948 resultados para c-Invariant Hermitian Form


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An elastic organic crystal, 2,6-dichlorobenzylidine-4-fluoro-3-nitroaniline (DFNA), which also shows thermosalient behavior, is studied. The presence of these two distinct properties in the same crystal is unusual and unprecedented because they follow respectively from isotropy and anisotropy in the crystal packing. Therefore, while both properties lead from the crystal structure, the mechanisms for bending and thermosalience are quite independent of one another. Crystals of the low-temperature (a) form of the title compound are bent easily without any signs of fracture with the application of deforming stress, and this bending is within the elastic limit. The crystal structure of the a-form was determined (P2(1)/c, Z = 4, a = 3.927(7) angstrom, b = 21.98(4) angstrom, c = 15.32(3) angstrom). There is an irreversible phase transition at 138 degrees C of this form to the high-temperature beta-form followed by melting at 140 degrees C. Variable-temperature X-ray powder diffraction was used to investigate the structural changes across the phase transition and, along with an FTIR study, establishes the structure of the beta-form. A possible rationale for strain build-up is given. Thermosalient behavior arises from anisotropic changes in the three unit cell parameters across the phase transition, notably an increase in the b axis parameter from 21.98 to 22.30 angstrom. A rationale is provided for the existence of both elasticity and thermosalience in the same crystal. FTIR studies across the phase transition reveal important mechanistic insights: (i) increased pi...pi repulsions along 100] lead to expansion along the a axis; (ii) change in alignment of C-Cl and NO2 groups result from density changes; and (iii) competition between short-range repulsive (pi...pi) interactions and long-range attractive dipolar interactions (C-Cl and NO2) could lie at the origin of the existence of two distinctive properties.


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A ocorrência de fenótipos multirresistentes de Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum e sua associação a infecções graves, com elevada mortalidade em pacientes imunocomprometidos, aliados ao escasso conhecimento da virulência e patogenia destas infecções, motivou esta pesquisa, que teve como objetivo investigar mecanismos de virulência e resistência microbiana deste agente entre pacientes de um hospital universitário brasileiro. Um total de 113 amostras de C. pseudodiphtheriticum identificadas por métodos bioquímicos convencionais e sistema API-Coryne isoladas de pacientes de diferentes grupos etários. Os micro-organismos eram, em sua maioria, relacionados a infecções no trato respiratório (27,45%), urinário (29,20%) e sitios intravenosos (18,60%) e cerca de 32,70% das amostras foram provenientes de pacientes com pelo menos uma das condições predisponentes: insuficiência renal; transplante renal, tuberculose em paciente HIV+, câncer, cirrose hepática, hemodiálise e uso de cateter. As amostras testadas revelaram-se multirresistentes sendo a maioria resistente à oxacilina, eritromicina e clindamicina. A adesão das cepas ao poliestireno e ao poliuretano indicou o envolvimento de hidrofobicidade da superfície celular na fase inicial da formação de biofilmes. O crescimento subsequente conduziu à formação de microcolônias, agregados bacterianos densos incorporados na matriz exopolimérica rodeada por espaços vazios, típica de biofilmes maduros. Adicionalmente, a interação do micro-organismo com fibrinogênio e fibronectina humana indica o envolvimento destes componentes séricos na formação de biofilme, sugerindo a participação de diferentes adesinas neste processo e a capacidade deste agente formar biofilme in vivo. A afinidade por esses componentes e a formação de biofilme podem contribuir para o estabelecimento e disseminação da infecção no hospedeiro. Adicionalmente, as cepas de C. pseudodiphtheriticum isoladas de pacientes com infecções localizadas (ATCC10700/Pharyngitis) e sistêmicas (HHC1507/Bacteremia) exibiram um padrão de aderência agregativa-like a células HEp-2, caracterizado por aglomerados de bactérias com aparência de um "empilhado de tijolos". Através do teste FAS e ensaios de interação na presença de inibidores de citoesqueleto, demonstramos o envolvimento da polimerização de actina na internalização das cepas testadas. A internalização bacteriana e rearranjo do citoesqueleto pareceu ser parcialmente desencadeado pela ativação da tirosina-quinase. Finalmente, C. pseudodiphtheriticum foi capaz de sobreviver no ambiente intracelular e embora não tenha demonstrado capacidade de replicar intracelularmente, células HEp-2 foram incapazes de eliminar o patógeno completamente no ambiente extracelular no período de 24 horas. Todas as cepas estudadas foram capazes de induzir apoptose em células epiteliais 24 horas pós-infecção evidenciada pelo aumento significativo no número de células mortas e pela ocorrência de alterações nucleares reveladas através dos métodos de coloração pelo azul Trypan, pelo DAPI e microscopia electrônica de transmissão. Alterações morfológicas incluindo a vacuolização, a fragmentação nuclear e a formação de corpos apoptóticos foram observadas neste período. A citometria de fluxo demonstrou ainda uma diminuição significativa no tamanho das células infectadas e a utilização de dupla marcação (iodeto de propídio / anexina V) permitiu a detecção da ocorrência de necrose e apoptose tardia. Em conclusão, o conhecimento de tais características contribuiu para a compreensão de mecanismos envolvidos no aumento da frequência de infecções graves com elevada mortalidade em pacientes no ambiente hospitalar, por C. pseudodiphtheriticum, um patógeno rotineiramente subestimado em países em desenvolvimento.


