20 resultados para autecology


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Se ha realizado un estudio de la distribución de plantas vasculares en un territorio situado entre las provincias de Cuenca, Guadalajara, Madrid y Toledo (España). El territorio estudiado está en la Submeseta Sur de la península ibérica, al sur del Sistema Central, norte de los Montes de Toledo y oeste del Sistema Ibérico, en zonas sedimentarias con poco relieve y clima mediterráneo, con grandes contrastes de temperatura y precipitaciones muy irregulares. Coincide con las regiones naturales llamadas: “Alcarrias”, “Campiñas de Madrid y Guadalajara” y “Vegas de los ríos de la Cuenca del Tajo”. Es lo que he llamado Cuenca Media del Tajo. En una primera fase se ha estudiado la flora regional para adquirir conocimientos previos mediante las consultas bibliográficas y de herbarios, se ha contado con bases de datos disponibles para MA, MACB, MAF, JACA, AH, ABH, VAL, SALA y EMMA. Se han revisado las aportaciones propias que en los últimos años he realizado en el territorio en relación a los temas tratados en la tesis. El trabajo de campo ha consistido en la realización de inventarios de presencia de flora. Ha sido muy importante la tarea herborizadora para llegar a la correcta identificación de las especies colectadas en los inventarios. De esta forma el autor ha confeccionado un herbario propio JML que en el territorio muestreado ha reunido cerca de 15000 números en las cuatro provincias estudiadas. Se ha hecho un muestreo sistemático del territorio con unos 6000 listados de plantas. Se ha tomado como unidad de muestreo la cuadrícula de UTM de 1 km de lado incluida como una centésima parte de la cuadrícula de UTM de 10 km. Se han seguido criterios para uniformizar el muestreo. Se ha apuntado el tiempo empleado y la superficie muestreada estimada en cada toma de datos. El criterio mínimo que tienen que cumplir todas las cuadrículas en el área estudiada ha sido que para cada cuadrícula de UTM de 5 km se han realizado al menos 5 inventarios en 5 cuadrículas diferentes de UTM de 1 km y al menos en una hora de tiempo. La unidad de comparación ha sido la cuadrícula UTM de 5 km. Se han informatizado los inventarios de campo, para ello se ha creado la base de datos TESIS en Microsoft office –Access-. Las principales tablas son LOCALIDAD, en la que se anotan las características del lugar muestreado y ESPECIES, que lista las especies de flora consideradas en las cuatro provincias del estudio. Por medio de formularios se han rellenado las tablas; destaca la tabla ESPECIE INVENTARIO que relaciona las tablas ESPECIES y LOCALIDAD; esta tabla cuenta en este momento con unos 165.000 registros. En la tabla ESPECIES_FPVI se visualizan las especies recopiladas. Se ha creado un indicador llamado FPVI “Flora permanentemente visible identificable” que consiste en atribuir a cada especie unos índices que nos permiten saber si una determinada planta se puede detectar en cualquier época del año. Los resultados presentados son: Creación de la base de datos TESIS. El Catálogo Florístico de la Cuenca Media del Tajo, que es el catálogo de la flora de las cuatro provincias desde el principio de la sistemática hasta las Saxifragáceas. En total se han recopilado 1028 taxones distribuidos en 77 familias. Se ha calculado el índice FPVI, para las especies del catálogo. La finalidad para la que se ha diseñado este índice es para poder comparar territorios. Para el desarrollo de ambos resultados ha sido fundamental el desarrollo de la tabla ESPECIES_PVI de la base de datos TESIS. En la tabla ESPECIES_PVI se han apuntado las características ecológicas y se revisa la información bibliográfica disponible para cada especie; las principales fuentes de información consultadas han sido Flora iberica, el proyecto “Anthos” y las bases de datos de los herbarios. Se ha apuntado sí se ha visto, sí está protegida o sí en un endemismo. Otros resultados son: la localización de las cuadrículas de UTM de 10 km, con mayor número de endemismos o especies singulares, con mayor valor botánico. Se ha realizado un par de ejemplos de estudios de autoecología de especie, en concreto Teucrium pumilum y Clematis recta. Se han confeccionando salidas cartográficas de distribución de especies. Se ha elaborado el herbario JML. Se ha presentado una sencilla herramienta para incluir inventarios florísticos, citas