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A recurrent artificial neural network was used for 0-and 7-days-ahead forecasting of daily spring phytoplankton bloom dynamics in Xiangxi Bay of Three-Gorges Reservoir with meteorological, hydrological, and limnological parameters as input variables. Daily data from the depth of 0.5 m was used to train the model, and data from the depth of 2.0 m was used to validate the calibrated model. The trained model achieved reasonable accuracy in predicting the daily dynamics of chlorophyll a both in 0-and 7-days-ahead forecasting. In 0-day-ahead forecasting, the R-2 values of observed and predicted data were 0.85 for training and 0.89 for validating. In 7-days-ahead forecasting, the R-2 values of training and validating were 0.68 and 0.66, respectively. Sensitivity analysis indicated that most ecological relationships between chlorophyll a and input environmental variables in 0-and 7-days-ahead models were reasonable. In the 0-day model, Secchi depth, water temperature, and dissolved silicate were the most important factors influencing the daily dynamics of chlorophyll a. And in 7-days-ahead predicting model, chlorophyll a was sensitive to most environmental variables except water level, DO, and NH3N.


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The temporal and vertical fluctuations of size fractionated alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) and kinetics parameters as well as orthophosphate (o-P) and chlorophyll concentrations were investigated after bloom disappearance in two shallow ponds A and B from 27 October 2001 to 15 April 2002. Pond A (Microcystis) bloomed seriously but pond B did not. The data of o-P and chlorophyll suggested that phosphorus was the principal limiting nutrimental element and its vertical flux should be regarded as an important driving factor for algal growth. In pond A, the accumulation of algae-derived detritus after bloom disappearance in overlying water stimulated excretion of algal fraction APA, mainly produced by attached bacteria responsible for detritus decomposition, whereas bacterial fraction APA preferred to function in surface water. Interestingly, completely contrary phenomena were observed in pond B. In season, even though no obvious difference for size-fractionated APA in both ponds, the total APA in pond A peaked earlier showing higher activity and efficiency (low K-m and high V-max values) as a result of algal-derived detritus input. In summary, it is suggested that the excretion of alkaline phosphatase with strongly catalyzing efficiency and high activity should be taken as important contributor to algal-derived detritus decomposition, further fueling nutrient recycle and accelerating algal development next year. Furthermore, some inhibitors and surfactants were testified to be good tools to identify the origin of dissolved alkaline phosphatase.


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In aquatic ecosystems, macrophytes and phytoplankton are main primary producers, in which macrophyte plays an important role in maintaining clear water state, while phytoplankton often dominates in turbid waterbodies. In the present study, the growth and photosynthetic activity of the submerged aquatic plant Ceratophyllum oryzetorum Kom. in different cell densities of cyanobacterial bloom are studied. The results show that the plant length and fresh mass of C. oryzetorum are promoted by low cyanobacterial cell densities. Medium and high cyanobacterial cell densities, on the contrary, act as inhibitory. Furthermore, the photosynthetic activity of C. oryzetorum is strongly inhibited by high cyanobacterial cell densities. To a certain extent, the growth of cyanobacteria is inhibited by C. oryzetorum, but no significant effect is found in this study.


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Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) were used as a new pen-cultureed biomanipulation technique to control algal blooms in Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu. In order to evaluate the capacity of these two fishes to decrease algal blooms, diel feeding samplings were carried out in May (without algal blooms) and September (with algal blooms) in 2005. Based on estimated food consumption by the Elliott-Persson model, silver carp increased daily food consumption from 2.07 g dry weight per 100 g wet body weight in May before the outbreak of algal blooms to 4.98 g dry weight per 100 g wet body weight in September during algal blooms outbreak. However, no obvious variation of food consumption was observed in bighead carp during the study period. This species 1.88 and 1.54 g dry weight of plankton per 100 g wet body weight in May and September, respectively. Silver carp had a higher feeding capacity for plankton than bighead carp. Biotic factors (i.e., fish size and conspecific competition with natural species in the lake) may affect the feeding behaviors of both carps as well as seasonal variation of plankton communities in the pen.