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The wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) patterns of isothermally crystallized Nylon 1212 show that gamma-form crystals form below 90 degrees C and the alpha-form crystals call exist above 140 degrees C. In the temperature range of 90-140 degrees C, the a-form gamma-form crystals coexist. Variable-temperature WAXD exhibits that the nylon 1212 gamma-form does not show crystal and transition on heating, while a-form isothermally crystallized at 160 degrees C exhibits Brill transition at a little higher than 180 degrees C on heating. The multiple melting behaviors of Nylon 1212 isothermally crystallized from melt come from a complex mechanism of different crystal structures, dual lamellar population and melting-recrystallization. In polarized optical microscope (POM) observations, Nylon 1212 isothermally crystallized at 175 degrees C shows the ringed banded spherulites. However, at temperatures below 160 degrees C the ringed handed image disappears, and cross-extinct spherulites are formed.


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The novel polyetherethersulfone (PES-C) prepared from phenol-phthalein in our institute is an amorphous, rigid, tough material with good mechanical properties over a wide temperature range. To improve its water vapor permeability for the application of gas drying, the PES-C was sulfonated with concentrated sulfuric acid and transferred in sodium, cupric, and ferric salt forms. The sulfonation degree can be regulated by controlling the temperature and reaction time. Characterization of sulfonated PES-C in sodium form was made by IR. Some properties of the sulfonated PES-C, such as solubility, glass transition temperature, thermal stability, mechanical properties, and transport properties to nitrogen and water vapor have also been discussed. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Crystal structure and polymorphism induced by uniaxial drawing of a poly(aryl ether ketone) [PEDEKmK] prepared from 1,3-bis(4-fluorobenzoyl)benzene and biphenyl-4,4'-diol have been investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM), electron diffraction (ED), wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) techniques. The melting and recrystallization process in the temperature range of 250-260 degrees C, far below the next melting temperature (306 degrees C), was identified and found to be responsible for the remarkable changes in lamellar morphology. Based on WAXD and ED patterns, it was found that crystal structure of isotropic-crystalline PEDEKmK obtained under different crystallization conditions (melt-crystallization, cold-crystallization, solvent-induced crystallization, melting-recrystallization, and crystallization from solution) keeps the same mode of packing, i.e., a two-chain orthorhombic unit cell with the dimensions a = 0.784 nm, b = 0.600 nm, and c = 4.745 nm (form I). A second crystal modification (form II) can be induced by uniaxial drawing above the glass transition temperature, and always coexists with form I. This form also possesses an orthorhombic unit cell but with different dimensions, i.e., a = 0.470 nm, b = 1.054 nm, c = 5.064 nm. The 0.32 nm longer c-axis of form II as compared with form I is attributed to an overextended chain conformation due to the expansion of ether and ketone bridge bond angles during uniaxial drawing. The temperature dependence of WAXD patterns for the drawn PEDEKmK suggests that form II can be transformed into the more stable form I by relaxation of overextended chains and relief of internal stress at elevated temperature in absence of external tension.


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The novel polyetheretherketone (PEK-C) prepared from phenolphthalein in our institute is an amorphous, rigid, tough material with good mechanical properties over a wide temperature range. To improve its water vapor permeability for the application of gas drying, PEK-C was sulfonated with concentrated sulfuric acid and transferred in sodium, cupric, and ferric salt forms. Sulfonation degree can be regulated by controlling the temperature and reaction time. Characterization of sulfonated PEK-C in sodium form was made by infrared spectroscopy. Some properties of the sulfonated PEK-C, such as solubility, glass transition temperature, thermal stability, mechanical properties, and transport properties to nitrogen and water vapor, are also discussed. (C) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Sixteen species of the genus Cladonia are reported from Macaronesia from the Canary Islands. Three species are new to canarian flora and, two of them new to Macaronesia. The chemical variation of the taxa is reported. A phytogeographic distribution of the taxa with data on their habitat and ecology are presented.