corológicas, consultas de autoecología o etiquetado de pliegos de herbario. Como colofón, se ha colaborado para desarrollar una aplicación informática de visualización, análisis y estudio de la distribución de taxones vegetales, que ha utilizado como datos de partida un porcentaje importante de los obtenidos para esta tesis. ABSTRACT I have made a study of the distribution of vascular plants in a territory located between the provinces of Cuenca, Guadalajara, Madrid and Toledo (Spain). The studied area is in the “Submeseta” South of the Iberian Peninsula, south of the Central System, north of the Montes de Toledo and west of the Iberian System, in sedimentary areas with little relief and Mediterranean climate, with big temperature contrasts and irregular rainfall. Coincides with the natural regions called "Alcarrias", "countryside of Madrid and Guadalajara" and “Vegas River Tagus Basin”. This is what I have called Middle Tagus Basin. In a first step we have studied the regional flora to acquire prior knowledge through the literature and herbaria consultations, it has had available databases for MA, MACB, MAF, JACA, AH, ABH, VAL, SALA and EMMA herbaria. The contributions I have made in the last years in the territory in relation to the topics discussed in the thesis have been revised. The field work consisted of conducting inventories presence of flora. Botanize was a very important task to get to the correct identification of the species collected in inventories. In this way the author has made his own herbarium JML in the sampled area has met at least 15000 samples in the four studied provinces. There has been a systematic sampling of the territory with nearly 6,000 listings of plants. Was taken as the sampling unit grid UTM 1 km side included as a hundredth of the UTM grid of 10 km from side. Criteria have been taken to standardize the sampling. Data were taken of the time spent and the estimated sampled surface. The minimum criteria they have to meet all the grids in the study area has been that for each UTM grid of 5 km have been made at least 5 stocks in 5 different grids UTM 1 km and at least one hour of time. The unit of comparison was the UTM grid of 5 km. I have computerized inventories of field, for it was created a database in Access- Microsoft office -TESIS. The main tables are LOCALIDAD, with caracteristics of the sampled location and ESPECIES, which lists the plant species considered in the four provinces of the study, is. Through forms I filled in the tables; highlights ESPECIE INVENTARIO table that relates the tables ESPECIES and LOCALIDAD, this table is counted at the moment with about 165,000 records. The table ESPECIES FPVI visualizes all recollected species. We have created an indicator called FPVI "Flora permanently visible identifiable" that attributes to each species indices that allow us to know whether a given plant can be detected in any season. The results presented are: Creating data base TESIS. The Floristic Books Middle Tagus Basin, which is a catalog of the flora of the four provinces since the beginning of the systematic until Saxifragaceae. In total 1028 collected taxa in 77 families. We calculated FPVI index for species catalog. The purpose for which this index designed is, to compare territories. For the development of both results, it was essential to develop the table ESPECIES_PVI TESIS data base. Table ESPECIES_PVI has signed the ecological characteristics and bibliographic information available for each species is revised; the main sources of information has been Flora iberica, the Anthos project databases of herbaria. Targeted species has been recorded, when seen, protected or endemism. Have also been located UTM grids of 10 km, with the largest number of endemic or unique species and more botanical value. There have been a couple of species autecology studies, namely Teucrium pumilum and Clematis recta, as an example of this type of study. They have been putting together maps of species distribution. We made herbarium JML. I have presented a simple tool to include floristic inventories, chorological appointments, consultations or to tag autoecology herbarium specimens. To cap it has worked to develop a computer application for visualization, analysis and study of the distribution of plant taxa, which has used as input data a significant percentage of those obtained for this thesis.


