989 resultados para c-Myc
Myc activity is emerging as a key element in acquisition and maintenance of stem cell properties. We have previously shown that c-Myc deficiency results in accumulation of defective hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) due to niche-dependent differentiation defects. Here we report that immature HSCs coexpress c-myc and N-myc mRNA at similar levels. Although conditional deletion of N-myc in the bone marrow does not affect hematopoiesis, combined deficiency of c-Myc and N-Myc (dKO) results in pancytopenia and rapid lethality. Interestingly, proliferation of HSCs depends on both myc genes during homeostasis, but is c-Myc/N-Myc independent during bone marrow repair after injury. Strikingly, while most dKO hematopoietic cells undergo apoptosis, only self-renewing HSCs accumulate the cytotoxic molecule Granzyme B, normally employed by the innate immune system, thereby revealing an unexpected mechanism of stem cell apoptosis. Collectively, Myc activity (c-Myc and N-Myc) controls crucial aspects of HSC function including proliferation, differentiation, and survival.
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Introdução e Objetivos: O esôfago de Barrett (BE) desenvolve-se como conseqüência de uma agressão acentuada sobre a mucosa esofágica causada pelo refluxo gastresofágico crônico. É uma lesão precursora e exerce papel importante no desenvolvimento do adenocarcinoma esofágico (ACE). Inúmeras alterações genéticas estão presentes ao longo da transformação tumoral de uma célula, sendo o c-Myc um dos principais genes envolvidos na carcinogênese humana. O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar a expressão do c-myc em pacientes com EB e com adenocarcinoma esofágico, e avaliar esta prevalência relacionada com a seqüência metaplasia-displasia-adenocarcinoma. Métodos: A expressão da proteína do C-myc foi determinada através da análise imunohistoquímica em quatro grupos diferentes: 31 pacientes com tecido normal, 43 pacientes com EB sem displasia, 11 pacientes com displasia em EB e 37 pacientes com o adenocarcinoma esofágico. O material foi obtido de peças de biópsias ou de ressecção cirúrgica de pacientes atendidos pelo Grupo de Cirurgia de Esôfago, Estômago e Intestino Delgado (GCEEID) do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA) no período de janeiro 1998 a fevereiro 2004. Dados demográficos e endoscópicos (sexo, idade, raça, tamanho hiatal da hérnia e extensão do epitélio colunar esofágico), e as características morfológicas e histopatológicas tumorais (invasão tumoral, comprometimento linfonodal, e diferenciação histológica do tumor) foram analisados. A expressão de c-Myc foi avaliada usando o sistema de escore de imunorreatividade (Immunoreactive Scoring System – ISS). Resultados: Expressão aumentada do c-myc foi encontrada em apenas 9,7% das amostras de epitélio normal, em 37,2% dos pacientes com EB, em 45,5% dos pacientes com displasia e em 73% dos pacientes com adenocarcinoma, com diferença estatística significativa entre os grupos. Nenhuma associação foi identificada quando a expressão do c-Myc foi comparada as características morfológicas e histológicas do tumor ou aos dados endoscópicos. Entretanto, uma correlação linear da expressão do c-myc ao longo da seqüência metaplasia-displasia-adenocarcinoma foi observada. Conclusão: O estudo demonstrou um aumento significativo da expressão do c-Myc no EB, na displasia, e no adenocarcinoma em relação aos controles, bem como uma progressão linear da positividade deste gene ao longo desta seqüência. Estes resultados apontam para um papel importante deste marcador no desenvolvimento do ACE a partir do EB. Esta expressão aumentada do c-Myc em pacientes com EB poderá ajudar a identificar pacientes com risco elevado para o desenvolvimento de adenocarcinoma, contribuindo para um diagnóstico precoce desta doença.
