32 resultados para bionomics


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The paper contains a brief review of the studies on the life histories of Indian species of prawns chiefly belonging to the family Penaeidae. References to similar work carried out outside India are furnished where significant variations have been observed. The three main larval stages viz., Nauplius, Protozoea and Zoea (Mysis) and their important characteristics, including modes of locomotion, are described. The post-larval development of one species that has been studied in detail (Metapenaeus dobsoni) is indicated in outline. Some aspects of the bionomics of these prawns, especially breeding and migration, are also briefly dealt with in view of their relevance in their life cycle. An outline of the life histories of some Palaemonid prawns of both fresh water and marine habitats is added at the end and the need for well- planned investigations in regard to species of such economic value as Palaemon carcinus (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) is indicated.


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Several important advances have been made in our knowledge both regarding the factors which determine fertility in tropical lakes and the fish that live in them. As a result of our investigations a new theory has been put forward regarding the part played by animals in the bionomics of a lake; this theory, stated somewhat baldly, is that within certain limits the greater the number of animals in a shallow tropical lake, the greater becomes its potential fertility, and therefore the greater the number of animals it can support. The theory arises as a logical conclusion, once we accept the fact that the rate of production in such a lake is determined by the rate at which organic matter is decomposed. Bottom deposits which consist mainly of vegetable matter decompose slowly, whereas deposits which contain a high proportion of matter of animal origin decompose more rapidly. Thus the more animals in a lake, particularly animals which feed on plant material, the faster the biological cycle can proceed and the greater the density of animals it can support. This new concept will have a very profound influence on our ideas concerning the consequences of overfishing tropical waters. It also shows that efforts must be made to encourage and protect all herbivorous and detritus feeding animals, whether they be copepods, fish, or hippopotami, and whether they are of immediate economic importance or not.


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Studies of fish and fisheries in Africa fall in to four phases: the period of fisheries expeditions, ecological investigations, the development phase, and the period of mechanized exploitation. There is need to establish the taxonomic status and ecology of the varied components of the potentially important Haplochromis in Lake Victoria. A comprehensive study of their bionomics and life history, population structure, natality, recruitment and mortality coefficients should be undertaken. Emphasis lo be laid on the study of the ecology, especially breeding behaviour of the economically important c1upeids (Stolothrissa tanganciae and Limnothrissa miodon), in Lake Tanganyika. A comprehensive investigation into the migratory and shoaling behaviour of the Lake Victoria Tilapia to be initiated. Pre-impoundment studies to be undertaken to assess effects of hydroelectric projects of fisheries. Studies on parasites of economically important fishes to be stepped up to assess pathological effects and the biological basis for their control. The role of predators, e.g., Hydrocyon, Lates and Micropterus salmoides in commercial fish populations should be evaluated, and the knowledge gaincd used to effectively manage the fisheries in favour of the more desirable fish stocks.


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A review of aphid parasitoids in China with special emphasis on their production, utilization, and conservation is presented with a brief history of Chinese biological control. Twenty genera, 99 species of Aphidiidae and two genera, 11 species of Aphelinidae were recorded in China. Each parasitoid is listed with a brief description of aphids, host plants, areas of study such as taxonomy, biology, bionomics, geographic distribution, rearing, and literature citations. Achievements, status, and problems in aphid parasitoid production, utilization, conservation, and future prospects are detailed for dominant aphid parasitoids such as Aphidius gifuensis Ashmead, A. ervi Haliday and Aphelinus mali Haldeman. Finally, opportunities and challenges of commercialization commercialization of natural enemies, especially aphid parasitoids, in China, are analyzed and discussed.


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The present study was undertaken with a view to understanding some aspects of the morphology, bionomics and physiology of the sea anemone A.nigrescens. This species was selected for the study since it is abundantly available along the coast throughout the year and can successfully reared in the laboratory without much effort. The present study deals with the following aspects of A.nigrescens. description of the species, habitat, food and feeding, digestion, studies on salinity tolerance, studies on oxygen consumption, studies on tolerance to desiccation, asexual reproduction and regeneration.


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Kerala has been one of the leading maritime states in India for the exploitation and export of mud crabs (Raj, 1992). Many brackishwater systems like the Ashtamudi lake, Vembanad lake, Cochin backwaters and Korapuzha estuary are well known for their rich population of mud crabs. Realizing the imperative need to build up a strong scientific base for proper management and conservation of the resource and also to develop proper technologiesfor seed production and farming of mud crabs, a detailed study was undertaken on the mud crabs of Kerala coast and the results are described in the thesis. The thesis is presented in four chapters


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Culex (Culex) dolosus (Lynch Arribalzaga, 1891) is re-described and compared with Cx. eduardoi Casal & Garcia ( 1968) based on morphological characteristics. Both species are morphologically similar, and they have been largely misidentified throughout Brazil. Adult male and female, fourth instar larvae, and pupae of Cx. dolosus were examined, based on specimens from Pico do Itapeva, Pindamonhangaba Municipality, Serra da Mantiqueira, Sao Paulo State, southern Brazil. Male genitalia, larvae and pupae are illustrated. Geographical distribution is summarized from published records, and information on bionomics is based on the literature and field data.


