998 resultados para bites and stings
This study analyzed the histopathology of rabbit skin, previously immunized with SGE2, SGE4, and SGE6 gland extracts prepared from salivary glands of Rhipicephalus sanguineus female with 2, 4, and 6 days of feeding, at the region of the R. sanguineus female feeding lesion 2, 4, and 6 days after tick attachment. In this work, infestation-naïve New Zealand White rabbits were inoculated either with the extracts (test group (TG)) or with phosphate buffer and complete Freund's adjuvant mixture (control group 2 (CG2)). Each extract-inoculated- (TG and CG2) and non-inoculated (CG1) rabbit was subsequently infested with R. sanguineus. Skin biopsies were collected from the rabbit at the tick feeding lesion at 2, 4, and 6 days of feeding. Results revealed that rabbit immunization with gland extracts induced acquisition of resistance against this species. It should be stated that the SGE4 extract was the most effective in developing an immune-inflammatory response against ectoparasites, being this process characterized by the presence of an early and intense inflammatory cell infiltrate. On the other hand, SGE6 extract caused a later appearance of resistance with less infiltrate occurrence and intense edema at the feeding lesion site. As to the inflammatory process deriving from SGE2 extract inoculation, it was the less intense. It was concluded that immunization with different extracts from R. sanguineus female salivary glands did not change microscope features of the inflammatory process, although an earlier or more intense and later response, which was also dependent on the inoculate extract, was noticed. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Allergies to hematophagous arthropod bites are inflammatory reactivity to arthropods salivary components. They vary in intensity and quality dependent upon the arthropod species and the individual immune response to specific proteins of the insect s saliva. Individuals who were not previously exposed show mild localized reactions not beyond those expected by pharmacological substances present in arthropods saliva. Allergic reactions are immunological in their nature and the diversity derived from hypersensitivity reactions with different levels of participation of the immune system components. Some are mainly derived from a humoral immune response, and others are based predominantly on T-lymphocyte-mediated. The majority of these undesired biological answers are self-limited, and few may cause a systemic reaction. This article intends to discuss the immunological ingredients of this evolutionary interaction.
"A helpful list of books": p. 199-203.
An outbreak of 154 cases of vampire bat biting in a four-month period in the gold mine of Payapal, a Venezuelan village, is reported. All patients were bitten during the night and the most bites were on their toes. No complication attributed to the bite was reported. Diagnoses of rabies virus made by means of immunofluorescence were negative. A possible reason for this outbreak may been the development of mining areas, with the inhabitants providing an alternative food source for the bats.
Introduction Portuguese man-of-war, Physalia physalis (Linnaeus, 1758), are cnidarians capable of discharging intracellular organelles filled with venom, resulting in severe envenomation in humans. Methods We report the clinical and therapeutic aspects of 331 accidents involving Portuguese man-of-war in an outbreak on the coast of the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Results The clinical manifestations of envenomation were rare and mild and mostly local, systemic reactions; there was a low rate of late complications. Conclusions The consequences of envenomation were of moderate severity, and first aid measures were effective in controlling the pain. Outbreaks of accidents involving Portuguese man-of-war occur periodically in the area without a clear explanation.
AbstractINTRODUCTION:We present a review of injuries in humans caused by aquatic animals in Brazil using the Information System for Notifiable Diseases [ Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN)] database.METHODS:A descriptive and retrospective epidemiological study was conducted from 2007 to 2013.RESULTS:A total of 4,118 accidents were recorded. Of these accidents, 88.7% (3,651) were caused by venomous species, and 11.3% (467) were caused by poisonous, traumatic or unidentified aquatic animals. Most of the events were injuries by stingrays (69%) and jellyfish (13.1%). The North region was responsible for the majority of reports (66.2%), with a significant emphasis on accidents caused by freshwater stingrays (92.2% or 2,317 cases). In the South region, the region with the second highest number of records (15.7%), jellyfish caused the majority of accidents (83.7% or 452 cases). The Northeastern region, with 12.5% of the records, was notable because almost all accidents were caused by toadfish (95.6% or 174 cases).CONCLUSIONS:Although a comparison of different databases has not been performed, the data presented in this study, compared to local and regional surveys, raises the hypothesis of underreporting of accidents. As the SINAN is the official system for the notification of accidents by venomous animals in Brazil, it is imperative that its operation be reviewed and improved, given that effective measures to prevent accidents by venomous animals depend on a reliable database and the ability to accurately report the true conditions.
