957 resultados para banco corneal


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Myofibroblast development and haze generation in the corneal stroma is mediated by cytokines, including transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta), and possibly other cytokines. This study examined the effects of stromal PDGF-beta blockade on the development of myofibroblasts in response to -9.0 diopter photorefractive keratectomy in the rabbit. Rabbits that had haze generating photorefractive keratectomy (PRK, for 9 diopters of myopia) in one eye were divided into three different groups: stromal application of plasmid pCMV.PDGFRB.23KDEL expressing a subunit of PDGF receptor b (domains 2-3, which bind PDGF-B), stromal application of empty plasmid pCMV, or stromal application of balanced salt solution (BSS). The plasmids (at a concentration 1000 ng/mu l) or BSS was applied to the exposed stroma immediately after surgery and every 24 h for 4-5 days until the epithelium healed. The group treated with pCMV.PDGFRB.23KDEL showed lower alpha SMA+ myofibroblast density in the anterior stroma compared to either control group (P <= 0.001). Although there was also lower corneal haze at the slit lamp at one month after surgery, the difference in haze after PDGF-B blockade was not statistically significant compared to either control group. Stromal PDGF-B blockade during the early postoperative period following PRK decreases stromal alpha SMA+ myofibroblast generation. PDGF is an important modulator of myofibroblast development in the cornea. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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PURPOSE: To compare the abilities of scanning laser polarimetry (SLP) with enhanced corneal compensation (ECC) and variable corneal compensation (VCC) modes for detection of retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) loss in eyes with band atrophy (BA) of the optic nerve. DESIGN. Cross-sectional study. METHODS: Thirty-seven eyes from 37 patients with BA and temporal visual field defect from chiasmal compression and 40 eyes from 40 healthy subjects were studied. Subjects underwent standard automated perimetry and RNFL measurements using an SLP device equipped with VCC and ECC. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were calculated for each parameter. Pearson correlation coefficients were obtained to evaluate the relationship between RNFL thickness parameters and severity of visual field loss, as assessed by the temporal mean defect. RESULTS: All RNFL thickness parameters were significantly lower in eyes with BA compared with normal eyes with both compensation modes. However, no statistically significant differences were observed in the areas under the ROC curves for the different parameters between GDx VCC and ECC (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc, Dublin, California, USA). Structure-function relationships also were similar for both compensation modes. CONCLUSIONS: No significant differences were found between the diagnostic accuracy of GDx ECC and that of VCC for detection of BA of the optic nerve. The use of GDx ECC does not seem to provide a better evaluation of RNFL loss on the temporal and nasal sectors of the peripapillary retina in subjects with BA of the optic nerve.


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Background/aims To compare two intraocular irrigating solutions, Balanced Salt Solution Plus (BSS Plus) versus Lactated Ringer`s (Ringer), for the preservation of corneal integrity after phacoemulsification. Methods 110 patients undergoing phacoemulsification were randomised to either BSS Plus (n = 55) or Ringer (n = 55) as the irrigating solution. Patients were examined at baseline and at 1, 8, 15, 30 and 60 days postoperatively. Evaluations included specular microscopy to evaluate endothelial cell density (ECD) and endothelial cell size variability (CV), and corneal pachymetry for central corneal thickness (CCT) measurement. Results Groups were well balanced regarding baseline ECD, CV and CCT (p>0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between ECD reduction in group BSS Plus 13.1 +/- 2.0% and Ringer 9.2 +/- 1.9% (p<0.05) at day 60 or in any study visit. There was no statistically significant difference between CV increase in group BSS Plus 23.0 +/- 3.0% and Ringer 20.2 +/- 4.0% (p<0.05) at day 60 or in any study visit. CCT was significantly increased (p<0.05) at 1, 8, 15 and 30 days postoperatively, returning to baseline at 60 days in both groups. There was no significant difference in CCT increase in both groups at any visit. Interestingly, there were statistically significant correlations between ECD loss and phacoemulsification time (p<0.0001) and ECD loss and irrigation solution volume (p<0.0001) in the Ringer group, but not in the BSS Plus group. Conclusions Ringers solution was similar to BSS Plus for corneal preservation in atraumatic cataract surgery. However, our study demonstrates that there is a trend towards lower postoperative endothelial cell density for surgeries with longer phacoemulsification time and higher irrigation volumes if Ringer is used.


