868 resultados para assisted suicide


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Background: In Switzerland, assisted suicide is legal but there is concern that vulnerable or disadvantaged groups are more likely to die in this way than other people. We examined socio-economic factors associated with assisted suicide. Methods: We linked the suicides assisted by right-to-die associations during 2003–08 to a census-based longitudinal study of the Swiss population. We used Cox and logistic regression models to examine associations with gender, age, marital status, education, religion, type of household, urbanization, neighbourhood socio-economic position and other variables. Separate analyses were done for younger (25 to 64 years) and older (65 to 94 years) people. Results: Analyses were based on 5 004 403 Swiss residents and 1301 assisted suicides (439 in the younger and 862 in the older group). In 1093 (84.0%) assisted suicides, an underlying cause was recorded; cancer was the most common cause (508, 46.5%). In both age groups, assisted suicide was more likely in women than in men, those living alone compared with those living with others and in those with no religious affiliation compared with Protestants or Catholics. The rate was also higher in more educated people, in urban compared with rural areas and in neighbourhoods of higher socio-economic position. In older people, assisted suicide was more likely in the divorced compared with the married; in younger people, having children was associated with a lower rate. Conclusions: Assisted suicide in Switzerland was associated with female gender and situations that may indicate greater vulnerability such as living alone or being divorced, but also with higher education and higher socio-economic position.


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BackgroundIn Switzerland assisted suicide is legal if no self-interest is involved.AimsTo compare the strength and direction of associations with sociodemographic factors between assisted and unassisted suicides.MethodWe calculated rates and used Cox and logistic regression models in a longitudinal study of the Swiss population.ResultsAnalyses were based on 5 004 403 people, 1301 assisted and 5708 unassisted suicides from 2003 to 2008. The rate of unassisted suicides was higher in men than in women, rates of assisted suicides were similar in men and women. Higher education was positively associated with assisted suicide, but negatively with unassisted. Living alone, having no children and no religious affiliation were associated with higher rates of both.ConclusionsSome situations that indicate greater vulnerability such as living alone were associated with both assisted and unassisted suicide. Among the terminally ill, women were more likely to choose assisted suicide, whereas men died more often by unassisted suicide.


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Epidemiologic studies have identified increased suicide rates among breast cancer (BC) patients. The population-based approach, however, has considerable methodic shortcomings. None of the studies have been carried out in a prospective manner and none reported suicide rates from a country in which physician-assisted suicide (PAS) is legal.


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While assisted suicide (AS) is strictly restricted in many countries, it is not clearly regulated by law in Switzerland. This imbalance leads to an influx of people —‘suicide tourists’—coming to Switzerland, mainly to the Canton of Zurich, for the sole purpose of committing suicide. Political debate regarding ‘suicide tourism’ is taking place in many countries. Swiss medicolegal experts are confronted with these cases almost daily, which prompted our scientific investigation of the phenomenon. The present study has three aims: (1) to determine selected details about AS in the study group (age, gender and country of residence of the suicide tourists, the organisation involved, the ingested substance leading to death and any diseases that were the main reason for AS); (2) to find out the countries from which suicide tourists come and to review existing laws in the top three in order to test the hypothesis that suicide tourism leads to the amendment of existing regulations in foreign countries; and (3) to compare our results with those of earlier studies in Zurich. We did a retrospective data analysis of the Zurich Institute of Legal Medicine database on AS of on-Swiss residents in the last 5 years (2008–2012), and internet research for current legislation and political debate in the three foreign countries most concerned. We analysed 611 cases from 31 countries all over the world. Non-terminal conditions such as neurological and rheumatic diseases are increasing among suicide tourists. The unique phenomenon of suicide tourism in Switzerland may indeed result in the amendment or supplementary guidelines to existing regulations in foreign countries.


