975 resultados para bounded rationality


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Realisation of the importance of real estate asset strategic decision making has inspired a burgeoning corporate real estate management (CREM) literature. Much of this criticises the poor alignment between strategic business direction and the ‘enabling’ physical environment. This is based on the understanding that corporate real estate assets represent the physical resource base that supports business, and can either complement or impede that business. In the hope of resolving this problem, CRE authors advocate a deeper integration of strategic and corporate real estate decisions. However this recommendation appears to be based on a relatively simplistic theoretical approach to organization where decision-making tends to be viewed as a rationally managed event rather than a complex process. Defining decision making as an isolated event has led to an uncritical acceptance of two basic assumptions: ubiquitous, conflict-free rationality and profit maximisation. These assumptions have encouraged prescriptive solutions that clearly lack the sophistication necessary to come to grips with the complexity of the built and organizational environment. Alternatively, approaching CREM decision making from a more sophisticated perspective, such as that of the “Carnegie School”, leads to conceptualise it as a ‘process’, creating room for bounded rationality, multiple goals, intra-organizational conflict, environmental matching, uncertainty avoidance and problem searching. It is reasonable to expect that such an approach will result in a better understanding of the organizational context, which will facilitate the creation of organizational objectives, assist with the formation of strategies, and ultimately will aid decision.


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This chapter takes as its central premise the human capacity to adapt to changing environments. It is an idea that is central to complexity theory but receives only modest attention in relation to learning. To do this we will draw from a range of fields and then consider some recent research in motor control that may extend the discussion in ways not yet considered, but that will build on advances already made within pedagogy and motor control synergies. Recent work in motor control indicates that humans have far greater capacity to adapt to the ‘product space’ than was previously thought, mainly through fast heuristics and on-line corrections. These are changes that can be made in real (movement) time and are facilitated by what are referred to as ‘feed-forward’ mechanisms that take advantage of ultra-fast ways of recognizing the likely outcomes of our movements and using this as a source of feedback. We conclude by discussing some possible ideas for pedagogy within the sport and physical activity domains, the implications of which would require a rethink on how motor skill learning opportunities might best be facilitated.


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This thesis evaluates the effectiveness of the prescribed design and distribution requirements of the Australian Government's home loan key facts sheets (KFS) aimed at helping borrowers compare loan costs. The findings show that despite effectively improving borrower decision-making, few borrowers were aware of their existence and function. It was also demonstrated that KFS have had limited market impact over the four year window since introduction, likely due to the requirement that KFS provision is not required unless formally requested by a borrower. Recommendations include transferring the burden of disclosure to lenders in the first instance to address this information gap.


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The study presents a theory of utility models based on aspiration levels, as well as the application of this theory to the planning of timber flow economics. The first part of the study comprises a derivation of the utility-theoretic basis for the application of aspiration levels. Two basic models are dealt with: the additive and the multiplicative. Applied here solely for partial utility functions, aspiration and reservation levels are interpreted as defining piecewisely linear functions. The standpoint of the choices of the decision-maker is emphasized by the use of indifference curves. The second part of the study introduces a model for the management of timber flows. The model is based on the assumption that the decision-maker is willing to specify a shape of income flow which is different from that of the capital-theoretic optimum. The utility model comprises four aspiration-based compound utility functions. The theory and the flow model are tested numerically by computations covering three forest holdings. The results show that the additive model is sensitive even to slight changes in relative importances and aspiration levels. This applies particularly to nearly linear production possibility boundaries of monetary variables. The multiplicative model, on the other hand, is stable because it generates strictly convex indifference curves. Due to a higher marginal rate of substitution, the multiplicative model implies a stronger dependence on forest management than the additive function. For income trajectory optimization, a method utilizing an income trajectory index is more efficient than one based on the use of aspiration levels per management period. Smooth trajectories can be attained by squaring the deviations of the feasible trajectories from the desired one.


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Na busca por entender de que forma profissionais de contabilidade estão analisando e repassando informações, o objetivo geral do trabalho é mostrar o processo de decisão em ambiente contábil sob a ótica da Teoria dos Prospectos, buscando demostrar que as decisões, são baseadas principalmente em julgamentos, contribuindo para consciência das imperfeições dos julgamentos e decisões. O objetivo específico é testar de que forma os efeitos Framing, e Certeza podem moldar uma tomada de decisão dentro do ambiente contábil. Sendo uma pesquisa descritiva, aplicou-se questionário estruturado e não disfarçado à profissionais da área de Contabilidade. O questionário foi dividido em dois tipos (I e II), dividindo assim o campo dos ganhos e das perdas. Procurou-se através da análise do resultado dos questionários evidenciar o impactos dos efeitos nesses profissionais. Dentre o resultado, pode-se constatar que de maneira geral as questões que envolvem certeza no campo dos ganhos são as mais procuradas entre os respondentes. É possível identificar a presença do Efeito Framing. Em relação ao gênero, é possível identificar maior impacto do Efeito Framing nos homens que nas mulheres. Os Efeitos Certeza e Pseudocerteza se fazem presentes em ambos os gêneros o que demostra certa cautela frente a tomada de decisão. Através desse estudo buscou-se auxiliar os decisores na tarefa de repensar seus atuais processos de tomada de decisão, por meio da conscientização de que são dotados de uma racionalidade limitada e que seus julgamentos são passivos de desvios.


