972 resultados para art production


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Solo Exhibition, MacKenzie Art Gallery, Regina, Canada, The project engages with current issues around art production and food provision, catastrophe and agriculture, through the medium of a performance installation. Drawing on some of the characteristics of post dramatic theatre, the project aims to develop a new visual narratology for a contemporary art performance. A large scale video installation and construction features both as an installation site and performance set, explores the relationship between performance and food provision, looking at how changes to the organic world, the world of vibrant and edible matter might affect the way we make art. Developed and produced in collaboration with Canadian company Curtain Razors and funded by grants from Canada Council for the Arts, Saskatchewan Arts Board, the project was first commissioned by Curtain Razors and the MacKenzie Art Gallery where it was shown as a major solo exhibition as part of a series of other international programming (including artists such Guy Ben-Ner and Ron Mueck). The project was then included in the 4th Moscow Biennial as part of the landmark ‘Independent’ exhibition at the Art Arsenal in 2011. The project is planned to tour to varies other international venues throughout 2012/13. The exhibition has been reviewed by Gregory Beatty in Prairie Dog, Regina, by at the The Leader Post, The CBC French Canadian Television. Canadian writer curator Timothy Long artist and curator Elwood Jimmy have produced critical essays of the work, which will feature in a major new book, edited by Susanne Clausen, which is expected to be published in 2012. (OnCurating Publications).


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The discourse surrounding the virtual has moved away from the utopian thinking accompanying the rise of the Internet in the 1990s. The Cyber-gurus of the last decades promised a technotopia removed from materiality and the confines of the flesh and the built environment, a liberation from old institutions and power structures. But since then, the virtual has grown into a distinct yet related sphere of cultural and political production that both parallels and occasionally flows over into the old world of material objects. The strict dichotomy of matter and digital purity has been replaced more recently with a more complex model where both the world of stuff and the world of knowledge support, resist and at the same time contain each other. Online social networks amplify and extend existing ones; other cultural interfaces like youtube have not replaced the communal experience of watching moving images in a semi-public space (the cinema) or the semi-private space (the family living room). Rather the experience of viewing is very much about sharing and communicating, offering interpretations and comments. Many of the web’s strongest entities (Amazon, eBay, Gumtree etc.) sit exactly at this juncture of applying tools taken from the knowledge management industry to organize the chaos of the material world along (post-)Fordist rationality. Since the early 1990s there have been many artistic and curatorial attempts to use the Internet as a platform of producing and exhibiting art, but a lot of these were reluctant to let go of the fantasy of digital freedom. Storage Room collapses the binary opposition of real and virtual space by using online data storage as a conduit for IRL art production. The artworks here will not be available for viewing online in a 'screen' environment but only as part of a downloadable package with the intention that the exhibition could be displayed (in a physical space) by any interested party and realised as ambitiously or minimally as the downloader wishes, based on their means. The artists will therefore also supply a set of instructions for the physical installation of the work alongside the digital files. In response to this curatorial initiative, File Transfer Protocol invites seven UK based artists to produce digital art for a physical environment, addressing the intersection between the virtual and the material. The files range from sound, video, digital prints and net art, blueprints for an action to take place, something to be made, a conceptual text piece, etc. About the works and artists: Polly Fibre is the pseudonym of London-based artist Christine Ellison. Ellison creates live music using domestic devices such as sewing machines, irons and slide projectors. Her costumes and stage sets propose a physical manifestation of the virtual space that is created inside software like Photoshop. For this exhibition, Polly Fibre invites the audience to create a musical composition using a pair of amplified scissors and a turntable. http://www.pollyfibre.com John Russell, a founding member of 1990s art group Bank, is an artist, curator and writer who explores in his work the contemporary political conditions of the work of art. In his digital print, Russell collages together visual representations of abstract philosophical ideas and transforms them into a post apocalyptic landscape that is complex and banal at the same time. www.john-russell.org The work of Bristol based artist Jem Nobel opens up a dialogue between the contemporary and the legacy of 20th century conceptual art around questions of collectivism and participation, authorship and individualism. His print SPACE concretizes the representation of the most common piece of Unicode: the vacant space between words. In this way, the gap itself turns from invisible cipher to sign. www.jemnoble.com Annabel Frearson is rewriting Mary Shelley's Frankenstein using all and only the words from the original text. Frankenstein 2, or the Monster of Main Stream, is read in parts by different performers, embodying the psychotic character of the protagonist, a mongrel hybrid of used language. www.annabelfrearson.com Darren Banks uses fragments of effect laden Holywood films to create an impossible space. The fictitious parts don't add up to a convincing material reality, leaving the viewer with a failed amalgamation of simulations of sophisticated technologies. www.darrenbanks.co.uk FIELDCLUB is collaboration between artist Paul Chaney and researcher Kenna Hernly. Chaney and Hernly developed together a project that critically examines various proposals for the management of sustainable ecological systems. Their FIELDMACHINE invites the public to design an ideal agricultural field. By playing with different types of crops that are found in the south west of England, it is possible for the user, for example, to create a balanced, but protein poor, diet or to simply decide to 'get rid' of half the population. The meeting point of the Platonic field and it physical consequences, generates a geometric abstraction that investigates the relationship between modernist utopianism and contemporary actuality. www.fieldclub.co.uk Pil and Galia Kollectiv, who have also curated the exhibition are London-based artists and run the xero, kline & coma gallery. Here they present a dialogue between two computers. The conversation opens with a simple text book problem in business studies. But gradually the language, mimicking the application of game theory in the business sector, becomes more abstract. The two interlocutors become adversaries trapped forever in a competition without winners. www.kollectiv.co.uk


