923 resultados para bovine viral diarrhea
Detection of antibodies against Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) in serum and milk by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is a crucial part of all ongoing national schemes to eradicate this important cattle pathogen. Serum and milk are regarded as equally suited for antibody measurement. However, when retesting a seropositive cow 1 day after calving, the serum was negative in 6 out of 9 different ELISAs. To further investigate this diagnostic gap around parturition, pre- and postcalving serum and milk samples of 5 cows were analyzed by BVDV antibody ELISA and serum neutralization test (SNT). By ELISA, 3 out of the 5 animals showed a diagnostic gap in the serum for up to 12 days around calving but all animals remained positive in SNT. In milk, the ELISA was strongly positive after birth but antibody levels decreased considerably within the next few days. Because of the immunoglobulin G (IgG)1-specific transport of serum antibodies into the mammary gland for colostrum production, the IgG subclass specificity of the total and the BVDV-specific antibodies were determined. Although all 5 animals showed a clear decrease in the total and BVDV-specific IgG1 antibody levels at parturition, the precalving IgG1-to-IgG2 ratios of the BVDV-specific antibodies were considerably lower in animals that showed the diagnostic gap. Results showed that BVDV seropositive cows may become "false" negative in several ELISAs in the periparturient period and suggest that the occurrence of this diagnostic gap is influenced by the BVDV-specific IgG subclass response of the individual animal.
Cattle persistently infected with a noncytopathic Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) are at risk of developing fatal "mucosal disease" (MD). The authors investigated the role of various apoptosis pathways in the pathogenesis of lesions in animals suffering from MD. Therefore, they compared the expression of caspase-3, caspase-8, caspase-9, and Bcl-2L1 (Bcl-x) in tissues of 6 BVDV-free control animals, 7 persistently infected (PI) animals that showed no signs of MD (non-MD PI animals), and 11 animals with MD and correlated the staining with the localization of mucosal lesions. Caspase-3 and -9 staining were markedly stronger in MD cases and were associated with mucosal lesions, even though non-MD PI animals and negative controls also expressed caspase-9. Conversely, caspase-8 was not elevated in any of the animals analyzed. Interestingly, Bcl-x also colocalized with mucosal lesions in the MD cases. However, Bcl-x was similarly expressed in tissues from all 3 groups, and thus, its role in apoptosis needs to be clarified. This study clearly illustrates ex vivo that the activation of the intrinsic, but not the extrinsic, apoptosis pathway is a key element in the pathogenesis of MD lesions observed in cattle persistently infected with BVDV. However, whether direct induction of apoptosis in infected cells or indirect effects induced by the virus are responsible for the lesions observed remains to be established.
We determined the complete genome sequences of both biotypes of a virus pair of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) subgenotype 1k. The viruses were isolated from a persistently infected calf suffering from mucosal disease. Compared to the noncytopathic biotype, the cytopathic biotype contains an insertion of 84 nucleotides and 22 nucleotide changes.
Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is endemic worldwide. Together with classical swine fever and border disease viruses, it belongs to the genus Pestivirus of the family Flaviviridae. Most infections with BVDV take a transient, acute, course. Only rarely BVDV persists in its hosts. Due to the early time point of infection in utero, persistently infected (PI) animals are immunotolerant to the infecting non-cytopathic BVDV. In such animals the virus may mutate to a cytopathic biotype, causing lethal mucosal disease. In BVD-endemic regions, approximately 1% of the animals are PI. Removal of all PI animals leads to extinction of BVD. This approach to BVD eradication has been vindicated in Scandinavia. Following the same principles, regional and country-wide eradication programs are run in different parts of the world. These programs differ in the way PI animals are detected and in the role of vaccines. The Scandinavian two-step method of detecting PI animals is based on (i) the high level of seroprevalence in herds where PI animals are present and (ii) on testing all animals for virus in such herds. However, the high average herd seroprevalence in Switzerland made it impossible to define a reasonable threshold for virus testing. Therefore, all animals were directly tested for virus in the year 2008 and all newborn calves until the end of 2012, when the PI prevalence had dropped to 0.02%. Vaccination remains prohibited. Since 2013, surveillance for BVD is accomplished by serology. As a unique consequence of eradication, over 7500 viral strains are available to us for genetic studies.
We sequenced the complete genome of the bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) strain Carlito. It belongs to the subgenotype 1e that is described in Europe only and represents the second most prevalent subgenotype in Switzerland. This is the first report of a full-length sequence of BVDV-1e.