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OBJECTIVE The number of suicides assisted by right-to-die associations has increased in recent years in Switzerland. The aim of our study was to compare time trends in rates of assisted and unassisted suicide from 1991-2008. METHODS The Swiss National Cohort is a longitudinal study of mortality in the Swiss population; based on linkage of census data with mortality records up to 2008. The Federal Statistical Office coded suspected assisted suicides from 1998 onwards; and from 2003 onwards right-to-die associations reported the suicides they assisted. We used Poisson regression to analyse trends in rates of suicide per 100'000 person-years, by gender and age groups (15-34, 35-64, 65-94 years). RESULTS A total of 7'940'297 individuals and 24'842 suicides were included. In women, rates changed little in the younger age groups but increased in 65-94-year-olds, due to an increase in suicide by poisoning (from 5.1 to 17.2 per 100'000; p <0.001). An increase in suicides by poisoning was also observed in older men (from 8.6 to 18.2; p<0.001). Most suicides by poisoning were assisted. In men, suicide rates declined in all age groups, driven by declines in suicide with firearms. CONCLUSIONS Research is needed to gain a better understanding of the reasons for the tripling of assisted suicide rates in older women, and the doubling of rates in older men, of attitudes and vulnerabilities of those choosing assisted suicide, and of access to palliative care. Rates of assisted suicide should be monitored; including data on patient characteristics and underlying comorbidities.


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This exploratory study investigated factors associated with the wish to hasten death among a sample of terminally ill cancer patients. Semi-structured interviews conducted on a total of 72 hospice and home palliative care patients were subjected to qualitative analysis using QSR-NUDIST. The main themes to emerge suggested that patients with a high wish to hasten death had greater concerns with physical symptoms and psychological suffering, perceived themselves to be more of a burden to others, and experienced higher levels of demoralization, while also reporting less confidence in symptom control, fewer social supports, less satisfaction with life experiences and fewer religious beliefs when compared with patients who had a moderate or no wish to hasten death. The implications of these findings will be discussed.


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Euthanasia, especially the active one, has always been an extremely discussed subject, which goes further pure dogmatics and transcends the strictly legal field. A reflection about such issue makes us re-think on what it implies for all the involved without ever loosing sight of the fact that admitting a legalization is, in a legal system as ours, to admit the lack of punishment of an homicide act or an assistance to suicide. However, burying in mind the foreign experiences, isn’t there a possibility of working on a path that respects both the basis of our legal system and the rest of the interests involved? And what interests would those be? How to admit such a path? Based on what assumptions? The present study proposes a discovery of paths and not the search for dead ends, creating definitive answers. The purpose of this dissertation is to explore the existing structure of the Portuguese legal system on these matters, in a path that is until now mostly in favour of punishment, based on homicide or assisted suicide crimes. Along with the Portuguese dynamic, we want to analyse legal systems that opted by decriminalization and, based on those experiences, shared with our legal culture, scan the viability of a decriminalization procedure. What paths would be viable for such a decriminalization in Portuguese criminal territory? The scope is only to open the eyes of who always wanted to keep them shut, or to who just never tried to open them, because at the end of the day it will always be a discussion that we want to keep light up, since that what we are here discussing is life. We want discussion, not imposition.


