855 resultados para breastfeeding rates


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Contexte : Pour favoriser l’allaitement, la Condition 3 de l’Initiative des amis des bébés (IAB) (OMS / UNICEF) vise à offrir une information complète aux femmes enceintes. Or, cette condition est implantée de façon variable dans les CLSC de Montréal car les intervenants de la santé ne semblent pas confortables à faire la promotion de l’allaitement en prénatal, surtout dans les milieux « québécois » et défavorisés. Objectif : Explorer les expériences personnelles et professionnelles des infirmières en santé communautaire qui sont reliées à la promotion de l’allaitement en prénatal en milieu défavorisé. Dans la présente étude, les informations moins souvent transmises, soit les risques du non-allaitement ainsi que la recommandation de poursuite de l’allaitement jusqu’à deux ans ou au-delà, ont été examinées. Méthodologie : La collecte des données de cette recherche qualitative s’est effectuée auprès d’infirmières de huit CLSC montréalais offrant des services à une population importante de femmes défavorisées, francophones, nées au Canada et ce, sous forme d’entrevues individuelles (n=12 infirmières) et d’entrevues de groupe (n=36 infirmières). Résultats : Les principaux facteurs favorables au niveau de confort des infirmières à faire la promotion de l’allaitement sont d’avoir suivi 20 heures ou plus de formation en allaitement dans les cinq dernières années, et d’avoir des croyances profondes positives quant à la valeur de l’allaitement comparativement aux préparations commerciales pour nourrissons (PCN). Craindre de susciter la culpabilité nuit à la promotion de l’allaitement. De plus, les infirmières exposées à la culture d’allaitement pendant l’enfance, ayant eu une expérience personnelle d’allaitement positive, qui perçoivent que leur rôle est d’encourager les mères à allaiter, ou qui recommandent rarement de donner des PCN en postnatal en cas de problèmes d’allaitement, sont plus confortables à informer les femmes enceintes des risques du non-allaitement. Conclusion : Plusieurs infirmières semblent manquer de connaissances sur la qualité supérieure de l’allaitement par rapport à l’alimentation artificielle et sur les risques du non-allaitement. De plus, il semble que plusieurs infirmières n’aient pas les habiletés cliniques optimales pour soutenir les mères dans leur allaitement. Des formations appropriées aideraient les infirmières à avoir davantage confiance dans leur capacité à soutenir les mères en postnatal, ainsi qu’à promouvoir l’allaitement en prénatal. Finalement, les infirmières devraient prendre conscience de leurs biais personnels, afin d’en réduire les impacts négatifs sur leur pratique professionnelle.


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L’allaitement maternel est reconnu comme la façon optimale de nourrir les nourrissons et les jeunes enfants. Néanmoins, le Québec présente des taux d’allaitement parmi les plus faibles au Canada. Dans un tel contexte, le gouvernement provincial plaça l’allaitement comme l’une de ses priorités de santé publique et il publia, en 2001, la politique L’allaitement maternel au Québec : Lignes directrices (LD). Cette étude a pour but de comprendre les processus d’émergence, d’élaboration et de mise en œuvre des LD. Il s’agit d’une étude de cas unique qualitative. Les données ont été recueillies par des entrevues et un groupe de discussion auprès de personnes engagées dans ce domaine et par la recension documentaire. Une analyse thématique déductive-inductive a été réalisée en utilisant la théorie institutionnelle. Les LD ont émergé à partir d’un mouvement professionnel qui a collaboré avec le ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux pendant la phase d’élaboration et le début de la phase d’implantation de la politique. Au fil du temps, la prise de décisions a été centralisée, les mécanismes de concertation sont devenus désuets et les relations entre les acteurs concernés sont devenues moins coopératives. L’inconfort et le mécontentement avec cette nouvelle façon de gérer le dossier allaitement ont favorisé l’émergence d’un nouveau mouvement professionnel. L’étude conclut cependant que les acteurs concernés par l’allaitement au Québec visent l’atteinte du même but et que la collaboration est possible même dans un domaine très institutionnalisé comme celui de la santé, la preuve étant la formulation consensuelle des LD.


