944 resultados para black rot of crucifers


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Carbon Black is incorporated In natural rubber latex in , the presence of polyethylene glycol. The dispersion of carbon blade in the vulcanizatea is analyzed using polaroid M.4 land camera The mechanical properties of the carbon black meeterbatched NR/SBR blend Is compared with that of conventional NR/SBR blend before and after ageing , The resilience, flex resistance and hardness are found to be superior for N-LCMISBR compounds. The compression set and abrasion resistance are comparable for both types of blends . The processebiity and die swell of these blends at different shear rates are also compared.


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Tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. 'DRK') were grown hydroponically in two experiments to determine the effects of nutrient concentration and distribution in the root zone on yield, quality and blossom end rot (BER). The plants were grown in rockwool with their root systems divided into two portions. Each portion was irrigated with nutrient solutions with either the same or different electrical conductivity (EC) in the range 0 to 6 dS m(-1). In both experiments, fruit yields decreased as EC increased from moderate to high when solutions of equal concentration were applied to both portions of the root system. However, higher yields were obtained when a solution with high EC was applied to one portion of the root system and a solution of low EC to the other portion. For example, the fresh weight of mature fruits in the 6/6 treatment was only 20% that of the 3/3 treatment but the 6/0 treatment had a yield that was 40% higher. The reduction in yield in the high EC treatments was due to an increase in the number of fruits with BER and smaller fruit size. BER increased from 12% to 88% of total fruits as EC increased from 6/0 to 6/6 and fruit length decreased from 67 mm to 52 mm. Fruit quality (expressed as titratable acidity and soluble solids) increased as EC increased. In summary, high yields of high quality tomatoes with minimal incidence of BER were obtained when one portion of the root system was supplied with a solution of high EC and the other portion with a solution of moderate or zero EC.


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In a glasshouse experiment using potted strawberry plants (cv. Cambridge Favourite) as hosts, the effect of selected fungal antagonists grown on 25 or 50 g of mushroom compost containing autoclaved mycelia of Agaricus bisporus, or wheat bran was evaluated against Armillaria mellea. Another glasshouse experiment tested the effect of application time of the antagonists in relation to inoculations with the pathogen. A significant interaction was found between the antagonists, substrates and dose rates. All the plants treated with Chaetomium olivaceum isolate Co on 50 g wheat bran survived until the end of the experiment which lasted 482 days, while none of them survived when this antagonist was added to the roots of the plants on 25 g wheat bran or 25 or 50 g mushroom compost. Dactylium dendroides isolate SP had a similar effect, although with a lower host survival rate of 33.3%. Trichoderma hamatum isolate Tham 1 and T. harzianum isolate Th23 protected 33.3% of the plants when added on 50 g and none when added on 25 g of either substrate, while 66.7% of the plants treated with T. harzianum isolate Th2 on 25 g, or T viride isolate TO on 50 g wheat bran, survived. Application of the antagonists on mushroom compost initially resulted in development of more leaves and healthier plants, but this effect was not sustained. Eventually, plants treated with the antagonists on wheat bran had significantly more leaves and higher health scores. The plants treated with isolate Th2 and inoculated with Armillaria at the same time had a survival rate of 66.7% for the duration of the experiment (475 days), while none of them survived that long when the antagonist and pathogen were applied with an interval of 85 days in either sequence. C. olivaceum isolate Co showed a protective effect only, as 66.7% of the plants survived when they were treated with the antagonist 85 days before inoculation with the pathogen, while none of them survived when the antagonist and pathogen were applied together or the infection preceded protection.


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Several in vitro and in vivo experiments were conducted to develop an effective technique for culturing potential fungal antagonists (isolates of Trichoderma harzianum, Dactylium dendroides, Chaetomium olivaceum and one unidentified fungus) selected for activity against Armillaria mellea. The antagonists were inoculated onto (1) live spawn of the oyster mu shroom (Pleurotus ostreatus), (2) extra-moistened or sucrose-enriched mushroom composts containing living or autoclaved mycelia of P. ostreatus or Agaricus bisporus (button mushroom), (3) pasteurized compost with or without A. bisporus mycelium, wheat bran, wheat germ and (4) spent mushroom composts with living mycelia of A. bisporus, P. ostreatus or Lentinus edodes (the Shiitake mushroom). In one experiment, a representative antagonist (isolate Th2 of T. harzianum) was grown together with the A. bisporus mycelium, while in another one, the antagonist was first grown on wheat germ or wheat bran and then on mushroom compost with living mycelium of A. bisporus. Some of the carrier substrates were then added to the roots of potted strawberry plants in the glasshouse to evaluate their effectiveness against the disease. The antagonists failed to grow on the spawn of P. ostreatus even after reinoculations and prolonged incubation. Providing extra moisture or sucrose enrichment also did not improve the growth of Th2 on mushroom composts in the presence of living mycelia of A. bisporus or P. ostreatus. The antagonist, however, grew rapidly and extensively on mushroom compost with autoclaved mycelia, and also on wheat germ and wheat bran. Colonization of the substrates by the antagonist was positively correlated with its effectiveness in the glasshouse studies. Whereas only 33.3% of the inoculated control plants survived in one experiment monitored for 560 days, 100% survival was achieved when Th2 was applied on wheat germ or wheat bran. Growth of the antagonist alone on pasteurized or sterilized compost (without A. bisporus mycelia) and simultaneous growth of the antagonist and mushroom on pasteurized compost did not improve survival over the inoculated controls, but growth over mushroom compost with the living mycelium resulted in 50% survival rate. C. olivaceum isolate Co was the most effective, resulting in overall survival rate of 83.3% compared with only 8.3% for the inoculated and 100% for the uninoculated (healthy) controls. This antagonist gave the highest survival rate of 100% on spent mushroom compost with L. edodes. T harzianum isolate Th23, with 75% survival rate, was the most effective on spent mushroom compost with P. ostreatus, while D. dendroides isolate SP resulted in equal survival rates of 50% on all the three mushroom composts.