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Two strains of Raphidiopsis Fritsch et Rich were isolated from a fishpond in Wuhan city, China and rendered axenic, and characterized by a combination of morphological, physiological, biochemical and genetic methods. Morphologically the strains were identified as Raphidiopsis mediterranea Skuja (straight trichomes) and R. curvata Fritsch et Rich (coiled trichomes). These two strains demonstrated slight differences in optimal temperature range and GC content, while sharing some common characteristics including inability to grow hetertrophically, similar salinity tolerance (up to 0.78%) and an identical fatty acid composition. Cyanotoxins were not found in the strain of R. mediterranea, however, the strain of R. curvata contained both deoxycylindrospermopsin and cylindrospermopsin. Phylogenetic affiliations inferred from 16S rRNA gene sequences demonstrated that both Raphidiopsis strains clustered with Cylindrospermopsis, demonstrating their phylogenetic ties to Nostocaceae. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ten common species of Microcystis, based on the examination of water samples from the Dianchi Lake, Yunnan, China, were morphologically described, and their taxonomy was also discussed. They are Microcystis aeruginosa, M botrys, M firma, M flos-aquae, M ichthyoblabe, M novacekii, M pseudofilamentosa, M smithii, M viridis and M wesenbergii. Taxonomic status of other Microcystis species reported in China was also evaluated.


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Carbon stable isotope analysis of surface bloom scum and subsurface seston samples was conducted in shallow eutrophic lakes in China during warm seasons from 2003 to 2004. delta C-13 values of bloom scum were always higher (averaged 5 parts per thousand) than those of seston in this study, and the possible reasons were attributed to (i) direct use of atmospheric CO2 at the air-water interface, (ii) decrease in C-13 fractionation due to higher carbon fixation, (iii) active CO2 transport, and/or (iv) HCO3 accumulation. Negative correlation between delta C-13(scum) - delta C-13(seston) and pH in the test lakes indicated that phytoplankton at the subsurface water column increased isotopic enrichment under the-carbon limitation along with the increase of pH, which might in turn decreased the differences in 313 C between the subsurface seston and the surface scums. Significant positive correlations of seston 8 13C with total concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in water column suggested that the increase in delta C-13 of seston with trophic state was depending on nutrient (N or P, or both) supply. Our study showed that delta C-13 of phytoplankton was indicative of carbon utilization, primary productivity, and nutrient supply among the eutrophic lakes. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Toxic Microcystis blooms frequently occur in eutrophic water bodies and exist in the form of colonial and unicellular cells. In order to understand the mechanism of Microcystis dominance in freshwater bodies, the physiological and biochemical responses of unicellular ( 4 strains) and colonial ( 4 strains) Microcystis strains to phosphorus ( P) were comparatively studied. The two phenotype strains exhibit physiological differences mainly in terms of their response to low P concentrations. The growth of four unicellular and one small colonial Microcystis strain was significantly inhibited at a P concentration of 0.2 mg l - 1; however, that of the large colonial Microcystis strains was not inhibited. The results of phosphate uptake experiments conducted using P- starved cells indicated that the colonial strains had a higher affinity for low levels of P. The unicellular strains consumed more P than the colonial strains. Alkaline phosphatase activity in the unicellular strains was significantly induced by low P concentrations. Under P- limited conditions, the oxygen evolution rate, Fv/ Fm, and ETRmax were lower in unicellular strains than in colonial strains. These findings may shed light on the mechanism by which colonial Microcystis strains have an advantage with regard to dominance and persistence in fluctuating P conditions.