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Amningsfrekvensen i Värmland sjunker och är låg jämfört med riket. En bidragande faktor till den sjunkande amningsfrekvensen är bristen på tillit till amning. Det är viktigt att kunna identifiera kvinnor med låg tillit till amning för att vända den sjunkande amningsfrekvensen och stärka kvinnan i rollen som moder. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka kvinnors tillit till amning på Barnbördshuset (BB) och Eftervårdsmottagningen i Värmland. Med enkäten BSES-SF identifieras kvinnor med låg tillit till amning och kvinnor som behöver ett ökat amningsstöd efter förlossning. Design/Metod: Studien utfördes med kvantitativ ansats. Data inhämtades från enkäten BSES-SF som besvarats av 70 kvinnor på BB och Eftervårdsmottagningen i Värmland. All data analyserades genom SPSS. Resultat: De flesta kvinnor ansåg att det var mycket viktigt med en fungerande amning och när kvinnorna skattade amningens betydelse framkom ett medelvärde på 8,66 där 0=inte alls viktigt och 10=mycket viktigt. Kvinnor som ammat tidigare skattade sin upplevda amningserfarenhet som mycket god. Varje enskild fråga på BSES-SF jämfördes mellan kvinnorna som vårdats på BB och Eftervårdsmottagningen. Det framkom en skillnad på åtta frågor där kvinnorna på Eftervårdsmottagningen skattade en högre tillit till amning jämfört med kvinnorna på BB. Utifrån totalsumman på BSES-SF med ett poängintervall mellan 14-70, framkom det att tilliten till amning skattades högre hos kvinnorna på Eftervårdsmottagningen (M=56,54) än på BB (M=49,88). Slutsats och klinisk tillämpbarhet: BSES-SF kan utifrån studiens resultat vara ett användbart verktyg, framförallt på BB där kvinnorna skattat en lägre tillit till amning. Förstföderskor och omföderskor som upplevt en komplicerad förlossning kan vara i behov av större insatser av amningsstöd. Studiens resultat kan medföra att barnmorskan blir extra uppmärksam på de kvinnor vars amning inte fungerar och där extra stöd behövs för att öka tilliten.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar os indicadores de aleitamento materno em consultórios particulares e centros de saúde no município de Lins, SP, e comparar a prevalência de aleitamento materno exclusivo dessa região com a encontrada em outras pesquisas. MÉTODOS: Estudo de corte transversal com amostra aleatória de 255 crianças de quatro a doze meses de idade, estratificada por sexo, condição socioeconômica e escolaridade dos pais. Foram avaliados os indicadores de aleitamento materno em dois grupos de crianças: as acompanhadas em consultórios particulares e as acompanhadas em centros de saúde. Foram utilizados questionários respondidos pelos responsáveis. Os dados desta pesquisa foram comparados aos de outros estudos. RESULTADOS: Apesar de haver diferenças significativas nas condições de renda, estrato social e escolaridade dos pais, não houve diferença significativa nos índices de aleitamento materno entre os dois grupos. No grupo total, a prevalência de aleitamento materno exclusivo aos quatro meses foi de 61,1% e a mediana de aleitamento materno exclusivo foi de 120 dias. Os resultados foram superiores aos dos demais estudos consultados. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados mostraram diferenças relacionadas às condições socioeconômicas, porém, os índices de aleitamento materno foram semelhantes entre os dois grupos. Os resultados de aleitamento materno exclusivo foram superiores aos das demais pesquisas.


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Breastfeeding and the use of human milk are widely accepted as the most complete form of nutrition for infants. Breastfeeding is shown to be associated with many positive health outcomes for both infants and mothers. Healthy People 2000 goals to increase breastfeeding rates in the early postpartum period to 75% fell short, with only 64% of mothers meeting this objective. Lack of support from healthcare providers, and unsupportive hospital policies and practices are noted as barriers to the initiation and duration of breastfeeding. The purpose of this study was to evaluate implementation of the BFHI Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding at Texas Children's Hospital. ^ The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) was developed in 1991 by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to ensure that healthcare facilities offering maternity services adhere to the Ten Steps of Successful Breastfeeding and the International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes, and create legislation to protect the rights of breastfeeding women. The instrument used in this study was the BFHI 100 Assessment Tool created by Dr. Laura Haiek, Director of Public Health in Monteregie, Quebec, and her staff at Health and Social Services Agency of Quebec. The BFHI 100 tool utilizes 100 different indicators of compliance with BFHI through questionnaires administered to staff and administrators, pregnant and postpartum mothers, and an observer. ^ The study concluded that although there is much room for improvement in educating breastfeeding mothers, overall, the mothers interviewed were satisfied with their level of care in regards to breastfeeding support. Areas of improvement include staff training, as some nursing staff admitted to relying on the lactation consultants to provide most of the breastfeeding education for mothers. Only a small percentage of mothers interviewed reported that their baby “roomed-in” on average of 22 hours per day during their hospital stay. Staff encouragement of the rooming-in practice will help to increase the proportion of mothers who allow their babies to room-in. The current breastfeeding policy will also need to be revised and strengthened to be compliant with the Ten Steps. Ideally, Baby-Friendly practices will become the norm after staff are trained and policy revisions are made. Staff training and acceptance of breastfeeding as optimal nutrition for infants are the most critical factors that will ultimately drive change for the organization. ^


