neurogranin, we believe that this protein plays a more nuanced role in neurons than simply acting as a CaM buffer. We believe that neurogranin is one of the proteins which, by altering the kinetics of calcium binding allow CaM to decode a variety of signals with fine precision. To quantify the interaction between CaM, neurogranin and calcium, I used biophysical techniques and computational simulations. From my results, I conclude that neurogranin finely regulates the proportion of calcium-saturated CaM and thereby directs CaM’s target specificity.


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Calbindin D28 encodes a calcium binding protein that is expressed in the cerebellum exclusively in Purkinje cells. We have used biolistic transfection of organotypic slices of P12 cerebellum to identify a 40-bp element from the calbindin promoter that is necessary and sufficient for Purkinje cell specific expression in this transient in situ assay. This element (PCE1) is also present in the calmodulin II promoter, which regulates expression of a second Purkinje cell Ca2+ binding protein. Expression of high levels of exogenous calbindin or calretinin decreased transcription mediated by PCE1 in Purkinje cells 2.5- to 3-fold, whereas the presence of 1 μM ionomycin in the extracellular medium increased expression. These results demonstrate that PCE1 is a component of a cell-specific and Ca2+-sensitive transcriptional regulatory mechanism that may play a key role in setting the Ca2+ buffering capacity of Purkinje cells.


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GABAergic (GABA = γ-aminobutyric acid) neurons from different brain regions contain high levels of parvalbumin, both in their soma and in their neurites. Parvalbumin is a slow Ca2+ buffer that may affect the amplitude and time course of intracellular Ca2+ transients in terminals after an action potential, and hence may regulate short-term synaptic plasticity. To test this possibility, we have applied paired-pulse stimulations (with 30- to 300-ms intervals) at GABAergic synapses between interneurons and Purkinje cells, both in wild-type (PV+/+) mice and in parvalbumin knockout (PV−/−) mice. We observed paired-pulse depression in PV+/+ mice, but paired-pulse facilitation in PV−/− mice. In paired recordings of connected interneuron-Purkinje cells, dialysis of the presynaptic interneuron with the slow Ca2+ buffer EGTA (1 mM) rescues paired-pulse depression in PV−/− mice. These data show that parvalbumin potently modulates short-term synaptic plasticity.