136 resultados para businessmen


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This book had to be written. Congratulations to British dispensing optician Timothy Bowden for his dogged determination in researching, writing and essentially self-publishing this hefty tome. How does one tackle the monumental task of tracking the complex history of the development of the contact lens, from the production of the first human artificial glass eyes by Ludwig Müller-Uri in Germany in 1835 to the sophisticated, high-technology, multi-billion dollar contact lens industry of today? The superficial answer may seem simple: do it chronologically, but it is much more difficult than that. Multiple contemporaneous and seemingly unconnected events often converged to result in ideas that elevated contact lens technology to the next level and many developments revolved around the deliberate and sometimes accidental activities of a long list of enthusiasts, inventors, entrepreneurs, businessmen, technicians, scientists, engineers, polymer scientists, opticians, optometrists and ophthalmologists.


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In the autumn of 1997, Russian government was faced with media pressure when owners of the TV channels ORT and NTV joined forces against it. This study is based on media sources from October 1997 to December 1997. It shows clearly how the enormous power of the media was able to dictate what happened in Russia. In the mid-1990s Russians started to talk about political technology, which became a commonly used term by professionals, journalists, politicians and intelligence services. As a result of this action, two leading reformers in the government, Anatoliy Chubais and Boris Nemtsov, were dismissed from their highly influential posts as finance and energy ministers respectively, but retained their power as first deputy prime ministers. According to the correspondents, the real reason was to resolve a conflict within the parliament, which had demanded the dismissal of Mr. Chubais. This demand was presented after Chubais had accepted $90,000 as a reward for co-writing a book on privatization. Chubais was considered to be Russia’s “business card” towards the west – the"Authors’ case" (Delo avtorov) was only solved after President Boris Yeltsin took part in the public debate. According to the research, the media owned by powerful businessmen Boris Berezovsky and Vladimir Gusinski, was able to use its own security services to expose sensitive material (Russian term ‘kompromat’), if necessary, concerning any given person. The so-called Authors’ case can be considered as a part of the battle and the tip of the iceberg in arrangements designed to organize the funding of the Russian presidential election campaign in 2000. The reason why this particular incident was so widely covered on television was because several programs aimed to reveal to the public "hidden bribes" that, as they claimed, government officials had received. The political aspect, however, was quite mild, when the concrete issues of possible dismissals of Ministers were debated in the Parliament. Everything was dealt with as a “family matter” inside Kremlin. Yeltsin's "family" consisted of practically anybody from oligarch Berezovsky to Chubais, the father of Russia's privatization policy. Methods of critical history implementation analysis has been used in this research in determining the use of the source material. Literature and interviews have also provided a good base for the study. The study proves that any literature dealing with the subject has not paid enough attention to how the dismissal of Alexander Kazakov, deputy of President’s administration, was linked directly with Gazprom, the state gas monopoly. Kazakov had to leave Gazprom and lose his position as Chubais' ally when the influential ORT television company was deteriorated.


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The memoirs contain photocopies of documents and photos as well as extracts from letters and were written in October 1989 in the United States. Description of life in Baden, a famous health resort near Vienna. The family lived in Vienna in the second district (Leopoldstadt). Recollections of schoolteachers and childhood friends. Occasional Friday night services in the Leopoldstadt temple. Theater and opera visits and cultural life in Vienna. Private piano and music lessons. Description of the family apartment and Jewish life in the Leopoldstadt. The family celebrated Christmas and observed the high Jewish holidays. Recollections of the author's bar mitzvah celebration. His mother Charlotte, nee Schwadron, was an artistic woman, who studied painting at the Frauenakademie with Tina Blau. Walter's father Leo Schaffir was born in Byalistock, Russia and studied in Berlin. He was a travelling businessmen. His family lived in Lemberg, Galicia. Leo and Charlotte Schaffir got married in 1919 in Vienna by rabbi Dr. Grunwald. Recollections of a family trip to Poland and to the World Fair in Posen in 1930. Suicide of the author's father due to business failure in 1930. Schaffir and Schwadron family history. Both families originated in Galicia, Poland. Family and social life. Summer vacation at the Semmering. Austrian politics in the 1930's and rising National Socialism. Life in Vienna after the "Anschluss" in 1938. Walter had to leave school and took lessons in graphic arts with the artist Heinrich Koerner. Preparations to emigrate. Walter was picked up in the streets in the days after Kristallnacht and released due to his mother's intervention. He was sent with his brother Kurt on a "Kindertransport" to Holland. They were sent to a quarantine camp at Heyplaat. Reunition with their mother in the United States in December 1939. Reflections on life as an emigre.


