576 resultados para astronomia
Resumen tomado de la publicación en catalán. Este artículo forma parte del monográfico 'Estudiar l'Univers'
Crédito variable para Secundaria Obligatoria en el cual se pretende iniciar al alumno en la terminología, conceptos fundamentales e historia de la Astronomía, iniciarlo también en el proceso de experimentación científica, en el uso de técnicas matemáticas para la evaluación crítica del entorno, e interesarlo en el estudio y comprensión del universo material. El crédito se estructura en 6 temas: La escala del Universo, Los observadores del cielo, Tierra-Sol-Luna, La familia del Sol, Las estrellas que nos rodean y Las islas del Universo. Se sugieren actividades de aprendizaje para cada tema clasificadas según su nivel de dificultad.
Resumen tomado de la web del Departamento de Educación
Se propone una extensa recopilación de actividades didácticas de muy distintos tipos para desarrollar un Taller de Astronomía, dentro del espacio de opcionalidad del segundo ciclo de la ESO, con materiales para el alumnado y el profesorado. Las actividades se estructuran en torno a cinco bloques de contenidos: la Tierra, el sistema Sol-Tierra-Luna, el Sistema Solar, Las estrellas y el Universo. Estos bloques están secuenciados, así como sus correspondientes actividades, aunque se proponen alternativas a esta secuenciación. Se propone una metodología activa en la que los procedimientos y conclusiones que el alumnado extrae de su propio trabajo, tienen mayor relevancia que los contenidos conceptuales. Las actividades se realizan a menudo fuera del aula. Acorde con esta metodología se proponen una serie de pautas de evaluación, destacando la importancia de comprobar que el alumnado conoce el objetivo didáctico de la actividad que realiza y el rigor con que debe realizarla y registrar todos los datos referentes a su realización y resultados. Se incluye además otro tipo de recursos.
Este trabajo, realizado por el Grup Astre, recibió el Premi Baldiri Reixach 1997
Este trabalho relata as atividades desenvolvidas em duas turmas de 8ª série da E. E. de Educação Básica Estado de Goiás de Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, tendo como tema, Astronomia: motivação para o ensino de Física na 8ª série. Através de um levantamento bibliográfico sobre a história dos programas de ensino de Ciências do Rio Grande do Sul, conseguimos compreender o motivo do uso do livro didático de Ciências como fonte quase exclusiva de apoio à sala de aula. O embasamento teórico do trabalho acontece em cima de abordagens construtivistas, destacando Piaget e os períodos gerais de desenvolvimento cognitivo; Vigotsky e a interação social e as teorias de aprendizagem significativas de Ausubel e de Novak. Avaliação prévia do conhecimento dos alunos, a Física e o Universo, comparação entre o tamanho dos planetas e o Sol, atividades em grupo, uso da informática, visita ao planetário e práticas realizadas no laboratório de Física estão entre as atividades que relatamos neste trabalho. Percebemos pela empolgação dos alunos, pelos relatos por eles escritos, pela avaliação das aulas e do professor por parte dos alunos, pelos comentários positivos dos pais e direção da escola, que o tema tratado se mostrou pertinente para introduzir os estudos de Física na 8ª série e também pelo leque de conteúdos que podem ser trabalhados a partir da Astronomia, como a luz, calor, e até os movimentos, que na maioria dos livros-texto de ciências aparece como assunto introdutório à Física.