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Since its discovery in 1922, vitamin E has been widely investigated for its role as a powerful, chain-breaking antioxidant that is required for human health. However, some basic issues still remain unclear, such as the mechanism and dynamics of the intracellular trafficking of a-tocopherol. To better understand tocopherol's biological activity at the cellular level, fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy have been found to be valuable tools. This thesis reports the synthesis of a new fluorescent analogue of a-tocopherol, atocohexaenol, an intrinsically fluorescent analogue of a-tocopherol. Different methodologies of preparation have been attempted and a strategy using a preformed chromanol head plus ClO and Cs portion of the polyene side chain finally provided us the desired a-tocohexaenol. a-Tocohexaenol shows a strong fluorescence in both ethanol and hexanes with maximum Aab = 368 nm and maximum /...em = 521 nm. This compound is stable for a couple of weeks in ethanol or hexane solution if stored at 0 °C and protected form light. It decomposes slowly at room temperature and light will accelerate its decomposition (within 5 hours). Thus, a-Tocohexaenol may be a useful fluorescent probe to study the biochemistry and cell biology of vitamin E.


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Zusammenfassung - Der sekundäre Botenstoff zyklisches Adenosinmonophosphat (cAMP) reguliert viele fundamentale zelluläre Prozesse wie Zellproliferation, Differenzierung, Energiemetabolismus und Genexpression. In eukaryotischen Zellen vermittelt die cAMP-abhängige Proteinkinase (PKA) die meisten biologischen Funktionen von cAMP. Die PKA besteht aus jeweils zwei regulatorischen (R) und katalytischen (C) Untereinheiten, die zusammen einen inaktiven Holoenzymkomplex bilden, der durch cAMP aktiviert wird. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Bindung von cAMP und cAMP-Analoga an die R Untereinheit der PKA unter funktionellen und mechanistischen Aspekten untersucht. Eine neue, auf Fluoreszenzpolarisation basierende Methode wurde entwickelt, um die Affinität von cAMP-Analoga in einem homogenen Ansatz schnell, reproduzierbar und nicht radioaktiv zu quantifizieren. Zur detaillierten Untersuchung des Bindungsmechanismus von cAMP und cAMP Analoga (Agonisten und Antagonisten) wurden thermodynamische Studien im direkten Vergleich mittels isothermaler Titrationskalorimetrie und kinetischen Analysen (Oberflächenplasmonresonanz, SPR) durchgeführt, wodurch thermodynamische Signaturen für das Bindungsverhalten der Nukleotide an die R Untereinheit der PKA erhalten werden konnten. Durch Interaktionsstudien an mutagenisierten R Untereinheiten wurde der intramolekulare Aktivierungsmechanismus der PKA in Bezug auf cAMP-Bindung, Holoenzymkomplex-Formierung und -Aktivierung untersucht. Die dabei erhaltenen Ergebnisse wurden mit zwei Modellen der cAMP-induzierten Konformationsänderung verglichen, und ein Aktivierungsmechanismus postuliert, der auf konservierten hydrophoben Aminosäuren basiert. Für in vivo Untersuchungen wurden zusammen mit Kooperationspartnern membranpermeable, fluoreszierende cAMP Analoga entwickelt, die Einblicke in die Dynamik der cAMP-Verteilung in Zellen erlauben. Neu entwickelte, Festphasen gebundene cAMP-Analoga (Agonisten und Antagonisten) wurden in einem (sub)proteomischen Ansatz dazu genutzt, natürliche Komplexe der R Untereinheit und des PKA-Holoenzyms aus Zelllysaten zu isolieren und zu identifizieren. Diese Untersuchungen fließen letztlich in einem systembiologischen Ansatz zusammen, der neue Einblicke in die vielschichtigen cAMP gesteuerten Netzwerke und Regulationsprozesse erlaubt.