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Prevention of cardiovascular diseases is known to postpone death, but in an aging society it is important to ensure that those who live longer are neither disabled nor suffering an inferior quality of life. It is essential both from the point of view of the aging individual as well as that of society that any individual should enjoy a good physical, mental and social quality of life during these additional years. The studies presented in this thesis investigated the impact of modifiable risk factors, all of which affect cardiovascular health in the long term, on mortality and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). The data is based on the all male cohort of the Helsinki Businessmen Study. This cohort, originally of 3.490 men born between 1919 and 1934 has been followed since the 1960s. The socioeconomic status of the participants is similar, since all the men were working in leading positions. Extensive baseline examinations were conducted among 2.375 of the men in 1974 when their mean age was 48 and at this time the health, medication and cardiovascular risk factors of the participants were observed. In 2000, at the mean age of 73, the HRQoL of the survivors of the original cohort was examined using the RAND-36 mailed questionnaire (n=1.864). RAND-36, along with the equivalent SF-36, is the world s most widely used means of assessing generic health. The response rate was generally over 90%. Mortality was retrieved from national registers in 2000 and 2002. For the six substudies of this thesis, the impact of four different modifiable cardiovascular risk factors (weight gain, cholesterol, alcohol and smoking) on the HRQoL in old age was studied both independently and in combination. The follow-up time for these studies varies from 26 up to 39 years. Mortality is reported separately or included in the RAND-36 scores for HRQoL. Elevated levels of all the risk factors examined among the participants in midlife led to a diminished life expectancy. Among survivors, lower weight gain in midlife was associated with better HRQoL, both physically and mentally. Higher levels of serum cholesterol in middle age indicated both an earlier mortality and a decline in the physical component of HRQoL in a dose-response manner during the 39-year follow-up. Mortality was significantly higher in the highest baseline category of reported mean alcohol consumption (≥ 5 drinks/day), but fairly comparable in abstainers and moderate drinkers during the 29-year follow-up. When HRQoL in old age was accounted for mortality, the men with the highest alcohol consumption in midlife clearly had poorer physical and mental health in old age, but the HRQoL of abstainers and those who drank alcohol in moderation were comparatively similar. The amount of cigarette smoking in midlife was shown to have had a dose-response effect on both mortality and HRQoL in old age during the 26 year follow-up. The men smoking over 20 cigarettes daily in middle age lost about 10 years of their life-expectancy. Meanwhile, the physical functioning of surviving heavy smokers in old age was similar to men 10 years older in the general population. The impact of clustered cardiovascular risk factors was examined by comparing two subcohorts of men who were healthy in 1974, but with different baseline risk factor status. The men with low risk had a 50 % lower mortality during the 29-years follow-up. Their RAND-36 scores for the physical quality of life in old age were significantly better, and the 2002 questionnaire examining psychological well-being indicated also significantly better mental health among the low-risk group. The results indicate that different risk factor levels in midlife have a meaningful impact on life-expectancy and the quality of these extra years. Leading a healthy lifestyle improves both survival and the quality of life.


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This doctoral thesis aims to demonstrate the importance of incentives to technology-based firms as a strategy to promote knowledge-based economic development (KBED). To remain competitive, technology-based firms must innovate and seek new markets; therefore, this study aims to propose an incentive model to technology-based firms as a strategy to promote knowledge-based urban development, according to framework described by Yigitcanlar (2011). This is an exploratory and descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Surveys were carried out with national trade associations that represented technology-based firms both in Brazil and Australia. After analysing the surveys, structured interviews were conducted with government representatives, trade associations and businessmen who had used financial support by the federal government. When comparing both countries, the study found the importance of direct incentives through tax incentives, for it is a less bureaucratic, quicker and more direct process for firms. We suggest to include the terms incentives in the framework of knowledge-based urban development, as one of the pillars that contribute to knowledge-based economic development.