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The spatial and temporal dynamics of physical variables, inorganic nutrients and phytoplankton chlorophyll a were investigated in Xiangxi Bay from 23 Feb. to 28 Apr. every six days, including one daily sampling site and one bidaily sampling site. The concentrations of nutrient variables showed ranges of 0.02-3.20 mg/L for dissolved silicate (Si); 0.06-2.40 mg/L for DIN (NH4N + NO2N + NO3N); 0.03-0.56 mg/L for PO4P and 0.22-193.37 mu g/L for chlorophyll a, respectively. The concentration of chlorophyll a and inorganic nutrients were interpolated using GIS techniques. The results indicated that the spring bloom was occurred twice in space during the whole monitoring period (The first one: 26 Feb.-23 Mar.; the second one: 23 Mar.-28 Apr.). The concentration of DIN was always high in the mouth of Xiangxi Bay, and PO4P was high in the upstream of Xiangxi Bay during the whole bloom period. Si seems no obvious difference in space in the beginning of the spring bloom, but showed high heterogeneity in space and time with the development of spring bloom. By comparing the interpolated maps of chlorophyll a and inorganic variables, obvious consumptions of Si and DIN were found when the bloom status was serious. However, no obvious depletion of PO4P was found. Spatial regression analysis could explained most variation of Chl-a except at the begin of the first and second bloom. The result indicated that Si was the factor limiting Chl-a in space before achieved the max area of hypertrophic in the first and second bloom period. When Si was obviously exhausted, DIN became the factor limiting the Chl-a in space. Daily and bidaily monitoring of Site A and B, representing for high DIN: PO4P ratio and low DIN:PO4P ratio, indicated that the concentration of Si was decreased with times at both site A and B, and the dramatically drop of DIN was found in the end monitoring at site B. Multiple stepwise regression analysis indicated that Si was the most important factor affect the development of spring bloom both at site A and B in time series.


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We studied the daily dynamics of nutrients (total phosphorus [TP], total nitrogen [TN], and dissolved silicate [SiO2]) and chlorophyll a (chl a) during a spring bloom in Xiangxi Bay of the Three Gorges Reservoir in year 2005. According to the daily dynamics of chl a, the bloom occurred in two stages (23 February-25 March and 26 March-28 April). The concentration of SiO2 decreased at different layers of the water column with the development of the bloom. However, the decrease of SiO2 in the layers with high concentration of chl a was more dramatic than in the layers with low concentration of chl a. The concentration of TP was lowest value a few days after the peak of chl a during the first bloom period, and the lowest value of TN was found a few days after the peak of chl a during the second bloom period. Correlative analyses indicated that SiO2 and TP were limiting factors in the first bloom period, and SiO2 and TN were limiting factors in the second bloom period.


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A polyphasic approach was used to clarify the taxonomy of the water-bloom-forming oscillatorioid cyanobacteria. Seventy-five strains of oscillatorioid cyanobacteria were characterized by 16S rDNA sequence analysis, DNA base composition, DNA-DNA hybridization, fatty acid composition, phycobilin pigment composition, complementary chromatic adaptation, morphological characters, growth temperature and salinity tolerance. Phylogenetic analysis based on 165 rDNA sequences divided the strains into six groups, all of which were clearly separated from the type species of the genus Oscillatoria, Oscillatoria princeps Gomont NIVA CYA 150. Therefore, these strains should be classified into genera other than Oscillatoria. Groups I-III were closely related to one another and groups IV-VI were distinct from one another and from groups I to III. Group I was further divided into two subgroups, group I-pc, which includes strains containing only phycocyanin (PC), and group I-pe, which includes strains containing large amounts of phycoerythrin (PE) in addition to PC. This phenotypic distinction was supported by DNA-DNA hybridization studies. Based on the properties examined herein and data from traditional, botanical taxonomic studies, the groups and subgroups were classified into single species and we propose either emended or new taxonomic descriptions for Planktothrix agardhii (type strain NIES 204(T)), Planktothrix rubescens (type strain CCAP 1459/22(T)) Planktothrix pseudagardhii sp. nov. (type strain T1-8-4(T)), Planktothrix mougeotii (type strain TR1-5(T)), Planktothricoides raciborskii gen. nov., comb. nov. (type strain NIES 207(T)), Tychonema bourrellyi (type strain CCAP 1459/11B(T)) and Limnothrix redekei (type strain NIVA CYA 277/1(T)).


