937 resultados para backstepping control concept


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Executive dysfunction is reported in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME). However, batteries employed in previous studies included no more than three tests of executive function. In this study, we aimed to assess executive and attentional functions in JME using a comprehensive battery of eight tests (encompassing fifteen subtests). We also evaluated neuropsychological profiles using a clinical criterion of severity and correlated these findings with epilepsy clinical variables and the presence of psychiatric disorders. We prospectively evaluated 42 patients with JME and a matched control group with Digit Span tests (forward and backward), Stroop Color-Word Test, Trail Making Test, Wisconsin Card-Sorting Test, Matching Familiar Figures Test and Word Fluency Test. We estimated IQ with the Matrix Reasoning and Vocabulary subtests of the Wechsler Abbreviated Intelligence Scale. The patients with JME showed specific deficits in working memory, inhibitory control, concept formation, goal maintenance, mental flexibility, and verbal fluency. We observed attentional deficits in processes such as alertness and attention span and those requiring sustained and divided attention. We found that 83.33% of the patients had moderate or severe executive dysfunction. In addition, attentional and executive impairment was correlated with higher frequency of seizures and the presence of psychiatric disorders. Furthermore, executive dysfunction correlated with a longer duration of epilepsy. Our findings indicate the need for comprehensive neuropsychological batteries in patients with JME, in order to provide a more extensive evaluation of attentional and executive functions and to show that some relevant deficits have been overlooked. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Kleinskalige, multifunktionale Module haben ein hohes Potential bei der wirtschaftlichen und flexiblen Gestaltung intralogistischer Systeme mit hoher Funktionalität. Durch dezentrale Steuerung und eigener Intelligenz der Module ist das System frei skalierbar und der Installationsaufwand wird minimiert. Mittels eines neuartigen Konzeptes der Datenkommunikation für Stetigförderer erfolgt der Informationsaustausch drahtlos mit Hilfe optoelektrischer Elemente. Die Kleinskaligkeit der Transportmodule gegenüber der Transporteinheit im Zusammenhang mit dem Steuerungskonzept erlaubt eine selektive Beschaltung der Module nach Bedarf und damit eine optimierte Energieausnutzung im Betrieb. Prototypen auf Basis von Schwenkrollen mit integrierter Antriebstechnik und Steuerung lassen das Potential des Prinzips erkennen. Das neu entwickelte Konzept der Schrägscheibe hilft bei der anspruchsvollen Integration der Antriebstechnik in das Modul durch das Prinzip der koaxialen Aktoren. Durch omnidirektionalen Funktionsumfang der Module entsteht im Zusammenschluss zu einer Modulmatrix ein hochflexibel einsetzbares Intralogistik-Modul. Die Vernetzung dieser hochfunktionalen Knoten durch einfache Fördertechnik bietet die Möglichkeit einfacher Planung flexibler Logistiksysteme.


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Zur Sicherstellung einer schnellen und flexiblen Anpassung an sich ändernde Anforderungen sind innerbetriebliche Materialbereitstellungskonzepte in immer stärkerem Maße zu flexibilisieren. Hierdurch kann die Erreichung logistischer Ziele in einem dynamischen Produktionsumfeld gesteigert werden. Der Beitrag stellt ein Konzept für eine adaptive Materialbereitstellung in flexiblen Produktionssystemen auf Grundlage einer agentenbasierten Transportplanung und -steuerung vor. Der Fokus liegt hierbei auf der Planung und Steuerung der auf Basis von Materialbedarfsmeldungen ausgelösten innerbetrieblichen Transporte. Neben Pendeltouren zur Versorgung des Produktionssystems findet auch das dynamische Pickup-and-Delivery-Problem Berücksichtigung. Das vorgestellte Konzept ist an den Anforderungen selbstorganisierender Produktionsprozesse ausgerichtet.