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Nowadays any analysis of Russian economy is incomplete without taking into account the phenomenon of oligarchy. Russian oligarchs appeared after the fall of the Soviet Union and are represented by wealthy businessmen who control a huge part of natural resources enterprises and have a big political influence. Oligarchs’ shares in some natural resources industries reach even 70-80%. Their role in Russian economy is big without any doubts, however there has been very little economic analysis done. The aim of this work is to examine Russian oligarchy on micro and macro levels, its role in Russia’s transition and the possible positive and negative outcomes from this phenomenon. For this purpose the work presents two theoretical models. The first part of this thesis work examines the role of oligarchs on micro level, concentrating on the question whether the oligarchs can be more productive owners than other types of owners. To answer the question this part presents a model based on the article “Are oligarchs productive? Theory and evidence” by Y. Gorodnichenko and Y. Grygorenko. It is followed by empirical test based on the works of S. Guriev and A. Rachinsky. The model predicts oligarchs to invest more in the productivity of their enterprises and have higher returns on capital, therefore be more productive owners. According to the empirical test, oligarchs were found to outperform other types of owners, however it is not defined whether the productivity gains offset losses in tax revenue. The second part of the work concentrates on the role of oligarchy on macro level. More precisely, it examines the assumption that the depression after 1998 crises in Russia was caused by the oligarchs’ behavior. This part presents a theoretical model based on the article “A macroeconomic model of Russian transition: The role of oligarchic property rights” by S. Braguinsky and R. Myerson, where the special type of property rights is introduced. After the 1998 crises oligarchs started to invest all their resources abroad to protect themselves from political risks, which resulted in the long depression phase. The macroeconomic model shows, that better protection of property rights (smaller political risk) or/and higher outside investing could reduce the depression. Taking into account this result, the government policy can change the oligarchs’ behavior to be more beneficial for the Russian economy and make the transition faster.


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Nowadays any analysis of Russian economy is incomplete without taking into account the phenomenon of oligarchy. Russian oligarchs appeared after the fall of the Soviet Union and are represented by wealthy businessmen who control a huge part of natural resources enterprises and have a big political influence. Oligarchs’ shares in some natural resources industries reach even 70-80%. Their role in Russian economy is big without any doubts, however there has been very little economic analysis done. The aim of this work is to examine Russian oligarchy on micro and macro levels, its role in Russia’s transition and the possible positive and negative outcomes from this phenomenon. For this purpose the work presents two theoretical models. The first part of this thesis work examines the role of oligarchs on micro level, concentrating on the question whether the oligarchs can be more productive owners than other types of owners. To answer the question this part presents a model based on the article “Are oligarchs productive? Theory and evidence” by Y. Gorodnichenko and Y. Grygorenko. It is followed by empirical test based on the works of S. Guriev and A. Rachinsky. The model predicts oligarchs to invest more in the productivity of their enterprises and have higher returns on capital, therefore be more productive owners. According to the empirical test, oligarchs were found to outperform other types of owners, however it is not defined whether the productivity gains offset losses in tax revenue. The second part of the work concentrates on the role of oligarchy on macro level. More precisely, it examines the assumption that the depression after 1998 crises in Russia was caused by the oligarchs’ behavior. This part presents a theoretical model based on the article “A macroeconomic model of Russian transition: The role of oligarchic property rights” by S. Braguinsky and R. Myerson, where the special type of property rights is introduced. After the 1998 crises oligarchs started to invest all their resources abroad to protect themselves from political risks, which resulted in the long depression phase. The macroeconomic model shows, that better protection of property rights (smaller political risk) or/and higher outside investing could reduce the depression. Taking into account this result, the government policy can change the oligarchs’ behavior to be more beneficial for the Russian economy and make the transition faster.


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Resumen: El artículo analiza la visión de Juan Bautista Alberdi sobre el rol del empresario en la sociedad, cuya idea fuera desarrollada por éste en el marco de la biografía que elaboró sobre William Wheelwright –un emprendedor que creó múltiples compañías en Sudamérica–. Así, los autores plantean las consideraciones propuestas por Alberdi sobre los empresarios, quienes –para él– son héroes y los verdaderos generadores de progreso al movilizar los recursos en favor del desarrollo económico.


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On October 24, 1871, a massacre of eighteen Chinese in Los Angeles brought the small southern California settlement into the national spotlight. Within a few days, news of this “night of horrors” was reported in newspapers across the country. This massacre has been cited in Asian American narratives as the first documented outbreak of ethnic violence against a Chinese community in the United States. This is ironic because Los Angeles’ small population has generally placed it on the periphery in historical studies of the California anti-Chinese movement. Because the massacre predated Los Angeles’ organized Chinese exclusion movements of the late 1870s, it has often been erroneously dismissed as an aberration in the history of the city.