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Tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. 'DRK') were grown hydroponically in two experiments to determine the effects of nutrient concentration and distribution in the root zone on yield, quality and blossom end rot (BER). The plants were grown in rockwool with their root systems divided into two portions. Each portion was irrigated with nutrient solutions with either the same or different electrical conductivity (EC) in the range 0 to 6 dS m(-1). In both experiments, fruit yields decreased as EC increased from moderate to high when solutions of equal concentration were applied to both portions of the root system. However, higher yields were obtained when a solution with high EC was applied to one portion of the root system and a solution of low EC to the other portion. For example, the fresh weight of mature fruits in the 6/6 treatment was only 20% that of the 3/3 treatment but the 6/0 treatment had a yield that was 40% higher. The reduction in yield in the high EC treatments was due to an increase in the number of fruits with BER and smaller fruit size. BER increased from 12% to 88% of total fruits as EC increased from 6/0 to 6/6 and fruit length decreased from 67 mm to 52 mm. Fruit quality (expressed as titratable acidity and soluble solids) increased as EC increased. In summary, high yields of high quality tomatoes with minimal incidence of BER were obtained when one portion of the root system was supplied with a solution of high EC and the other portion with a solution of moderate or zero EC.


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Although the need to make health services more accessible to persons who have migrated has been identified, knowledge about health-promotion programs (HPPs) from the perspective of older persons born abroad is lacking. This study explores the design experiences and content implemented in an adapted version of a group-based HPP developed in a researcher-community partnership. Fourteen persons aged 70-83 years or older who had migrated to Sweden from Finland or the Balkan Peninsula were included. A grounded theory approach guided the data collection and analysis. The findings showed how participants and personnel jointly helped raise awareness. The participants experienced three key processes that could open doors to awareness: enabling community, providing opportunities to understand and be understood, and confirming human values and abilities. Depending on how the HPP content and design are being shaped by the group, the key processes could both inhibit or encourage opening doors to awareness. Therefore, this study provides key insights into how to enable health by deepening the understanding of how the exchange of health-promoting messages is experienced to be facilitated or hindered. This study adds to the scientific knowledge base of how the design and content of HPP may support and recognize the capabilities of persons aging in the context of migration.


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This work aimed to evaluate the efficiency of fungicides in controlling in vitro and in vivo the causal agents of anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and C. acutatum) and black spot (Guignardia psidii) and evaluate the effect of alternative products to control these diseases. Inhibition of mycelial growth of the pathogens was evaluated for ten fungicides at concentrations of 1, 10 and 100 mg L-1 of active ingredient in potato-dextrose-agar medium. The effectiveness of the fungicides azoxystrobin + difenoconazole, cyproconazole, pyraclostrobin, tebuconazole and tebuconazole + trifloxystrobin in controlling disease incidence and severity of anthracnose, through applications in the field, was measured in fruits collected at three stages of maturation, according to the skin color ( dark green, light green and yellowish green). In postharvest dipping of fruits, the products evaluated were citric acid, peracetic acid, salicylic acid, sodium bicarbonate, chlorine dioxide, Ecolife (R) and chitosan. The fungicides azoxystrobin + difenoconazole, pyraclostrobin, tebuconazole and trifloxystrobin + tebuconazole were highly effective in inhibiting the in vitro mycelial growth of G. psidii and moderately to highly effective in inhibiting C. acutatum and C. gloeosporioides. In field conditions, the fungicide azoxystrobin + difenoconazole was effective in controlling anthracnose and black spot in fruit at three maturity stage ( skin color yellowish green). The alternative products tested were ineffective in the curative control of anthracnose and early blight at postharvest of guava.


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We consider black probes of Anti-de Sitter and Schrödinger spacetimes embedded in string theory and M-theory and construct perturbatively new black hole geometries. We begin by reviewing black string configurations in Anti-de Sitter dual to finite temperature Wilson loops in the deconfined phase of the gauge theory and generalise the construction to the confined phase. We then consider black strings in thermal Schrödinger, obtained via a null Melvin twist of the extremal D3-brane, and construct three distinct types of black string configurations with spacelike as well as lightlike separated boundary endpoints. One of these configurations interpolates between the Wilson loop operators, with bulk duals defined in Anti-de Sitter and another class of Wilson loop operators, with bulk duals defined in Schrödinger. The case of black membranes with boundary endpoints on the M5-brane dual to Wilson surfaces in the gauge theory is analysed in detail. Four types of black membranes, ending on the null Melvin twist of the extremal M5-brane exhibiting the Schrödinger symmetry group, are then constructed. We highlight the differences between Anti-de Sitter and Schrödinger backgrounds and make some comments on the properties of the corresponding dual gauge theories.