Este trabalho relata a utilização de tópicos ligados à Astronomia, como motivação educacional, a fim de inserir o estudo das radiações eletromagnéticas com abordagem na Física Moderna e Contemporânea. Em geral, a bibliografia atual disponível trata deste assunto (sob o título “ondas eletromagnéticas”) no capítulo relacionado a “ondas”, dentro da Física Clássica, não abordando assim, conceitos da Física Moderna: dualidade onda partícula, quantização da energia, efeito fotoelétrico, Lei de Planck, etc. O tema foi abordado utilizando atividades práticas: observação do Sol, observação do céu com telescópio, simulação computacional através de applets disponíveis na Internet, atividades de laboratório, sempre partindo de aspectos relacionados à Astronomia. A proposta foi aplicada em uma turma de terceira série de Ensino Médio, do Instituto Estadual de Educação de Sapiranga, cidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos. Este trabalho foi embasado pela Teoria de Aprendizagem Significativa de Ausubel e de Novak, e pela Teoria de mediação de Vygotsky. A partir dos dados colhidos através de testes comparativos, entrevistas e depoimentos dos alunos, foi possível detectar que eles estiveram motivados para a aprendizagem, sendo que alguns inclusive passaram a interessar-se mais pela disciplina de Física. Ao finalizar a aplicação desta proposta de trabalho, foi criado um CD com textos, simulações e sugestões para aplicações em sala de aula.
Este relatório foi escrito no âmbito da disciplina de Prática de Ensino Supervisionado, unidade curricular pertencente ao Mestrado em Ensino da Matemática no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Secundário, durante o ano letivo de 2012/2013. Neste relatório, de forma resumida, descrevo todo o trabalho desenvolvido por mim e pelo grupo de estágio aquando da nossa formação numa escola básica e secundária da Região Autónoma da Madeira. Apresento também um enquadramento teórico que, de forma breve, corrobora as minhas ideias sobre o ensino da Matemática e o conhecimento da Ciência. Acredito que esta disciplina pode ser ensinada e aprendida com recurso a estratégias que englobam outras Ciências. O propósito está em, não só aprender Matemática, mas também desenvolver o raciocínio, pensamento crítico e interesse pelas Ciências de um modo geral nos alunos. Desta forma, neste relatório poder-se-á encontrar três métodos de ensino-aprendizagem (visitas de estudo, atividades investigativas e resolução de problemas) que utilizei nas aulas de Matemática, com o intuito de os alunos aprenderem Trigonometria com a Astronomia. O gosto e interesse pela Matemática e pelas Ciências desvanecem a cada dia que passa em grande parte dos alunos e caso os professores não encontrem estratégias para inverter esta tendência, corremos o sério risco de estar a criar gerações cientificamente iliteradas. Assim, neste relatório procurei verificar como é que a Astronomia poderá contribuir para a aprendizagem da Matemática e como é que, no ensino desta disciplina, a Astronomia poderá contribuir para uma melhor compreensão do mundo por parte dos alunos.
Situated at the intersection of Continuing Formation, Science Teaching and content of astronomy, the research aims to discuss this problematic : What are the challenges encountered in a continuous formation in service of science teachers of the early years of elementary school with contents of astronomy? Aiming to answer this question, we carried out a collaborative action research in a school of Natal / RN, with 6 teachers who teach or lectured Natural Sciences in the early years of elementary school. The study involved 14 encounters of continuos formation in service, to enable a better understanding criticism and propositive concerning the teaching science, especially some content of astronomy for the initial years, through a shared discussion. To this end, we consider that more profound understanding of astronomical knowledge allows the establishment of relationships and connections between theoretical knowledge and the daily teaching practice. All discussions were recorded on audio and transcripts. This research was realized using questionnaires and diary, however, the audio recording was its principal working instrument. About the data collected, several issues emerged as the little field of conceptual content, several misconceptions among teachers about the content of astronomy, lack of adequate space in the school environment to study and the need for collective reflection on the practice. Finally, is indicated that the contents of astronomy should be used in classrooms of Sciences, provided that teaching plan of action consider the existence of diverse alternative conceptions about the subject, among both teachers and students, and the need of permanente continuing education in the teaching