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La investigación del flujo aerodinámico sobre helipuertos embarcados se encuentra estrechamente relacionada con la operación segura de las aeronaves, pues las condiciones del flujo que tiene lugar en ese entorno pueden exceder los límites para los que están certificadas dichas aeronaves. El ambiente aerodinámico en las inmediaciones de un barco es altamente complejo y se encuentra influenciado por gran número de factores (chimeneas, antenas, mástiles, etc.) relacionados con la configuración específica del propio barco. El flujo objeto de investigación corresponde a la estela que se desarrolla sobre la cubierta de vuelo de una fragata, el cual está fuertemente influenciado por la superestructura de la misma, y que cualitativamente es similar al flujo que tiene lugar entre edificios altos o helipuertos situados en áreas urbanas, pues comprende estructuras tipo caja, con bordes afilados, que generan flujos tridimensionales altamente turbulentos. En esta Tesis se aborda el estudio del problema desde el punto de vista experimental, mediante simulación en túnel aerodinámico y medida de las variables del campo fluido sobre maquetas de fragatas a escala reducida. Las herramientas empleadas para tal cometido, han sido técnicas experimentales, tales como la visualización del flujo, la velocimetría láser por imágenes de partículas, la anemometría láser Doppler y los scanners electrónicos de presión, que han permitido investigar el flujo problema con objeto de obtener información, y adquirir así, un conocimiento más profundo de dicho flujo. La explotación de este conocimiento, ha dado lugar al diseño de una nueva solución, basada en la modificación de geometría básica de la fragata, por medio del cambio de la curvatura del techo del hangar, permitiendo suavizar el escalón descendente que se produce aguas abajo del mismo. Las geometrías modificadas han sido ensayada en túnel mediante la misma metodología empleada para la fragata original, de modo que, ha podido establecerse un análisis comparativo, para valorar la efectividad de la solución propuesta, el cual ha mostrado resultados satisfactorios, retirando el flujo adverso de la zona de operación de helicópteros y desplazándolo hacia el hangar, donde resulta menos peligroso, de modo que se reduce la carga del piloto y los riesgos de accidente durante las operaciones a bordo de embarcaciones. ABSTRACT The investigation of aerodynamic flow above the ship’s heliports is directly related to the aircraft safe operation, because the environment flow conditions may exceed the aircraft certification limits. Aerodynamic ship’s environment is highly complex and it is influenced by a large number of factors (stacks, antennae, masts, …) related to each specific ship configuration. The flow under investigation occurs into the wake produced above the flight deck of a frigate, that is strongly influenced by the superstructure. This flow is similar to one produced around tall buildings or heliports located in urban areas, thus in both of them, the air is flowing around sharp-edges box-like structures, producing three-dimensional and highly turbulent flows. This Thesis studies the problem from an experimental point of view, by means of wind tunnel simulations and measurements of the flow field around reduced scale frigates models. Tools used in this work are the experimental techniques, as flow visualization, particle image velocimetry, laser Doppler anemometry and pressure electronic scanners. These techniques provide information about the flow in order to obtain a more complete insight of this kind of flows. The exploitation of this insight is used for the design of a new flow control concept, based on the modification of the basic frigate geometry. This new design consists in the hangar roof curvature modification that produces a smoothing of the descendent step located downstream the hangar. Modified geometries are tested in wind tunnel by means of the same methodology as the original frigate, thus a comparative analysis is established in order to perform an assessment of effectiveness. This analysis has shown good results in displacing the adverse flow from the helicopter operation path to the nearest hangar region, reducing the pilot load and the accident risks during on board operations.


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O conceito de controle híbrido é aplicado à operação de alívio entre um FPWSO e um navio aliviador. Ambos os navios mantêm suas posições e aproamentos pelo resultado da ação do seu Sistema de Posicionamento Dinâmico (SPD). O alívio dura cerca de 24 horas para ser concluído. Durante este período, o estado de mar pode se alterar e os calados estão sendo constantemente alterados. Um controlador híbrido é projetado para permitir modificacões dos parâmetros de controle/observação se alguma alteração significante do estado de mar e/ou calado das embarcações ocorrer. O principal objetivo dos controladores é manter o posicionamento relativo entre os navios com o intuito de evitar perigosa proximidade ou excesso de tensão no cabo. Com isto em mente, uma nova estratégia de controle que atue integradamente em ambos os navios é proposta baseda em geometria diferencial. Observadores não lineares baseados em passividade são aplicados para estimar a posição, a velocidade e as forças externas de mares calmos até extremos. O critério para troca do controle/observação é baseado na variação do calado e no estado de mar. O calado é assumido conhecido e o estado de mar é estimado pela frequência de pico do espectro do movimento de primeira ordem dos navios. Um modelo de perturbação é proposto para encontrar o número de controladores do sistema híbrido. A equivalência entre o controle geométrico e o controlador baseado em Multiplicadores de Lagrange é demonstrada. Assumindo algumas hipóteses, a equivalência entre os controladores geométrico e o PD é também apresentada. O desempenho da nova estratégia é avaliada por meio de simulações numéricas e comparada a um controlador PD. Os resultados apresentam muito bom desempenho em função do objetivo proposto. A comparação entre a abordagem geométrica e o controlador PD aponta um desempenho muito parecido entre eles.


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Given the paradigm of smart grid as the promising backbone for future network, this paper uses this paradigm to propose a new coordination approach for LV network based on distributed control algorithm. This approach divides the LV network into hierarchical communities where each community is controlled by a control agent. Different level of communication has been proposed for this structure to control the network in different operation modes.


