28 resultados para appendectomy
Endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent inflammatory disease, common in young women, characterized by the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity. This ectopic endometrial tissue is most commonly found in the ovaries, peritoneum, uterosacral ligaments and rectovaginal cul-de-sac, with extremely rare involvement of the appendix. The main symptom is chronic abdominal pain, and the diagnosis is often made later, after the result of the histopathological examination. This study reports a 34-year-old patient complaining of chronic pelvic pain refractory to medical treatment, having undergone diagnostic laparotomy. During the surgery, we observed the presence of endometrioma fixed to the uterine wall, and the appendix was enlarged, but without evidence of inflammation. Endometrioma resection and appendectomy were performed, with good postoperative recovery. The anatomopathological exam showed endometriosis in the cecal appendix.
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Introduzione. Il rapido e globale incremento dell’utilizzo dei telefoni cellulari da parte degli adolescenti e dei bambini ha generato un considerevole interesse circa i possibili effetti sulla salute dell’esposizione a campi elettromagnetici a radiofrequenza. Perciò è stato avviato lo studio internazionale caso-controllo Mobi-kids, all’interno del quale si colloca quello italiano condotto in 4 Regioni (Piemonte, Lombardia, Toscana, Emilia-Romagna). Obiettivi. Lo studio ha come obiettivo quello di valutare la stima del rischio degli effetti potenzialmente avversi di queste esposizioni sul sistema nervoso centrale nei bambini e negli adolescenti. Materiali e Metodi. La popolazione include tutte le persone di età compresa tra 10 e 24 anni residenti nelle 4 Regioni, con una diagnosi confermata di neoplasia cerebrale primitiva, diagnosticata durante il periodo di studio (3 anni). Sono stati selezionati due controlli - ospedalizzati per appendicite acuta - per ciascun caso. I controlli sono stati appaiati individualmente a ciascun caso per età, sesso e residenza del caso. Risultati. In Italia sono stati intervistati a Giugno 2014, 106 casi e 191 controlli. In Emilia-Romagna i casi reclutati sono stati fino ad ora 21 e i controlli 20, con una rispondenza del’81% e dell’65% rispettivamente. Dei 41 soggetti totali, il 61% era di sesso maschile con un’età media generale pari a 16,5 (±4,5) anni. Inoltre il 44% degli intervistati proveniva dalla classe di età più giovane (10-14). In merito allo stato di appaiamento, nella nostra Regione sono state effettuate 7 triplette (33%) - 1 caso e 2 controlli - e 6 doppiette (29%) - 1 caso ed 1 controllo. Conclusioni. Nonostante le varie difficoltà affrontate data la natura del progetto, l’esperienza maturata fin ad ora ha comunque portato alla fattibilità dello studio e porterà probabilmente a risultati che contribuiranno alla comprensione dei potenziali rischi di neoplasie cerebrali associati all'uso di telefoni cellulari tra i giovani.
We report the case of a 24-years old diabetic women hospitalised because of right-sided lower abdominal pain and diarrhea. She fulminantly developed shock before appendectomy could be performed and was transferred to intensive care unit. Hypotension remained and laparoscopy revealed primary peritonitis and toxic shock syndrome by Group A Streptococcus which was cultivated in blood and ascites. Therapy with penicilline and clindamycine resolved symptoms. During hospitalisation Clostridium difficile colitis occurred. This complication leaded to prolonged hospitalisation.