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Introducción La mutación genética Val30Met de la proteína transtiretina (TTR) es causante de la polineuropatía amiloidótica familiar, comprometiendo en fases iniciales las fibras nerviosas pequeñas (mielinizadas Aδ y amielínicas tipo C), involucradas en funciones autonómicas, nocicepción, percepción térmica y sudoración. Los métodos neurofisiológicos convencionales, no logran detectar dichas anormalidades, retardando el inicio de tratamientos específicos para la enfermedad. Metodología El objetivo principal fue evaluar el test de cuantificación sensitiva (QST) como método de detección temprana de anormalidades de fibra pequeña, en individuos Val30Met, seguidos en el Hospital Universitario Santa María, Lisboa. Se clasificaron los pacientes en 3 grupos, según sintomatología y examen neurológico. Se analizaron los umbrales para percepción de frío, dolor con el calor y vibración en los grupos, en correlación con controles sanos. Resultados 18 registros de controles sanos y 33 de individuos con la mutación, divididos en asintomáticos (24,2%), sintomáticos con examen neurológico normal (42,4%) y sintomáticos con examen neurológico anormal (33,3%). No se encontraron diferencias entre los pacientes asintomáticos y los controles. Los umbrales para frío (p=0,042) y en el dolor intermedio con el calor (HP 5) (p=0,007) se encuentran elevados en individuos Val30Met sintomáticos con examen normal. En los pacientes sintomáticos con alteraciones al examen, también se presentaron alteraciones en el intervalo entre el inicio y el dolor intermedio con el calor (HP 5-0,5) (p=0,009). Discusión Los umbrales de frío y de percepción de dolor con el calor, permiten detectar anormalidades en personas con la mutación TTR Val30Met, sintomáticos, incluyendo aquellos sin cambios objetivos al examen neurológico.


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Se describe la puesta en marcha de la biblioteca del IES San Mart??n (Talayuela, C??ceres). Se detalla c??mo se form?? la colecci??n y se acondicionaron las instalaciones y se exponen las actividades llevadas a cabo para su dinamizaci??n


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Here we report the crystal structure of the DNA heptanucleotide sequence d(GCATGCT) determined to a resolution of 1.1 Angstrom. The sequence folds into a complementary loop structure generating several unusual base pairings and is stabilised through cobalt hexammine and highly defined water sites. The single stranded loop is bound together through the G(N2)-C(O2) intra-strand H-bonds for the available G/C residues, which form further Watson-Crick pairings to a complementary sequence, through 2-fold symmetry, generating a pair of non-planar quadruplexes at the heart of the structure. Further, four adenine residues stack in pairs at one end, H-bonding through their N7-N6 positions, and are additionally stabilised through two highly conserved water positions at the structural terminus. This conformation is achieved through the rotation of the central thymine base at the pinnacle of the loop structure, where it stacks with an adjacent thymine residue within the lattice. The crystal packing yields two halved biological units, each related across a 2-fold symmetry axis spanning a cobalt hexammine residue between them, which stabilises the quadruplex structure through H-bonds to the phosphate oxygens and localised hydration.


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Coronaviruses (CoV), like other positive-stranded RNA viruses, redirect and rearrange host cell membranes for use as part of the viral genome replication and transcription machinery. Specifically, coronaviruses induce the formation of double-membrane vesicles in infected cells. Although these double-membrane vesicles have been well characterized, the mechanism behind their formation remains unclear, including which viral proteins are responsible. Here, we use transfection of plasmid constructs encoding full-length versions of the three transmembrane-containing nonstructural proteins (nsps) of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus to examine the ability of each to induce double-membrane vesicles in tissue culture. nsp3 has membrane disordering and proliferation ability, both in its full-length form and in a C-terminal-truncated form. nsp3 and nsp4 working together have the ability to pair membranes. nsp6 has membrane proliferation ability as well, inducing perinuclear vesicles localized around the microtubule organizing center. Together, nsp3, nsp4, and nsp6 have the ability to induce double-membrane vesicles that are similar to those observed in SARS coronavirus-infected cells. This activity appears to require the full-length form of nsp3 for action, as double-membrane vesicles were not seen in cells coexpressing the C-terminal truncation nsp3 with nsp4 and nsp6. IMPORTANCE Although the majority of infections caused by coronaviruses in humans are relatively mild, the SARS outbreak of 2002 to 2003 and the emergence of the human coronavirus Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS-CoV) in 2012 highlight the ability of these viruses to cause severe pathology and fatality. Insight into the molecular biology of how coronaviruses take over the host cell is critical for a full understanding of any known and possible future outbreaks caused by these viruses. Additionally, since membrane rearrangement is a tactic used by all known positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses, this work adds to that body of knowledge and may prove beneficial in the development of future therapies not only for human coronavirus infections but for other pathogens as well.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)