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A careful study of the existing literature available in the field of cavitation reveals the potential of ultrasonics as a tool for controlling and, if possible, eliminating certain types of hydrodynamic cavitation through the manipulation of nuclei size present in a flow. A glass venturi is taken to be an ideal device to study the cavitation phenomenon at its throat and its potential control. A piezoelectric transducer, driven at the crystal resonant frequency, is used to generate an acoustic pressure field and is termed an �ultrasonic nuclei manipulator (UNM)�. Electrolysis bubbles serve as artificial nuclei to produce travelling bubble cavitation at the venturi throat in the absence of a UNM but this cavitation is completely eliminated when a UNM is operative. This is made possible because the nuclei, which pass through the acoustic field first, cavitate, collapse violently and perhaps fragment and go into dissolution before reaching the venturi throat. Thus, the potential nuclei for travelling bubble cavitation at the venturi throat seem to be systematically destroyed through acoustic cavitation near the UNM. From the solution to the bubble dynamics equation, it has been shown that the potential energy of a bubble at its maximum radius due to an acoustic field is negligible compared to that for the hydrodynamic field. Hence, even though the control of hydrodynamic macro cavitation achieved in this way is at the expense of acoustic micro cavitation, it can still be considered to be a significant gain. These are some of the first results in this direction.


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Tesis (Maestro en Ciencias de la Ingeniería con Especialidad en Control Automático) U.A.N.L.


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This paper shows the impact of the atomic capabilities concept to include control-oriented knowledge of linear control systems in the decisions making structure of physical agents. These agents operate in a real environment managing physical objects (e.g. their physical bodies) in coordinated tasks. This approach is presented using an introspective reasoning approach and control theory based on the specific tasks of passing a ball and executing the offside manoeuvre between physical agents in the robotic soccer testbed. Experimental results and conclusions are presented, emphasising the advantages of our approach that improve the multi-agent performance in cooperative systems


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The present study aims to contribute to an understanding of the complexity of lobbying activities within the accounting standard-setting process in the UK. The paper reports detailed content analysis of submission letters to four related exposure drafts. These preceded two accounting standards that set out the concept of control used to determine the scope of consolidation in the UK, except for reporting under international standards. Regulation on the concept of control provides rich patterns of lobbying behaviour due to its controversial nature and its significance to financial reporting. Our examination is conducted by dividing lobbyists into two categories, corporate and non-corporate, which are hypothesised (and demonstrated) to lobby differently. In order to test the significance of these differences we apply ANOVA techniques and univariate regression analysis. Corporate respondents are found to devote more attention to issues of specific applicability of the concept of control, whereas non-corporate respondents tend to devote more attention to issues of general applicability of this concept. A strong association between the issues raised by corporate respondents and their line of business is revealed. Both categories of lobbyists are found to advance conceptually-based arguments more often than economic consequences-based or combined arguments. However, when economic consequences-based arguments are used, they come exclusively from the corporate category of respondents.


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BACKGROUND: Genetically modified MON 87701 X MON 89788 soybean (Glycine max), which expresses the Cry1Ac and EPSP-synthase proteins, has been registered for commercial use in Brazil. To develop an Insect Resistance Management (IRM) program for this event, laboratory and field studies were conducted to assess the high-dose concept and level of control it provides against Anticarsia gemmatalis and Pseudoplusia includens. RESULTS: The purified Cry1Ac protein was more active against A. gemmatalis [LC50 (FL 95%) = 0.23 (0.150.34) mu g Cry1Ac mL-1 diet] than P. includens [LC50 (FL 95%) = 3.72 (2.654.86) mu g Cry1Ac mL-1 diet]. In bioassays with freeze-dried MON 87701X MON 89788 soybean tissue diluted 25 times in an artificial diet, there was 100% mortality of A. gemmatalis and up to 95.79% mortality for P. includens. In leaf-disc bioassays and under conditions of high artificial infestation in the greenhouse and natural infestation in the field, MON 87701X MON 89788 soybean showed a high level of efficacy against both target pests. CONCLUSIONS: The MON 87701X MON 89788 soybean provides a high level of control against A. gemmatalis and P. includes, but a high-dose event only to A. gemmatalis. Copyright (c) 2012 Society of Chemical Industry


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A new control scheme has been presented in this thesis. Based on the NonLinear Geometric Approach, the proposed Active Control System represents a new way to see the reconfigurable controllers for aerospace applications. The presence of the Diagnosis module (providing the estimation of generic signals which, based on the case, can be faults, disturbances or system parameters), mean feature of the depicted Active Control System, is a characteristic shared by three well known control systems: the Active Fault Tolerant Controls, the Indirect Adaptive Controls and the Active Disturbance Rejection Controls. The standard NonLinear Geometric Approach (NLGA) has been accurately investigated and than improved to extend its applicability to more complex models. The standard NLGA procedure has been modified to take account of feasible and estimable sets of unknown signals. Furthermore the application of the Singular Perturbations approximation has led to the solution of Detection and Isolation problems in scenarios too complex to be solved by the standard NLGA. Also the estimation process has been improved, where multiple redundant measuremtent are available, by the introduction of a new algorithm, here called "Least Squares - Sliding Mode". It guarantees optimality, in the sense of the least squares, and finite estimation time, in the sense of the sliding mode. The Active Control System concept has been formalized in two controller: a nonlinear backstepping controller and a nonlinear composite controller. Particularly interesting is the integration, in the controller design, of the estimations coming from the Diagnosis module. Stability proofs are provided for both the control schemes. Finally, different applications in aerospace have been provided to show the applicability and the effectiveness of the proposed NLGA-based Active Control System.