Appendiceal mucoceles are rare cystic lesions with an incidence of 0.3-0.7% of all appendectomies. They are divided into four subgroups according to their histology. Even though the symptoms may vary - depending on the level of complication - from right lower quadrant pain, signs of intussusception, gastrointestinal bleeding to an acute abdomen with sepsis, most mucoceles are asymptomatic and found incidentally. We present the case of a 70-year-old patient with an incidentally found appendiceal mucocele. He was seen at the hospital for backache. The CT scan showed a vertebral fracture and a 7-cm appendiceal mass. A preoperative colonoscopy displayed several synchronous adenomas in the transverse and left colon with high-grade dysplasia. In order to lower the cancer risk of this patient, we performed a subtotal colectomy. The appendiceal mass showed no histopathological evidence of malignancy and no sign of perforation. The follow-up was therefore limited to 2 months. In this case, appendectomy would have been sufficient to treat the mucocele alone. The synchronous high-grade dysplastic adenomas were detected in the preoperative colonoscopy and determined the therapeutic approach. Generally, in the presence of positive lymph nodes, a right colectomy is the treatment of choice. In the histological presence of mucinous peritoneal carcinomatosis, cytoreductive surgery with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy is indicated. In conclusion, mucoceles of the appendix are detected with high sensitivity by CT scan. If there is no evidence of synchronous tumor preoperatively and no peritoneal spillage, invasion or positive sentinel lymph nodes during surgery, a mucocele is adequately treated by appendectomy.
BACKGROUND: The role of laparoscopy in the setting of perforated appendicitis remains controversial. A retrospective study was conducted to evaluate the early postoperative outcomes of laparoscopic appendectomy (LA) compared to open appendectomy (OA) in patients with perforated appendicitis. METHODS: A total of 1,032 patients required an appendectomy between January 2005 and December 2009. Among these patients, 169 presented with perforated appendicitis. Operation times, length of hospital stay, overall complication rates within 30 days, and surgical site infection (SSI) rates were analyzed. RESULTS: Out of the 169 evaluated patients, 106 required LA and 63 OA. Although operation times were similar in both groups (92 ± 31 min for LA vs. 98 ± 45 for OA, p = 0.338), length of hospital stay was shorter in the LA group (6.9 ± 3.8 days vs. 11.5 ± 9.2, p < 0.001). Overall complication rates were significantly lower in the LA group (32.1 vs. 52.4 %, p < 0.001), as were incisional SSI (1.9 vs. 22.2 %, p < 0.001). Organ/space SSI rates were similar in both groups (23.6 % after LA vs. 20.6 % after OA, p = 0.657). CONCLUSIONS: For perforated appendicitis, LA results in a significantly shorter hospital stay, fewer overall postoperative complications, and fewer wound infections compared to OA. Organ/space SSI rates were similar for both procedures. LA provides a safe option for treating patients with perforated appendicitis.
Explorar la posible existencia de sesgos de género en procedimientos quirúrgicos (PQ) frecuentes y en sus estancias medias (EM) postquirúrgicas es objetivo del presente trabajo, mediante su comparación entre sexos en el Servicio de Cirugía General y Digestiva del Hospital General de Alicante (2000-2004). Se intervienen más hombres que mujeres en 4 de los 7 PQ estudiados, apuntando posibles sesgos de género en el patrón quirúrgico, como por apendicectomías agudas (1,36 Hombres/1 Mujer) y complicadas (1,79/1). La estancia postapendicectomías, a igual edad y comorbilidad, es de 2 días más en hombres (9,49) que en mujeres (7,5). No detectar diferencias por sexo en colecistectomías por colecistitis (más frecuentes en mujeres), puede indicar colelitiasis evolucionadas por no sospecha diagnóstica en hombres.
The authors present two cases of mucocele of the appendix and discuss them in relation to the literature and the clinical features of this disease. They clarify the definition of mucocele as an intraluminal accumulation of mucus in the appendix, and concentrate on the observable pathological processes, agreeing on the higher frequency of mucinous cystadenoma and the possibility that mucocele can develop into peritoneal pseudomyxoma or degenerate into cystadenocarcinoma. They also note that most diagnoses are made intra-operatively during appendectomy, and that, in cases suspected preoperatively, thorough investigation with imaging techniques is very important in order to plan the best treatment.
Most cases of Meckel’s diverticulum (MD) are asymptomatic and discovered by chance. Management of MD is controversial. The authors describe an exceptional case of intestinal obstruction caused by a giant MD in a patient who had previously undergone appendectomy. A review of the contradictory literature on this subject leads to the conclusion that careful consideration of clinical and morphological data (patient's age, ASA score, the surgical procedure to be performed, morphology and position of the MD, any fibrotic bands) is required before deciding whether or not to resect an asymptomatic MD.
Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS) is a recent surgical technique, first described in the 1990s. Its aim is to optimize the esthetic result offered by laparoscopy by minimizing the number of abdominal incisions. Various preliminary studies have been carried out on the application of SILS, especially in cholecystectomy and appendectomy. This study evaluates the preliminary results of cholecystectomy by SILS (SILS™ Port) conducted between October 2009 and February 2011 on 21 patients (4 men and 17 women) with a mean age of 49.9 years and a mean Body Mass Index (BMI) of 22.8. All patients were treated by the same team, which had previously undergone six months’ simulator training. There were two main selection criteria, both evaluated intraoperatively: absence of adhesions and of significant inflammatory sequelae from previous cholecystitis; and suitable distance between gallbladder and SILS access port. Conversion to traditional laparoscopy was necessary in just two cases, while an accessory trocar was introduced in another two cases. Conversion to open surgery was not necessary in any case. One case of SILS cholecystectomy was complicated by postoperative bile leakage, which was treated conservatively, as the fistula had a low output. The mean duration of hospitalization was 3.6 days. This preliminary experience led us to conclude that SILS is safe and highly satisfactory in the postoperative phase, thanks to the reduced need for painkillers and the improved esthetic result.
Aim. The presence of the appendix within a femoral hernia sac is a rare condition known as De Garengeot hernia. We report a case of De Garengeot hernia with concomitant appendicitis and a brief review of the literature on the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of this uncommon condition. Case report. A 33 year-old woman was admitted to our Surgical Unit with acute-onset pain and swelling in the right groin region. Clinical signs and ultrasound imaging suggested the presence of a strangulated femoral hernia and the patient was operated on in emergency setting. An inflamed appendix was discovered within the hernia sac. Appendectomy via McBurney incision and prosthetic repair of the femoral ring were performed. The postoperative course was uneventful and at the 2 week and 1 year follow-up no signs of wound infection and no hernia recurrence were found. Conclusion. Since clinical signs are non-specific and radiological findings may often be misinterpreted, appendicitis within a femoral hernia sac is often an incidental finding during an emergency operation for strangulated femoral hernia. Appendectomy-associated hernia repair may be performed with or without prosthesis depending on the extent of surgical field contamination.
Objetivo: Comparar la apendicectomía laparoscópica de puerto único con la de 3 puertos en pacientes con apendicitis aguda, de los hospitales “Vicente Corral Moscoso” y “José Carrasco Arteaga” durante el primer semestre del año 2013. Materiales y método: Estudio experimental que incluyó 170 pacientes de emergencia de los hospitales “Vicente Corral Moscoso” y “José Carrasco Arteaga”; al 50% se le realizó apendicectomía con puerto único (grupo 1) y al restante, se le realizó apendicectomía con 3 puertos (grupo 2). Resultados: De 18 a 25 años fue el grupo mayormente afectado, el sexo masculino predominó en ambos grupos. El tiempo quirúrgico de 61 a 120 minutos fue 61.2% en el grupo 1, el grupo 2 del 55.3%. Dolor posoperatorio leve se presentó en el grupo 1 en 63.5% y en el grupo 2, 41.2%, estancia hospitalaria de 13 a 24 horas en grupo 1 de 62.4%, en el grupo 2, de 25 a 36 horas en 47.1%. Los resultados del puerto único para menor tiempo quirúrgico encontramos un RR de 0,71 (IC –95% 0.4-1.2), RRR 0.29, RAR 0,07 y NNT 15; para intensidad del dolor (leve) RR de 1.54 (IC 95% 1.1-2), RRR -0.54, RAR -0.22 y NNT 5 y para menor estancia hospitalaria (menor a 12 horas) RR = 3.5 de 0.71 (IC 95% 0.75-12.3), RRR -2.5, RAR 0.06 y NNT 17. Conclusión: La apendicectomía laparoscópica con puerto único presenta beneficio únicamente en la intensidad de dolor, en comparación con el acceso de 3 puertos