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A partir d'un terrain ethnographique réalisé au sein d'une équipe mobile de soins palliatifs d'un hôpital universitaire, cette thèse de doctorat porte sur les médicaments dans le contexte de la fin de vie. Au carrefour d'une socio-anthropologie de la maladie grave, du mourir et des médicaments, elle interroge les rapports à la morphine, ainsi qu'à certains psychotropes et sédatifs utilisés en soins palliatifs. Entre temporalité vécue et temporalité institutionnelle, les manières d'investir le temps lorsqu'il est compté, y sont centrales. Dans une dimension microsociale, les résultats montrent que l'introduction de certains médicaments comme la morphine et l'entrée en scène d'une équipe mobile de soins palliatifs sont des points de repère et peuvent sonner comme une annonce, sorte de sanction, dans la trajectoire incertaine de la personne malade. En outre, les médicaments permettent d'agir sur « le temps qui reste » en plus de soulager les symptômes lorsque la maladie grave bascule en maladie incurable. Ils font l'objet d'usages détournés du but initial de soulagement des symptômes pour repousser, altérer ou accélérer la mort dans une perspective de maîtrise de sa fin de vie. Dans une dimension mésosociale, ce travail considère les médicaments à la base d'échanges entre groupements professionnels sur fond d'institutionnalisation des soins palliatifs par rapport à d'autres segments de la médecine actifs dans la gestion de la fin de vie. Dans une médecine caractérisée par l'incertitude et les décisions -avec une teinte toute particulière en Suisse où le suicide assisté est toléré - les médicaments en soins palliatifs peuvent être considérés comme des instruments de mort, qu'ils soient redoutés ou recherchés. Interrogeant les risques de reproduire un certain nombre d'inégalités de traitements à l'approche de la mort, qui s'accentuent dans un contexte de plus en plus favorable aux pratiques euthanasiques, ce travail se propose, en définitive, de discuter le temps contraint de la mort dans les institutions hospitalo-universitaires, entre acharnement et abstention thérapeutique.¦-¦Based on ethnographie fieldwork conducted within a palliative care mobile team in an academic hospital, this doctoral thesis focuses on medicines used in end of life contexts. At the intersection of a socio-anthropology of illness, dying and pharmaceuticals, the relations to morphine, as well as to some psychotropic and sedative drugs used in palliative care are questioned. Between "lived" experiences of temporality and institutional temporality, the ways by which actors invest time when it is counted, appeared to be central. In a microsocial dimension, the results showed that introducing drugs such as morphine, as well as the arrival of a palliative care mobile team, are landmarks and sound like an announcement, a sort of sanction, during the uncertain trajectory of the ill person. In addition, medicines can act on "the remaining time" when severe illness shifts into incurable illness. Indeed, medicines are being diverted from the initial aim of symptom relief in order to defer, alter or hasten death in a perspective of control over one's death. In a mesosocial dimension, pharmaceuticals are seen as core to professional exchanges and to palliative care institutionalisation compared to other active medical segments in end of life care. In a medical context characterised by uncertainty and decision-taking-with a special shade in Switzerland where assisted suicide is tolerated - palliative medicines can be seen as instruments of death, whether sought or feared. Questioning the risks of reproducing treatment inequalities at the approach of death, which are accentuated in a context increasingly favorable to euthanasia practices, this study aims, ultimately, at discussing death's constrained time in academic hospitals, between therapeutic intervention and abstention.


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OBJECTIVE: Previous literature has suggested that laws and regulations may impact the use of palliative sedation. Our present study compares the attitudes of French-speaking physicians practicing in the Quebec and Swiss environments, where different laws are in place regarding physician-assisted suicide. METHOD: Data were drawn from two prior studies, one by Blondeau and colleagues and another by Beauverd and coworkers, employing the same two-by-two experimental design with length of prognosis and type of suffering as independent variables. Both the effect of these variables and the effect of their interaction on Swiss and Quebec physicians' attitudes toward sedation were compared. The written comments of respondents were submitted to a qualitative content analysis and summarized in a comparative perspective. RESULTS: The analysis of variance showed that only the type of suffering had an effect on physicians' attitudes toward sedation. The results of the Wilcoxon test indicated that the attitudes of physicians from Quebec and Switzerland tended to be different for two vignettes: long-term prognosis with existential suffering (p = 0.0577) and short-term prognosis with physical suffering (p = 0.0914). In both cases, the Swiss physicians were less prone to palliative sedation. SIGNIFICANCE OF RESULTS: The attitudes of physicians from Quebec and Switzerland toward palliative sedation, particularly regarding prognosis and type of suffering, seem similar. However, the results suggest that physicians from Quebec could be slightly more open to palliative sedation, even though most were not in favor of this practice as an answer to end-of-life existential suffering.


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Several studies published in 2008 underline the potential danger of polymedication in older patients and propose indicators to identify those at higher risk for adverse events. A study from Oregon highlighted the difficulties to diagnose depression in patients, especially older ones, who made a request for assisted suicide. The HYVET study demonstrated that treatment of hypertension is beneficial even in some very old persons. A meta-analysis confirmed the benefits from community-based geriatric interventional programs, in particular when targeting older individuals recently discharged from the hospital. Finally, mixed results were observed in the field of dementia.