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Ao longo da história, poucos fenômenos despertaram tanto interesse dos cidadãos, dispenderam tantos recursos do Estado e contribuíram tanto para o atraso de seu desenvolvimento quanto o problema da corrupção dos agentes públicos. Nesta tese, uso o conceito de improbidade para definir um tipo particular de fenômeno e distingui-lo de outros geralmente abrangidos pelo conceito de corrupção. A partir daí procuro responder as seguintes questões: quais elementos influenciam o processo de tomada de decisão do agente público para que considere o engajamento em uma improbidade? Que fatores estão associados à ocorrência de improbidades na Administração Pública municipal brasileira? Sob a perspectiva da nova economia institucional, a primeira parte da tese procede com a análise conceitual e metodológica do fenômeno, consubstanciado no referencial analíticos das improbidades, sustentando que: a) as improbidades correspondem a um gênero de atitudes oportunistas, dentre as quais se destaca uma espécie denominada transação corrupta; b) o processo de tomada de decisão do agente público, inserido no contexto de racionalidade limitada, orienta-se igualmente por elementos da análise custo-benefício (maximização da utilidade esperada), da dinâmica dos processos de aprendizagem e da barreira ético-moral dos próprios indivíduos. As demais partes da tese apresentam os resultados de uma investigação empírica sistemática, baseada nas informações de uma amostra aleatória de 960 municípios brasileiros auditados pela Controladoria-Geral da União. A análise evidencia os fatores associados à ocorrência das improbidades, tanto sob o ponto vista da literatura tradicional (modernização, capital social e rent-seeking), quanto da nova perspectiva analítica proposta, baseada nos mecanismos de governança. O teste a partir dos modelos tradicionais da literatura demonstra: a) a associação negativa entre a ocorrência das improbidades e os indicadores de desempenho institucional e de desenvolvimento socioeconômico dos municípios (em consonância com os efeitos comumente atribuídos as improbidades); b) a associação negativa entre a ocorrência das improbidades e os indicadores de modernização e de capital social dos municípios (em consonância com as causas comumente atribuídas as improbidades); c) a não associação entre a ocorrência das improbidades nos municípios brasileiros e os indicadores de incentivo ao comportamento rent-seeking (em oposição à clássica proposição de que quanto maior o tamanho do Estado, maior será a ocorrência de improbidades em razão dos incentivos oriundos de seu monopólio). Com base nos resultados obtidos, incorporo os supostos neoinstitucionalistas a análise das improbidades, interpretando-os como decorrência da inadequação das estruturas de governança dos contratos. Assim, para além do impacto do arranjo institucional, que abarca o controle parlamentar, administrativo e jurisdicional interno e externo dos recursos públicos federais transferidos aos municípios, apresento evidências de que as variações observadas na contagem de improbidades nos municípios brasileiros estão diretamente relacionadas à qualidade de seus mecanismos de governança. Dentre esses, destacam-se aqueles de natureza democrática: os mecanismos de controle social (os conselhos municipais de políticas públicas); os mecanismos de promoção da transparência (a qualidade do governo eletrônico); e os mecanismos de accountability (a disputa político-eleitoral). De acordo com o referencial analítico das improbidades, a existência e operação desses mecanismos elevam os custos de transação do agente público que, mesmo superando as limitações da barreira ético-moral e de aprendizado, ainda considera um eventual engajamento nesse gênero de atitudes oportunistas.


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La Cadena Datos-Información-Conocimiento (DIC), denominada “Jerarquía de la Información” o “Pirámide del Conocimiento”, es uno de los modelos más importantes en la Gestión de la Información y la Gestión del Conocimiento. Por lo general, la estructuración de la cadena se ha ido definiendo como una arquitectura en la que cada elemento se levanta sobre el elemento inmediatamente inferior; sin embargo no existe un consenso en la definición de los elementos, ni acerca de los procesos que transforman un elemento de un nivel a uno del siguiente nivel. En este artículo se realiza una revisión de la Cadena Datos-Información-Conocimiento examinando las definiciones más relevantes sobre sus elementos y sobre su articulación en la literatura, para sintetizar las acepciones más comunes. Se analizan los elementos de la Cadena DIC desde la semiótica de Peirce; enfoque que nos permite aclarar los significados e identificar las diferencias, las relaciones y los roles que desempeñan en la cadena desde el punto de vista del pragmatismo. Finalmente se propone una definición de la Cadena DIC apoyada en las categorías triádicas de signos y la semiosis ilimitada de Peirce, los niveles de sistemas de signos de Stamper y las metáforas de Zeleny.