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OBJECTIVE: To identify the inpatient maternal and neonatal factors associated to the weaning of very low birth weight (VLBW) infants. METHODS: One hundred nineteen VLBW (<1500 g) infants were monitored from July 2005 through August 2006, from birth to the first ambulatory visit after maternity discharge. This maternity unit uses the Kangaroo Method and the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative. Out of 119 VLBW infants monitored until discharge, 88 (75%) returned to the facility, 22 (25%) were on exclusive breastfeeding (EB), and 66 (75%) were weaned (partial breastfeeding or formula feeding). RESULTS: Univariate analysis found an association between weaning and lower birth weight, longer stays in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and longer hospitalization times, in addition to more prolonged enteral feeding and birth weight recovery period. Logistic regression showed length of NICU stay as being the main determinant of weaning. CONCLUSION: The negative repercussion on EB of an extended stay in the NICU is a significant challenge for health professionals to provide more adequate nutrition to VLBW infants.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify the inpatient maternal and neonatal factors associated to the weaning of very low birth weight (VLBW) infants. METHODS: One hundred nineteen VLBW (<1500 g) infants were monitored from July 2005 through August 2006, from birth to the first ambulatory visit after maternity discharge. This maternity unit uses the Kangaroo Method and the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative. Out of 119 VLBW infants monitored until discharge, 88 (75%) returned to the facility, 22 (25%) were on exclusive breastfeeding (EB), and 66 (75%) were weaned (partial breastfeeding or formula feeding). RESULTS: Univariate analysis found an association between weaning and lower birth weight, longer stays in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and longer hospitalization times, in addition to more prolonged enteral feeding and birth weight recovery period. Logistic regression showed length of NICU stay as being the main determinant of weaning. CONCLUSION: The negative repercussion on EB of an extended stay in the NICU is a significant challenge for health professionals to provide more adequate nutrition to VLBW infants.


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This research investigated the role of mother-centred issues that influence breastfeeding behaviours. The need for social marketing research for breastfeeding is indicated by the fact that despite evidence of the health benefits to both the infant and mother of longer breastfeeding duration, rates in developed countries have failed to increase in recent decades. Breastfeeding is a complex behaviour that for many women involves barriers that influence their commitment to continue breastfeeding. Structural equation modelling was used on a sample of 405 respondents to an online survey. The analysis revealed that personal social support had a significant impact on breastfeeding self-efficacy, which in turn had a significant impact on breastfeeding behaviour. The findings and implications for both social marketing theory and practice are discussed.


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This paper demonstrates how social marketing insights were used to influence women’s loyalty to breastfeeding. The paper reports on a social marketing campaign undertaken by the Australian Breastfeeding Association and a government health department, which used a product development strategy in order to increase breastfeeding loyalty. Seeking new approaches to support breastfeeding behaviors is critical and timely, because while initiation rates of breastfeeding are high in developed countries such as the UK, Australia, Canada, and the USA, duration rates are significantly lower. Results indicate that a product focused strategy influences pregnant women’s loyalty to exclusively breastfeeding.


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BACKGROUND: Ireland continues to rank among countries with the lowest breastfeeding initiation rates. National and regional studies also show that few women in Ireland who initiate exclusive breastfeeding continue to breastfeed for the recommended 6 months.

AIM: To assess the rate of exclusive and partial breastfeeding in Ireland at three time periods: birth to 48 h, 3-4 months following birth, and when the infant was 6-7 months old.

METHODS: A longitudinal national cohort survey of 2527 mothers.