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Purpose: To investigate the proliferative behavior of the corneal and limbal epithelia after debridement on the central region of the rabbit cornea. Methods: After scraping a circular epithelial area, 5 mm in diameter, in the center of the cornea, (3)H-thymidine ((3)H-TdR) was injected intravitreally, and the rabbits killed from 1 to 49 days afterward. The cornea, together with the adjacent conjunctiva, was processed for autoradiography. Results: The regenerating epithelium at the center of the cornea exhibited high frequencies of labeled nuclei when compared to controls. The mitotic indexes for the limbus were comparable in experimental and control eyes. The unique basal stratum of the limbal epithelium exhibited quick proliferation and vertical migration in all eyes. Cells that remained labeled for four weeks or more were observed throughout the corneal epithelium, including its basal stratum, and this did not depend on epithelial damage. Conclusion: Corneal epithelium wounds are healed by sliding and proliferation of cells surrounding the epithelial gap without any evidence for the participation of the limbal epithelium. Daughter cells labeled with (3)H-TdR were visualized in all layers of the corneal epithelium up to 7 weeks after the DNA precursor injection. However, at this long interval, the only labeled cells in the limbus were in the suprabasal layers.


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The investigation was centered on the morphological features of the conjunctiva-cornea transition (limbus) of the rabbit eye and the proliferative behavior of its epithelium. The eyes were processed for examination with light and electron microscopy, as well as for autoradiography after intravitreal injection of [H-3]thymidine ([H-3]TdR). At the sites of extraocular muscle insertion, the vascularization of the stroma extended to the peripheral cornea, and the limbal epithelium was thin with its basal stratum made up by clear cuboidal cells. In between the muscle insertions, the cuboidal clear cells, as well as the stroma blood vessels; were scarce. At the light microscope level, the basement membrane was distinct in the cornea but not in the limbus or the conjunctiva. Autoradiographs demonstrated that, at the limbus, the basal cells migrated very quickly to the suprabasal region and remained there up to the 28-day interval. Labeled cells were identified in all epithelial layers of the cornea, including the basal one, at 21 and 28 days but not in the limbal basal clear cells. The rate of renewal of conjunctival epithelium was similar to that observed for the transition with scarce clear cells. The high-resolution autoradiographs demonstrated that the basal cuboidal clear limbal cells exhibit a quick renewal and that they are not label-retaining cells. These latter ones were detected all over the corneal epithelium and in the suprabasal layers of the limbus up to 28 days, in physiological conditions, without the need of stimulation by damage to the corneal epithelium.


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Neutrophil influx is essential for corneal regeneration (Gan et al. 1999). KM+, a lectin from Artocarpus integrifolia, induces neutrophil migration (Santos-de-Oliveira et al. 1994). This study aims at investigating a possible effect of KM+ on corneal regeneration in rabbits. A 6,0-mm diameter area of debridement was created on the cornea of both eyes by mechanical scraping. The experimental eyes received drops of KM+ (2.5 mu g/ml) every 2 h, The control eyes received buffer, The epithelial wounded areas of the lectin-treated and untreated eyes were stained with fluorescein, photographed and measured, The animals were killed 12 h (group 1, n = 5), 24 h (group 2, n = 10) and 48 h (group 3, n = 5) after the scraping. The corneas were analysed histologically (haematoxylin and eosin and immunostaining for proliferation cell nuclear antigen, p&3, vascular endothelial growth factor, c-Met and laminin). No significant differences were found at the epithelial gap between treated and control eyes in the group 1. However, the number of neutrophils in the wounded area was significantly higher in treated eyes in this group. Three control and seven treated eyes were healed completely and only rare neutrophils persisted in the corneal stroma in group 2. No morphological distinction was observed between treated and control eyes in group 3. In treated corneas of group 2, there was an increase in immunostaining of factors involved in corneal healing compared to controls, Thus, topical application of KM+ may facilitate corneal epithelial wound healing in rabbits by means of a mechanism that involves increased influx of neutrophils into the wounded area induced by the lectin.