The acceptance of the fetal allograft by pregnant women and mice seems to be associated with a shift from a Th 1 dominated to a Th 2 dominated immune response to certain infectious agents. The goal of this study was to examine cytokine expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from cattle immune to bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) to determine whether pregnancy also has an influence on the type of immune response in this species. Forty-six heifers and cows between 14 months and 13 years of age were included in this study. Twenty-four were seropositive and 22 seronegative for BVDV. Eleven of the seropositive animals and 11 of the seronegative animals were in the eighth month of gestation, the remaining animals were virgin heifers. PBMC from these animals were analyzed for Interferon (IFN)-gamma and Interleukin (IL)-4 mRNA expression by real-time RT-PCR after stimulation with a non-cytopathic strain of BVDV. Additionally, an ELISA was performed to measure IFN-gamma in the supernatants of stimulated cell cultures. In BVDV seropositive animals, IFN-gamma mRNA levels were significantly higher than in BVDV seronegative animals and there was a significant positive correlation between the changes in IFN-gamma and IL-4 mRNA expression. There was, however, no significant difference in IFN-gamma and IL-4 mRNA levels between pregnant and non-pregnant animals. These results are inconsistent with BVDV inducing a Th1 or Th2 biased immune response. Furthermore, a shift in the cytokine pattern during bovine pregnancy was not evident.
Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is a pestivirus that affects cattle production worldwide and that can infect other ungulates such as cervids and even wild boar (Sus scrofa). It is believed that domestic livestock can become infected through contact with wild animals, though it is known that infection can spread among wild animals in the absence of contact with livestock. Little is known about the sharing of BVDV infection between wild and domestic animals in the same habitat, which is important for designing eradication campaigns and preventing outbreaks, especially on hunting estates with high animal densities.
Despite the importance of congenital viral infections in both veterinary and human medicine, only limited experimental work has been carried out to elucidate the mechanisms involved in transplacental virus infections. To further an understanding of fetal infection with pestiviruses, the distribution of bovine pestivirus in the uterine and fetal tissues of ewes in early pregnancy, following a natural route of infection, was investigated. On the 18th day of pregnancy, nine ewes were inoculated by the intranasal route with 1 X 10(5) 50% tissue culture infective doses of an Australian isolate of noncytopathic bovine pestivirus (bovine viral diarrhea virus genotype 1). All ewes were ovariohysterectomized at approximately 100 hours postinfection. Samples from the reproductive tract and conceptus were examined histologically and tested for bovine pestivirus by nested reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and immunohistochemistry and for interferon-tau mRNA expression by nonnested RT-PCR. Although no histopathologic changes were observed in the maternal or fetal tissues, virus was detected in the reproductive tract of all nine ewes and in all of the conceptuses examined. Al; the time of surgery, only two of the nine ewes were demonstrably viremic. This study demonstrates that bovine pestivirus can spread from a natural site of infection to the ovine fetus within 4 days in the absence of maternal immunity and despite the presence of interferon expression in the reproductive tract.
Twenty-five BVDV strains, detected in serum from persistently infected cattle from Peru (n=15) and Chile (n=10) were genetically characterized. The phylogenetic analysis based on the 5' UTR showed that all 25 strains belonged to genotype 1. Twenty-three of the strains could further be subdivided into subtype 1b, and two out of ten Chilean strains into subtype 1a. In conclusion, in total 23 out of 25 strains analyzed were of genotype 1, subtype 1b. This is the predominant BVDV subtype in many countries all over the world, including USA. The close homology with previously described strains reflects the influence of livestock trade on the diversity of BVDV circulating within and between countries and continents. Peru and Chile have imported large numbers of cattle from USA and Europe, mostly with insufficient or lacking health documentation.
At present, national-level policies concerning the eradication and control of bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) differ widely across Europe. Some Scandinavian countries have enacted strong regulatory frameworks to eradicate the disease, whereas other countries have few formal policies. To examine these differences, the attitudes of stakeholders and policy makers in 17 European countries were investigated. A web-based questionnaire was sent to policy makers, government and private sector veterinarians, and representatives of farmers' organisations. On total, 131 individuals responded to the questionnaire and their responses were analysed by applying a method used in sociolinguistics: frame analysis. The results showed that the different attitudes of countries that applied compulsory or voluntary frameworks were associated with different views about the attribution or blame for BVD and the roles ascribed to farmers and other stakeholders in its eradication and control.