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Microcystis aeruginosa Kutz. 7820 was cultured at 350 and 700 muL.L-1 CO2 to assess the impacts of doubled atmospheric CO2 concentration on this bloom-forming cyanobacterium. Doubling Of CO2 concentration in the airflow enhanced its growth by 52%-77%, with pH values decreased and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) increased in the medium. Photosynthetic efficiencies and dark respiratory rates expressed per unit chl a tended to increase with the doubling of CO2. However, saturating irradiances for photosynthesis and light-saturated photosynthetic rates normalized to cell number tended to decrease with the increase of DIC in the medium. Doubling of CO2 concentration in the airflow had less effect on DIC-saturated photosynthetic rates and apparent photosynthetic affinities for DIC. In the exponential phase, CO2 and HCO3- levels in the medium were higher than those required to saturate photosynthesis. Cultures with surface aeration were DIC limited in the stationary phase. The rate of CO2 dissolution into the liquid increased proportionally when CO2 in air was raised from 350 to 700 muL.L-1, thus increasing the availability of DIC in the medium and enhancing the rate of photosynthesis. Doubled CO2 could enhance CO2 dissolution, lower pH values, and influence the ionization fractions of various DIC species even when the photosynthesis was not DIC limited. Consequently, HCO3- concentrations in cultures were significantly higher than in controls, and the photosynthetic energy cost for the operation of CO2 concentrating mechanism might decrease.


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The community structure of zooplankton was studied in a eutrophic, fishless Japanese pond. The ecosystem was dominated by a dinoflagellate, Ceratium hirundinella, two filter-feeding cladocerans, Daphnia rosea and Ceriodaphnia reticulata, and an invertebrate predator, the dipteran Chaoborus flavicans. The midsummer zooplankton community showed a large change in species composition (the Daphnia population crashed) when a heavy Ceratium bloom occurred. It is shown that (i) the rapid density decline of D.rosea in mid-May was mainly caused by a shortage of edible phytoplankton, which was facilitated by the rapid increase in C.hirundinella abundance; (ii) the low density of D.rosea in June-July was considered to be mainly caused by the blooming of Ceratium hirundinella (which may inhibit the feeding process of D.rosea), while predation by C.flavicans larvae, the changing temperature, the interspecific competition and the scarcity of edible algae were not judged to be important; (iii) the high summer biomass of the planktonic C.flavicans larvae was maintained by the bloom of C.hirundinella, because >90% of the crop contents of C.flavicans larvae were C.hirundinella during this period. The present study indicates that the large-sized cells or colonies of phytoplankton are not only inedible by most cladocerans, but the selective effect of the blooming of these algae can also influence the composition and dominance of the zooplankton community, especially for the filter-feeding Cladocera, in a similar way as the selective predation by planktivorous fish. The large-sized phytoplankton can also be an important alternative food for ominivorous invertebrate predators such as Chaoborus larvae, and thus may affect the interactions between these predators and their zooplanktonic prey. In this way, such phytoplankton may play a very important role in regulating the dynamics of the aquatic food web, and become a driving force in shaping the community structure of zooplankton.


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The region of Qingdao, China, experienced the world's largest green tide from May to July 2008. More than one million tons of fresh algal biomass of the green alga Ulva prolifera was harvested, while more was suspected to have sunk to the bottom. The original source of this seaweed was suspected to be from the south as revealed by satellite images. The floating biomass drifted with the water current northward and flourished in nearshore waters around Qingdao. However, direct biological evidence for "seed" source is lacking. It is still unclear whether this alga could survive the Qingdao local coastal environment and pose future danger of potential blooming. Systematic and seasonal sampling of waters in the intertidal zone at six collection sites along the Qingdao coast was conducted from December 2008 to April 2009. Forty-eight water samples were analyzed. From these, nine different morphotypes of Ulva were grown in the laboratory under standard temperature and light regimes. Growth of Ulva was observed in all water samples. However, molecular phylogenetic analyses revealed that the dominant U. prolifera strain of the 2008 bloom was absent in all the water-derived cultures during the sampling period. These results provide evidence that the dominant bloom-forming alga was unlikely able to survive the coastal waters (the minimal surface water temperature in February is 2A degrees C) in winter conditions in Qingdao, even though all the sampling locations were heavily covered by this alga in June 2008.