RESULTS: Findings show that just 56 % (n = 1002) of mothers initiated breastfeeding at birth and, at 48 h, 42 % (n = 1064) of women were exclusively breastfeeding their babies. At 6-7 months, only 2.4 % of the 2527 mothers who took part, reported exclusive breastfeeding. Irish women were less likely to initiate breastfeeding (52.6 %) compared with Polish (82.2 %), British (64.5 %), and other nationalities (74.6 %). Multivariate analysis also revealed significant relationships between initiation and socio-economic variables, with mothers' health insurance status being of particular importance.

CONCLUSION: The results highlight the necessity to support the initiation and maintenance of breastfeeding in Ireland, in order to reduce rates of infant morbidity.


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Tese de mestrado em Bioestatística, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2013


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Background. The United Nations' Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 4 aims for a two-thirds reduction in death rates for children under the age of five by 2015. The greatest risk of death is in the first week of life, yet most of these deaths can be prevented by such simple interventions as improved hygiene, exclusive breastfeeding, and thermal care. The percentage of deaths in Nigeria that occur in the first month of life make up 28% of all deaths under five years, a statistic that has remained unchanged despite various child health policies. This paper will address the challenges of reducing the neonatal mortality rate in Nigeria by examining the literature regarding efficacy of home-based, newborn care interventions and policies that have been implemented successfully in India. ^ Methods. I compared similarities and differences between India and Nigeria using qualitative descriptions and available quantitative data of various health indicators. The analysis included identifying policy-related factors and community approaches contributing to India's newborn survival rates. Databases and reference lists of articles were searched for randomized controlled trials of community health worker interventions shown to reduce neonatal mortality rates. ^ Results. While it appears that Nigeria spends more money than India on health per capita ($136 vs. $132, respectively) and as percent GDP (5.8% vs. 4.2%, respectively), it still lags behind India in its neonatal, infant, and under five mortality rates (40 vs. 32 deaths/1000 live births, 88 vs. 48 deaths/1000 live births, 143 vs. 63 deaths/1000 live births, respectively). Both countries have comparably low numbers of healthcare providers. Unlike their counterparts in Nigeria, Indian community health workers receive training on how to deliver postnatal care in the home setting and are monetarily compensated. Gender-related power differences still play a role in the societal structure of both countries. A search of randomized controlled trials of home-based newborn care strategies yielded three relevant articles. Community health workers trained to educate mothers and provide a preventive package of interventions involving clean cord care, thermal care, breastfeeding promotion, and danger sign recognition during multiple postnatal visits in rural India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan reduced neonatal mortality rates by 54%, 34%, and 15–20%, respectively. ^ Conclusion. Access to advanced technology is not necessary to reduce neonatal mortality rates in resource-limited countries. To address the urgency of neonatal mortality, countries with weak health systems need to start at the community level and invest in cost-effective, evidence-based newborn care interventions that utilize available human resources. While more randomized controlled studies are urgently needed, the current available evidence of models of postnatal care provision demonstrates that home-based care and health education provided by community health workers can reduce neonatal mortality rates in the immediate future.^


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Background: Despite multiple benefits of breast milk, the rates of exclusive breastfeeding in developing countries are low. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of early skin -to -skin contact (SSC) on the rate of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) at 6 weeks of age among term neonates born by vaginal delivery. Methods: Term neonates born by vaginal delivery and did not require any resuscitation were randomized at birth to SSC (n=100) and control (n=100) group. Immediately after clamping the umbilical cord, SSC group neonates were placed on the bare bosom of mother and control group neonates were placed under a radiant warmer for a period of 45 minutes each while mothers underwent management of the third stage of labor and episiotomy repair. Pain experienced by mother during episiotomy repair was recorded using a numerical pain scale The primary outcome evaluated was the rate of exclusive breastfeeding at 6 weeks of postnatal age. Results: A significantly higher proportion of neonates were exclusively breastfeed at 6 weeks of age in the SSC group than in the control group (72% vs. 57.6%, p=0.04, relative risk: 1.3, 95% confidence interval: 1.0 -1.6). The pain score during episiotomy repair in mothers of the SSC group was significantly lower than the control group (4.74±0.85 versus 5.34±0.81; P <0.01). Conclusions: Early SSC significantly improved the rate of exclusively breastfeeding at 6 weeks of age among healthy term neonates. An important additional effect was a decrease in the amount of pain that mothers in the SSC group experienced during episiotomy repair.