The violence of 1871 was an outburst highlighting existing community tensions that would become part of public debate by decade’s close. The purpose of this study is to insert the massacre into a broader context of anti-Chinese sentiments, legal discrimination, and dehumanization in nineteenth century Los Angeles. While a second incident of widespread anti-Chinese violence never occurred, brutal attacks directed at Chinese small businessmen and others highlighted continued community conflict. Similarly, economic rivalries and concerns over Chinese prostitution that underlay the 1871 massacre were manifest in later campaigns of economic discrimination and vice suppression that sought to minimize Chinese influence within municipal limits. An analysis of the massacre in terms of anti-Chinese legal, social and economic strategies in nineteenth-century Los Angeles will elucidate these important continuities.


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[ES]En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se trata el tema de la internacionalización en el sector vitivinícola, expresando brevemente la importancia del sector agroalimentario, del cual es parte el área analizada. Será analizado mediante casos prácticos, se estudiarán dos de las bodegas más importantes de España, establecidas en dos comunidades autónomas que son productoras y distribuidoras de vino históricamente; Bodegas Eguren-Ugarte, afincada en el País Vasco y una de las marcas más conocidas a nivel nacional; Bodegas Torres, afincada en la Cataluña y una de las marcas más conocidas tanto a nivel nacional como mundial. Mediante la realización de entrevistas a responsables de comercio exterior busco por una parte afianzar mis aptitudes en cuanto a la relación con grandes empresarios, intentando conocer mejor como trabajan e intentando mejorar el cara a cara con personas influyentes. Por otro lado, pretendo identificar las características diferenciales del proceso de internacionalización del sector vitivinícola, para conocer mejor el sector y la manera en la que las empresas bodegueras realizan su expansión internacional. En tercer lugar, y debido a que el sector vitivinícola crece y se moderniza a grandes velocidades, conocer las nuevas vías de comercialización de producto. Por último, y en menor grado, debido a la falta de información, trato de valorarla participación de los entes públicos (estatales, autonómicos o europeos) dentro del proceso de internacionalización y si esta participación es influyente.


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Desde a redemocratização do país em 1985 o MRE já vinha se posicionando à favor do diálogo com os mais diversos grupos e entidades sociais. Neste sentido, observou-se ao longo dos últimos anos um aprofundamento da interação com parlamentares, governos estaduais e municipais, empresários, sindicalistas, ONGs e imprensa. A construção de vínculos entre as organizações da sociedade civil críticas das negociações comerciais ao longo da década de 1990 permite falar na criação de um novo campo de ação coletiva transnacional, definido como um espaço de ação política formado por indivíduos e organizações da sociedade civil que participam do processo de elaboração de um conjunto comum de práticas, objetivos e crenças. O que se pode concluir é que diante de um contexto mais competitivo e globalizado, após processo de abertura comercial e intensificação da participação brasileira nas negociações internacionais, a representação dos interesses da classe empresarial teve que se adaptar criando uma nova forma de organização. Desse modo, o presente trabalho visa analisar a crescente interferência de grupos de interesse no processo de tomada de decisão, no que tange aos assuntos de política externa comercial brasileira, tais como as negociações comerciais internacionais por se tratar de um ambiente cujos interesses da classe empresarial mais podem ser afetados. As negociações comerciais internacionais é o ambiente em que a atuação empresarial mais pode ser percebida. As negociações do Mercosul e da ALCA possibilitam observar a participação ativa destes novos atores. Sendo assim, o trabalho apresenta a nova dinâmica de relacionamento entre Estado e grupos da sociedade civil (classe empresarial) para temas ligados a comércio exterior.