This work proposes a transdisciplinary approach that integrates transpersonal psychology exercises with astronomy teaching, seeking to allow one to reintegrate the sky in his/her daily life, expand his/her environmental awareness and eventually experiment the unity between human and cosmos. This proposal intends to collaborate with the supplying of education, which lacks initiatives of this kind, with the promotion of an integration of the scientific knowledge with the human experience that transcends the materialistic and fragmentary objectives of the current educational system. As a result of that lack, the teachers formation is also poor as for an integral and transdisciplinary approach. Besides, we also approached in this research the necessity to propose alternatives so that the educators may work in a more assertive way with the environmental and anthropological crisis in which we are living. Our working hypothesis is that the contents of astronomy, when they are dealt in a holisticanthropological focus and are related with transpersonal psychology practices, can come to be an efficient cultural-academic vehicle, capable of propitiating an expansion of consciousness and changes in the way one conceives the world. Such changes are necessary so that a more solidary, fair and ecologically balanced life may come to exist and prevail in the planet. Part of the collection of data was done through the ethnographic method, once an anthropological interpretation is inextricably associated with this kind of educational intervention, which will naturally include ethno-visions of the universe as well as specific cultural elements. In the beginning the scope of this research was a group of students attending the Astronomy assignment in an undergraduate Geography course (UFRN), in which we accomplished participant observation, half-open interviews and the first experimental practices mentioned. After the evaluation of the first data collected from that initial group, we elaborated an academic extension course, Laboratory in Cosmoeducation, and we offered it to teachers of the 1st and 2nd cycles of the fundamental level of the Alceu Amoroso Lima State School, located in the North Zone of Natal. We prized self-experimentation in that course, so that the teachers could enrich their repertoire of personal experiences, stimulating meditative reflections and eventual changes in the ways of conceiving the world and in their pedagogical practice. The transdisciplinary attitude permeated all our educational action, because this approach transcends the boundaries of disciplines, seeking essentially the integral development of the human being. The process has made us realize that the practice of looking at the sky , as a way of reintegrating it into daily life, provokes a process of expansion of the consciousness and of reintegration of the self in a wider level of environmental interrelation. According to the results, the occurrence of conceptual and existential changes of the world vision of the participant teachers was evident, reassuring ourselves of the idea that the interface between astronomy teaching and the practices of transpersonal psychology can contribute to the recovery of a holistic relationship between the human being and the cosmos and to inspire the arising of a more wide-ranging ethics, based on universal, impartial and sustainable values
The interdisciplinary nature of Astronomy makes it a field of great potential to explore various scientific concepts. However, studies show a great lack of understanding of fundamental subjects, including models that explain phenomena that mark everyday life, like the phases of the moon. Particularly in the context of distance education, learning of such models can be favored by the use of technologies of information and communication. Among other possibilities, we highlight the importance of digital materials that motivate and expand the forms of representation available about phenomena and models. It is also important, however, that these materials promote the explicitation of student's conceptions, as well as interaction with the most central aspects of the astronomical model for the phenomenon. In this dissertation we present a hypermedia module aimed at learning about the phases of the moon, drawn from an investigation on the difficulties with the subject during an Astronomy course for teaching training at undergraduate level at UFRN. The tests of three semesters of course were analyzed, taking into account also the alternative conceptions reported in the literature in astronomy education. The product makes use of small texts, questions, images and interactive animations. Emphasizes questions about the illumination of the Moon and other bodies, and their relationship to the sun, the perception from different angles of objects illuminated by a single source, the cause of the alternation between day and night, the identification of Moon's orbit around the Earth and the occurrence of the phases as a result of the position of observing it, and the perception of time involved in the phenomenon. The module incorporated considerations obtained from interviews with students in two poles where its given presential support for students of the course, and subjects from different pedagogical contexts. The final form of the material was used in a real situation of learning, as supplementary material for the final test of the discipline. The material was analyzed by 7 students and 4 tutors, among 56 users, in the period in question. Most students considered that the so called "Lunar Module" made a difference in their learning, the animations were considered the most prominent aspect, the images were indicated as stimulating and enlightening, and the text informative and enjoyable. The analysis of learning of these students, observing their responses to issues raised at the last evaluation, suggested gains in key aspects relating to the understanding of the phases, but also indicates more persistent difficulties. The work leads us to conclude that it is important to seek contributions for the training of science teachers making use of new technologies, with attention to the treatment of computer as a complementary resource. The interviews that preceded the use of the module, and the way student has sought the module if with questions and/or previous conflicts - established great difference in the effective contribution of the material, indicating that it should be used with the mediation of teacher or tutor, or via strategies that cause interactions between students. It is desirable that these interactions are associated with the recovery of memories of the subjects about previous observations and models, as well as the stimulus to new observations of phenomena