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We measured the abundance of Cladium jamaicense (Crantz) seeds and three biomarkers in freshwater marsh soils in Shark River Slough (SRS), Everglades National Park (ENP) to determine the degree to which these paleoecological proxies reflect spatial and temporal variation in vegetation. We found that C. jamaicense seeds and the biomarkers Paq, total lignin phenols (TLP) and kaurenes analyzed from surface soils were all significantly correlated with extant aboveground C. jamaicense biomass quantified along a vegetation gradient from a C. jamaicense to a wet prairie/slough (WPS) community. Our results also suggest that these individual proxies may reflect vegetation over different spatial scales: Paq and kaurenes correlated most strongly (R 2 = 0.88 and 0.99, respectively) with vegetation within 1 m of a soil sample, while seeds and TLP reflected vegetation 0–20 m upstream of soil samples. These differences in the spatial scale depicted by the different proxies may be complementary in understanding aspects of historic landscape patterning. Soil profiles of short (25 cm) cores showed that downcore variation in C. jamaicense seeds was highly correlated with two of the three biomarkers (Paq, R 2 = 0.84, p<0.005; TLP, R 2 = 0.97, p<0.0001), and all four of the proxies indicated a recent increase in C. jamaicense biomass at the site. Using a preliminary depth-to-age relationship based on matching charcoal peaks with available ENP fire records (1980-present) specific to our coring site, we found that peak-depths in C. jamaicense seed concentration appeared to correspond to recent minimum water levels (e.g., 1989 and 2001), and low seed abundance corresponded to high water levels (e.g., 1995), consistent with the known autecology of C. jamaicense. In summary, the combination of C. jamaicense seeds and biomarkers may be useful for paleoecological reconstruction of vegetation change and ultimately in guaging the success of ongoing efforts to restore historic hydrologic conditions in the South Florida Everglades.


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Understanding the ecology of bioindicators such as ostracods is essential in order to reconstruct past environmental and climate change from analysis of fossil assemblages preserved in lake sediment cores. Knowledge of the ecology of ancient Lake Ohrid's ostracod fauna is very limited and open to debate. In advance of the Ohrid ICDP-Drilling project, which has potential to generate high-resolution long-term paleoenvironmental data of global importance in paleoclimate research, we sampled Lake Ohrid and a wide range of habitat types in its surroundings to assess 1) the composition of ostracod assemblages in lakes, springs, streams, and short-lived seasonal water bodies, 2) the geographical distribution of ostracods, and 3) the ecological characteristics of individual ostracod species. In total, 40 species were collected alive, and seven species were preserved as valves and empty carapaces. Of the 40 ostracod species, twelve were endemic to Lake Ohrid. The most common genus in the lake was Candona, represented by 13 living species, followed by Paralimnocythere, represented by five living species. The most frequent species was Cypria obliqua. Species with distinct distributions included Heterocypris incongruens, Candonopsis kingsleii, and Cypria lacustris. The most common species in shallow, flooded areas was H. incongruens, and the most prominent species in ditches was C. kingsleii. C. lacustris was widely distributed in channels, springs, lakes, and rivers. Statistical analyses were performed on a "Lake Ohrid" dataset, comprising the subset of samples from Lake Ohrid alone, and an "entire" dataset comprising all samples collected. The unweighted pair group mean average (UPGMA) clustering was mainly controlled by species-specific depth preferences. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) with forward selection identified water depth, water temperature, and pH as variables that best explained the ostracod distribution in Lake Ohrid. The lack of significance of conductivity and dissolved oxygen in CCA of Ohrid data highlight the uniformity across the lake of the well-mixed waters. In the entire area, CCA revealed that ostracod distribution was best explained by water depth, salinity, conductivity, pH, and dissolved oxygen. Salinity was probably selected by CCA due to the presence of Eucypris virens and Bradleystrandesia reticulata in short-lived seasonal water bodies. Water depth is an important, although indirect, influence on ostracod species distribution which is probably associated with other factors such as sediment texture and food supply. Some species appeared to be indicators for multiple environmental variables, such as lake level and water temperature.