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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Purpose: To detect the occurrence and expression of the suppressor gene p53 and of the oncogene c-Myc in eyelid tumors of dogs using the PCR, RT-PCR, PCR-ELISA and RT-PCR-ELISA techniques. These genes have not been described in dog eyelid tumors before. Methods: Nine samples of eyelid or third eyelid epithelial tumors were obtained from the archives of the Department of Veterinary Pathology. Tumor diagnosis was confirmed by evaluation of hematoxylin-eosin stained sections, and immunohistochemistry for cytokeratin AE1/AE3 and vimentin V9. A canine mammary tumor was used for positive control. Agarose gel electrophoresis, PCR-ELISA and RT-PCR-ELISA were used to detect p53 and c-Myc genes. Results: The occurrence of p53 was detected in most of the eyelid tumors and third eyelid tumors studied (88.8%, n = 8) and was expressed in 75% of the positive samples, as indicated by ELISA. The c-Myc gene was found in 77.7% (n = 7) of the samples and was expressed in eight samples. Conclusions: Eyelid and third eyelid tumors of dogs express both the p53 and the c-Myc genes as shown by PCR and RT-PCR. However, PCR ELISA and RT-PCR ELISA were more efficient in assessing occurrence and expression of these genes because they identified amplified products that were not detected by agarose gel electrophoresis. © 2010 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O câncer de mama é um dos tumores de maior incidência na mulher, e por isso, muitas pesquisas vêm sendo realizadas, desde a avaliação das características epidemiológicas, à dinâmica biocelular e o tratamento desta doença. Na avaliação de respostas ao tratamento, os fatores preditivos são marcadores que auxiliam na escolha da melhor droga a ser usada. Esta dissertação teve o objetivo de avaliar os genes de receptores de estrogênio e progesterona, HER-2 e C-MYC em tumores localmente avançados da mama, como fatores preditivos de resposta à quimioterapia neoadjuvante. Estudaram-se fragmentos da neoplasia maligna mamária de 50 pacientes com carcinoma ductal infiltrativo, com estadiamento clínico E-III e tratadas com quimioterapia neoadjuvante. Utilizaram-se as técnicas de imunohistoquímica e de hibridização in situ por fluorescência (FISH). A análise dos receptores hormonais não apresentou diferença estatisticamente significativa comparando as pacientes com resposta satisfatória à quimioterapia, das insatisfatórias; a análise do HER-2 apresentou significância apenas para as respostas satisfatórias, onde houve baixa amplificação deste gene. Em relação ao C-MYC observou-se uma diferença estatisticamente significativa comparando a alta amplificação deste gene a uma resposta insatisfatória à quimioterapia. O estudo concluiu que o gene C-MYC pode ser um importante marcador de predição nos tratamentos quimioterápicos neoadjuvantes usados em câncer mamário.
Gastric cancer is the fourth most frequent type of cancer and the second cause of cancer mortality worldwide. The genetic alterations described so far for gastric carcinomas include amplifications and mutations of the c-ERBB2, KRAS, MET, TP53, and c-MYC genes. Chromosomal instability described for gastric cancer includes gains and losses of whole chromosomes or parts of them and these events might lead to oncogene overexpression, showing the need for a better understanding of the cytogenetic aspects of this neoplasia. Very few gastric carcinoma cell lines have been isolated. The establishment and characterization of the biological properties of gastric cancer cell lines is a powerful tool to gather information about the evolution of this malignancy, and also to test new therapeutic approaches. The present study characterized cytogenetically PG100, the first commercially available gastric cancer cell line derived from a Brazilian patient who had a gastric adenocarcinoma, using GTG banding and fluorescent in situ hybridization to determine MYC amplification. Twenty metaphases were karyotyped; 19 (95%) of them presented chromosome 8 trisomy, where the MYC gene is located, and 17 (85%) presented a deletion in the 17p region, where the TP53 is located. These are common findings for gastric carcinomas, validating PG100 as an experimental model for this neoplasia. Eighty-six percent of 200 cells analyzed by fluorescent in situ hybridization presented MYC overexpression. Less frequent findings, such as 5p deletions and trisomy 16, open new perspectives for the study of this tumor.
Background: Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosed in men; however its etiology remains unknown. Previous studies have shown that environmental adverse factors, such as maternal nutritional status during pregnancy, can influence fetal development and predispose people to diseases in adult life. The feeding of low-protein diets to pregnant rats result in fetal growth disturbance, androgen/estrogen unbalance and changes in the expression and sensibility of hormone receptors in male offspring. These alterations can promote permanent changes in androgen dependent organs, such as in the prostate. In this sense, we hypothesized that the hormonal unbalance that occurs during aging can lead to an increase in the susceptibility to prostatic disorders. Aim: To evaluate our hypothesis, malnourished male rat offspring were submitted to simultaneous estrogen and testosterone exposure in adulthood, to drive lesions in the rat ventral prostate gland (VP). Methods: 17 week-old Wistar rats (n=48) that received in utero normal protein diet (NP group, AIN93G=17% protein) or low protein diet (RP group, AIN93G modified=6% protein) were given implants with 17β-estradiol plus testosterone administration (NPH and RPH groups) for 17 weeks. The animals were killed at the age of 34 weeks and the VP were excised, weighted and processed for histopathological, immunohistochemical (Ki67, AR, p63, e-caderin, laminin, c-myc and GSTP), biochemical and ultrastructural analysis. Results: Both absolute and relative VP weight from NPH animals were about 30% higher than RPH. Serological data showed that estradiol levels were similar in both groups, but testosterone levels were lower in the RPH male offspring. The steroid hormone exposure in adult life promoted prostate lesions in both RPH and NPH offspring associated with reactive stroma. VP from RPH group exhibited heightened susceptibility to prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (mainly cribriform and signet ring-cell patterns) and increased the incidence and aggressiveness of prostatitis. In this group, a higher proportion of basal cells, increased proliferation index, lower expression ofthe androgen receptor and increased focus of collagenous micronodules closely associated to epithelial neoplasias were also observed. Conclusion:These observations suggest that maternal protein restriction alters adult prostate response to androgen/estrogen handling and increases susceptibility to prostate diseases. Ethical protocol:CEEA,476/2013 IBB-UNESP; Funding Support: 2009/50204-6 and 2013/09649-0.