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Purpose: To investigate the role of corneal endothelial surface enlargement in the chicken myopia model in inducing corneal endothelial changes. Methods: Lid suture was performed on one eye of 1-day-old cockerels. Five chickens were killed at 1 week, and four chickens killed at each of 3 weeks, 6 weeks, and 10 weeks postnatal. The endothelial morphology was obtained by flat mounting the endothelial surface and the subsequent digitisation. Comparisons were undertaken between the control unsutured eye and the lid-sutured eye endothelium, and between the central endothelial areas compared to the peripheral endothelial areas in both the myopic and the normal corneas. Calculation of the contribution to the endothelial change by hypertrophy and mitosis were calculated using Bahn's formula. Results: Total endothelial surface area increased significantly over time in the myopic model compared to control eyes but the mean cell area of endothelial cells remained the same for both the enlarged myopic endothelial surface area and in the normal controls. Sampling from the central and the peripheral corneal endothelial surface also disclosed no difference. The mean cell area did increase steadily with age but was the same for both normal and myopic corneas. Conclusions: It would appear that there are equal contributions from hypertrophy and mitosis in the myopic group and the normal corneal group with a slightly increasing trend towards mitotic activity in the myopic corneal endothelial layer.


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Purpose. To demonstrate that the combination of impression cytology and single cell DNA fingerprinting represents a powerful tool that is suitable for detecting transplanted cells after corneal limbal allografting. Methods, Fifty single cells were obtained by corneal impression cytology from 12 patients undergoing cataract surgery. Individual cells were isolated from samples by micromanipulation. Polymerase chain reaction and short tandem repeat profiling was used to obtain forensic standard DNA fingerprints from single cells. Blood samples taken at the time of impression cytology provided control fingerprints. Results, informative DNA fingerprints were obtained from all corneal samples and 66% (33 of 50 cells) of isolated single cells, Of all fingerprints obtained, most (91%, 30 of 33 fingerprints) corneal fingerprints matched corresponding blond sample fingerprints. At least one corneal fingerprint matched the corresponding blood sample fingerprint in 83% (10 of 12 patients) of the patients in the study, Conclusions. This extremely specific single cell DNA fingerprinting system permits accurate identification of individual corneal epithelial cells, allowing very reliable determination of their origin, which will enable host and donor cells to be distinguished from each other after keratolimbal allografting procedures. even if the host and donor are the same sex or siblings. These DNA fingerprinting methods allow assessment of quality and quantity of donor cell survival, as well as survival time. The extreme sensitivity and accuracy of the technique means that should contamination occur, it would be identified, thus ensuring meaningful results.


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O Banco Central do Brasil desenvolveu e implantou, no per??odo de abril de 2002 a mar??o de 2003, Sistema de Custos e Informa????es Gerenciais, utilizando o m??todo de custeio baseado em atividades - Activity Based Costing (ABC), destinado a apurar os custos das atividades, dos projetos, dos processos e dos produtos e servi??os ofertados pela Institui????o, distribu??dos pela sua estrutura organizacional. O sistema, mais do que um enfoque voltado para o simples controle e redu????o de custos, constitui-se em significativo instrumento de apoio gerencial, ao propiciar a utiliza????o mais racional de todos os recursos consumidos. Ademais, apresenta-se como iniciativa pioneira vez que, pelo que se tem not??cia, inexistem experi??ncias semelhantes em organiza????es com este porte e com a amplitude adotada neste caso, tanto no ??mbito governamental brasileiro, quanto no que se refere aos demais bancos centrais espalhados pelo mundo


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Procedimentos adotados - com a finalidade de colocar a pessoa certa no lugar certo - na localiza????o de 249 servidores que ingressaram do Banco Central do Brasil - BC, por meio do Concurso Analista/2000. O BC decidiu investir nos conceitos e pr??ticas presentes na gest??o do conhecimento. Foram utilizados m??todos e programas de computador j?? testados no mercado, buscando adequar o perfil comportamental e de conhecimentos do futuro servidor ao dos postos de trabalho do BC. Sua valida????o ocorreu por meio de pesquisa de satisfa????o com os servidores e respectivas chefias


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Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econ??mico e Social (BNDES), com a colabora????o de diversas entidades, entre elas o Instituto de Pesquisa Econ??mica e Aplicada (IPEA) e a Associa????o Brasileira das Secretarias de Finan??as das Capitais (ABRASF), est?? disponibilizando, desde 1998, o site - Banco Federativo - com o intuito de constituir um ponto de encontro para interc??mbio e difus??o de informa????es relativas a finan??as e administra????o dos governos estaduais e municipais, objetivando contribuir para a melhoria da gest??o p??blica no Brasil. A organiza????o do Banco Federativo faz parte de um conjunto de atividades do BNDES, sob orienta????o do Minist??rio do Planejamento, Or??amento e Gest??o que tem como objetivo a dissemina????o de informa????es sobre as finan??as p??blicas, visando estimular a????es para a redu????o do d??ficit p??blico e o fortalecimento da Federa????o Brasileira. O site ?? administrado pela Secretaria para Assuntos Fiscais do BNDES e compreende a entrada de dados, a troca de informa????es e a divulga????o de estat??sticas, not??cias, estudos e experi??ncias administrativas