We have investigated the role of glycosylation of the envelope glycoprotein E2 of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV), produced in insect cells, in BVDV infection. When amino acids predicated to code for the C-terminal N-linked glycosylation site were mutated the resulting protein was less efficient than wild type protein at preventing infection of susceptible cells with BVDV. In addition, mutational analysis showed that a further two predicted N-terminal N-linked glycosylation sites of E2 are required for efficient production of recombinant protein. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) is an economically important animal pathogen which is closely related to Hepatitis C virus. Of the structural proteins, the envelope glycoprotein E2 of BVDV is the major antigen which induces neutralizing antibodies; thus, BVDV E2 is considered as an ideal target for use in subunit vaccines. Here, the expression, purification of wild-type and mutant forms of the ectodomain of BVDV E2 and subsequent crystallization and data collection of two crystal forms grown at low and neutral pH are reported. Native and multiple-wavelength anomalous dispersion (MAD) data sets have been collected and structure determination is in progress.
The objective of this study was to report the presence of Neospora caninum-associated abortion in bovines at a farm in the northeast region of São Paulo State. In January 2010, it was sent to the Department of Pathology, UNESP-Jaboticabal, a bovine fetus with an estimated age of seven months, which was natural of a dairy farm with 300 animals and an average daily production of 3,000 liters of milk, nearly 20 liters per cow. The animals were vaccinated against rabies, foot and mouth disease, carbuncle, brucellosis, leptospirosis, bovine herpes virus type I and bovine viral diarrhea virus. The herd consisted of purebred Holstein animals, Jersey, and mostly by crossbred animals 7-8 (gir x holstein). During necropsy, samples of the serosanguineous liquid present at the thoracic cavity and the heart of the fetus were collected for the detection of anti-Neospora caninum antibodies through Indirect Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA). Fragments of brain, cerebellum, tongue, liver, heart and kidneys were collected for the execution of histopathology (HP), immunohistochemistry (IHC) and Polymerase Chain Reaction. In order that IFA could be performed, the owner was requested blood samples without anticoagulants of the mother and other cows in the farm, with or without a history of abortion. At necropsy, it was verified a severe autolysis of the fetus. The serology of the fetus was 1:25, while the serology of the mother was 1:3,200. At HP, it was observed discrete multifocal non-suppurative encephalomyelitis characterized by gliosis and mononuclear inflammatory infiltration associated with cellular debris. DNA amplification of N. caninum was positive in fragments of brain, tongue, cerebellum, heart and kidneys. At IHC, it has been observed immunoreactivity to a cyst located in the tongue. The owner reported that his herd showed endemic episodes of abortion, while 27.69% (18/65) of the 65 animals sampled were seropositive. Although it has not been a significant difference (p>0.05), a higher seropositivity was observed in animals with a history of abortion (10/26) 38.46%, in comparison with animals without previous abortion (8/39) 20.51%. These findings show that the abortion under study was provoked by the protozoan N. caninum, while this is the first report concerning cattle in the northeast region of São Paulo State.
The most important pathogens in the bovine livestock nowadays in the virus of the viral diarrhea mainly for triggered clinical manifestations related to the reproductive sphere. The infection in pregnant females, may result in abortions, embryonic resorptions, fetal mummification, birth of weak and malformation of the cattle. Moreover, their birth with persistently infected and immunotolerant virus, which the source of infection and dissemination of their disease. Nowadays, the complexity of the diagnosis and consequently its pathogenesis are tilted in the genotypic differences agent. So, this study aimed to verify the occurrence of the BVDV-1 (SINGER) and BVDV-2 (VS-253) genotypes in cows and their respective fetuses, slaughtered in an abattoir in the State of Sao Paulo. Through blood serum, using virus neutralization technique. All in all, 52,51% (115/219) of the cows which were tested reacted, but no fetus (0/219) reacted, to its virus neutralization. Through this cross-examination we observed that 42% (92/219) of cows reacted for both BVDV-1 and BVDV-2. Furthermore 4,10% (9/219) of them reacted only to the genotype BVDV-1 and 6,39% (14/219) responded only to the genotype 2 of BVDV. Therefore it was noticed that both strains are widespread in the regions studied, which justifies the use of different antigens to avoid false-negative diagnosis. Finally antibodies showed no fetus or fetal abnormalities, it is already developed and can be considered immunocompetent, independent child born to a reagent.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)