Saberes de astronomia no 1º e 2º ano do ensino fundamental numa perspectiva de letramento e inclusão
This work suggests a discussion about methodologies and didactic-pedagogical activities for the teaching of Astronomy in first and second cycles of the primary school, in a perspective of literacy and inclusion. The presented proposals have been developed in a group of the Public School Alceu Amoroso Lima, North of Natal city, with children since six years old, amongst which two considered as being with special needs . This research aims to demonstrate that it is possible to develop with those children the contents of Astronomy, while they participate of the process of literacy and inclusion. From this, we are searching a theoretical-practical contribution so that the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (Brazilian Nacional Curricular Guideness) include the referred contents in first cycle of primary school. For the accomplishment of this research, Experiential Astronomy was initially proposed. Later on, many workshops had been carried through (clay, ripping , crepon paper, plasticine, cardboard and gastro-lunar ). All the proposed activities were based on the conjunction of contents, which characterized the interdisciplinarity. Through the approach we adopted and the practices we proposed, we could evidence that not only children considered as being normal , but also that ones who carries special needs could appropriate themselves of our writing code, develop and incorporate a daily relationship close to the stuffs of the sky, learn many information about all of this, besides constructing attitudinal, procedural and conceptual contents
This work aims to propose and to discuss methodologies and practical activities for Astronomy teaching in the 1st and 2nd cycles of the primary education and in the adult education. The proposals presented here were applied to students from the metropolitan region of Natal (RN), including students of the called normal education (formerly magisterial education) and of the undergraduate formation in pedagogy at the Instituto de Formação Superior Presidente Kennedy , and also, in particular, to teachers and students of public municipal school Escola Municipal Djalma Maranhão at the district of Felipe Maranhão II, also analyzing some didactic books used by these institutions. Several elements which we confronted with during this didactic-pedagogical experience were systematized, indicating principles, contents, reflections and procedures related to Astronomy teaching to students of those levels of education. Doing this we aim to make such an experience accessible to those interested in developing a similar approach involving the themes treated here as well as other ones related to Astronomy for those levels of education. The resources and practices implemented here aim to contribute to the effective realization of an interdisciplinary and contextualized education according to orientations proposed by the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (Brazilian National Curricular Guidelines). In order to guarantee a broad accessibility to what we propose in this work, we intend to make available in printed form and also in an Internet page the procedures, instruction materials and texts we developed
Este artigo deriva de uma pesquisa mais ampla sobre a educação em astronomia e a formação de professores, e apresenta um panorama geral sobre o tema em âmbito nacional. Procuramos gerar uma classificação das instituições e outras iniciativas brasileiras dedicadas à astronomia, levando em conta os seus objetivos, tais como o ensino formal, informal, não-formal, bem como aqueles destinados à popularização dessa ciência. Comenta-se, em forma de um breve ensaio, a importância da atuação contextualizada destas instâncias no ensino da astronomia, levantando um desafio ainda a ser considerado, referente ao estudo das possíveis relações entre estes estabelecimentos e iniciativas, visando o avanço da educação em astronomia, em um movimento contrário à dispersão e pulverização de atividades locais e pontuais dos mesmos. Argumentamos que a pesquisa em ensino de astronomia tem potencial para exercer este papel integrador.
This work reports on an experience of continual development courses for in-service teachers from some high schools of Bauru's (SP) region, for whom a specific workshop on assembling of refractor telescopes has been carried out in order to supplement their knowledge in astronomy. In the current article, the importance of the practice (or "knowing") in the context of their academic formation is discussed as well as some steps on the assembling of low cost refractor telescopes are described. The main results obtained from the participation of these teachers in the proposed activities are also presented.