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Nessa dissertação procede-se à análise das narrativas do jornal O Globo durante a ocupação da favela da Rocinha pelas forças oficiais, em novembro de 2011. Pretende-se identificar as representações veiculadas pela mídia nesse especial momento da vida da cidade, que convive com a implantação do projeto das Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora UPPs e a expectativa de recepcionar, nos próximos anos, dois megaeventos esportivos internacionais: a Copa do Mundo (2014) e as Olimpíadas (2016). O mote da pesquisa foi, através da análise das representações sobre o processo de ocupação, descobrir pistas que permitissem pensar o impacto dessa medida sobre a cidade e seus habitantes. Foi possível perceber que, diferentemente do que ocorria nas últimas décadas, a violência urbana não se apresentou como questão de grande interesse para o jornal, aparecendo apenas incidentalmente como eventos pontuais em um contexto predominantemente pacífico. Prevaleceu o discurso otimista em relação à cidade e seu futuro. Nesse sentido, diversas matérias registraram o sucesso da operação policial, comemorando a substituição da política policial de confronto pelas ações de inteligência, fator que teria permitido a retomada do morro sem que um tiro sequer fosse disparado. Ênfase especial foi dada às UPPs, sistematicamente representadas de forma positiva pelo jornal, moradores, empresários e especialistas, que apontariam o projeto como fator responsável pela onda de esperança e otimismo que envolve a cidade. As UPPs seriam, ainda, o elemento que permitiria, aos cariocas, ressignificar as favelas da cidade, afastando a aura de violência a elas associadas, fazendo desaparecer o medo que esses espaços da cidade historicamente causam na população em geral, integrando as favelas na cidade formal. O processo de pacificação das favelas do Rio de Janeiro, personificado nas UPPs, seria a ponte que permitiria, à cidade, se redescobrir, se reinventar, recuperando a alegria e a auto-estima, deixando para trás as décadas de pessimismo e desesperança. Observou-se, assim, que durante o período pesquisado, a dinâmica das narrativas rompeu com o padrão anterior de representação de cidade violenta, privilegiando o discurso da cidade pacificada, embora com episódios violentos pontuais.


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O presente trabalho apresenta uma reflexão crítica sobre a Nova República, período que se inicia com o fim do regime ditatorial em 1985. A partir de uma análise estrutural do capitalismo dependente brasileiro e das mudanças internacionais causadas pelo neoliberalismo e a globalização, demonstro como o período atual da história brasileira aprofundou as desigualdades sociais e a dependência econômica, inviabilizando a construção de um regime verdadeiramente democrático. A partir das reflexões de pensadores como Ruy Mauro Marini, Darcy Ribeiro e Atílio Boron traço um quadro teórico sobre a reestruturação capitalista no Brasil com a implementação das políticas neoliberais, o fetichismo democrático e o caráter conservador que domina as decisões políticas do período entre 1985 e 2002.


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A atividade empresarial requer dos agentes econômicos soluções práticas para a transposição dos riscos inerentes ao exercício da empresa. A engenhosidade dos homens de negócio tem visualizado nos denominados contratos associativos um importante mecanismo para o sucesso do empreendimento. Na indústria do petróleo, especificamente no setor do upstream, as parcerias empresariais mostram-se como importante meio para compartilhamento dos riscos geológico, financeiro e político inerentes a esta atividade. Neste sentido o trabalho desenvolvido busca efetuar uma análise das associações empresariais, especialmente aquelas consagradas na prática como joint ventures, especificando suas peculiaridades, para posteriormente analisar a situação destas dentro do novo marco regulatório que se firma para exploração de petróleo, gás natural e outros hidrocarbonetos na região denominada de pré-sal e outras áreas estratégicas. Nesse sentido, foram analisadas as mudanças instituídas pela Lei n. 12.351/2010, a qual instituiu o modelo de partilha de produção, no qual se observou uma mudança do Estado que deixa de ser mero regulador para atuar mais diretamente, de modo a influenciar a atuação empresarial, limitando a autonomia privada no referido setor.


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Este trabalho busca analisar a nova dinâmica do processo de integração no Mercosul, caracterizada pelo tratamento de temas sociais como direitos humanos, meio ambiente, saúde e educação, indicando o avanço de uma agenda social de integração que rompe com a tradição comercialista do bloco. O avanço de governos progressistas nos países membros contribuiu para essa nova lógica integradora, tendo estimulado também o aumento dos mecanismos de participação social, abrindo espaço para uma maior presença de atores sociais nas discussões relativas à integração. É objetivo da pesquisa avaliar qual é a efetiva influência desses novos atores no Mercosul, questionando-se a possível existência de uma esfera pública transnacional. Para chegar a uma resposta, o trabalho recorre a variáveis e conceitos como déficit democrático, transparência, representatividade e faz um estudo específico das características e dos meios de articulação de duas categorias sociais no bloco: as centrais sindicais e os empresários.