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In this thesis, I focus on supply chain risk related ambiguity, which represents the ambiguities firms exhibit in recognizing, assessing, and responding to supply chain disruptions. I, primarily, argue that ambiguities associated with recognizing and responding to supply chain risk are information gathering and processing problems. Guided by the theoretical perspective of bounded rationality, I propose a typology of supply chain risk related ambiguity with four distinct dimensions. I, also, argue that the major contributor to risk related ambiguity is often the environment, specifically the web of suppliers. Hence, I focus on the characteristics of these supplier networks to examine the sources of ambiguity. I define three distinct elements of network embeddedness – relational, structural, and positional embeddedness – and argue that the ambiguity faced by a firm in appropriately identifying the nature or impacts of major disruptions is a function of these network properties. Based on a survey of large North American manufacturing firms, I found that the extent of the relational ties a firm has and its position in the network are significantly related to supply chain risk related ambiguity. However, this study did not provide any significant support for the hypothesized relationship between structural embeddedness and ambiguity. My research contributes towards the study of supply chain disruptions by using the idea of bounded rationality to understand supply chain risk related ambiguity and by providing evidence that the structure of supply chain networks influences the organizational understanding of and responses to supply chain disruptions.


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Plusieurs études ont révélé des problèmes récurrents au niveau de la performance et de la gestion des projets de reconstruction à la suite des catastrophes dans les pays en voie de développement (PEVD). Ces projets doivent faire face à des conditions de vulnérabilité des habitants, engendrées par des facteurs politiques, économiques, sociaux et culturels. Les divers participants - contraints par un accès limité à l’information - sont confrontés à travailler dans un contexte hostile ayant un niveau d’incertitude élevé. Ce niveau d’incertitude augmente les risques du projet de reconstruction, particulièrement le risque d’insatisfaction des usagers. Ce travail vise à mettre en parallèle l’analyse du système organisationnel adopté pour la conduite d’un projet de reconstruction et celle du niveau de satisfaction des usagers. Il émet l’hypothèse suivante: deux facteurs organisationnels influencent largement le niveau de satisfaction de la part des bénéficiaires d’un projet de reconstruction de logements à la suite d’un désastre en PEVD: (i) le niveau de centralisation de la prise de décisions (jumelée au manque d’information) au sein de la Multi-Organisation Temporaire (MOT); et (ii) la capacité de la structure organisationnelle de la MOT d’impliquer la participation active des usagers au niveau de la planification, de la gestion, du financement et du design du projet. Afin d’atteindre cet objectif, une recherche empirique fut menée pour analyser le cas des inondations ayant eu lieu en 2003 dans une ville dans la région du Maghreb. Le niveau de satisfaction des usagers a été déterminé grâce à des indicateurs de transfert de technologie qui se basent sur l’analyse du « Cadre Logique » - une méthode d’évaluation largement utilisée dans le domaine du développement international. Les résultats de la recherche ne visent pas à identifier une relation de cause à effet entre les deux variables étudiées (la structure organisationnelle et la satisfaction des usagers). Cependant, ils mettent en évidence certains principes du montage et de la gestion des projets qui peuvent être mis en place pour l’amélioration des pratiques de reconstruction.


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Dans leur tentative de justifier moralement une « bonne » décision, les grandes théories de l’éthique normative ignorent des paramètres incontournables de la prise de décision. Or une classe importante de jeux non-coopératifs étudie plus spécialement les effets de ces paramètres sur la prise de décision des agents. Il s’agit des jeux à information asymétrique avec modèle agent-principal. Cet article se propose donc, dans la première partie, de voir comment opère la rationalité de l’agent quand on intègre ces paramètres. La deuxième partie soulignera les conséquences qui émanent de cette conception « élargie » de la rationalité sur le plan éthique et politique.


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We study the problem of deriving a complete welfare ordering from a choice function. Under the sequential solution, the best alternative is the alternative chosen from the universal set; the second best is the one chosen when the best alternative is removed; and so on. We show that this is the only completion of Bernheim and Rangel's (2009) welfare relation that satisfies two natural axioms: neutrality, which ensures that the names of the alternatives are welfare-irrelevant; and persistence, which stipulates that every choice function between two welfare-identical choice functions must exhibit the same welfare ordering.