ABSTRACTWe report a case of envenomation caused by a bushmaster ( Lachesis muta) in a male child in State of Pernambuco, Brazil. The victim showed discrete local manifestations, but presented altered blood coagulation 2 hours after the bite. Ten ampoules of bothropic-lachetic antivenom therapy were administered, and 48 hours later, the patient showed discrete edema, pain, and ecchymosis around the bite and normal blood coagulation. The patient was discharged 5 days after the envenomation. The prompt administration of specific treatment was important for the favorable outcomes observed.
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this communication is to report a severe occlusive vasculitis as a complication of cat scratch. HISTORY AND SIGNS: A 34-year-old Hispanic woman presented with a sudden visual loss of the right eye associated with shivers, high fever and arthritis which developed 2 months after a cat's bite. Fundus examination showed papillitis and a palor of the paramacular zone of the retina. Fluorescein angiography revealed multiple arterial and venous vasculitic occlusions. THERAPY AND OUTCOME: Auto-immune disease and endocarditis were ruled out by an extensive medical work-up.The diagnosis of Bartonella henselae was confirmed by a positive serology. A systemic antibiotherapy with azithromycin, doxycyclin, rifampicin and steroid therapy resulted in a good clinical response, including a rapid visual recovery with a visual acuity of 20/20 and no relapse of the disease at 6 months follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Ocular complications associated with cat scratch disease may include vasculitis with both arterial and venous occlusions causing severe visual loss.
Spirochetal infections present with a variety of clinical syndromes and epidemiologic features. Diagnosis remains challenging for the clinician because of the often protean clinical presentation and poor performance of stan-dard microbiological tests. We present 3 clinical cases, illustrating interesting or unusual features of these infections. First, we present a case of leptospirosis acquired in Switzerland after a rat bite. We then present a case of early disseminated Lyme disease with multiple erythema migrans, lymphopenia, thrombocytopenia and liver enzyme elevation. Finally, we present a case of secondary syphilis in an HIV-positive man, complicated by sensorineural deafness. For each case we highlight and discuss the specific epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic features.
Coatis [including Nasua nasua, the ring-tailed coati], are medium-sized mammals widely distributed in the Americas. They are social animals, whose normal diet includes insects, fruits, and small vertebrates, and rarely prey on larger sized animals. There are, to our knowledge, no reports in the medical literature of attacks on humans. This report describes a coati attack on 2 children in their home. The children sustained deep scratches and bites. The animal may have injured the humans in a defensive strike, but motivation for attack was uncertain. Coati attacks may occur in places where there is interaction between these mammals and humans.
Os autores apresentam e discutem aspectos dos acidentes causados por larvas de lepidópteros (mariposas), enfatizando as manifestações dermatológicas e a dor intensa que caracterizam estes agravos. Além disso, são apresentadas larvas de mariposas que causam manifestações extracutâneas, tais como severos distúrbios de coagulação e artropatias anquilosantes, e ainda dermatites provocadas por insetos adultos. Os principais grupos de lepidópteros causadores de acidentes em humanos são demonstrados, e as medidas terapêuticas atualizadas são discutidas. O lepidopterismo e o erucismo são acidentes comuns, e é importante que o dermatologista saiba reconhecer e tratar esse tipo de envenenamento.
The injuries caused by venomous and poisonous aquatic animals may provoke important morbidity in the victim. The cnidarians (jellyfishes, especially cubomedusas and Portuguese-Man-of-War) caused nearly 25% of 236 accidents by marine animals, while sea urchins were responsible for about 50% and catfish, stingrays and scorpionfish nearly 25%). In freshwater, stingrays and catfish cause injuries with a very similar mechanism to the poisoning and the effects of the toxins of marine species. In a series of about 200 injuries observed among freshwater fishermen, nearly 40% were caused by freshwater catfish, 5% freshwater stingrays and 55% by traumatogenic fish, such as piranhas and trairas. The author presents the aquatic animals that cause injuries to humans in Brazil, the clinical aspects of the envenoming and the first measures for the control of the severe pain observed mainly in the accidents caused by cnidarians and venomous fishes.
A 55-year-old man was attacked by a Brazilian tapir (Tapirus terrestris) after surprising and stabbing the animal in his corn plantation. The victim received deep bites in the thighs, neck, and cervical areas, resulting in severe hemorrhage and death. This is the first report of a tapir incident resulting in death and is of interest because of the severity of the contusions and lacerations caused by the provoked animal.