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Neste estudo a variação sazonal da fecundidade, tamanhos de asa e tíbia, foi investigada em populações naturais de Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) a fim de determinar variações nas características bionômicas da espécie em função da sazonalidade. Uma trajetória temporal relativamente constante foi encontrada para fecundidade, tamanhos de asa e tíbia durante doze meses. Correlações positivas e significativas entre tamanho da asa e temperatura, tamanho da tíbia e temperatura e tamanhos da asa e tíbia foram observadas. As implicações desses resultados para a dinâmica populacional de C. megacephala foram discutidas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Embora informações acerca da composição das colônias do morcego hematófago Desmodus rotundus (E. Geoffroy, 1810) sejam importantes para o controle de suas populações, poucos estudos a esse respeito foram desenvolvidos no Brasil. São apresentadas aqui informações obtidas de colônias de D. rotundus encontradas em 12 abrigos diurnos no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, em 1999 e 2000. em geral, os abrigos naturais e artificiais não possuíam grandes dimensões e estruturalmente variaram entre si. O formato dos abrigos interferiu na distribuição dos indivíduos das colônias no interior dos abrigos. Essas colônias continham, em média, 130 indivíduos distribuídos em três locais no interior dos abrigos. Havia também diversos indivíduos vivendo isolados ou em pequenos grupos dispersos. A proporção entre os sexos dos morcegos capturados foi de 1 macho: 1,37 fêmeas e, em sua maioria, os morcegos capturados eram adultos (89%). Dimorfismo sexual foi verificado estatisticamente no comprimento dos antebraços e na massa corporal, sendo as fêmeas maiores que os machos. A maior parte dos machos adultos (87%) estava sexualmente ativo, mas 65,5% das fêmeas adultas não estavam grávidas.


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Background: Cladocera is an important group of freshwater zooplankton, and the species plays an important role in energy transfer and in aquatic food webs. Oxyurella longicaudis is a Chydoridae species that has been recorded in North and South America. The aim of this study is to investigate the life cycle aspects of parthenogenetic females of O. longicaudis cultured in laboratory under controlled conditions: temperature (23 degrees C +/- 05 degrees C), photoperiod (12 h light/12 h dark), food supply, and reconstituted water.Results: Embryonic development duration (2.3 +/- 0.5 days), post-embryonic development (5.2 +/- 0.69 days), mean fecundity (two eggs female(-1) brood(-1)), total egg production (22.55 +/- 3.98 eggs), average longevity (58 days), and body growth of the species were recorded. We also report the first DNA barcode for O. longicaudis isolated in Brazil, which will allow for easy identification in future zooplankton community studies. The analysis shows a genetic divergence of around 7% between our Brazilian isolate and O. longicaudis isolates from Mexico.Conclusions: The time of embryonic and post-embryonic development of O. longicaudis was higher than that of the other species of the same family, which contributed to lower total egg production throughout its life cycle. The genetic divergence appears to be sufficient to classify the two isolates as different species.


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In the present study, a microsatellite-enriched genomic library was constructed and primers for 14 microsatellite loci were designed for Xylocopa frontalis. Twenty unrelated individuals were screened. All loci were polymorphic and the number of alleles per locus ranged from 6 to 17 (x = 10.43). Observed (H-o) and expected (H-e) heterozygosities ranged from 0.350 to 0.950 and 0.674 to 0.898, respectively. All loci were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, except one. The microsatellite loci described in this study will contribute towards general biology studies of X. frontalis, intranidal genetic relationships and nest management for the pollination of passion fruit.


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Anopheles é o gênero da família Culicidae mais estudado devido sua importância médica. Atualmente o gênero Anopheles compreende 472 espécies válidas que estão divididas em sete subgêneros. Os principais vetores de plasmódio da Malária no Brasil pertencem ao subgênero Nyssorhynchus, que inclui 39 espécies oficialmente reconhecidas e um número crescente de complexos de espécies crípticas que estão distribuídas em três Seções: Myzorhynchella, Albimanus e Argyritarsis. Atualmente a Seção Myzorhynchella é formada por seis espécies: An. lutzii, An. parvus, An. nigritarsis, An. guarani, An. antunesi e An. pristinus. Para o desenvolvimento da análise morfológica, observou-se material-tipo depositado em diferentes coleções, espécimes depositados na coleção entomológica da FSP/USP, além de outros obtidos em coletas realizadas durante o presente estudo em diferentes localidades do Brasil. As análises moleculares foram desenvolvidas a partir de espécimes obtidos nas coletas. Revisão taxonômica da Seção Myzorhynchella é apresentada, incluindo-se descrições de quatro novas espécies e redescrições das demais, informações sobre bionomia, importância médica, caracterização molecular, distribuição geográfica, estado de preservação do material-tipo, além de chaves de identificação de adultos, larva de quarto estádio e genitália masculina. Os resultados das análises filogenéticas utilizando sequências de ITS2, COI e Catalase indicam a existência de pelo menos doze espécies dentro da Seção Myzorhynchella, os espécimes que vêm sendo identificados como An. antunesi constitui um complexo formado por possíveis cinco espécies e aqueles de An. parvus e An. pristinus também podem representar complexos de espécies. As sequências de ITS2 podem ser utilizadas como marcador diagnóstico para espécies da Seção Myzorhynchella. Contudo, o estudo ainda demonstra que pouco se conhece sobre a diversidade de espécies de Anopheles que ocorrem em ambientes onde a malária ocorre em baixa endemicidade. Pelo número de espécies novas encontradas e pela escassez de trabalhos com espécies da Seção, fica evidente a necessidade de mais estudos.