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El propósito de este trabajo de investigación teórica, es lograr basados en el estudio de variables del entorno empresarial, como lo son los modelos de negocio, comportamiento, cultura y complejidad organizacional, estructurar un artículo que invite a la reflexión sobre la incidencia del comportamiento de los líderes para con los modelos de gestión. Con base en la información recolectada, se observan patrones funcionales en el comportamiento de las organizaciones, derivados de los modelos de comportamiento de quienes las dirigen. Las implicaciones podrían ser calificadas de favorables o desfavorables, si se les asocia como condición relevante en la perdurabilidad de las mismas en el tiempo.


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“Fast & frugal” heuristics represent an appealing way of implementing bounded rationality and decision-making under pressure. The recognition heuristic is the simplest and most fundamental of these heuristics. Simulation and experimental studies have shown that this ignorance-driven heuristic inference can prove superior to knowledge based inference (Borges, Goldstein, Ortman & Gigerenzer, 1999; Goldstein & Gigerenzer, 2002) and have shown how the heuristic could develop from ACT-R’s forgetting function (Schooler & Hertwig, 2005). Mathematical analyses also demonstrate that, under certain conditions, a “less-is-more effect” will always occur (Goldstein & Gigerenzer, 2002). The further analyses presented in this paper show, however, that these conditions may constitute a special case and that the less-is-more effect in decision-making is subject to the moderating influence of the number of options to be considered and the framing of the question.


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We develop a transaction cost economics theory of the family firm, building upon the concepts of family-based asset specificity, bounded rationality, and bounded reliability. We argue that the prosperity and survival of family firms depend on the absence of a dysfunctional bifurcation bias. The bifurcation bias is an expression of bounded reliability, reflected in the de facto asymmetric treatment of family vs. nonfamily assets (especially human assets). We propose that absence of bifurcation bias is critical to fostering reliability in family business functioning. Our study ends the unproductive divide between the agency and stewardship perspectives of the family firm, which offer conflicting accounts of this firm type's functioning. We show that the predictions of the agency and stewardship perspectives can be usefully reconciled when focusing on how family firms address the bifurcation bias or fail to do so.


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This licentiate thesis sets out to analyse how a retail price decision frame can be understood. It is argued that it is possible to view price determination within retailing by determining the level of rationality and using behavioural theories. In this way, it is possible to use assumptions derived from economics and marketing to establish a decision frame. By taking a management perspective, it is possible to take into consideration how it is assumed that the retailer should strategically manage price decisions, which decisions might be assumed to be price decisions, and which decisions can be assumed to be under the control of the retailer. Theoretically, this licentiate thesis has its foundations in different assumptions about decision frames regarding the level of information collected, the goal of the decisions, and the outcomes of the decisions. Since the concepts that are to be analysed within this thesis are price decisions, the latter part of the theory discusses price decision in specific: sequential price decisions, at the point of the decision, and trade-offs when making a decision. Here, it is evident that a conceptual decision frame that is intended to illustrate price decisions includes several aspects: several decision alternatives and what assumptions of rationality that can be made in relation to the decision frame. A semi-structured literature review was conducted. As a result, it became apparent that two important things in the decision frame were unclear: time assumptions regarding the decisions and the amount of information that is assumed in relation to the different decision alternatives. By using the same articles that were used to adjust the decision frame, a topical study was made in order to determine the time specific assumptions, as well as the analytical level based on the assumed information necessary for individual decision alternatives. This, together with an experimental study, was necessary to be able to discuss the consequences of the rationality assumption. When the retail literature is analysed for the level of rationality and consequences of assuming certain assumptions of rationality, three main things becomes apparent. First, the level of rationality or the assumptions of rationality are seldom made or accounted for in the literature. In fact, there are indications that perfect and bounded rationality assumptions are used simultaneously within studies. Second, although bounded rationality is a recognised theoretical perspective, very few articles seem to use these assumptions. Third, since the outcome of a price decision seems to provide no incremental sale, it is questionable which assumptions of rationality that should be used. It might even be the case that no assumptions of rationality at all should be used. In a broader perspective, the findings from this licentiate thesis show that the assumptions of rationality within retail research is unclear. There is an imbalance between the perspectives used, where the main assumptions seem to be concentrated to perfect rationality. However, it is suggested that by clarifying which assumptions of rationality that is used and using bounded rationality assumptions within research would result in a clearer picture of the multifaceted price decisions that could be assumed within retailing. The theoretical contribution of this thesis mainly surround the identification of how the level of rationality provides limiting assumptions within retail research. Furthermore, since indications show that learning might not occur within this specific context it is questioned whether the basic learning assumption within bounded rationality should be used in this context.