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Abstract Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) may be associated with the wish to hasten death (WTHD). We aimed to determine the prevalence and stability of WTHD and end-of-life attitudes in ALS patients, identify predictive factors, and explore communication about WTHD. We conducted a prospective questionnaire study among patients and their primary caregivers attending ALS clinics in Germany and Switzerland. We enrolled 66 patients and 62 caregivers. Half of the patients could imagine asking for assisted suicide or euthanasia; 14% expressed a current WTHD at the baseline survey. While 75% were in favour of non-invasive ventilation, only 55% and 27% were in favour of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy and invasive ventilation, respectively. These attitudes were stable over 13 months. The WTHD was predicted by depression, anxiety, loneliness, perceiving to be a burden to others, and a low quality of life (all p < 0.05). Lower religiosity predicted whether patients could imagine assisted suicide or euthanasia. Two-thirds of patients had communicated their WTHD to relatives; no-one talked to the physician about it, yet half of them would like to do so. In conclusion, physicians should consider proactively asking for WTHD, and be sensitive towards neglected psychosocial problems and psychiatric comorbidity.


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Contexte: Le désir de hâter la survenue de leur mort (DM)¦exprimé par certains patients est souvent vécu difficilement¦par les soignants. Le débat actuel sur le¦suicide assisté et l'euthanasie met en lumière cette¦problématique encore peu explorée. Le but de cette¦revue est d'identifier la prévalence du DM et les¦facteurs associés à ce désir.¦Méthode: Une revue de littérature a été conduite jusqu'en¦septembre 2010 en utilisant les termes : « Wish to¦die/to hasten death - Desire to hasten death/for¦death/for early death - Request for assistance in¦dying - Assisted suicide - Euthanasia » et « Advanced/¦terminal illness - Chronic illness/disease ». Seules les¦études cliniques menées auprès de patients ont été¦sélectionnées.¦Résultats: 55 études ont été identifiées, dont 13 de type qualitatif¦: 63% d'entre elles portaient sur des patients¦atteints de cancer, 22% de maladies de diverses origines,¦9% d'VIH et 6% de sclérose latérale amyotrophique.¦Seulement 9% portaient spécifiquement sur¦des patients gériatriques. La définition du DM était¦très variable d'une étude à l'autre, allant du désir de¦mourir à un souhait de hâter la survenue de la mort,¦voire à une demande explicite d'assistance au suicide¦ou d'euthanasie. La prévalence du DM variait¦de 2 à 22% selon la définition utilisée et la population¦étudiée. Les facteurs les plus fréquemment associés¦au DM étaient la dépression, le désespoir, la perte¦de sens, de dignité et le sentiment d'être une charge.¦Les symptômes physiques et les autres dimensions¦psychosociales ne paraissaient jouer qu'un rôle indirect.¦Une instabilité temporelle du DM était rapportée¦par neuf travaux, notamment lors de dépression.¦Discussion: L'hétérogénéité de ces études ne permet pas de¦conclure sur la prévalence des différentes expressions¦du DM. Par ailleurs, même si certains facteurs¦semblent associés au DM, de nouvelles études sont¦nécessaires pour mieux comprendre la chronologie¦de son développement.¦Perspectives: Des études prospectives, utilisant notamment une¦approche mixte, qualitative et quantitative, sont nécessaires. Elles devraient explorer non seulement les facteurs de risque mais également les facteurs « protecteurs » du DM. Sur cette base, un modèle conceptuel pourrait être défini et utilisé ensuite pour développer des interventions spécifiques dans l'objectif d'améliorer la prise en charge des patients exprimant un tel désir.¦Références: 1. Hudson PL, Kristjanson LJ, Ashby M, et al. Desire for hastened death in patients with advanced disease and the evidence base of clinical¦guidelines : a systematic review. Palliat Med 2006;20:693-701.¦2. Schroepfer TA. Mind frames towards dying and factors motivating their adoption by terminally ill elders. J Gerontol 2006;61:S129-S139.¦3. Rodin G, Lo C, Mikulincer M, Donner A, Gagliese L, Zimmermann C.¦Pathways to distress : the multiple determinants of depression, hopelessness, and the desire for hastened death in metastatic cancer¦patients. Soc Sci Med 2009;68:562-9.


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In Switzerland, where assisted suicide but not euthanasia is permitted, the authors sought to understand how physicians integrate palliative sedation in their practice and how they reflect on existential suffering and death hastening. They interviewed 31 physicians from different care settings. Five major attitudes emerged. Among specialized palliative care physicians, convinced, cautious and doubtful attitudes were evident. Within unspecialized settings, palliative sedation was more likely to be considered as death hastening: clinicians either avoid it with an inexperienced attitude or practice it with an ambiguous attitude, raising the issue of unskilled and abusive uses of sedatives at the end of life.


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