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This examination of the gaps and ambiguities linked to Cantrills Filmnotes (CF), an Australian publication on experimental film, offers a case study on the production and ownership of Pierre Bourdieu’s 'cultural capital' in film art at the margins, witnessed first-hand. CF emerged at the intersection between the street and the academy, spanning that period from the 70s till its abandonment in 2000 during which, it is argued here, it migrated from the former to the latter. This examination surveils, in retrospect, for whose benefit was the magazine's accumulation of power, status and prestige exercised, in whose service was it exacted? CF’s manifesto-like editorial rhetoric was often directed at perceived shortcomings of those institutions servicing film art in Australia. What is revealed when such a critical eye focuses on the production of Cantrills Filmnotes (CF) itself? CF's cultural production has a further dimension of both taking on and taking place inside a colonial mind-set, a cultural cringe often the subject of editorial commentary, elucidating a practice residing at the geographic margins of a marginal arts practice. The founders and editors of CF, the married couple Corinne and Arthur Cantrill both suffered and benefited from CF’s impact on this international field of art production.


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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This paper intends to discuss the relationship between psychoanalysis and aesthetic thinking under the prism of the “unbinding” theory – earlier conceived by the psychoanalyst Andre Green –, linking it to some theories proposed by Hal Foster, art historian and art critic, where we can find the lacanian “real” as the linking concept. One could say, in this linkage made here, that both authors are dealing, in a very particular way, with a question that refers to the theory of the real (as it was conceived by Jacques Lacan), even in the case of Green it is not referred directly; Green’s theory, however, seems to discuss some kind of a regredience that could be linked to the death drive. Accessing the psychoanalytical dispositive, and using it as it is appropriated to the (art) object to be interpreted, Foster, for example, advances in both the field of aesthetic reflection and in the more specific field of psychoanalysis. It should be noted that Foster’s reflection refers strictly to the post-pop images, observed mainly in the 1990’s photography. Thus, I think that this intersection between aesthetics and psychoanalysis might allow us to shed some light on a new art reading possibility towards a “non-applied” psychoanalytical paradigm, which, in my opinion, seems to be an appropriate way to understand some of the contemporary art production.


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Partindo do panorama traçado pelo crítico carioca Roberto Pontual em Explode Geração!, livro publicado em 1985, pretende-se analisar em que medida a questão da identidade brasileira na arte realizada no país encontrou respaldo na cena dos anos 1980, momento em que a produção de uma jovem geração de artistas foi alinhada à tradição do barroco brasileiro, tradição esta que, segundo o crítico, perpassaria e alinhavaria alguns dos trabalhos do período, fornecendo-lhes uma espécie de chancela de uma brasilidade insuspeita, a despeito de todo contato que travavam com a arte internacional. Esta "resenha tardia" propõe-se tão somente indicar caminhos possíveis para futuros estudos mais detalhados acerca de tal questão.


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O texto aqui apresentado foi originalmente elaborado para o debate sobre a crítica de arte no I Congresso de Jornalismo realizado em São Paulo, pela Revista Cult, em Maio de 2009. Tendo como campo de trabalho a prática artística e a docência e envolvida no processo de formação de artistas desde 1982, meu objetivo foi argumentar a favor de um entendimento da crítica como dispositivo da arte e, portanto, atributo não só de críticos, mas também de artistas. Defendo a idéia da manutenção de um ‘estado de crítica' para o contexto brasileiro a partir de uma relação dialógica e internacionalizada, envolvendo também a fala crítica de artistas. Para isso reporto às práticas adotadas no século XX pelos artistas que colaboraram para inserir a obra de arte no campo programático da auto-crítica e da crítica ao sistema, evidenciando assim a posição destes como agente ativos no sistema


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Se propone la producción y posterior análisis de obras digitales que presenta una elaboración teórica-práctica intrínseca como sustento de las nuevas categorías y neologismos surgidos dentro del ámbito artístico digital. Se estudian distintas aplicaciones, modalidades de creación, exposición y transferencia al medio como así también las posibilidades relacionales que surgen entre imagen digital, objeto artístico y diseño de productos traspasando las fronteras de campos disciplinares como Arte y Diseño. La metodología empleada se concentra en enfoques sociológicos y semiótico-pragmáticos que permiten realizar un análisis profundo de las obras digitales en sí mismas y en relación a los contextos de producción, circulación, exposición y consumo.


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Science and esthetics.--Theory of regularity and coordination.--Technology of art production.


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This paper offers insight into the development of a PhD in advertising art direction. For over half a century art directors within the advertising industry have been adapting to the changes occurring in media, culture and the corporate sector, toward enhancing professional performance and competitiveness. These professionals seldom offer explicit justification about the role images play in effective communication. It is uncertain how this situation affects advertising performance, because advertising has, nevertheless, evolved in parallel to this as an industry able to fabricate new opportunities for itself. However, uncertainties in the formalization of art direction knowledge restrict the possibilities of knowledge transfer in higher education. The theoretical knowledge supporting advertising art direction has been adapted spontaneously from disciplines that rarely focus on specific aspects related to the production of advertising content, like, for example: marketing communication, design, visual communication, or visual art. Meanwhile, in scholarly research, vast empirical knowledge has been generated about advertising images, but often with limited insight into production expertise. Because art direction is understood as an industry practice and not as an academic discipline, an art direction perspective in scholarly contributions is rare. Scholarly research that is relevant to art direction seldom offers viewpoints to help understand how it is that research outputs may specifically contribute to art direction practices. There is a need to formally understanding the knowledge underlying art direction and using it to explore models for visual analysis and knowledge transfer in higher education. This paper provides insight into the development of a thesis that explored this need. The PhD thesis to which this paper refers is Strategic Aesthetics in Advertising Campaigns: Implications for Art Direction Education.


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