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Racionaliza????o e moderniza????o do sistema de normas do Banco do Nordeste, mediante a consolida????o e sistematiza????o de normas esparsas, constantes em diversos manuais, circulares e avisos-circulares, cujos conte??dos se sobrepunham e at?? se contradiziam, implementando solu????es informatizadas n??o s?? para o processo de elabora????o e divulga????o, como tamb??m para as consultas por parte dos usu??rios, resultando numa redu????o de cerca de 3.500 folhas de normas para cerca de 600, ou seja, de cerca de 612.500 folhas nas 175 ag??ncias para cerca de 105.000. Institui????o de mecanismos r??pidos e on line de consultas ??s normas, e de formula????o de consultas com respostas no mesmo dia e, na maioria das vezes, na mesma hora. Implementa????o de ferramentas para a compila????o de respostas ??s consultas mais freq??entes, ensejando a redu????o permanente das consultas, por serem dadas maiores e melhores condi????es de apreens??o dos conte??dos normativos pelos usu??rios. Redu????o de custos com pessoal (redu????o das equipes de normas de 39 pessoas para uma s?? equipe de 5 pessoas) e material (redu????o com custos de impress??o, tinta e papel), assim como com comunica????es telef??nicas


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A Caixa Econ??mica Federal implanta atrav??s de um processo, denominado Banco de Oportunidades, uma nova estrat??gia de sele????o, tendo como objetivo manter um sistema din??mico e permanente de identifica????o e desenvolvimento de empregados com vistas ao provimento tempestivo e qualificado do primeiro n??vel de fun????o gerencial no segmento negocial. Inicialmente, foi elaborado projeto com vistas a capacitar empregados para ingresso na carreira gerencial em todos os segmentos da Empresa, no entanto, para efeito de avalia????o do processo como um todo, nos aspectos de custo/benef??cio, atendimento das demandas, foco direcionado ao neg??cio, n??vel de aproveitamento e satisfa????o do cliente, a implanta????o piloto contemplou, inicialmente, o cargo comissionado de Gerente de Ag??ncia


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O BPPH foi idealizado pelo Ministro Jos?? Serra no in??cio de sua gest??o em Abril de 1998, visando uma pol??tica de transpar??ncia na utiliza????o dos recursos p??blicos e, tamb??m a busca da disponibilidade de mais um instrumento regulador de mercado. A implanta????o do sistema, abrange atualmente 32 hospitais federais, estaduais, municipais e 5 secretarias estaduais de sa??de que alimentam o BPPH via INTERNET, permitindo contabilizar um benef??cio de R$ 1.373.687,00 (redu????o do custo entre 2 compras consecutivas) somente nos 5 hospitais fundadores do sistema, sendo que 50% desse valor pode-se atribuir ao uso do Banco de Pre??os. Este trabalho foi apresentado no CONIP99 - Congresso de Inform??tica P??blica 1999 - em nome do Minist??rio da Sa??de, com a autoriza????o emitida pelo Senhor Chefe de Gabinete do Ministro, Dr. Ot??vio Azevedo Mercadante. O BPPH foi desenvolvido e implantado no per??odo de Maio de 1998 a Abril de 1999 como um projeto do Grupo Executivo de A????o Estrat??gica na ??rea Hospitalar, grupo este coordenado pelo Dr. Benedito Nicotero Filho, Assessor Especial do Ministro da Sa??de. O BPPH no seu processo de institucionaliza????o foi transferido do Gabinete do Ministro para a Secretaria de Gest??o de Investimentos em Sa??de. As Portarias do Ministro da Sa??de que regulamentam o sistema s??o: Portaria 3.505 publicada em 28 de Agosto de 1998 cria a C??mara T??cnica Consultiva do BPPH; Portaria 74 publicada em 02 de Fevereiro de 1999 institui a obrigatoriedade para hospitais p??blicos de mais de 320 leitos e a Portaria 481 publicada em 19 de Abril de 1999 transfere a subordina????o da C??mara T??cnica e do Sistema para a Secretaria de Gest??o de Investimentos em Sa??de. Este trabalho foi o ganhador do Pr??mio CONIP99 de Excel??ncia em Inform??tica P??blica